Electrostatics - Cengage MCQ

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Electric Charge 6. A positively charged insulator is brought near (but does

not touch) two metallic spheres that are in contact. The
L Ifa body is charged by rubbing, its weight
(a) always decreases slightly metallic spheres are then separated. The sphere which
was initially farthest from the insulator will
(b) always increases slightly (a) be uncharged
(c) may increase slightly or may decrease slightly
(b) be negatively charged
(d) remains precisely the same (c) be positively charged
2. In general, metallic ropes are suspended on the carriers (d) be either negatively or positively charged
which take inflammable material. The reason is
(a) there speed is controlled 7. Suppose we have a large number of identical particles,
very small in size. Any of them at 10 cm separation repel
(b) to keep the centre of gravity of the carrier nearer to with a force of 3 x 10 N. If one of them is at 10 cm
the earth
from a group of n others, how strongly do you expect it to
(c) to keep the body of the carrier in contact with the repelled?
earth (a) 3 x 1o"N (b) 3n x 10N
(d) nothing should be placed under the carrier
3x10-10-N (d) cannot be calculated
3. What is the amount of charge possessed by kg of (c)
Given that mass of an electrons is 9.1 >x 10 kg. 8. An uncharged metal object M is insulated from its
(a) 6.25 x 10°C (b) 1.76 x 10""C surroundings. Apositively charged metal sphere S is then
brought near to M. Which diagram best illustrates the
(c) 1.76x 10°C () 1.25 x 10°C
have resultant distributions of chargeon S and M?
4. A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found toa mass
negative charge of 3.6 x 10C.If an electron has
9.1 x 10 kg, find the mass transferred to polythene. (a S M

(a) 2.25 >x 10"kg (b) 6.25 x 10- kg

(d) 4.15 x 10 kg
(c) 2.05 x 10- kg
5. When a body is connccted to earth, electrons from the (b
carth flow into the body. This means the body is
(a) unchanged (b) charged positively
(d) an insulator
(c) charged negatively
I.2 Physics

14. Acharged metallic ball is lowered into an insulated metal

wInsulating thread

9. Five balls numbered Ito S are suspended using separate + Metal can
threads. Pairs (1, 2), (2, 4) and (4, 1) show electrostatic
attraction, while pairs (2, 3) and (4, 5) show repulsion. Insulated stand
Therefore ball I must be
(a) positively charged (b) negatively charged The ball is made to touch the bottom of the can. Then it
(c) neutral (d) made of metal is placed on the disc of electroscope shown below. Final
observation must be that
10. The diagram shows the arrangement of three small
uniformly charged spheres A, Band C. The arrows indicate Metal disc
the direction of the electrostatic forces acting between the -Metal rod
spheres (for example, the left arrow on sphere Aindicates
the clectrostatic force on sphere A due to sphere B). At
-Gold leaves
least two of the spheres are positively charged. Which
sphere, if any, could be negatively charged?
(a) leaves of electroscope diverge
(b) leaves of electroscope converge
(c) leaves of electroscope remain unaffected
(d) leaves of electroscope oscillate
15. An electroscope is given a positive charge, causing its foil
leaves to separate. When an object is brought near the top
plate of the electroscope, the foils separate even further.
(a) Sphere A (b) Sphere B We conclude
(c) Sphere C (d) None of the spheres
11. The velocity of an electron at point A, where cross
sectional area is A, V The velocity of electron just the
end of contraction at point B, where cross sectional area
is 2A, is v. Find the correct option.

(a) that the object is positively charged

(b) that the object is electrically neutral
(a) v<Yo (b) Vy = Vo (c) that the object is negatively charged
(d) none of these
(c) V > Vo (4) y= 2 16. A copper sphere of mass 2.0 g contains about 2 x 10
12. A glass rod rubbed with silk is used to charge a gold leaf atoms. The charge on the nucleus of each atom is 29e
electroscope and the leaves are observed to diverge. The (e = electronic charge). The mass of an electron is
electroscope thus charged is exposed to X-rays for a short 9.11 x 10 kg. How much mass will the sphere lose or
period. Then gain if it is a given a charge of +2 C?
(a) the divergence of leaves will not be affected (a) Loss a mass of 1.13 x 10-1 g
(b) the leaves will diverge further (b) Gain a mass of 1.13 x 10g
(c) the leaves will collapse (c) Neither gain nor lose any mass
(d) the leaves will melt (d) Change in mass will depend upon the kinetic energy
of the electrons
13. One metallic sphere Ais given positive charge whereas
another identical metallic sphere B of exactly same mass 17. Assume that each of copper atom has one free electroa
as of A is given equal amount of negative charge. Then and there is I mg of copper. Given that atomic weight of
(a) mass of Aand mass of Bstill remain equal copper =63.5 and Avogadro number = 6.02 x 10.Whal
(b) mass of A increases is the charge possessed by these free electrons?
(c) mass of B decreases (a) 1.52 C (b) 1.76 C
(d) mass of B increases (c) 4.76C (d) 125 C
Electric Charge, Field and Flux I.3
18. Estinmate the total negative charge in lg of
that Avogadro numberr= 6.02x 10 water. Given 25. Force of attraction between two point electric charges
and nolecular placed at a distance d in a medium is F. What distance
weight of water = 18. apart should these be kept in the same medium, so that
(a) 6.25 x 10 c (b) 5.35 x 10c
(C) 1.76 x 10 C force between them becomes F/3?
(d) L25 x 10 C
(a) 2/3 d (b) 3d
(c) 9d (d) V3d
Coulomb's Law 26. Two identical balls each have a mass of 10g. What
charges should these balls be given so that their interaction
19. Three point charges are placed at the corners of an equalizes the force of universal gravitation acting
equilateral triangle. Assuming only electrostatic forces between them? The radii of the balls may be ignored in
are acting. comparison to distance between them.
(a) The system can never be in (a) 6.34 x10"c
equilibrium. (b) 8.57 x 101C
(b) The system will be in equilibrium if the (c) 6.34 x 10-1 c (d) 8.57 x 10-c
rotate about the centre of the triangle. charges
(c) The system will be in equilibrium if the 27. Two point charges +3 uC and +8 uC repel each other with
charges a force of 40 N. If a charge of -5 uC is added to each of
have different magnitudes and different signs.
(d) The system will be in equilibrium if the them, then the force between them will become
have the same magnitude but different signs. (a) -10N (b) +10 N
(c) +20N (d) -20 N
20. Two identical simple pendulums, Aand B, are
from the same point. The bobs are given positive charges, 28. The distance between charges 5.0 x 10"C and
-2.7 x 10Cis 0.2 m. The distance at which a third
with A having more charge than B. They diverge and reach
charge should be placed in order that it will not experience
equilibrium with Aand Bmaking angles 6, and 6, with the any force along the line joining the two charges is
vertical, respectively. Which of the following is correct?
(a) 0.44 m (b) 0.65 m
(a) e, > 6, (c) 0.556 m (d) 0.350 m
b) 6,<@, 29, Calculate the ratio of electrostatic to gravitational force
(c) 6, = e, between two electrons placed at certain distance in air.
(d) The tension in A is greater than that in B.
Given that m, =9.1 x 10 kg, e= 1.6 x 10 C and
21. Two identical conducting spheres having unequal positive G=6.6x 10'Nm kg.
charges q and 4: separated by distance r. If they are (a) 8.4 x 102 (b) 3.2 x 101
made to touch each other and then separated again to the (c) 4.2x 1042 (d) 1.2x 102
sarne distance, the electrostatic force between the spheres 30. Two point charges +9e and +e are kept 16 cm apart from
in this case will be (neglect induction of charges) cach other. Where should a third charge q be placed
(a) less than before (b) same as before
(c) more than before between them so that the system is in equilibrium state?
(d) zero (a) 24 cm from +9e
experience (b) 12 cm from +9e
22. Two point
ceret Paced at a distance r in air (C) 24 cm from +e (d) 12 cm from +e
a Then the distance at which they will 31. Two spherical
Cxperience the same force in a medium of dielectric conductors B and C having equal radii
constant Kis
and carrying equal charges in them repel each other
with a force F when kept apart at some distance. A third
(a) r/K (b) Kr spherical conductor having same radius as that of B but
(d) r+k uncharged is brought in contact with B, then brought in
contact with C and finally removed away from both. The
new force of repulsion between B and Cis
23. Two copper balls, each weighing 10g, are kept in air (a) FI4 (b) 3F/4
I0cm apart. If one electron from every 10° atoms is (c) FI8 (d) 3F/8
transferred from one ball to the other, the coulomb force
between hem is (atomic weight of copper is 63.5) 32. Two equally charged, identical metal spheres A and B
(a) 2.0 X 1010N
(c) 2.0 x 10 N
(b) 2.0 xx10 N
(d) 2.0 x 10° N
repel each other with a force F. The spheres are kept
fixed with a distance r between them. A third identical.
but uncharged sphere C is brought in contact with Aand
24. What is the Coulomb's force between two -particles then placed at the mid-point of the line joining A and B.
Separated by a distance of 3.2 x 10" m?
The magnitude of the net electric force on Cis
(a) 90 N (b) 45 N (a) F (b) 3FI4
(c) 60 N (d) 75 N (c) F2 (d) FI4
1.4 Physics

