Annotated Bibliography

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Jaliah Cheyenne Turner

Professor Phillips

Composition 2


Annotated Bibliography

Indeed Editorial Team. “Private Sector: Definition, Role, Key Features and Examples.”

Indeed. 22 Jan 2021,



The summary of this article by Indeed is in the title. This article goes into depth about

what the private sector is and what it entails. For example, it goes into how limited the free

market is government regulated and instead it is managed by an individual, shareholders and/or

partnerships. This article helped me realize the extent of how little the government regulate

private business owners. Also, it helped me conclude that we can provide a great amount of

innovation with more government regulation. We just have not looked to revise the constitution

and all its rules because not doing so benefits those who have made wealth based on this system.

Julian, Jacobs. “Corporate US making consumers pay for inflation.” Official Monetary

and Financial Institutions Forum, 1 June 2022.


Profit maximizing corporations that have a better advantage of selling basic humans

needs have begun to greedily shed the burden of higher prices of goods and material on to the

consumers. Jacobs has successfully interviewed a chief executive officer of a food company
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where the man basically admitted to raising prices ‘just because they can’. The claims that are

made about corporate profit are born from data that shows that although we had an economic

downturn of the century when the pandemic hit, non-finance US companies are recording their

highest profits since the 1950’s. I also find myself agreeing with Julian Jacobs with his idea that

the government should make more of an effort to regulate corporation greed, especially during

economic shocks.

Morrow, Allison and Goodkind, Nicole. “Inflation, explained: Why prices keep going up

and who’s to blame.” CNN Business, 14 August 2022.

This article explains what inflation is, which is in short, an influx of prices of virtually all

goods. Inflation is a normal part of how an economy runs, even a socialist economy experiences

inflation, but there are moments when inflation can become dangerous. Not only are the rising

prices a concern for all but the mentality when an inflation period is present of “I will buy more

today because it may be more in the future”, can carry on the inflation for an extended period as

well. This source helps with my paper because it helps me understand that inflation is mainly

high demand plus limited supply plus production delays. This begs the questions that if there was

more government regulation would the production delays be handled in the benefit of the


Tejvan, Pettinger. “Pros and cons of capitalism.” Economic Help, 20 October 2019,

This source gives me great insight on what route I think would be best for the route I

want my research paper to go. Pettinger goes over the pros of capitalism such as efficiency that a

free market can breed and innovation which both can lead to extreme economic growth. He also
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explains the cons of capitalism which can lead to monopolization of many markets, the

inequalities of wealth distribution and that social benefit (without incentives) can be ignored.

One huge take away I got from this article is that while capitalism has proved to be a benefit to

many, as society develops and new times come, capitalisms cons are beginning to outweigh its

pros. This is my ‘why’ questions that I have not added into my thesis quite yet.

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