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Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

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Blockchain in operations management and manufacturing: Potential

and barriers
Jacob Lohmer *, Rainer Lasch
Technische Universität Dresden, Chair of Business Management, esp. Logistics, Münchner Platz 1-3, 01062 Dresden, Germany


Keywords: Transparency, visibility, and disintermediation are some of the prospects of the aspiring blockchain technology
Blockchain technology in the business-to-business context. The digital transformation and Industry 4.0 trends also facilitate blockchain
Production networks applications in operations management (OM) and manufacturing. However, scientific contributions and suc­
Distributed manufacturing
cessful industrial applications in this area are still scarce and mainly at a proof-of-concept stage. The empirical
Industry 4.0
Case study
research in this article is based on an expert interview study to uncover and analyse the potential and barriers to
Digital manufacturing the adoption of blockchain technology in OM and manufacturing from within the industry. Semi-structured
interviews with industry experts are employed to elaborate on promising practices for the industry to effi­
ciently promote blockchain adoption and meaningful research directions for scholars. Findings include unex­
plored potential regarding distributed production networks and collaboration, expected evolutionary steps of
IoT, disintermediation leading to new business models like tokenisation, and short-term rather than long-term
relationships. Current barriers include staff difficulties, legal uncertainties, missing infrastructure and stand­
ardisation, and unclear governance structures. Improving smart contract security and interoperability of private
and public protocols will enable further dissemination of the technology. Managers and academic scholars can
address these findings and new propositions of this study in future application development and implementation.

1. Introduction technology itself verifies confidence in the network with immutable

transaction records and decentralised governance (Mougayar, 2016;
Operations management (OM), the activity of managing assets Swan, 2015; Tapscott & Tapscott, 2018).
dedicated to the manufacturing and supply of products and services When business began to perceive blockchain as an interesting tech­
(Slack, Chambers, & Johnston, 2010), has seen several technologies nology, the focus was set on the financial sector due to the capabilities of
disrupt the industry in light of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry the distributed ledger to store various monetary and non-monetary as­
4.0 (Hofmann & Rüsch, 2017; Xu, Xu, & Li, 2018). The Internet of sets (Cole, Stevenson, & Aitken, 2019). Some use cases followed in SCM,
Things (IoT), big data analytics, and cloud manufacturing impact the but the area of OM and manufacturing has not been considered in-depth
economic, social, and political factors that drive enterprise operations to date (Angrish, Craver, Hasan, & Starly, 2018). At the same time, the
globally (Ferdows, 2018; Rossit, Tohmé, & Frutos, 2019). Almost all manufacturing industry is developing fast and there are many contexts
sectors and most companies still rely on centralized information tech­ in light of the digital transformation, in which blockchain technology
nology systems to store and manage data, most of which are not real- could be meaningful. Factories and machines can be connected using
time capable and are vulnerable to attacks in various ways. One of the blockchain platforms to enable automated value-adding processes. Big
technologies with the potential for a substantial disruption in OM, data generated from IoT devices can be analysed by connected partners
manufacturing, and supply chain management (SCM) is blockchain to gain deeper insights into production processes and enhance quality
technology, a technology based on decentralisation, transparency, and and risk management. Digital thread mitigation, e.g. in additive
visibility (Swan, 2015; Tapscott & Tapscott, 2018; Wang, Han et al., manufacturing as well as production and maintenance tracking next to
2019). Blockchain can be perceived as a trustless system since no entity using smart contracts to trade machine data and certify products are just
has to rely on the trustworthiness of a specific counterpart. The some opportunities that manufacturers in different industries could

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Lohmer), (R. Lasch).
Received 6 March 2020; Received in revised form 16 July 2020; Accepted 25 August 2020
Available online 31 August 2020
0360-8352/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