x apart. At what
38. Two charges +4e and +e are at a distance
33. What equal charges would have to be placed on carth and from charge +te so that
distance a charge q must be placed
moon to neutralize their gravitational force of attraction? it is in equilibrium?
Given that mass of earth = 10 kg and mass of moon (b) 2x/3
(a) x/2
- 10 kg. (c) x/3 (d) x/6
(a) 8.57 x 10c (b) 8.57 x 10c at positions
(c) 5.45x 10C (d) 5.45 x 10c 39. Charges 40, g and and placed along x-axis o
x=0, x = I/2 and x=, respectively. Find the value of
34. Two small balls having equal positive charge Q(coulomb) so that force on charge Q is zero.
on each, are suspended by two insulated string of whole (b) o/2
from a hook fixed to a stand. The (a)
length L metre, (c) - 2 (d) -
set up is taken in satellite into space where there is no at points (0, a)
gravity (state of weightlessness). Then the angle between 40. Two equal negative charges -q are fixedcharge is released
and (0, - a) on the y-axis. A positive
the string and tension in the string is The charge
from rest at the point (2a, 0) on the x-axis.
Q will about the origin
(a) execute simple harmonic motion rest
to the origin and remains at
(b) move
(c) move to infinity
simple harmonic motion
(d) execute oscillatory but not
uC and 2 uC are placed in air
41. Electric charges of 1C,-lrespectively, of an equilateral
at the corners A, B and C,
triangle ABC having length of each side 10 cm. The
resultant force on the charge at C is
(a) 0.9 N (b) 1.8 N
(c) 2.7 N (d) 3.6 N
(b) 90
'4E (2L 42. Three charges each of magnitude q are placed at the
corners of an equilateral triangle. The electrostatic force
(d) 180°,
1 QL on the charge placed at the centre is (each side of triangle
(c) 1804TE, 2L '4rE 4L is L)

(a) zero (b)

35. Two similar spheres having +q and -g charge are kept F.at 4nE, L'
a certain distance. The force acting between the two
spheres, another similar sphere 1 3q
If in the middle of two (c) (d)
having +g charge is kept, then it experience a force in 12nE, L 4
magnitude and direction as
(a) zero having no direction 43. Equal charges q are placed at the four corners A, B. C, D.
of a square of length a. The magnitude of the force on the
(b) 8F towards +q charge charge atB will be
(c) 8F towards-g charge
(d) 4F towards +q charge (a) (b)
36. Point charges +44, -q and +4q are kept on the x-axis at 4nE,a 4nE,a
points x=0, x = a and X= 2a, respectively, then
(a) only q is in stable equilibrium
(b) none of the charges are in equilibrium
(c) all the charges are in unstable equilibrium
) A, B, C. Dof a

(d) all the charges are in stable equilibrium 44. Charges Q.4. .q are placed at the corners charge
square, respectively. If the resultant force on the
the relation betweet
37. Two identical balls having like charges and placed at is zero due to other charges, what is
a certain distance apart, repel each oher with a certain Qand q?
force. They are brought in contact and then moved apart (b) Q= 2q
to a distance equal to half their initial separation. The (a) Q=-2/24
force of repulsion between them increases 4.5 times in
comparison to the initial value. The ratio of the initial (c) Q=2/24
charges of the balls is each of charge I uC.
(a) 2 (b) 3 45. An infinite number of charges, r=l.2,4, 8, ..
(c) 4 (d) 6 placed on the x-axis with
Electric Charge, Field and Flux
Ifa charge of 1Cis kept at the origin,
then what is the net (a) 18 N (b) I.8 N
force acting on I C charge? (C) 0.18 N
(a) 9000N (d) None of the above
(b) 1200O N
(c) 240XON 50. Four charges equal to -0 are placed at the four corners of
(d) 36000N
6 A charge q is placed at he centre of the line joining two a square and a charge q is at its centre. If the system is in
equal charges . 1he system of the three charges will be cquilibrium, the value of q is
in equilibrium, if q is equal to (b)
(al (b) -!
4 (c)

S1. The distance between two equally sized balls having

4 (0) + unlike charges is 2 cm. The radii of the balls are much
47. In the given figure, two tiny conducting balls of identical less than the distance between them. The balls attract
mass mand identical charge q hang from each other with a force of 36 x 10 N. After the balls
threads of cqual length L. Assume that non-conducting
is so small that have been connected by a wire and the later has been
tan sin 0, then for equilibrium x is equal to removed, the balls repel each other with a force of 20.25
x 10° N, Determine the original charges on the balls.
(a) +8x10Cand -2x10 C
(b) -6x10Cand +1.5x10C
(c) +4x 10 Cand -1x10°C
(d) -8x10Cand+2x10°C
52. In the two cases, two identical conducting spheres are
given equal charges. In one case same type of charges
are given whereas in another case of opposite type. The
distance between the spheres is not large compared to the

(C (d
2Emg diamcter. Let F, and F, be the magnitude of the force of
interacti between the spheres as shown, then

4TEmg 4negmg
48. Three charges +g, +2q and 4g are connected by strings as
shown in the figure and are in equilibrium. What is ratio (a) F>F:
of tensions in the strings AB and BC? (b) F=F,
(c) F,<;
(d) information is not sufficient to draw the conclusion
+2q +4q
53. Given are four arrangements of three fixed electric
(a) 1:2 (b) 1:3 charges. In each arrangement, a point labelledP is also
(c) 2:1 (d) 3:1 identified test charge, +q, is placed at point P. All of
49. Two small spherical balls each carrying a charge the charges are of the same magnitude Q, but they can be
either positive or negative as indicated. The charges and
=10uC are suspended by two insulating threads of point P all lie on a straight line. The distances between
cqual lengths Im each, from a point fixed in the ceiling. adjacent items, either between two charges or between a
It is found that in equilibrium threads are separated by an charge and point P, are all the same.
angle 60° between them, as shown in the figure. What is the
tension in the threads? (Given: I__9x10° Nm/C)
4ne, Iv. OO
Correct order of choices in decreasing order of
60 magnitude of force on P is
(a) Il >1> Il> IV (b) I> II > Il> IV
(c) Il>I>IV>II (d) IIl> IV > |> II
L.6 Physics

