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Diesel Engines

Diesel engines are a type of internal combustion engine that operates on diesel fuel.
They were invented by Rudolf Diesel in the late 19th century and have since become
widely used in various applications due to their efficiency and durability. To begin to
learn how diesel engines work we need to know what Diesel fuel is: It is a hydrocarbon-
based fuel acquired from crude oil through a refining process. And diesel fuel is distinct
from gasoline for many reasons like its compression ignition.

How do they work?

In diesel engines the operating cycle starts with clean air being drawn into the cylinder,
not a fuel-air mixture as in a conventional gasoline engine. The motion of the piston
compresses the air, heating it to a high temperature. When the piston is near the top of
the cylinder, fuel is injected under high pressure through a number of precisely
machined holes in the tip of the fuel injector. The fuel enters the engine in the form of a
fine spray and the surface of each droplet quickly begins to vaporize on its path through
the hot air and spontaneous ignition takes place without the need of a spark, rapid
expansion of the combusting mixture increases the pressure in the cylinder, forcing the
piston down and powering the vehicle.

Characteristics of diesel engines

 Compression Ignition
 High Durability
 Fuel Economy: Due to their high thermal efficiency, diesel engines often provide
better fuel economy than gasoline engines.
 Applications: Diesel engines are used in a wide range of applications, including
transportation, construction, industrial machinery and many others.

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