0500 - Paper 2 Walkthrough by Knuckleducky

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Hello user @kunckleducky#9526 is Back : D General Tips e Test Time is 2 Hours for 2 Questions: 1 Directed Writing and 1 Descriptive/Narrative Essay. e You will need every second of the 2 hours so don't waste time and spend every minute planning and checking your work. e If you don't have good handwriting for this paper there's a very high chance your examiner will be extremely frustrated considering the length of both essays so please try your best. e Having good grammar goes without saying and make sure you have an extensive amount of vocabulary prepared especially for descriptive writing. Question 1: Directed Writing e You will be required to write a 350 to 450 word essay about a speech, article, interview, etc. about a passage which also requires you to analyse and evaluate. e Most of the times the question will be about two contrasting sides and will ask you to evaluate both options and pick a side. 15 marks for content and 25 marks for the quality of your writing. Never go under the word count. You can go above it but try not to make it too noticeable. If it is a speech: 7 . e Donot write like it is an article. Start it off with greetings like "Good Morning everyone!" e After writing it try reciting it in your mind and see if it sounds funny. e Make sure you know whether the speech is informal or formal. Prepare 3 paragraphs: The introduction where you introduce the main topic and explain briefly about it. Basically a summary on what people have said about this and what you think they mean (so develop it). Get clues on how to develop it by reading the text. When practicing for the paper use the mark scheme to see how they expect you to develop and evaluate the opinions. . A basic conclusion on which option you think is better and your explanation. Try to explain both of the options and if you prefer the negative side suggest why the positive side is worse. e You are convincing someone or a lot of people so try to read it and see if it convinces you as a reader. e@ This does not require extremely good vocabulary. Just make sure your point is made across the essay and keep it simple. Like | stated earlier it is basically a summary of the passage. Question 2: Descriptive/Narrative Writing e You can choose between 4 question: 2 Descriptive and 2 Narrative. 1. The first choice will be writing a description of a certain location or situation. 2. The second choice will be writing a description of a given title. . The third will be a narrative essay/story of a situation. 4. The forth will be a story of a given title or maybe a starting/ending sentence. WN e@ This question will be mostly based on your preference, your strengths and the question content. e@ Choose the one that you're interested and have confidence in. You may be weak in writing a story but the question may remind you of a plot that you have confidence in so it all depends on the question. e Just because you are choosing the descriptive essay doesn't mean your story doesn't need a plot and vice versa. A good essay will include elements of both good descriptions and at least a basic plot. If you are writing a descriptive essay: 1. Include in descriptions of every single sense: taste, sight, sense, hearing and smell. 2. Use a lot of imagery. Remember a few "powerful" words and phrases and use it in the essay. 3. Make it 20% plot and 80% describing. 4. Write it so that you can see the whole essay unfold in your mind. For example if you're describing an old house use all five senses. 5. Example of an old house: "The invasive green vines surrounded the house as | tried to pull the door open, every doorstep creaking along with slight movements of my muscles. The smell of nostalgia hit me as | slided my hands along the rotting wooden railings streaked with splinters." If you are writing a narrative essay: 1. It can be third person or first person. Write the one you are better at. 2. Make it 80% plot and 20% describing. 3. The examiners would generally prefer a Introduction, Climax and Ending but you can start with the ending and continue with flashbacks or write the story with an open ending. There are many different ways you can choose to write it. 4. Make sure the climax hits hard. You want the examiner to be brought into and be absorbed into the story. It can be seen in the story if you half heartedly write it. 5. You don't need amazing vocabulary but make sure it is not horrible. e@ Don't feel pressured from the word count and write horribly from that. The word count barely matters for this and can be a hindrance especially for the narrative writing. Check all your work after you're done for spelling errors and grammar mistakes. ONCE AGAIN GOOD LUCK EVERYONE | KNOW YOU CAN DOIT!!

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