Personal Socialization Assigment

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Studying Politics initially appeared as an incongruous addition to my

academic schedule, a subject seemingly distant and irrelevant to my daily life. I held

a simplistic view, perceiving Politics solely as the mechanics of government.

However, as the weeks of the semester unfolded, my perspective underwent a

profound transformation, leading me to recognize the intricacies and pervasive

nature of political influences in my life.

The pivotal shift occurred in 2018 when Nicaragua found itself engulfed in a political

crisis. Until then, politics had been an unexplored realm in my upbringing. My

parents, considering it a realm for adults, refrained from discussing political matters.

However, the crisis altered this narrative dramatically, thrusting politics into the

forefront of my consciousness. Suddenly, everything about politics in Nicaragua

became entwined with the actions and decisions of the government, shaping

conversations, perceptions, and even daily routines.

One of the significant influences on my political perspective has been my educational

environment. Initially studying in a public school during the crisis, expressing

dissenting opinions about the government was strictly prohibited. I distinctly

remember assignments that required students to draw and prominently display the

flag of the ruling political party. These experiences prompted my parents to make a

pivotal decision—transferring my brother and me to a private Catholic school. This

shift not only altered my educational setting but also exposed me to an environment

where diverse opinions and discussions were encouraged, fostering a more

open-minded approach to politics.

Religion, particularly Catholicism, plays an integral role in shaping my political

beliefs. Growing up in a devout Catholic family, church teachings were not just a

Sunday affair but intrinsic to my daily life. The values instilled by the Catholic

Church—unwavering faith, commitment to service, and a strong sense of

community—define my character. The ongoing conflict between the government and

the Catholic Church in Nicaragua has been more than a political dispute; it has

become a personal and spiritual journey, further heightening my involvement and

changing my perspective on both politics and religion.

Media, particularly the algorithmic wonders of TikTok, has become an influential force

in shaping my political awareness. The app's algorithm, with its ability to curate

content based on user preferences, exposes me to a diverse range of opinions and

perspectives. The political content about Nicaragua and El Salvador on TikTok,

especially concerning the government, often challenges my existing beliefs and

prompts me to critically evaluate my stance.

However, the most significant and enduring influence remains my father. A lawyer by

profession and an avid reader, he serves as an invaluable source of knowledge and

guidance. His influence extends beyond shaping my political views; he is a constant

moral compass in my decision-making, emphasizing the importance of critical

thinking and ethical considerations.

In conclusion, my perspective on politics has undergone a multifaceted evolution,

transcending the simplistic view I once held. The desire to be more actively involved

in political discourse has replaced the initial indifference. Living in Nicaragua has

provided a unique backdrop, where political circumstances have not only shaped my
beliefs but also influenced the very fabric of my daily life. Family, educational

environment, religion, and media have collectively woven the intricate tapestry of my

political identity, illustrating the dynamic interplay of influences in shaping one's


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