Electric Fleld due to Polnt Charge and Continuous (c) At a distance from +4g charge, -9
Charge Distributlon 3 9
S4. Two point changes (+0) and (-20) are fixed on the x-axis (d) At a distance from +q charge, "
3 9
at positions a and 2a from origin, respectively. At what
positions on the axis, the resultant electric field is zero? 61. Two identical point charges are placed at aseparation of d
(a) xv2a (b) x=-/2a Pis apoint on the line joining the charges, at a distance
from any one charge. The field at P is E. Eis plotted againg
3a x for values of x from close to zero to slightly less than
(c) x=tv2a (d) *= 2
d. Which of the following represents the resulting curve!
55, Two charges +5 uC and +10 C are placed 20 cm apart.
The nct clectric field at the mid-point between the two
changes is (b) E
(a) 4.5 x 10° NIC irected towards +5 HC
(b) 4.5 x 10° NIC directed towards +10 C
(c) 13.5 x 10° N/C directed towards +5 C
(d) 13.5 >x 10° N/C directed towards +10 C
6. The distance between the two charges 25 C and 36 C
is 11cm. At what point on the line joining the two, the (c)
intensity will be zero?
(a) Ata distance of 5 cm from 25 uC
(b) At a distance of 5 cm from 36 uC
(c) At a distance of 10 cm from 25 uC 62. Two charges q and q, are kept on x-axis and electric field
(d) At adistance of 11 cm from 36 C at different points on x-axis is plotted against x. Choos
correct statement about nature and magnitude of q, and 4
57. Two charges +9e and +e are at a distance x apart. At what
distance a charge q must be placed from charge +e, so that
it is in equilibrium?
(a) x2 (b) 2x/3
(c) x3 (d) x/4 2
S8. Two point charges Qand -30 are placed at some distance
apart. If the electric field at the location of is E, then at
the locality of -30. it is (a) q, +ve, q, -ve ;: lql> lgl
(a) -E (b) E/3 (b) 41 +ve, q -ve ; lg,l< lq,l
(c) 3E (d) -EI3 (C) 41 -ve, 4, +ve ; lg,l > lgl
59. An infinite number of electric charges each equal to (d) 91 -ve, G2 +ve ; lgl< lg,l
5 nC (magnitude) are placed along x-axis at x =l cm, 63. ABC is an equilateral triangle. Charges tg are placed s
I=2 cm, x=4 cm, x=8m .........and so on. In the each cormer. The electric intensity at O will be
setup, if the consecutive charges have opposite sign,
then the electric field in newton/coulomb at x = 0 is

(a) 12 x 10 (b) 24 x 10
(c) 36x 10* (d) 48x 10
60. Two point charges +4q and +q are placed at a distance
L apart. A third charge is so placed that all the three C
charges are in cquilibrium. What is the location and
magnitude of third charge? 1 1_9
(a) (b)
(a) At a distance 3 from +4q charge, 4TE
L 4 (c) zero
(b) At a distance from +4q charge.
3 9
Electric Charge. Field and Flux 1.7
M Equal charges q are placed at the vertices A and B of
equilateral triangle ABC of side a. The magnitude of
electrie ield at thc point Cis
(a) Aa' (b)
(c) (d)
(a) 6g (b) -bq
(c) 5q (d) -5q
66 In aregular polygon of n sides, each corner is at a distance 69. Figures below show regular hexagons, with charges at the
rfrom the centre. ldentical charges each of magnitude
a are placed at comers. The field at the centre is vertices. In which of the following cases the electric field
at the centre is not zero?

(a) O---9

(c) 0

66. Three identical point charges, as shown, are placed at the 9---Oa q----q
vertices of an isosceles right angled triangle. Which of the Case (1) Case (2)
numbered vectors coincides in direction with the electric
field at the mid-point M of the hypotenuse?
290---024 240---O9

2---O 2q 2---0q
Case (3) Case (4)

(a) 1 (b) 2
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(c) 3 (d) 4
70. Charges q, 24.3q and 4q are placed at the cormers A, B,C
67. In the following four situations, charged particles are at and D of a square as shown in the following figure. The
cqual distance from the origin. Arange them according direction of electric field at the centre of the square is along
to the magnitude of the net electric field at origin, greatest
being first.
(i) X


(ii) (iv)O O+X (a) AB (b) CB

20 (C) BD (d) AC
71. Infinite charges of magnitude q each are lying at x =1, 2,
(a) (i)> (iü) > (iii)> (iv) (b) (ii) > i)> (ii) > (iv) 4, 8... meter on x-axis. The value of intensity of electric
field at point x=0 due to these charges will be
(c) (i) > (iii) > (ii) > (iv) (d) (iv) > (iii) > (ü) > (i) (a) 12x 10'g NIC
o8. Five point charges cach having magnitude q are placeda (b) zero
he corner of hexagon as shown in figure. Net electric field (c) 6x 10'q NIC
at the centre O is Ë.To get net electric field at O be be 6E, (d) 4x 10'q NIC
charge placed on the remaining sixth corner should
I.8 Physics
(a) perpendicular to the diameter
72. Charge q is uniformly distributed over a thin half ring (b) parallel to the diameter
of radius R. The electric field at the centre of the ring
(c) at an angle tilted towards the diameter
is (d) at an angle tilted away from the diameter
(a) (b
4r'e 78. A positively charged ball hangs from a silk thread. If
we put a positive test charge qo at a point and mneasure
Flqo, then it can be predicted that the electric field
(d strength E is
(a) > Flgo (b) = Flqo
cm (d) cannot be estimated
73. lg of cork with a charge IuC floats motionless 1 (c) < Flgo
above a lange uniformly charged plane near the surface 79. The intensity of clectric field required to balance a proton
of the carth. The surface charge density of the plane,
assuming it to be an infinite sheet, is of mass I.7 x 10 kg and chargel.6 x 10Cis nearly
(a) 1 x 10 V/m (b) 1x 10 V/m
(a) 8.7x10 Cm (b) 17.3x10 C/m? (c) 1x 10' V/m (d) 1x 10 V/m
(c) zero (d) -luCm? 80. The intensity of the electric field required to keep a water
74. Two concentric rings, one of radius R and total charge +0
drop of radius 10 cm just suspended in air when charged
with one electron, is approximately
and the second of radius 2R and total charge -80, lie in (a) 260 volvcm (b) 260 newton/coulomb
Ky plane (i.e., z = 0 plane). The common centre of rings (C) 130 volvcm (d) 130 newton/coulomb
lies at origin and the common axis coincides with z-axis.
The charge is uniformly distributed on both the rings. At 81. How many electrons should be removed from a coin
what distance from origin is the net electric field on z-axis of mass 1.6 g, so that it may float in an electric field of
intensity 10° NC directed upward. (Take g = 10 m/s')
(a) 10 (b) 10
Z-axls (c) 10 (d) 10

Electric Fleld Lines and Motion of

a Charged Particle
82. The given figure gives electric lines of force due to two
charges q and g,. What are the signs of the two charges?