tackle in blockchain applications (Chang, Iakovou, & Shi, 2019; Pai combining advanced computing systems and coordination strategies
et al., 2018). Although the prospective potentials are recognised (Chang et al., 2019; Durugbo, 2016; Rodríguez Monroy & Vilana Arto,
throughout the industry, there are few publications or reports on the 2010; Tuma, 1998). Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are
successful application of the technology (Babich & Hilary, 2020; Blos­ promising techniques for collaboration as they enable real-time con­
sey, Eisenhardt, & Hahn, 2019). There seems to be a lack of clarity about sultations and dynamic data sharing in collaborative environments.
the specific potential of the technology, with barriers to its successful Production flexibility and product quality can be improved through
implementation persisting in industry. So far, hardly any research goes collaboration using VR or AR systems (Chryssolouris, Mavrikios, Pappas,
beyond a conceptual consideration of potentials and barriers. Recently, Xanthakis, & Smparounis, 2009; De Souza Cardoso, Mariano, & Zorzal,
academic literature has called for an assessment of blockchain tech­ 2020). Other key concepts like cloud manufacturing are commonly used
nology within OM strategies and principles to establish a solid theoret­ to ensure that the required data structure for these networks is available
ical foundation for the literature on blockchain and to enable a quickly and cost-effectively (Helo, Suorsa, Hao, & Anussornnitisarn,
structured process of knowledge generation (Babich & Hilary, 2020; 2014; Li, Barenji, & Huang, 2018; Yang, Shi, & Zhang, 2014). Instead of
Ferdows, 2018). In particular, there is a need for empirical evidence on former production-oriented architectures that focus on manufacturing
implementation challenges and potential use cases in OM and physical products efficiently, cloud manufacturing promotes service-
manufacturing (Cole et al., 2019; Pournader, Shi, Seuring, & Koh, 2020). oriented manufacturing, as services in the production process like
This paper intends to address the lack of empirical insights in manufacturing, assembly, testing, maintenance or logistics can be
research and practice by exploring the challenges and potentials of sourced on-demand (Ren, Zhang, Wang, Tao, & Chai, 2017). Commu­
blockchain technology in OM and manufacturing through an empirical nication between companies collaborating in production networks is
study. To stimulate future research, we put forward several propositions essential to enable a high system performance. However, cloud systems
based on the results of this study and a comparison with the literature. and most implementations of technologies like VR or AR follow the
The paper specifically addresses the following research questions: paradigm of central system architecture - making data available with the
help of an intermediary. Alongside the resulting dependence on the
RQ1. What is the perceived potential of blockchain technology in OM intermediary, central architectures face problems such as data security
and manufacturing? (centralised point of vulnerability) and trust concerning data corruption
RQ2. What barriers are currently preventing common applications of (Casino, Dasaklis, & Patsakis, 2019; Makhdoom, 2019). Existing
blockchain technology in OM and manufacturing? decentralised approaches that are used to tackle the issues of centralised
RQ3. What practices are promising for companies to move forward systems, such as multi-agent architectures or peer-to-peer networks
with their blockchain efforts and which topics require support from (Rossit et al., 2019; Wang, Wan, Zhang, Li, & Zhang, 2016), often lack
the scientific community? transparency, leading to a certain reluctance from industry to invest the
required efforts in these systems (Li et al., 2018). So far, no technology
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 pro­ has been able to combine the idea of decentralisation with data security
vides the reader with a concise insight into current developments in OM and immutability at acceptable costs and implementation effort. The
and manufacturing, the principles of blockchain technology, and comparatively new blockchain technology could be a viable alternative
blockchain applications in OM and manufacturing to date. Section 3 here.
then introduces the research methods, followed by Section 4, where the
findings of the empirical study are presented and propositions are 2.2. Blockchain technology
developed based on the comparison of the findings of the empirical
study with the scientific literature. Section 5 provides managers and Blockchain represents a distributed ledger that is stored decentrally
academic research with implications on how to adapt to the changing as a single record of data in blocks on network nodes. It was first
environment and actively shape the future trends that were identified. introduced in 2008 in the Bitcoin white paper (Nakamoto, 2008) as the
Besides, the gap analysis highlights the domains where academia and protocol for processing transactions in the network. The communication
experts have different focuses in order to promote better cooperation. In occurs among geographically dispersed nodes in a peer-to-peer network
Section 6, the paper is concluded with discussions and a short outlook on through transactions and elements of cryptography. The immutable and
further research opportunities. complete ledger is replicated between all participants in the network.
Each node can synchronise data and propagate transactions that are
2. Theoretical background issued for every communication event and typically consists of a sender
and receiver addresses, the message data, and signatures (Swan, 2015;
2.1. Recent trends in operations management and manufacturing Tapscott & Tapscott, 2018). The transactions are recorded in lists and
stored in blocks with a hash pointer to reference the previous block, as
In a broader context, the term Industry 4.0 in OM and manufacturing well as an immutable timestamp. A chronological chain of blocks is
represents a transition towards a more flexible design of production established in this way. The ledger is protected by strong means of
processes (Xu et al., 2018). In decentralised architectures, autonomous cryptography, including private keys to sign transactions, hash functions
devices can use real-time information and interact directly as cyber- to link blocks, and consensus mechanisms to ensure irreversibility
physical systems (CPS) (Rossit et al., 2019; Tao, Cheng, Zhang, & Nee, (Bahga & Madisetti, 2016; Wang, Shen et al., 2019; Zheng, Xie, Dai,
2017). CPS combine hardware and software properties, have a unique Chen, & Wang, 2018). For the first time, organisations of all kinds can
identity, and can communicate with their environment in the smart communicate and exchange data securely with other organisations they
manufacturing concept (Bartsch, Neidhardt, Nüttgens, Holland, & do not need to trust, without having to use an intermediary.
Kompf, 2018). Big data and its analytics are related to volume, variety, As the system is organised in a decentralised manner, coordination
veracity, value, and velocity of data; data features that will all increase has to be achieved on the current state of the ledger and the transactions
in future operations (Brinch, 2018; Niesen, Houy, Fettke, & Loos, 2016; have to be added to the next block. In a blockchain system, this is
Wang, Gunasekaran, Ngai, & Papadopoulos, 2016). Machines and parts accomplished by a consensus mechanism. Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-
in production will no longer require human control to interact in the Stake, Proof-of-Authority, or variations of Byzantine Fault Tolerance
short term (Rossit et al., 2019). These innovations facilitate a trend to algorithms are commonly employed consensus mechanisms (Angrish
form and join virtual and collaborative production networks with mul­ et al., 2018; Makhdoom, 2019). The choice of a consensus mechanism
tiple partners. Production networks are often set up in distributed depends on the inherent design of the blockchain. Permissionless, per­
manufacturing as a reaction to the increasing global competition, missioned, and hybrid versions (consortium blockchains) can be

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

Table 1
Blockchain features, influencing factors and their relevance to OM and manufacturing.
Blockchain features Influencing factors of the technology Relevance to OM & manufacturing

Immutability and Cryptographic measures Immutability leads to enhanced auditability as data is available unalterable and secure, this is
Security also vital for potential legal disputes
E-based rather than paper-based transactions enhance the security of data transactions
through cryptography

Transparency Full history record, real-time transactions, redundancy Real-time processing enables a significant improvement in transparency for all parties
and decentralisation Simultaneous, autonomous access by all partners increases agility
The decentralized system eliminates the single point of failure

Disintermediation Decentralisation, no central authority Cost reduction through direct peer-to-peer exchange
New governance structures are feasible - less dependency, equality of partners

Irreversibility Consensus mechanism, cryptographic measures Consensus mechanism reduces opportunism

