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1. You want to arrange a conference at the Hotel Excel.

Write an email to the


 explaining the reason for your email.

 giving information about the number of people attending and the rooms you want.
 asking for information about price.
Dear Manager,
I am writing to ask for information about the Hotel Excel because I am staying in there
for three nights next week. I had a conference at 2 p.m next week. I am looking for a
hotel which can accommodate 50 people. I have a large room. I need to have a large desk
in the room. Please can you confirm that the rooms have a wifi? Could you let me know
how far your hotel is from the centre? And I would aslo like more information about
other facilities you have. Do you have any a swimming pool, gym? The conference last
for three nights so could you tell me what your best price for this is?
I look forward to hearing from you.
King regards,

Dear Sir,
I am writing to enquire about holding a conference at your hotel on 6 October. We have
100 attendees, so we need one large room and three smaller rooms. Could you tell me
what your best price for this is? Are you near the city centre?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Bob Smith

2. Read this email from a manager to her assistant.

I’m still in NY at the moment. Coming back tomorrow. My ETA is 11.15 a.m. The staff
meeting tomorrow is at 12.30 but I’m not sure I can get there on time. Can you change it
to later in the afternoon? Could you also let me know what’s on the agenda?
See you tomorrow,

Write an informal email reply to Cho:

 saying you received her email.
 asking about her trip.
 answering her questions.

Dear Cho,
Thanks for your email. I hope you are well. How is your trip? Is everything good? I hope
you can attend the meeting. The staff meeting was at 12.30 p.m, but I have changed it. It
is at 3 p.m. The agenda is TBC but I’ll send the details before COB. And the report will
be sent ASAP. I would like to invite you to stay for lunch after meeting. Feel free to call
me if you have any questions.
I look forward to seeing you tommorrow.
King regards,

Hi Cho,
Thanks for your email. I hope you’re well. How’s the trip? I hope you had good
meetings. The staff meeting was at 12.30, but I have changed it. It’s now at 3.30. The
agenda is tbc but I think we’re going to talk about the expansion into Asia … and the
staff party in AOB.
See you tomorrow.
Have a good flight,

3. You are going to write an online review of the Cherry Tree Restaurant where
you had a business lunch last week.


 why you went there.

 what you liked about the restaurant.
 what you didn’t like about the restaurant.
 whether you would recommend it.
4. Read this email from a contact in another company.

Dear Michael,

I am writing to set up a sales meeting between us. Would 11 a.m. on Tuesday 12 January
suit you? I can come to your offices or you can come to mine. I would also like to take
you for lunch afterwards if you are available.

I look forward to your reply.

All the best,


Reply to the email:

 thanking the contact for the email.

 accepting and confirming the meeting date.
 saying you can’t have lunch.
 concluding the email.

Dear Arun,
Thanks for your email. This is to confirm that I am able to attend the meeting on Tuesday
12 January at 11a.m. We met at your offices. Could you let me how far your offices is
from the airport? Unfortunately, I am not able to stay for lunch with you because I am
flying to Moscow after the meeting for AOB and I need leave at 1 p.m. I hope you will
send the details of meeting before COB.
I very much look forward to seeing you.
All the best,

Dear Arun,
Thank you for your email. This is to confirm that I will attend the meeting on
Tuesday 12 January at 11 a.m. We can meet first at my offices in Broad Lane. I’m
sorry, but I cannot stay for lunch because I have another meeting on the same day
at 13.30.
I look forward to seeing you in January.
All the best,
UNIT 1: Writing Email – Asking for information

1) Your company has booked the Garden Hotel for three nights for you
while you attend a conference in the AXCentre. You need some information
from the hotel. (Trang 26+127)
 Doulble room needed
 Large desk required
 Meals included in price?
 Distance from AXCentre
 Any parking?
 Swimming pool and gym

To: Hotel Manager

From: Conference Manager
Subject: Conference facilities
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to ask for information about your hotel as I am staying there for three nights
next month. I need a double room, please could you confirm that my room is a double
room? I also need to have a large desk in the room. I would also like to know if meals are
included in the price. Can you also let me know how far the hotel is from the AXCentre?
In addition, could you tell me if there is parking, because I am driving to the hotel? And
finally, I would like more information about other facilities you have. Do you have a
swimming pool and gym for your guests?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Hoang Nhi, Conference Manager
UNIT 2: Writing Informal and informal messages
Write 80-100 words and use too and (not) enough. (Trang 21)
1) Write a short online review for a tourist attraction (e.g. a park or museum), hotel
or restaurant.
I went to the national museum to see the new animal wildlife photography exhibition at the
weekend. The exhibition is so large that there isn’t enough time to see all the photos! There
were also too many photos of birds so it felt too similar to the birdlife exhibition last year. I
still enjoyed it, and I think it’s interesting enough for everyone, not just animal lovers! But
be aware, there were too many people in the afternoon. The waiting time in the queue is too
long if you’re busy, so go early.