(a) (b)

(C) (d) V2R

(a) Both are negative
75. The number of electrons to be put on aspherical conductor (b) Both are positive
of radius 0.1mto produce an electric field of 0.036 NIC
just above its surface is (c) q, is positive but q, is negative
(a) 2.7 x 10 (b) 2.6 x 105 (d) q, is negative but 4, is positive
(c) 2.5 x 10 (d) 2.4 x 10 83. Consider the four field patterns shown. Assuming ther
are no charges in the regions shown, which of the patterm
76. The bob of a pendulum of mass 8 ug carries an electric represents a possible electrostatic field?
charge of 39.2 x 10" coulomb in an electric field of
20x 10' volt/metre and it is at rest. The angle made by the
pendulum with the vertical will be
(a) 27° (b) 45°
(c) 87° (d) 127°
77. A hemisphere is unifonly charged positively. The
electric field at a point on a diameter away from the centre
is directed
Electric Charge, Field and Flux 1.9

(c) (d)

87. Figure shows the clectric field lines around three point
charges A, B and C, Which of the following charges are


(a) only A (b) Only C

(c) Both A and C (d) Both B and C
4 Which of the following figures correctly shows the top
view sketch of the electric field lines for a uniformly 88. Which of the following represents the electric field lines
charged hollow cylinder as shown in figure? 4t4++++
due to a combinations of two negative charges?

(a) (b)

(C) d)

89. Which of the following figure represents the electric

(b) field lines due to a combination of one positive and one
negative charge?

(a) (b)

(C) (d

85. Which of the following figure represents the electric field
lines due to a single positive charge?
90. The lines of force of the electric field due to two charges
gand are sketched in the figure. State if


(a) Qis positive and | > l

86. Which of the following figure represents the electric field
lines due lo a single negative charge? (b) Qis negative and |e>al

(a) (b)
(e) qis positive and ||<al
(d) qis negative and <a
1.10 Physics

91. Figure shows the electrie lines of force emerging from a

charged body. The electric tield at A and B are E, and E (a)
2E'; (b) Eg'
respectively. If the distance between A and B is r, then

(c) Eq'm (d)

2r 21

98. There is auniform electric field of strength 10' V/m along
y-axis. Abody of mass lg and charge 10°C is projected
into the field from origin along the positive x-axis with
a velocity 10 m/s. Its speed in m/s after 10 s is (Neglect
(a) 10 (b) 5/2
(a) E,> Eg (b) E <g (c) 1042 (d) 20
99. An electron mass m, initially at rest moves through
e) E, a certain distance in a uniform electric field in time t,.
A proton of mass m, also initially at rest takes time t, to
92. The figure shows some the electric field lines move through an equal distance in this uniform electric
coresponding to an electric field. The figure suggests field. Neglecting the effect of gravity, the ratio of t/t, is
nearly equal to
(a) (b) (mJm,)
B (c) (m Jm ) (d) mjm,
100. An electron moving with the speed 5 x l0° m/s is shot
parallel to the electric field of intensity lx 10' N/C. Field
is responsible for the retardation of motion of electron.
(a) E, > Ep > Ec (b) E, =Eg=Ec Evaluate the distance travelled by the electron before
(c) E,= Ec> Eg (d) E, = Ec< Eg coming to rest for an instant?
93. A charged particle is free to move in an electric field. It (Mass of e=9x 10 kg, charge = 1.6x 10"C)
will travel
(a) 7 m (b) 0.7 mm
(a) always along a line of force (c) 7 cm (d) 0.7 cm
(b) along a line of force if its initial velocity is zero
(c) along a line of force if it has some initial velocity in 101. Figure shows tracks of three charged particles crossing
the direction of an acute angle with the line of force a uniform electrostatic field with sameme velocities along
(d) none of these horizontal. Which particle has the highest charge to mass
94. Ifan electron has an initial velocity in a direction different ++ +
frorn that of an electric field, then the path of the electron
(a) a straight line (b) a circle
(c) an ellipse (d) a parabola
95. A proton and an electron are placed in a uniform electric
field. Which of the following is correct? 3
(a) The electric forces acting on them will be equal. (a) 1 (b) 2
(b) The magnitudes of the forces will be equal. (c) 3 (d) cannot be calculated
(c) Their accelerations will be equal.
(d) The magnitudes of their accelerations will be equal. 102. In the electric field shown in figure, the electric field lines
on the left have twice the separation as that between those
96. An electron enters in an electric field with its velocity in
the direction of the electric lines of force. Then
on the right. If the magnitude of the field at point A is
40 NC, calculate the magnitude of electric field at the
(a) The path of the electron will be a circle,
(b) The path of the clectron will be a parabola. point B.
(c) The velocity of the electron will decrease.
(d) The velocity of the electron will increase.
97. A charged particle of mass m and charge g is released
from rest in an eleetric field of constant magnitude E. The
kinetic energy of the particle after timetis
Electric Charge, Field and Flux
(a) ISNc (b) 20 NC!
(c) 25 NC! (d) 30 NC! (C) 100 (d) 1000
103. An electron is released with a velocity of 5 x 10° ms'in
an clectric tield of l0'NCwhich has been applied so as 107. A cylinder of radius r and length lis placed in an uniform
to oppose its motion. How much time could it take before clectric field in such a way that the axis of the cylinder
it is brought to rest? is parallel to the field. The fiux of the field through the
(a) 2.8 x 10s (b) 1.8 x 10s
(c) 6.4x 10s cylindrical surface is
(d) 4.2 x 10s
(a) (b)
Electrie Flux and Gauss's Law En
104. A cone lies in a uniform electric field E as shown in 2r
" figure. The electric flux entering the cone is (c) (d) zero

108. Acharge q is enclosed by an imaginary Gaussiansurface.


(a) EnR (b) ERh

2 (d) Eh
105. A point charge +0 is positioned at the centre of the base
of a square pyramid as shown. The flux through one of the If radius of surface is increasing at the rate dr
=K, then
four identical upper faces of the pyramid is (a) flux linked with surface is increasing at the rate

(b) flux linked with surface is decreasing at the rate

dt -K.
(c) flux linked with surface is decreasing at the rate
a) dÙ 1
16E, 4E dt K

(d) none of these (d) flux linked with surface is

109. What is the electric flux linked with closed surface?
106. Electric charge is uniformly distributed along a along
straight wire of radius 1 mm. The charge per centimetre
length of the wire is Q coulomb. Another cylindrical 1.250 7C
surface of radius 50 cm and length 1 m symmetrically 7C 6C
encloses the wire ask shown in figure. The total electric 1C CO.4C
Hux passing through the cylindrical surface is
(a) 10N-m/c (b) 10 N-m/C
(c) 10° N-m²/c (d) 8.86x 10 N-m²/Cc
110. Electric field at a point varies as for
1m (a) an electric dipole
(b) a point charge
(c) a plane infinite sheet of charge
(d) a line charge of infinite length
50 cm
111. 4, 42 43 and 94 are point charges located at points as
shown in the figure and S is a spherical Gaussian surface
(a) (b) 1000 of radius R. Which of the following is true according to
the Gauss's law?
I.12 Phyics

S Gaussian
Surface A

(a) 10'N m'c-! (b) 10'CN'm?