Solid commitments are legally verifiable

Automation Smart contract functionality Automatic transfer of data and payments lead to cost reduction and enhanced IoT capabilities

distinguished. In terms of decentralisation and equality, permissionless papers on blockchain applications in SCM or OM (Blossey et al., 2019;
blockchains perform best (Christidis & Devetsikiotis, 2016). Each entity Chang et al., 2019; Gurtu & Johny, 2019; Helo & Hao, 2019; Wang, Han
can join the network and participate in transactions and mining activ­ et al., 2019). Scientific efforts in OM and manufacturing that are rele­
ities pseudonymously. Permissioned chains (also called private) are vant for this study are discussed in the following. Most empirical studies
more efficient regarding transaction costs and speed but are centrally on blockchain technology focused on SCM, so we also highlight some of
managed and therefore limited in their ability to guarantee equality and the findings of these studies:
decentralised governance. A permissioned chain will always have to Qualitative research has provided some insights from industry, e.g.
compete with a regular database that serves the same purpose and in barriers to adoption in different contexts: Petersen, Hackius, and von See
many cases will be more efficient and cost-effective (Wang, Singgih (2018) indicated regulatory uncertainty and collaboration issues as
et al., 2019). Hybrid versions, mainly consortium blockchains, combine prevailing barriers from a survey of SC managers and added techno­
features of permissionless and permissioned chains and offer decen­ logical usability issues in a recent study (Hackius & Petersen, 2020). A
tralisation, stable transaction costs, and fast transaction speeds (Buterin, sensemaking study with SC employees by Wang, Singgih et al. (2019)
2015). indicated issues related to confidence, cultural conditions, governance,
Apart from the use of cryptocurrencies in transactions, smart con­ information-sharing reluctance, lack of standardisation, and security.
tracts are the blockchain feature with probably the most transformative Lacity and Khan (2019) identified general challenges in implementing
functionality for OM, manufacturing, and supply chains (SC) (Wang, enterprise blockchain applications: competing standards, governance
Han et al., 2019). A smart contract is a computerised transaction pro­ models, intellectual property concerns, espionage risks, and regulatory
tocol that automatically executes if the terms of the specified contract uncertainty. Biswas and Gupta (2019) indicated that scalability,
are met. Contract clauses can be embedded in scripting languages (like transaction-level risks, and market-based risks are important. Kurpju­
Python or Solidity) to execute blockchain functions (Bahga & Madisetti, weit, Schmidt, Klöckner, and Wagner (2019) investigated blockchain in
2016; Hyperledger, 2020; Szabo, 1997). Smart contracts are trusted additive manufacturing where interoperability of different systems, lack
applications that are set up with a unique address and can be triggered of technical expertise, labour market availability, and governance are
by a transaction to this address matching the specified criteria of the common barriers. Studies on the behaviour related to the adaptation of
smart contract. The smart contract then executes autonomously, and the blockchain were performed by Queiroz and Fosso Wamba (2019) and
state variables change according to internal logic. Depending on the Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Arha (2019).
specific use case, smart contracts can either be partially or fully self- Another part of the scientific literature focuses more on the technical
executing or self-enforcing (Weber, Xu, Riveret, Governatori, Pono­ perspective in manufacturing: Bartsch et al. (2018) developed a secure
marev, & Mendling, 2016). An essential characteristic of smart contracts additive manufacturing platform to license products on a blockchain
is their inherent immutability. Contractual conditions can be satisfied automatically with ensured data protection and traceability. Angrish
with reduced costs and no time delays (Kim & Laskowski, 2017). As et al. (2018) presented a blockchain testbed platform to share logs of
smart contracts represent an essential feature for future blockchain ap­ machine events via smart contracts in a permissioned network. Li et al.
plications, they are examined in more detail concerning OM and (2018) suggested a combination of cloud manufacturing and blockchain.
manufacturing in Section 4.1.4. Kobzan et al. (2018) investigated issues regarding Industry 4.0 networks
In addition to the opportunities of increasing efficiency through and concluded that throughput, time-sensitivity, and bandwidth uti­
automation utilising smart contracts, other properties of blockchain lisation are vital factors. Lohmer (2019) presented a concept to share
applications should be highlighted. These include increased availability, and schedule resources in distributed manufacturing networks utilising
disintermediation, instant asset tracking, direct peer-to-peer communi­ blockchain technology. Longo, Nicoletti, Padovano, d’Atri, and Forte
cation, reliable data origin, short transaction times at low costs, and (2019) connected a blockchain to an enterprise information system to
reduced risks like opportunism (Lacity & Khan, 2019; Makhdoom, 2019; share data among the SC partners and assessed the suitability in a
Wang, Han et al., 2019). Table 1 should be read from left to right as it simulation model. Meyer, Kuhn, and Hartmann (2019) conceptually
demonstrates the most important features of blockchain, the influencing developed a blockchain-enabled physical internet framework. Helo and
factors of the technology, and the relevance of these features to OM and Hao (2019) designed a reference implementation of a blockchain-based
manufacturing (Cole et al., 2019; Babich & Hilary, 2020; Pournader logistics monitoring system, where knowledge issues, uncertainty and
et al., 2020). scalability were blocking points for further implementation. Bürer, de
Lapparent, Pallotta, Capezzali, and Carpita (2019) provided an assess­
2.3. Specific use cases and applications in operations management and ment of potential use cases for blockchain architectures in the energy
manufacturing industry. Lee, Azamfar, and Singh (2019) presented a three-level
blockchain architecture for cyber-physical production systems. Bai,
Recent reviews accumulated only limited numbers of scientific Hu, Liu, and Wang (2019) set a similar focus and developed a blockchain

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

Table 2
Research opportunities for scholars studying blockchain technology in OM, SCM, and manufacturing.
Research opportunities Literature source

Comparison with other technologies for the digital transformation of OM, SCM, and Cole et al. (2019)
Empirical evidence on implementation challenges and efficient measures for implementation Cole et al. (2019), Hughes et al. (2019), Pournader et al.(2020)
Assessment of the impact of “trustless operation” on supply chain relationships and dynamics Cole et al. (2019), Pournader et al.(2020), Saberi et al. (2019), Wang, Han et al.
Assessment of blockchain impact on SCM and OM theory Cole et al. (2019)
Case study to investigate technology integration in SCM operations Cole et al. (2019), Pournader et al.(2020)
Assessment of blockchain impact on opportunism, governance structures and disintermediation Cole et al. (2019), Saberi et al. (2019), Wang, Han et al. (2019)
in SCM
Examination of cryptocurrencies and supply chain finance Pournader et al. (2020), Wang, Han et al. (2019)
Assessment of economic and ecological sustainability through blockchain use Hughes et al. (2019), Saberi et al. (2019), Wang, Han et al. (2019)

