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I. Objectives;
At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to.
 Determine the origin of Volleyball
 Identify the type of Volleyball
 Recognize the equipment used in volleyball
 Draw the different used in volleyball

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Volleyball
Topic: Origin, Type and, Equipment used in Volleyball
Material: Cut-out picture, picture of Volleyball Equipment
Reference: Enhancing skills through MAPEH 5 pp.265-266

III. Procedure

Teacher’s’ Activity Students’ Activity

A . Preliminary Activity
I. Prayer
Good morning everyone, before we start ( All the students stood up )
our class, please stand up for the prayer. Student A lead the prayer:
Student A lead the prayer.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy
Spirit amen.
(Our Father)

Our Father, who is in heaven,

Holy is Your Name;
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

II. Greetings All Pupils in chorus

Good morning everyone. Good morning, Teacher! Good morning,

How are you today? We’re fine teacher.

III. Checking the attendance Everyone

No one is absent today, ma’am.
Who are absent today?
Very good.

IV. Recall
All the students:
Do you still remember our discussion
Yes! Teacher
last week?

And what is all about?

Basketball teacher.
Very good, we talked about the game

V. Motivation
Okay, I have here some pictures that will
describe our lesson for today.
It’s called 4 pics 1 word. And guess those


B. Lesson Proper/
Since we’re already done with the game
basketball, today we’re going to discuss
another game or sports that you have
guessed. And our lesson for today is all
about volleyball.

Do you have an idea of the game is called It is played by 6 player ma’am, and hit the ball to
volleyball cross a net with the used of their hand or arms.
Very good.

Volleyball is a game in which the

players hit a ball back and forth across
a net with their hands or arms,It is one of
the world/s most popular team sports

I have here a picture,

(The teacher will post a picture)


Are you familiar who is in the picture?

Let us recognize who is in the picture,

You can arrange the jumbled letters to
Find out his name.

(The teacher will post a clue on the board)

Very good! William J. Morgan invented

the volleyball Let 's read how this game
(Everyone read the book)

Since we’re done reading the context, I will

ask you some questions regarding the Text
have you read.
Okay, in what word the game was derived
C. Group activity
For your Group Activity, I will divide you into two
groups. First group are the indoor volleyball and the
second group are the outdoor volleyball game.
Each of the group are going to present the

D. Application
Answer the following questions:
1. Who invented the sport Volleyball (Varied from student answers)
2. What is the former name of volleyball?
3. What equipment is used in volleyball?
4. The point system used in volleyball is called?
5. How many players from one team are
allowed to play during a volleyball game?
6. What are the basic skills in volleyball?
7. What are the players positions in volleyball?
8. What do you think are the benefits we can
get in playing volleyball?

E. Generalization

Class, what have you learned today? We learned the origin of the volleyball and what are

Very good 👍
the benefits of the game.

We learned about the equipment used in volleyball

How about the other?

Very good 👍 Indoor and outdoor volleyball game

Can you name the two main type of Volleyball.

Great job 👏
Net, ball, court

How about the equipment used in volleyball.

Amazing class,


In a One whole sheet short boondpaper draw the different equipment to play volleyball and guild
short description.


List down the fundamental volleyball skill in your notebook.

I will be collecting your assignment next week

Prepared by

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