(c) 6.32 x 10'N m² c! (d) 6.32 x 10° CNm'
117. An electric field given by E=4i +3(y +2)j pierces
Gaussian cube of side 1m placed at origin such that its
three sides represents and z axes. The net charge
enclosed within the cube is
(a) 4E (b) 3e%
(c) $(, +È, +E,) dË = 9+9t9 t94 (C) 5e, (d) zero
118. A point charge q is placed at a distance al2 directly above
(d) None of the above the centre of a square of side a. The electric flux through
112. The inward and outward clectric flux for a closed surface the square is
in units of N-miC are respectively 8 x 10' and 4 x 10. (a)1 (b)
Then the total charge inside the surface is
(where E,= permittivity constant)
(a) 4x 1oc (b) 4x10° C (c) 9
4E, 6E0
(d) 4x10e,C 119, Three infinitely long charged sheets are placed as shown
in figure. The electric field at point P is
113. If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed
surface respectively is , and ¢, then the electric charge
inside the surface will be
z= 3a
(a) (9, +)e (b) (0,- 0)e0
(c) (0, + ,)le (d) (-9Ve
-2g za
114. Consider the charge configuration and spherical Gaussian
surface as shown in the figure. When calculating the flux
of the clectric field over the spherical surface, the electric Z =-a
field will be due to

(a) (b) 2o


(a) 42 120. At a point 20 cm from the centre of a uniformly charged

(b) only the positive charges dielectric sphere of radius 10 cm, the elecuric field is
(c) all the charges 100 V/m. The electric field at 3 cm from the centre of the
(d) +9; and -91 sphere will be
115. An electric dipole is put in north-south direction in (a) 150 V/m (b) 125 V/m
sphere filled with water. Which statement is correct? (c) 120 V/m (d) Zero
(a) Electric flux is coming towards the sphere. 121. Aspherical portion has been removed froma solid sphere
(b) Electric flux is coming out of the sphere. having a charge distributed uniformly in its volume as
(c) Electric flux entering into and leaving the sphere are
shown. The electric field inside the emptied space is
(d) Water does not permit electric flux to enter into sphere.
116. The electric flux for Gaussian surface Athat encloses the
charged particles in free space is (Given: q =-14 nC,
4; =78.85 nC, q, = 56 nC)
Electric Charge, Field and Flux I.13
(a) zero Cverywhere 125. Match the information given in column-I with that in
(b) non-zero and uniform column-Il and mark the correct code given below.
(c) non-uniform
(d) zero only at its centre Column-I Column-II
122. The number of electric ticld lines crossing an area AS is i. For an infinitely long line p. inversely
charge, electric field at a proportional to
n, when normal of AS is parallel to E, while number of distance r from the line is when r < RI2
field lines crossing same arca is n, when normal of AS
ii. For a uniformly charged q. radially outward
makes an angle of 30 with E. Then non-conducting sphere, and inversely
(a) n, n, (b) n, > n, electric field at a distance proportional to r
(d) cannot say anything r from centre is (R =
Tadiue c
123 In a region of space the electric field is in the x-direction sof sphere)
ii, Electric field at a distance r. inversely
and proportional to x, i.e., E Egxi . Consider an r from the centre of proportional to
imaginary cubical volume of edge a with its edges parallel spherical charged when r>R
to the axes of coordinates. The charge inside this volume conductor of radius R,
will be
with a concentric cavity
(a) zero (b) E, E a of radius RI2, is
iv. A spherical charged s. increases with
(C) conductor of radius R r, reaches a
6 maximum and
with a cavity of radius
124. Following figure shows for Gaussian surface S,, S,, S RI2 has a point charge then decreases
and S. q (g > 0) at its centre.
Electric field at a distance
r from the centre is
+0 +20 S2
(a) i q, i -s, ii-r, iv--p
(b) ip. ii- q, ii-r, ivs
(c) i g, i , ii s, iy-p
(d) i , is, ii p, iv-q
Now, match the following columns and mark the correct
code given below. Electric Dipole
Column-I Column-I 126. Three charges of (+24). (- q) and (- q) are placed at the
corners A, B and Cof an equilateral triangle of side a as
P shown in the figure. The magnitude of dipole moment of
this combination is


iv. S. 20
() is, i , i , ivP (b) Zero
(b) i-q. ii-s, iii, ivp (a) qa
(c) i-q, iji, ii-s, ivp (c) qav3
(d) i , iis, ii-p, iv-4
I.14 Physics

127. A change situated at a certain distance from an electric 135. A point ies on the perpendicular bisector of an
diole in the end-on position, experiences a force F. If the electrical dipole of dipole moment p. If the distance of
distance of the charge is doubled, the force acting on the Q from the dipole is r (much larger than the size of the
charge will be dipole), then electric ficld at Q is proportional to
(b) FI2 (a) p'and (b) p and
(a) 2F (d) p and3
(c) FA (d) F8 (c) p and
128 An clectne dyoe is kept in non-uniform electric lield. It 136. If the magnitude of intensity of electric field at a distance
expences x on axial line and at a distance y on equatorial line on a
given dipole are cqual, thenx:y is
(a) a forve and a torque
(b) a fonce but not a torquc (a) 1:1 (b) 1:/2
(c) a torque but nota force (d) 2:1
id) neither a force nor a torque (c) 1:2
137. An clectric dipole in a uniform electric field experiences
129. An clectric dipole consisting of two opposite charges of
2x 10C each separated by a distance of 3cm is placed (When it is placed at an angle with the field)
in an clectric field of 2 x 10° N/C. The maximum torque (a) force and torque both
on the dipole will be (b) force but no torque
(c) torque but no force
(a) 12x10 Nm (b) 12x10 Nm (d) no force and no torque
(c) 24x10 Nm (d) 24x 10- Nm 138. For a dipole, q=2x10° C and d=0.01m. Calculate
130. Two charges +3.2 x 10- and -3.2x1oc placed the maximum torque for this dipole if E= 5x10 N/C.
at 2.4A apart form an electric dipole. It is placed in a (b) 10 x 10 Nml
(a) 10 Nml
uniform electric field of intensity 4x10 V/m. The (c) 10x 0 Nm (d) 1x 1o Nm
clectric dipole moment is
(a) 15.36x 10*" Cm 139. What is the angle between the electric dipole moment and
the electric field strength due to it on the equatorial line?
(b) 15.36x10-19 Cm (a) 0° (b) 90°
(c) 7.68x10-2 Cm (c) 180° (d) None of these
140. The electric field due to an electric dipole at a distance
(d) 7.68x10-1" Cm r from its centre in axial position is E. If the dipole is
rotated through an angle of 90° about its perpendicular
131. Electric charges q.q,-2q are placed at the corners of axis, the electric field at the same point will be
an equilateral triangle ABC of side . The magnitude of (a) E (b) E/4
electric dipole moment of the system is (c) E12 (d) 2£
(a) q (b) 2ql
141. A neutral water molecule (H,0) in its vapour state has
(c) 3gl (d) 4gl an electric dipole moment of magnitude 6.4 x 10C-m.
132. The electric field at a point on equatorial line of a dipole How far apart are the molecules' centres of positive and
and direction of the dipole moment negative charge?
(a) will be parallel (a) 4 m (b) 4 mm
(b) will be in opposite direcion (c) 4 um (d) 4 pm
(C) will be perpendicular 142. An electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite
(d) are not related
charges placed 2cm apart. When the dipole is placed in a
133. If E, be the electric field strength of a short dipole at a uniform electric field of strength 10 NC-, it experiences
point on is axial line and E, that on the equatorial line at a maximumtorque of 0.2 x 10Nm. Find the magnitude
the same distance, then ieach charge.
of each c
(a) E,= 2E, (b) E, = 2E, (a) 20 C (b) 10 pC
(c) E,= E, (d) None of the above (c) 15 uC (d) 40 C
134. An electric dipole is placed in an electric field generated 143. An clectric dipole is placed along the x-axis at the origin
by a point charge. Then which of the following statements 0. A point P is at a distance of 20 cm from this origin
is true?
(a) The net electric force on the dipole must be zero. such that OP makes an angle with the x-axis. If the
(b) The net electric force on the dipole may be zero. electric field at P makes an angle with x-axis, the value
(c) The torque on the dipole due to the field must be zero. of 6 would be
(d) The torque on the dipole due to the field may be zero.
Electric Charge, Field and Flux I.15