platform for the industrial IoT. Leng et al. (2019) recently presented this research gap and explore barriers and unexploited potential in OM
ManuChain, a combination of blockchain and digital twins for decen­ and manufacturing through an empirical study.
tralized, self-organised manufacturing.
Apart from science, there is a multitude of industry initiatives and 3. Research method
proofs-of-concept to date, only a few of which we would like to highlight
here briefly. Maersk is working with IBM on digitalising global trade The contribution of this study is two-fold. Besides the intention to
activities and paperless trade in a project called TradeLens (TradeLens, uncover the inherent potential of blockchain for OM and manufacturing,
2019). Projects in OM and manufacturing include SAMPL (Bartsch et al., existing barriers in the industry will be highlighted. Besides, managers
2018) as a chain of trust for additive manufacturing and secure data from industry and scholars are provided with guidance on how to pro­
sharing or Cubichain Technologies that also focuses on the additive ceed with adoption and research on blockchain technology. The
manufacturing industry (Cubichain, 2020). IoT related projects were e. empirical study, as the basis of this research, consists of semi-structured
g. initiated by the Bosch Group and IOTA (Bosch, 2020). Other projects interviews with experts from industry and academia and is described in
were launched in the areas of trade finance, data security, social impact the following.
(fair trade), inventory management, and real-time auditing - for a
detailed list of blockchain projects see Cole et al. (2019), Wang, Han
et al. (2019), or Chang et al. (2019). 3.1. Interview approach
On top of these promising initiatives, several industry surveys
revealed that manufacturing and OM are perceived as the most prom­ Qualitative research facilitates an in-depth and comprehensive
ising areas for blockchain adoption by the industry (Staufen AG, 2018; perspective on complex and diverse phenomena. It is a widely used
Pai et al., 2018). The digital transformation and the connection of fac­ methodology to study novel technologies and their implementation in
tories, machines, and CPS enable automated value-adding processes that the industry (e.g. Biswas & Gupta, 2019; Kamble et al., 2019; Moktadir,
can be securely deployed on blockchain platforms. Big data generated Ali, Paul, & Shukla, 2019; Wang, Singgih et al., 2019). Research on
from IoT devices can be analysed accordingly to facilitate deep insights current advances in the application of blockchain in OM and
into production processes and enhanced quality and risk management. manufacturing and persisting barriers is still scarce. The case study
Supplier contract management, digital thread mitigation, as well as research approach provides a targeted methodology to enable theory
production and maintenance tracking are some opportunities that building and affirmation from empirical evidence (Eisenhardt, 1989).
manufacturers would like to pursue in future applications (Chang et al., An inductive approach was used to facilitate the generation of theory in
2019; Pai et al., 2018). Identity management of machines and sensors, the emerging field of blockchain technology (Eisenhardt & Graebner,
implementation and execution of smart contracts to trade machine data 2007; Strauss & Corbin, 1994). The term case study is a controversial
and the certification of products using the blockchain are further plau­ issue in the scientific literature. This study refers to it as the individual
sible applications. However, the majority of companies actively interviews are considered as cases that are evaluated both individually
involved in blockchain projects still deal with accounting or financial and across cases (Yin, 2018). Documents and presentations provided by
applications exclusively (Gentemann, 2019). Lack of awareness seems to the interviewees were used for triangulation. The research procedure
still be an issue, as most professionals have not yet fully grasped the followed the steps in the roadmap of Eisenhardt (1989) to ensure rele­
technology or consider it too complex to understand and apply. Legal vant and rigorous research. The first step was the definition of research
uncertainties also persist in mechanical and systems engineering questions and the setting of the research focus.
(Staufen AG, 2018). The case selection was initiated by a search for companies and start-
This short overview of existing scientific and practical efforts on ups that offer blockchain solutions for business clients in OM or
blockchain technology demonstrates that the potential of blockchain for manufacturing and consulting firms publicly promoting blockchain
OM and manufacturing is estimated to be quite high but still uncertain. technology. Academic experts with research projects in OM and
Recently published reviews and viewpoint papers by Cole et al. (2019), manufacturing or related areas were also examined. The start-ups rep­
Hughes et al. (2019), Pournader et al. (2020), Saberi, Kouhizadeh, resented by some of the interview partners in the study deal with
Sarkis, and Shen (2019), and Wang, Han et al. (2019) have indicated tracking & tracing solutions, linking IoT and blockchain through sensors
various areas that require further research, which are summarised in and clients as well as the setup and management of production networks
Table 2. with smart contract capabilities. All start-ups have been active in the
Although first research findings show how blockchain technology market for at least three years and are consolidated in their business
can be implemented and used in OM and manufacturing, barriers appear segment. The focus was deliberately placed on interview partners with
to persist that prevent a broad application in practice. Cole et al. (2019), experience in the field of blockchain and a diversified field of activities
Pournader et al. (2020), and Hughes et al. (2019) also emphasise a need that deal with different entities in project work. Therefore, in the course
for empirical evidence on implementation challenges and efficient of the study, we refer to the interview partners as experts. By inter­
application measures from the industry. This paper intends to address viewing experts instead of individual employees, we enable an evalua­
tion of how the industry in general assesses the technology (Scapolo &

