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Hello everyone, my group is a meme. My group consists of 2 people.

I’m the first member,

my name is Dung. I’m 19 years old and i live in Ha Noi. I’m a student at FPT Polytechnic.
And this is Hai a member of group. he is 19 years old and he live in Ha Noi. he is a student at
FPT Polytechnic. Today we would like to share about Beyond the Boundary.
A: What was your problem?
B; My problem is afraid of spiders.
A: Where did it come from? How was it formed?
B: It comes from me, formed from cleaning the old room and the spider crawled on me,
making me very scared.
A: What difficulties did you encounter due to that problem? The consequences? How did it
affect our life?
B: The consequences were I'm very afraid of going to wet places with many insects. I get
scared every time I see spiders. That gave me a belief that spiders are scary.
A: What motivated you to change?
B: I feel I have to overcome my fear, My external motivation is my parents and inside is
probably myself.
A: What did you do to solve your problem? The obstacles you faced? Your feelings? Did you
ever want to quit? What kept you on track?
B: To solve my problem, I face it. I felt so scared at the time, but I didn't want to give up,
myself and my parents kept me going.
A: What benefits do you gain?
B: Now I can meet it without fear. I also see myself having the courage to overcome this
A: How’s your life now?
B: I feel very comfortable in my life when I overcome that fear.
A: What lesson can you draw from this experience?
B: The lesson that I have learned is to confidently step out of your comfort zone before you
do it, then you can see how beneficial you are.
A: What is “boundary”?
B: A boundary is the limit or distance between you and another person is the space where you
start and where the other person ends.
A: What are some examples of boundaries?
B: Some examples of boundaries are:
+ break your limits
+ Always ready to learn new things
A: Do you think young people should go beyond the boundary? Why?
B: I think young people should go beyond the boundary because overcoming limits helps us
to grow, we can cope with challenges and difficulties.
A: How do people go beyond the boundary?
B: Ways to get around the limit:
+ accept difficulty
+ Help others
+ work hard
+ has a clear purpose
+ no blame
A: In what cases people should not go beyond the boundary?
B: Should not put limits on yourself in conquering the heights. If we set limits on our ability
without trying, we will have a hard time succeeding.
Here we want everyone to try to overcome their limits in life, nothing is impossible.
Thank you for your listening.

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