(a) always zero

(b) never zero
(C) zero when mid point of dipole coincides with the
point charge
(d) tan| (d) zero when dipole axis is along any electric line of
14 An clectric dipole is placed at the origin O and is directed 149. The locus of the points (in the xy-plane) where the electric
along the -axis. A a point P, far away from the dipole, field due to a dipole (dipole axis is along x-axis and its
the clectic field is parallel to y-axis. OP makes an angle
cquatorial is along y-axis) is perpendicular to its axis, is
8with the -axis, then (a) straight line perpendicular to the axis
(a) tan6 3 (b) tan 0= 2 (b) circle
(c) parabola
ic) @=45° (d) tan0 = (d) straight line having inclination 6 = tan 2 with
J2 the axis
145. Three identical, small dipoles are arranged as shown 150. An electric dipole is situated in an electric field of uniform
below. What will be the net electric field at P? k= intensity E whose dipole moment is p and moment of
inertia is I. If the dipole is displaced slightly from the
equilibrium position, then the angular frequency of its
+C oscillations is

XH (c)

151. An electric dipole is kept on the axis of a uniformly

charged ring at distance V2R from the centre of the ring.
2kp The direction of the dipole moment is along the axis. The
() dipole moment is p, charge of the ring is Q and radius of
the ring isR. The force on the dipole is
(c) Zero (d) (a (b) 4pQ

146. Two electric dipoles of moment P and 4P are placed in

opposite direction on a line at a distance of 25 5cm. The
(c (d) zero
electric field will be zero at point between the dipoles
whose distance from the dipole of moment Pis
25 Electrostatlcs of Conductors
(a) 5 cm (b)
152. Four metal conductors having different shapes such that
(c) 10 cm (d) cm
13 1. a sphere 2. a cylinder
3. a pcar 4. a lightning conductor
147. Two short dipoles pkandk are located at (0,0,0) and are mounted on insulating stands and charged. The one
which is best suited to retain the charges for a longer time is
( m, 0, 2 m), respectively. The resultant electric field due (a) i (b) 2
to the two dipoles at the point (1 m, 0, 0) is (c) 3 (d) 4
(a) 9 p : (b) -7pi 153. If there are two metallic spheres of same radii but one is
32 T E 32 T Eo solid and the other is hollow, then
(a) solid sphere can be given more charge
(b (d) none of these (b) hollow sphere can be given more charge
32 x E (C) they can be charged equally (maximum)
48, Total electric force on an electric dipole placed in an (d) none of the above
electric ficld of a point charge is
I.16 Physics

154. A point charge + g is placed at a distance d from an 158. Acharge Qis fixed at a distance d in front of an infinite
isolated conducting plane. The field at a point P on the metal plate. The lines of force are represented by
other sicke of the plane is
(a) directed perpendicular to the plane and away from
the plane
(b) directed penendicular to the plane but towards the
(e) directed radially away from the point charge
() directed rdially towards the point charge (a) (b)
155. An electrically iolated bollow (initially uncharged).
conducting sphere has a small positively charged ball
suspended by an insulating rod from its inside surface,
(see diagram). (d)

159. An uncharged sphere of metal is placed in between two

charged plates as shown. The lines of force look like

This causes the inner surface of the sphere to become

negatively charged. When the ball is centred in the sphere
the electric field outside the conducting sphere is
(a) zero
(b) the same as if the sphere wasn't there
(c) twice what it would be if the sphere wasn't there ++ + + t +

(d) equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to what

it would be if the sphere wasn't there
156. A thin metallic spherical shell contains a charge Q on it.
A point charge q is placed at the centre of the shell and
another charge q, is placed outside it as shown in figure.
All the three charges are positive. (a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
160. Ametallic solid sphere is placed ina uniformelectric field
The lines of force follow the path(s) shown in figure a

The force on the charge at the centre is

(a) towards left (b) towards right (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) upward (d) zero (c) 3 (d) 4
157. Which of the following curves shown below can possibly 161. In a region with uniform electric field, the number ol
represents electrostatic field lines? lines of force per unit area is E. If a spherical metallk
conductor is placed in this region, the number of lines o
force per unit area inside the conductor will be
(b) Conductor (a) E (b) moe than E
(c) less than E (d) zero
162. A positive point charge., which is free to move, is place
inside a boholow conducting sphere with negative charge
away from its centre. It will
(a) move towards the centre
(b) move towards the nearer wall of the conductor
Electric Charge, Field and Flux I.17

(c) remain stationary

d d
(d) oscillate betwecn the centre and the nearer wall
16, Conduction clectrons are almost uniformly distributed
within a conducting plate. When placed in an cleetrostatie 168. It is required to hold four equal point charges +q in
theld E,the electric field within the plate equilibrium at the comers of a square. Find the point
charge that will do this, if placed at the centre of the
(a) is zero square.
(b) depends upon b
(c) depends upon E (a)
(d) depends upon the atomic number of the conducting
164. If a spherical charged conductor comes out from the
closed surface of the sphere, then total fAux emited from
the surface will be 169. Two infinitely long parallel wires having linear charge
-x (the charge
densities ,, and , respectively, are placed at a distance
(a) enclosed by surface) of R metres. The force per unit length on either wire will

(b) E, X (charge enclosed by surface)

(c) x(charge enclosed by surface)
4nE R R
(d) 0
Problems Based on Mixed Concepts 170. The insulation property of air breaks down at E=3x10
V/m. The maximum charge that can be given to a sphere
165. A copper atom consists of copper nucleus surrounded
by 29 electrons. The atomic weight of copper is of diameter Sm is approximately (in coulombs)
(a) 2x 102 (b) 2x 10
63.5 g mol". Let us now take two pieces of copper each (c) 2x 104 (d) 2x 1o5
weighing 10 g. Let us transfer one electron from one
piece to another for every l00 atoms in that piece. What 171. Acharged ball B hangs from a silk thread S, which makes
will be the Coulomb force between the two pieces after an angle 8 with a large charged conducting sheet P, as
the transfer of electrons, if they are I cm apart? Avogadro shown in the figure. The surface charge density g of the
number = 6 x 10 mole charge on an electron sheet is proportional to
=-1.6x 10-19 c
(a) 1.12 x 10"N (b) 4.24 x 10 N
2.06 x10'N (d) S.16x 10N

166. Aparticle of massm and carrying charge -g is moving

around a charge +q, along a circular path of radiusr. The
period of revolutionof the charge-4, about tg, is DE
r'e,m rEmr
a) (b) (a) sin (b) tan
V9192 (c) cos (d) cot 0
172. Asmall sphere carrying a charge is hanging in between
(c) (d) two plates by a string of length L. Time period
992 of pendulum is To. When parallel plates are charged, the
167. Two point electric charges of values q and 2q are kepi at time period changes to T. The ratio TIT, is equal to
a distance dapart from each other in air. A third charge
is to be kept along the same line in such a way that the net
force acting on q and 2q is zero. Calculate the position of
charge in terms of d.
(a) (b)
I.18 Physics

(a) towards the charge q


charge a
m (b
4ne d way from
(c) Zero
(d) Can't be found
(c) (d) none of these
177. A charged particle of mass m = 2 kg and charge 1 uCis
thrown from a horizontal ground at an angle of 45° with
173 Two charged particles (M, +) and (m, -) are placed in a horizontal with a speed of 10 m/s. In space a horizontal
gravity free space where a unifom electric field E exists. electric field E= 2 x 10' NIC exists. Find the range of the
After he are relcased, they stay at a constant projectile.
distance from Paber What is this distance? Neglect E
Gravitational interaction. k is electrostatic constant.
u=10 m/s
(a) kqQ (b) (M +m)kQg
VE(q+0) VE(gm +QM) A45 X