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

Miles, 2006). Studies with employees are just as important to identify addition to the transcribed data, one of the researchers took notes during
the specific potentials and barriers in individual cases - we address this the interviews. These were included in the data set for analysis and
issue in the academic research implications below. The experts all work interpretation, as were documents provided by the experts. The inter­
with a multitude of companies from different sectors of the view analysis software MAXQDA was utilised for transcription, coding,
manufacturing industry and are therefore able to provide a more and analysis of the interview data. The qualitative content analysis by
differentiated picture of the industry than a survey of employees from Mayring (2015) provides a rule-based, systematic procedure to assure
individual companies would allow (Dew, Read, Sarasvathy, & Wiltbank, general acknowledgement of research and the validity and reliability of
2009). Individual industrial companies were thus not included in the results obtained. The first analysis iteration consisted of a line-by-line
study. Theoretical sampling was used to assure a case selection likely to text analysis of each interview to extract codes and main categories
extend the emergent theory (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007). Experts for the codes (Mayring, 2015). In accordance with the questions asked,
were selected based on position and responsibility in project work, several categories for the coding of the text sections emerged, which
experience in the field, and willingness to participate in the empirical were then used similarly for all interviews (Eisenhardt, 1989). The
study (Bokrantz, Skoogh, Berlin, & Stahre, 2017). Interviews were within-case analysis was combined with searches for cross-case patterns
conducted with ten industry experts, after which theoretical saturation to generate general impressions and insights rather than personal im­
was reached, i.e. few new insights were generated by new interviewees pressions (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 2018). The iterative process of data
(Guest, Bunce, & Johnson, 2006). The sample size is well in line with the analysis consisted of a first phase, which was used to identify the po­
consistent approach of well-grounded qualitative research that allows tential of blockchain as a technology in OM and manufacturing, but also
researchers to obtain rich empirical data from a limited number of the technological barriers recognised by the experts. In a second phase,
sources (Guest et al., 2006; Patton, 2015; Yin, 2018). statements were accumulated that could be attributed to an outlook for
For the reasons given above, the explanatory value of the ten in­ future applications, hints for targeted development and utilisation of
terviews clearly exceeds a similar number of interviews with managers blockchain technology, or general recommendations for industry or
from individual industrial companies. To further emphasize this aspect, academic research.
we listed the sectors of the manufacturing industry in which the experts
have already initiated or implemented projects in Table 3. Other char­ 4. Findings
acteristics in Table 3 include the occupation, profile, expertise (clustered
to maintain anonymity) and the experts’ focus area. The interview The experts all expressed their general belief that blockchain tech­
design followed a semi-structured approach to allow for flexibility to nology if utilised correctly and sensibly, could have a decisive influence
adapt to specific but unknown circumstances (Yin, 2018). The experts on various processes and business models in OM and manufacturing. All
(all working in Europe) were interviewed confidentially via telephone or experts have worked or are working on concepts and implementations of
video calls. On average, the detailed survey of the experts lasted about blockchain in the manufacturing domain. For this purpose, several
45 min, with a resulting data set of over 100 pages of transcribed text. platforms and protocols are used, including Ethereum, EOS, IOTA and
The interview questions were slightly modified for the different experts, Hyperledger Fabric. While some of the experts predict a slow but steady
and the full interview guidelines can be found in Appendix 1. In order to spread and use of the technology, others compare the current situation
clarify open issues after the first interview, occasionally several rounds to the internet in the early 1990s. The statements made by the experts
of interviews were conducted with the individual experts. As over­ revealed a multitude of different potentials and barriers, which are
lapping data analysis and collection is useful to speed up analysis and explained in more detail in the following subsections.
adjust the following data collection, this strategy was applied. The
specific approach for data analysis is detailed in the next section. 4.1. Potential of blockchain technology for operations management and
3.2. Data analysis
Existing work in the field of OM and manufacturing used conceptual
The interview data were analysed in an iterative way to uncover both analyses to point out the potentials of the technology (Babich & Hilary,
the improvement potential and the perceived barriers in blockchain 2020; Cole et al., 2019). In contrast, in the following subchapters, the
adoption. All interviews were recorded and then transcribed word-for- potential of blockchain is presented as it is perceived in the industry. The
word to obtain accurate and complete empirical data (Yin, 2018). In findings can be clustered in several categories: In addition to the ability

Table 3
Participants of the expert interviews.
ID Industry/ Profile Experience Focus area Sectors/Industries
occupation (years)

A Start-up CEO 15–20 Supply Chain, Manufacturing Mechanical and plant engineering, food & beverage,
B Technology Senior consultant 5–10 Banking, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Automotive, shipping, aviation, pharmaceutical,
consulting mechanical and plant engineering
C Technology Consultant, PhD in 5–10 Provenance, Economy of things Automotive, insurance industry
consulting Information systems
D Software provider Project manager 10–15 Digital Transformation Additive manufacturing, aviation, microelectronics,
E Management Senior consultant 10–15 Manufacturing, Supply Chain and more Additive manufacturing, mechanical and plant
consulting engineering, pharmaceutical, energy
F Software provider Consultant 5–10 Manufacturing, Supply Chain and more Pharmaceutical, food & beverage, mechanical and
plant engineering
G Academia PhD in IT law 10–15 Financial payments Not specified
H Start-up CTO 10–15 Supply Chain, Manufacturing Pharmaceutical, chemical, food & beverage,
cosmetics, electronics
I Blockchain Senior consultant 15–20 Finance, Certificate management, Printing and publishing, shipping, transportation
consulting Predictive maintenance and more equipment industry
J Start-up Project manager 5–10 Economy of things Automotive, energy, electrical engineering