2) Use abbreviations to write informal text message and a more formal email.
(Trang 26+127)
Text message:

Hi Jack. Meeting my office 2.30 today confirmed. Need short presentation on new office
location, with reasons for moving there. BTW don’t forget appointment with building owner
tomorrow morning. Time TBC. Call me if you need more information before meeting later.

Hi Susana,
How are you today?
This is to confirm our appointment for tomorrow morning. Could you tell me what time
would be good for us to meet? I am out of the office today, so if you prefer to call me to
make the arrangements, please call my mobile. I would also be grateful if you could send
the contract details before COB (close of business) today.
I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and signing the contract.
Best wishes,
Hoang Nhi
UNIT 3: Writing An online review
1) Write three tweets for your followers on social media about a recent or memorable
shopping experience. You can invent any details you like. Use a maximum of 280
characters. (Trang 31)
1. “Had the best shopping experience today at @VMStyle! The staffs are very friendly and
enthusiastic. Their clothes are designed to be very special and stylish. I found everything I
was looking for and more. #fun #shopping #customerexperience”
2. “I went to @TalyShop this weekend and it was a great trip! I got lost in the maze of
stylish clothes and found everything I was looking for. I ended up buying more than I
planned, but it was worth it! Can not wait to go back to shopping again! #happiness
#shoppingfun #homedesign”
3. "I was surfing Facebook when I saw #TinyShop and I decided to go there! From the
moment I entered the store, the products were on sale lot. I saw my favorite dress on a sale
for 20%. It was a Great choice and I bought it. Thanks for choosing the right time for
memorable shopping! #stylishclothes #MemorableShoppingExperience"

How often do you eat here?
I usually eat in your restaurant once a week.
When did you last eat here?
I last ate there yesterday lunchtime.
What was the purpose of your last visit?
We often bring our clients to the restaurant and yesterday I had a meeting with one of our
biggest clients.
What do/did you like about the restaurant?
The food is always excellent at the Flame and the location is perfect for us as it is close to
our office. Also, our clients are always amazed because the view from the restaurant is
Is/Was there anything you aren’t/weren’t happy with?
However, there are some points that make me think the restaurant is not very professional.
Sometimes the service can be quite slow and yesterday the restaurant was very busy and the
food didn’t arrive very quickly.
Would you recommend us?

I would highly recommend this restaurant. I will recommend the restaurant to everyone.
How often do you stay here?
Our company sometimes has conferences at the Equatorial Hotel and has visitors staying
there almost every week.
When did you last stay here?
I along with my clients arrived at this hotel a few days ago.
What was the purpose of your last visit?
They were visting our new factory and attending meetings in our offices.
What do/did you like about the hotel?
The hotel has a convenient location for our company and is close to the airport, shopping
centers... The hotel also has a restaurant and cafe convenient for the needs of guests who
book rooms. The food is very delicious.
Is/Was there anything you aren’t/weren’t happy with?
The room are a little small and sometimes they are not cleaned very well, but the price is too
Would you recommend us?

I would highly recommend this hotel. I will recommend the hotel to everyone.

UNIT 4: Writing An email to confirm

1) Use the information to rewrite the email in a more formal style. (Trang 46+128)

Dear John,
This is to confirm our meeting at 11 a.m. next Wednesday. It will take place at our factory in
Milan. The meeting will last until 12.30. I would like to invite you to stay for lunch after the
meeting. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
I very much look forward to meeting you on Wednesday.
Kind regards,

2) Use the information to write email reply confirming arrangements. (Trang 46+128)

Dear Mr Contini,
Thank you for your email. I am delighted to confirm that I am able to attend the meeting
with you at your factory in Milan. Unfortunately, I am unable to stay for lunch after the
meeting because I have a flight to Australia in the afternoon. Could you book a taxi to take
me from your factory to Milan Linate Airport, please?
I look forward to our meeting on Wednesday.
All the best,
John Bankes

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