(M +m)kQg (a) 5 m (b) 30 m

(C) (d) Not possible (c) 10 m (d) 20 m
VE(qM +Qm)
178. Four point positive charges are held at the vertices of
174 Two positive point charges each of magitude 10C are a square in a horizontal plane. Their masses are 1 kg.
fixed at positions A and B at a separation 2d=6 m. A 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 kg. Another point positive charge of mass
ncgatively charged particle of mass m=90 g and charge 10 kg is kept on the axis of the square. The weight of this
of magnitude 10x10* C is revolving in a circular path fifth charge is balanced by the electrostatic force due to
of radius 4 min the plane perpendicular to the line AB and those four charges. If the four charges on the vertices are
bisecting the line AB. Neglect the effect of gravity. Find released such that they can freely move in any direction
the angular velocity of the particle. (vertical, horizontal etc.), then the acceleration of the
centre of mass of the four charges immediately after the
release is
(ue g=10 m/s)
(a) 10 m/s downwards (b) 20 m/s downwards
(C) zero (d) 10 ms upwards
179. A soap bubble (surface tension = T is charged to a
(a) 200 rad /s (b) 400 rad /s
(c) 250 rad /s
maximum surface density of charge o. When it is just
(d) 100 rad /s going to burst, its radius R is given by
175. The bob of a pendulum has mass m = 1 kg and charge
q= 40 uC. Length of pendulum is l= 0.9 m. The point
of suspension also has the same charge 40 uC. What the
(a) R= (b) R=8eo
minimum speed u should be imparted to the bob so that it
can complete vertical circle?
(c) R=

180. In the diagram shown, the charge +0 is fixed. Another

charge +24, is projected from a distance R from the
fixed charge. The minimum separation between the two

charges when the velocity becomes times of the

(a) 6 ms (b) 2 ms
(c) & ms (d) 4 ms projected velocity, is (Assume gravity to be absent)
176. A positive charge q is placed in front of a conducting
solid cube at a distance d from its centre. Find the electric
feld at the centre of the cube due to the charges appearing a0
on its surface. M. 29
Electric Charge, Field and Flux I.19

(a) (b) 3R

(d) 4R
I81. TWo concentric conducting shells of radius a and b
(>a) caTy charges and -20. respectively. The correct m (b) z²4r'm
varnation of clectric intensity E as a function of ris given (a) T=2nr,
V2kg 2khg
(c) T= 2khg (d) T=

(a) 2rr m 2nr 2kAq

184. Two similar balloons filled with helium gas are tied to
L metre long strings. A body of mass m is tied to another
ends of the strings. The balloons float in air at distance r.
If the amount of charge on the balloons is same, then the
magnitude of charge on each balloon will be

(a) lmgr
2 lan6 (b) 2k -tan |

182 Electric feld due to an infinite line of charge, as shown 2
(d) -tan
in figure (I), a pointPat a distance r from the line is E. If mgr
wire is folded at point A, so that both parts lie alongside 185. Two identical small beads each have mass m and charge
as shown in figure (II), then express electric field at P in
vector form. q. When placed in a hemispherical bowl of radius R with
frictionless, non-conductive walls, the beads move and
at equilibrium the line joining the beads is horizontal
p and the distance between them is R (see figure). Neglect
any induced charge on the hemispherical bowl. Then the
charge on each bead is (here K=
(1) (1)

(a) (b) Ei+Ej

(c) VZEi+2Ej

183. A particle of charge -g and mass mmoves in a circle of (a) q=RMg

radius r around an infinitely long line charge of linear KV3)
charge density +1. Then its time period is
where k=I (C) ()
1.20 Physics

186. In the figure shown, there is a large sheet of charge of 36000 NC acting in upward direction, what is he

unifom surface charge density o. A charge particle of charge on the ball?

charge -q and mass m is projected from a point A on (a) 1.1 uC (b) 4.2 4C
the sheet with a speed u with angle of projection such (c) 2.4 uC (d) 3.7 uC
that it lands at maximum distance from A on the sheet. 190. A charge q is placed at some distance along the axis ofa
Neglecting gravity, tind the time of flight. uniformly charged disc of surface charge density o. The
fux due to the charge q through the disc is . The electrie
force on charge q exerted by the disc is
(a) o (b)

(a) 2v2mv Eo (b V2mv E,

(C (d)
Soq 2T 37

mv Eo mv En 191. Six charges are placed at the vertices of a regular hexagon

(c) (d as shown in the figure. The electric field on the ling
passing through point O and perpendicular to the plane
187. An infinitely long wire is kept along z-axis from z =-o to of the figure as a function of distance x from point Ois
z=+o, having uniform linear charge density 10 nC/m.
The electric field at point (6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm) will be

(b Qa
(a) 0 3

(a) (120i +160j +-200k)v/m (c) 20a (d)

(b) 200k V/m
(c) (160i +120)V/m 192. Athin non-conducting ring of radius Rhas a linear charge
density = h cos 0, where is measured as shown. The
(a) (120i +160j)V/m total electric dipole moment of the charge distribution is
188. A semicircular wire is uniformly charged with linear
charge density dependent on the angle 0 from y-direction
as = sin 0|, where , is a constant. The electric
field intensity at the centre of the arc is

(a) R, (b) 2rR'2,


193. An uncharged conducing large plate is placed as shown

Now an electric field E towards right is applied Find the
2rE,R induced charge density on right surface of the plate.

(c) (d)

189. A copper ball of density 8.6 g cm. l cm in diameter is

cm. If the ball remains
immersed in oil of density 0.8 g
suspended in oil in a uniform electric field of intensity
Electric Charge, Field and Flux I.21
(a) ¬ (b) EE
(c) -2E,E (a) P i (b)P-)
(d) 2r,E
194. An uncharged aluminium block has a cavity within it. 3e,
The block is placed in a region where a uniform electric
ficld which is directed upwards. Which of the following
is a corect statement describing conditions in the interior
Pid-) (d)F)
of the blok's cavity? 198. A positively charged sphere of radius r, carries a volume
(a) The electric ticld in the cavity is directed upwards. charge density p (figure). A spherical cavity of radius
(b) The electric field in the cavity is directed r/2 is then scooped out and left empty, as shown. C
downwards. is the centre of sphere and C, that of cavity. What is
(c) There is no clecric theld in the cavity. the direction and magnitude of the electric field at
(d) The clectric field in the cavity is of varying point B?
magnitude and is zero at the exact centre.
195. The diagram shows a uniformly charged hemisphere of
radius R. It has volume charge density p. If the clectric
fheld at a point 2R distance above its centre is E, then
what is the electric field at the point which is 2R below its
54e, (b) 6E0po left
(c 17pro right (d) right
54E, 6e,
199, Four very large metal plates are given the charges as shown
in figure. The middle two are then connected through a wire.
Find the charge that will flow through the wire.

(a) (OR/6eg) + E (b) (pR/12e) -E

(c) (-pRI6e,) + E (d) (pR/l12E,) + E
196. Consider an infinite line charge having uniform linear
charge density and passing through the axis of a cylinder.
What will be the effect on the flux passing through curved
surface if the portions of the line charge outside the (a) 50 from A to B (b) 50/2 from A to B
cylinder is removed? (c) 50 from B to A (d) No charge will flow
200. A conic surface is placed in a uniform electric field E as
shown such that field is perpendicular to the surface on
the side AB. The base of the cone is of radius Rand height
of the cone is h.

(a) It decreases. (b) It increases.