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

to efficiently facilitate network establishment and enable secure between blockchain and IoT. Particularly in connection with smart
communication in the network, there are several potential applications contracts, applications in the production environment that are related to
for linking blockchain and IoT. Various new business models are autonomy are predestined for the connection of IoT and blockchain.
conceivable with blockchain in place. Smart contracts represent a Machines can interact autonomously and initiate the next process steps
crucial feature in this context. Fig. 1 summarizes the identified potential or request maintenance measures based on collected sensor data, for
of blockchain technology for OM and manufacturing. instance. Products with IoT features like autonomous driving cars may
pay for parking tickets or charging processes independently using
4.1.1. Efficient development of new networks in operations management cryptocurrencies and built-in blockchain clients (interviewee J). The
and manufacturing paradox of today, where each IoT system is set up and operated inde­
In general, the experts agreed that blockchain has the most signifi­ pendently but is expected to communicate with all other IoT systems
cant potential in areas where different business partners have access to without sharing any critical data, can be solved using blockchain tech­
the same data. Especially the concept of production networks and the nology. As trust is generally low and the risk of data leaks and data
establishment of new networks can be optimally supported by block­ manipulation prevails, a secure peer-to-peer connection is essential. In
chain. Companies no longer compete against individual competitors in an open blockchain system, the IoT devices can exchange data and trade
their industry but have to compete against other networks on a global autonomously without the need for mutual trust and without relying on
scale. Blockchain technology could lead to a breakthrough here. Instead a central cloud service provider.
of connecting all partners to a central IT or cloud system as in the cloud Blockchain profits from its ability to handle several elements that are
manufacturing concept, blockchain enables trustworthy collaboration in required in the IoT context: identification, communication, payment,
a peer-to-peer, decentralised production network. The experts repeat­ and documentation. Gathering IoT data securely and transparently also
edly emphasised this point and mentioned transparency (interviewees C, supports the tokenisation of assets, one of the perceived new business
D, I) and equality in the network (interviewees A, I), disintermediation models related to blockchain technology. Expert A also noted that
(interviewees D, F), and trustworthy collaboration (interviewees C, F, I) linking the blockchain to the physical world in the manufacturing
as crucial features that blockchain facilitates in the networking of environment is more relaxed than in the financial world, for example.
companies: The pressure of full decentralisation is not as intense as there is always a
link to the physical world (IoT device) and the actual order has to be
The idea is to shift competition from company against company to
manufactured in reality, with expertise that is not shared on the
network against network. It then makes more sense for all participants.
blockchain. The IoT area is still open and well suited for blockchain-
Then they use these advantages that they get, e.g., when they share pro­
based use cases with the ability to test sensible implementation, as no
duction data or capacity data, optimise their production processes, have
standard has developed yet. Companies may benefit from a pioneering
an advantage as a network or as a value chain, e.g., cost savings as they
role if they can create solutions that are capable of handling real
can plan better, but also share the advantages (Interviewee F).
transactions and exploit all the advantages of IoT devices (interviewee
Instead of a central authority managing the network and thus seizing D).
power, the experts are confident that decentralisation is the way for­
ward. The collaborative networks can operate in a highly automated 4.1.3. New business models based on blockchain
fashion using smart contracts. Data can be selectively and securely According to the experts, new business models are emerging in a
exchanged between partners. Resulting benefits, such as increased effi­ variety of areas. One model with possibly the highest impact is con­
ciency and cost reduction, can be shared in the network. These advan­ cerned with the tokenisation of assets, as mentioned above. Instead of
tages might even enable direct competitors to work together more having to procure an asset entirely, tokenisation allows any physical
closely and intensify communication. goods to be divided and purchased in part by investors or shared in the
network (interviewees A, D, H, I). This offers excellent application
4.1.2. Linking blockchain technology and IoT possibilities as tokenisation can be designed efficiently via the block­
All interview partners emphasised the beneficial relationship chain, is transparent for all parties, and can be easily automated. The
connection with IoT devices may contribute to the usage recording of

Potential of
adoption in OM &

Enhanced Linking blockchain Smart contract

New business models
collaboration and IoT implementation

Decentralisation Autonomy Disintermediation improvement

Trust in participants Tokenization of Connection with

Communication between
and data assets tokens
different IoT protocols

Network operator
Equality in


Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the potentials of blockchain adoption in OM and manufacturing.

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

assets and enable sophisticated pay-per-use models (interviewees A, H). throughout the industry and involve high transaction costs (in­
Considering a production network that shares production capacity: Each terviewees D and F). Beneficial for the application of smart contracts is
partner could, for example, purchase parts of a machine asset, which in the connection of tokens with the complete ecosystem, but also that
turn represent a claim for machine capacity in the upcoming months. smart contracts work well without cryptocurrencies, a statement
The statements of the experts are consistent with the literature in this confirmed in the literature (Szabo, 1997).
context (e.g., Lohmer, 2019). When scheduled, the IoT device incorpo­
rated in the machine tracks the process of use. The wear and tear of the 4.1.5. Criticism and comparison to other technologies
machine are automatically calculated and charged against the remain­ Several interviewees (B, F, G, I) stated that it is critical to understand
ing balance of the network partner (expert A). A comparable model that blockchain is just one technology that can contribute to the wide­
would be conceivable for CO2 certificate trading in the energy industry spread utilisation of Industry 4.0 applications in combination with other
(expert J). technologies. Blockchain is certainly not a panacea for all issues in the
The new networks create an additional business area for companies business context. However, dealing with blockchain allows enterprises
intending to operate the network. The tasks of setting up the network, to recognise and fully utilise the potential of already digital processes
connecting the partners, and providing computing capacity are and procedures. In many cases, blockchain may also provide an initial
compensated by the possibility of profiting from transaction fees (in­ opportunity for companies to engage in digital transformation as the
terviewees D, E, F). Further new business opportunities could emerge in experts indicated:
the field of disintermediation. Decentralised platforms that are modelled
For many companies, blockchain is actually the first form of a digital
like AirBnB or Uber, but customer-to-customer based, would be an
transformation that they can and like to achieve. So there is not neces­
exciting option here. Alternatively, a lot of potential can still be lever­
sarily a lot of additional added value in the blockchain, but it is simply the
aged with the existing providers of sharing economy solutions (Tasca,
digitisation of basic processes and information (Interviewee D).
2018). Integration based on standardised blockchain elements across the
platforms may generate added value. In the context of future smart However, mainly larger companies are developing blockchain solu­
production, interviewee E suggested a general change from individual tions and doing so on top of already existing digital processes. There is
factories that produce singularly for a company to contract manufac­ an inevitable trade-off between benefits and risks in this regard. On the
turers that provide capacities that can be used by all partners in the one hand, digital transformation is a force that affects all companies and
network (like foundries in semiconductor manufacturing). blockchain can act as a gateway technology that triggers digital trans­
formation processes. On the other hand, there are alternatives for many
4.1.4. Smart contracts processes that may be better suited than blockchain due to cost aspects,
Smart contracts are an essential feature of blockchain technology for real-time requirements etc. These can be traditional databases or cloud-
process efficiency and automation. None of the experts has set up or based systems, for example. Expert D recommended that the benefits of a
operates a system capable of leveraging this functionality productively. blockchain solution must be assessed accurately and in detail for each
Nevertheless, experts B, C, D, E, F, H, and I agreed that smart contracts process:
are very promising and will be crucial for the potential efficiency gains
in the industry. These statements confirm the results of the SC study by I believe many things could be solved alternatively if you were already
Wang, Singgih et al. (2019), which indicated that the industry considers digital. However, many companies are not yet ready to capture these
smart contracts to be more significant than in literature. Experts H and D assets digitally and you could, of course, jump directly to blockchain-
noted that many managers have recognised that smart contracts offer based solutions in the sense of leapfrogging. But of course, this does not
such disruptive potential for critical processes that a certain FOMO have to make sense in every case; in many cases, it is certainly over-en­
(“Fear Of Missing Out”) atmosphere has set in. Companies are afraid of gineering (Interviewee D).
being left behind and are increasingly concerned with the use of smart
contracts for process automation. In the meantime, smart contracts have 4.1.6. Comparison with the literature and research propositions
developed to a level that enables a timely implementation in combina­
In order to elevate research efforts to a new, more focused level, we
tion with IoT (interviewee C). The most significant use of smart con­ identify several research propositions by comparing the results of our
tracts is predicted for highly standardised processes that are similar
study with the existing literature and the theories present. The following