(c) It remains same. (d) Can't say anything.
197. Anon-conducting sphere of radius Ris filled with uniform
volume charge density -p. The centre of this sphere is
displaced from the origin by d. The electric field Ë at
any point P having position vector F, inside the sphere is

The angle of cone is as shown. Find the magnitude of

that flux which enters the cone curved surface from left
side. Don't count the outgoing flux. (0< 45°)
(a) ERh cos 0+ nRI2) sin )
(b) ER[h sin 0+ nRI2) cos
(C) ER[h cos + aR Sin |
(d) None of these
L.22 Physics

201. Flux passing through shaded surface of sphere when a

point charge q is placed at the centre is (radius of the
sphere is R)
(c) E-E4-E|-E 2¬,
(d) None of the above
204. A simple pendulum of period T has a metal bob which
is negatively charged. If it is allowed to oscillate above a
positively charged metal plate, its period will
(a) remain equal to T (b) be less than T
(c) be greater thanT (d) be infinite
205. The electric field intensity due to a dipole of length 10 cm
(a) qle, (b) q2E, and having a charge of 500 uC, at a point on the axis at a
(c) ql4eo (d) zero distance 20 cm from one of the charges in air, is
202. A unifomly charged and infinitely long line having a (b) 9.28 x 10' NIC
(a) 6.25 x 10' NIC
liner charge density Ais placed at a normal distance y (d) 20.5x 10' NIC
from a point 0. Consider a sphere of radius R with 0 as (c) 13.1 x 11" NIC
centre and R> y. Electric flux through the surface of the 206. Cathode rays travelling from east to west enter into region
sphere is of electric field directed towards north to south in the
plane of paper. The deflection of cathode rays is towards
(a) East (b) South
(c) West (d) North
207. A charge q is located at the centre of a cube. The electric
fux through any face is
4ng (b)
6(4nE,) 6(47e,)

4 2rq
22R 6(4ne,) 6(4rE,)
(a) zeo (b)
208. An electron is moving round the nucleus of a hydrogen
atom in a circular orbit of radius r. The coulomb force F

(c) (dy between the two is (where k=

203. Two infinite sheets having charge densities o and

O are placed in two perpendicular planes whose two
dimensional view is shown in the figure. The charges
(a) -* (b) k
are distributed uniformly on sheets in electrostatic
equilibrium condition. Four points are marked 1, I, III (c)
and IV. The electric feld intensities at these points are
E,,E,.E, and E, respectively. The correct expression 209. A square surface of side L metre is in the plane of the
for electric field intensities is paper. A uniform electric feld E(V/m), also in the
plane of the paper, is limited only to the lower half of the
square surface (see figure). The electric flux in SI units
associated with the surface is



(a) EL°I2E) (b) EL²2

(c) zero (d) EL
Electric Charge, Field and Flux I.23

210. An electric dipole of moment p is lying along a uniform 214. Two infinitely long parallel conducting plates having
electric tield E.The work done in rotating the dipole by surface charge densities +o and -, respectively, are
90° is separated by a small distance. The medium between the
(a) 2 pE (b) PE plates is vacuum. If E, is the dielectric permittivity of
2 vncuum, then the clectric field in the region between the
(c) 2pE (d) pE plates is
211. Three point changes + 4. -2q and +q are placed at (a) 0 yolts/metre
(b) volts/metre
points (r0, y=a. ¿ 0), (r 0, y= 0, z = 0) and 2E,
(xa, y 0,¿ 0), respectively. The magnitude and
direction of the clectric dipole moment vector of this (C) volts/metre (d) volts/metre
change assembly are
215. Two concentric conducting thin spherical shells A and B
(a) V2 qa along +y direction having radii r, and r Cg> r) are charged to , and -
(b) V2 qa along the line joining points Qa(2g>I0,). The electrical field along a line (passing
(r=0, y=0, ¿=0) and (* =a, y=a, z=0) through the centre) is
(c) qa along the line joining points
(x=0, y=0,z=0) and (r= a, y= a, z=0)
(d) 2 qa along +x direction (a) (b)
212 A thin conducting ring of radius R is given a charge +Q.
The electric field at the centre O of the ring due the to the
charge on the part AKB of the ring is E. The electric field E
at the centre due to the charge on the part ACDB of the
ring is
A (c) (d)

216. The spatial distribution of the electric field due to charges

(A, B) is shown in figure. Which one of the following
statements is correct?

(a) 3E along KO (b) E along OK

(c) E along KO (d) 3E along OK
213. Four +ve point charges of same magnitude (0) are placed
at four cormers of a rigid square frame as shown in figure. (a) A is-ve and B +ve; lAl = IBI
The plane of the frame is perpendicular to Z-axis. Ifa-ve (b) Both are +ve but A > B
point charge is placed at a distance z away from the above (c) Both are -ve but A > B
frame (z<<L), then (d) A is +ve and B-ve and LAI > \BI
217. Ahollow cylinder has acharge q coulomb within it. If o is
the electric flux in unit of volt-meter associated with the
curved surface B, the flux linked with the plane surface A
in unit of volt-metre will be

Z-axis -O

(a) 2-o (b)

(a) it oscillates along the Z-axis
(b) it moves away from the frame 2¬0
(c) it moves slowly towards the frame and stays in the
plane of the frame 3
(a) it passes through the framne only once
I.32 Plysics


5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (a)
I. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c)
16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (c)
I1. (c) 12. (b) 13, (d) 14. (b) 15. (a)
26. (d) 27. (a) 28 (c) 29. (C) 30. (b)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (d)
31. () 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (c) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40. (d)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43 (c) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (b)
SI. (a) 52. () 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (a) 57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. 62. (c) 63. (c) 64. (c) 65. (c) 66. (b) 67. (C) 68. (d) 69. (b) 70. (b)
71. (a) 72. (a) 73. (b) 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (a) 79. (a) 80. (b)
SI. (d) 82 (a 83. (b) 84, (b) 85 (a 86. (b) 87. (c) 88. 89. (a) 90. (c)
91. (a) 92. (c) 93. (b) 94. (d) 95. (b) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (c) 99. (b) 100. (C)
101. (c) 102. (b) 103 (a) 104. (b) 105. (c) 106 (b) 107. (d) 108. (d) 109. (c)
117. (b) 118 (d) 119. (b) 120 (c)
111. () 112. (d) 113. (b) I14. (c) 115. (c) I16. (a)
121. (b) 122. (b) 123. (b) 124. (a) 125. (a) 126. (c) 127. (d) 128. (a) 129. (b) 130. (c)
131. (c) 132. (b) 133. (b) 134. (d) 135. d) 136. (d) 137. (c) 138 (c) 139. (c) 140. (C)
141. (d) 142. (b) 143. (b) 144. (b) 145 (C) 146. (a) 147. (b) 148. (b) 149. (d) 150. (a)
151. 152. (a) 153. (c) 154. (a) 155. (b) 156. (d) 157. (c) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (d)
161. (d) 162. (c) 163. (a) 164. (a) 165. (c) 166. (a) 167. (b) 168. (b) 169. (b) 170 (b
171. (b) 172. (c) 173. (c) 174. (b) 175. (a) 176. (a) 177. (d) 178. (b) 179. (b) 180. (a)
181. (b) 182. (b) 183. (a) 184. (a) 185. (a) 186. (a) 187. (d) 188. (b) 189. (a) 190. (a)
191. (b) 192. (d) 193. (b) 194. (C) 195. (b) 196. (c) 197. (C) 198. (a) 199. (a) 200. (a)
201. (c) 202. (c) 203. (c) 204. (b) 205. (a) 206. (d) 207. (a) 208. (c) 209. (c) 210. (d)
211. (b) 212. (b) 213. (a) 214. (c) 215. (a) 216. (d) 217. (d)

1 (c) 2. (c) 3. (C) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (d)
I1. (d) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15 (c) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (c)

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (c)

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (b)

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