Table 4
Comparison of academic and expert viewpoints on the potential of blockchain for OM and manufacturing.
Subject Academic viewpoint Experts’ viewpoint

Collaboration in • ‘Trustless’ networks will emerge with blockchain applications in productive use • Trust is still necessary to facilitate network establishment and
networks (Christidis & Devetsikiotis, 2016; Kshetri, 2018) operation
• Efficient data sharing in networks is the main advantage of blockchain technology • More flexible relationships between businesses are expected
(Wang, Han et al., 2019; Weber et al., 2016) • Blockchain facilitates new competition among networks rather
than among companies

Blockchain and IoT • The interoperability of blockchain enables secure and real-time payment services • Communication across different IoT systems is a key prospect of
(Christidis & Devetsikiotis, 2016) connecting blockchain and IoT
• High cost of centralized approaches can be avoided (Casino et al., 2019; Christidis & • Autonomous IoT with ensured transparency can truly be realized
Devetsikiotis, 2016) by blockchain technology

New business • Focus on disintermediation (Lacity & Khan, 2019; Tapscott & Tapscott, 2018; Wang, • Variety of new opportunities, e.g. tokenization of assets, network
models Han et al., 2019) and secure data sharing (Hull, 2017) as the main new business operators, foundry production
models • Disintermediation is also considered to be the most promising

Smart contracts • Smart contracts are perceived as a key feature of the technology (Christidis & • Smart contracts as the most promising feature, vital for efficiency
Devetsikiotis, 2016; Wang, Han et al., 2019; Weber et al., 2016) gains through automation of processes
• Use of smart contracts limits opportunistic behaviour in transactional relationships, • Firms are increasingly interested in using smart contracts for
viable for legal compliance (Schmidt & Wagner, 2019) process automation although practical implementations are still

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

Table 4 highlights the agreements but also the gaps between the views of proposition related to the potentials of the technology:
the experts and the scientific literature that are detailed below.
P4: Blockchain’s transparency and the smart contract functionalities will
Different terms have been proposed in the literature related to the
lead to more flexible, short-term relationships between small and medium-
establishment and operation of networks, e.g., dynamic manufacturing
sized companies in collaborative networks.
networks (Ivanov, Dolgui, Sokolov, Werner, & Ivanova, 2016) or virtual
manufacturing networks (Rodríguez Monroy & Vilana Arto, 2010; Tuma,
1998). Inevitable external influences such as globalisation, cost pres­
4.2. Current barriers to a broader application in industry
sure, and customer demand for fast delivery continue to push companies
to collaborate in networks. Trust is crucial for network management
So far, the findings section has indicated how blockchain technology
(Kwon & Suh, 2004) and can be facilitated using blockchain technology
could change OM and manufacturing, highlighting the features that are
due to its transparency (Fleischmann & Ivens, 2019). It is evident that
perceived as the most essential and beneficial using the feedback of the
collaboration is vital for the efficiency of services and algorithms and
empirical study. Now the second research question is addressed: the
determines the future success of SC and production networks. The ex­
current barriers in OM and manufacturing. The main findings are
perts’ impressions are in line with the latest scientific insights in this
summarised in Fig. 2 and detailed below. The design of Fig. 2 is based on
context (Akyuz & Gursoy, 2019; Ivanov, Dolgui, & Sokolov, 2019).
Saberi et al. (2019) and classifies the barriers into four categories: Intra-
However, the idea of emerging ‘trustless’ networks is not shared by the
organisational barriers occur within the organisation, while inter-
experts, who are more cautious here. The resulting networks, structures,
organisational barriers are concerned with relationships between orga­
and characteristics still need to be efficiently embedded or integrated
nisations and their network partners. Technology barriers are caused by
into existing theories in SCM and OM. This brings us to our first
the technology itself, while external barriers are added from outside by
other affected stakeholders (e.g. society, legal entities, environment).
P1: Blockchain technology enables the efficient setup and operation of This study was able to confirm and substantially extend the barriers
trusted production networks. It could thus make collaboration a more identified in studies on other areas of business economics like finance or
significant and widespread paradigm. SCM (Lacity & Khan, 2019; Petersen et al., 2018).
The current situation in OM and manufacturing regarding block­
Linking blockchain and IoT enables several new business models like chain technology is dominated by a lack of awareness, general scepti­
tokenisation of assets (Babich & Hilary, 2020; Blossey et al., 2019) and a cism regarding trust, transparency and disclosure of crucial company
next step towards the smart factory concept (Wang et al., 2016), where data, missing standards, unclear governance, and regulatory un­
machines and products interact autonomously. Current applications certainties. Other barriers with a specific impact on OM and
lack transparency and interoperability, which could be overcome by manufacturing are competence deficiencies and staff difficulties, tech­
using blockchain to connect entities in a peer-to-peer manner securely. nical silos and missing infrastructure, legal uncertainties of smart con­
Experts and literature share the opinion that the combination of block­ tracts, complex protocol selection and setup as well as the acceptance
chain and IoT could raise both technologies to a new level. Research and use of cryptocurrencies. Some of these barriers have been
questions to be addressed include: How can tokenisation be imple­ acknowledged for Industry 4.0 in general (e.g. Xu et al., 2018; Moeuf
mented? Which type and which amount of IoT data can be efficiently et al., 2019) but are new for OM and manufacturing and will be elabo­
collected and distributed via the blockchain? Hence, we arrive at the rated in more detail below.
second proposition:

P2: Blockchain technology can support the next evolutionary step of in­ 4.2.1. Inter-organizational barriers
dustrial IoT and tokenisation with its secure and immutable transparency. As far as awareness is concerned, there are differences in the way
experts perceive the current situation. While all stress that awareness
Apart from several other opportunities for new business models has increased, especially in the last two years, experts B and F continue
raised by the experts, disintermediation is the most attractive feature of to see awareness as critical. Others (interviewees C, E, G, H, I, J) believe
blockchain, as it could mitigate opportunistic behaviour in collaboration that awareness is now sufficient, but that the significant use cases still
(Wang, Singgih et al., 2019). Opportunism has been shown to be need to be defined at the strategic management level. Large companies,
increasing when intermediaries are present in supply networks (Grover in particular, are implementing blockchain use cases via specifically
& Malhotra, 2003). With the automatic execution of smart contracts and created divisions. These companies are also at the forefront of digital
full transparency of present and historical transactions, blockchain re­ transformation in general terms. Most small- and medium-sized com­
duces opportunism threats. Disintermediation enables peer-to-peer panies, on the other hand, have not even dealt with the topic so far.
trading of services and goods, which opens a new research area Many IT executives have not yet recognised the potential of blockchain.
regarding the remaining role of businesses in this context and the in­ This aspect tends to swing in two directions. On the one hand, managers
fluences on the behaviour of consumers participating in C2C trans­ are not aware of the possible use cases in their industry and the increases
actions. Thus, our third proposition is specified as: in efficiency that could be achieved. On the other hand, many believe
that blockchain is the best solution for every use case. Especially for
P3: Disintermediation through blockchain enables radically new concepts
smart contracts, the conviction prevails that every process can be
of exchanging and trading services and products.
improved disruptively by using smart contracts. However, the phe­
Blockchain technology necessitates new perspectives on theories in nomenon of the law of the instrument – if all you have is a hammer,
different research areas and their combination, as indicated by Saberi everything looks like a nail – (Maslow, 1969) has subsided slightly and the
et al. (2019) and Treiblmaier (2018). Approved theories such as social technology and its potential are now more clearly perceived. For com­
capital theory, the resource-based view of organisations (Barney, 1991), panies without sufficient knowledge, the basic concept and the advan­
and transaction cost theory (Coase, 1937) may not be applicable in their tages of using blockchain technology should nevertheless be further
original form. In modern business, establishing trust is a transaction cost clarified, especially concerning the idea and merits of forming collabo­
itself, and therefore blockchain might lower overall transaction costs rative production networks:
through its transparency and distributed nature (Roeck, Sternberg, &
In this sense, more could be done to further explore and advance this
Hofmann, 2019). Linked to P1 above, the blockchain might lead to
larger idea of blockchain as a network technology, as a step to build cross-
smaller companies interacting on a short-term rather than a long-term
company networks without necessarily having a central authority to
relationship basis (Ivanov et al., 2019). This brings us to our last
control them (Interviewee F).

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

Barriers of blockchain adoption Cryptocurrencies

in OM & manufacturing (acceptance and use)

Inter-organizational barriers Intra-organizational barriers Technology barriers External barriers

Lack of awareness Lack of trust Unclear governance Legal uncertainties

structure (smart contracts)

Issues with collaboration Lack of management

and network establishment support and investment Missing standards Regulatory uncertainty

Competence deficiencies, Missing infrastructure Complex protocol

staff difficulties selection

Issues with transparency

Creation of individual, Setup complexities
and disclosure of “critical”
technical silos and costs

Fig. 2. Barriers of blockchain technology adoption in OM and manufacturing.

Although awareness has improved, there is still work to be done in 4.2.2. Intra-organizational barriers
the area of competence building. The situation of knowledge accumu­ The experts perceived standardisation as one of the keys to broader
lation in the industry varies between big enterprises and SMEs. While application and exploitation of the technology’s potential (interviewees
the former have already invested a lot in existing staff or hired experts A, B, D, E, F, H, I). Standardisation can create efficiency potentials that
and in some cases even established blockchain departments, the latter can then be realised through features like smart contracts. Blockchain
still have a lot of catching up to do. To make matters worse, the market standards also specify how transactions are structured, validated, and
for skilled workers is scarce and developers, in particular, are hard to secured in the network. As long as no such standard has been estab­
find, as all experts agreed. However, the consulting market is well- lished, the corporate reluctance will not noticeably improve, as several
positioned in this area and can assist in the initial steps, as several of experts predicted:
the experts (B, E, F) pointed out. One expert, on the other hand, indi­
And basically, everyone is waiting for this killer application. Where the
cated an interesting opinion:
first one says, “Guys, I implemented it on this blockchain, it is running as
We also see the problem of the shortage of skilled specialists. But there is expected and my entire business process is depending on it” (Interviewee
also a lack of understanding that blockchain is just another technology. It A).
has great potential if you use it correctly. However, in the end, it is a
Standardisation will also allow the dissolution of technical silos,
technology where most users in 5 to 10 years will not even notice that the
which have been developed as isolated, one-off solutions. This is con­
technology is used somewhere. And I think that is exactly why it is still
trary to the basic idea and the prospect of blockchain as a technology to
very difficult for many people to grasp what the technology is or does at its
break informational silos and facilitate horizontal integration. Expert F
core (Interviewee H).
also notes that, apart from standardisation, the partners’ general trust in
Therefore, the staff situation may remain tense, but the issue of skills each other must be strengthened or established in the first place. This is
on the operator side may subside as the protocols mature. closely related to the issue of collaboration and network establishment,
In OM and manufacturing, the process complexity is usually higher as mentioned above. Management support for network establishment is
than in other sectors, e.g. in the financial sector. Therefore, mainly vital and was highlighted by several experts (B, E, F, I):
processes that are not business-critical are currently being implemented
These decentralised networks have to develop first and companies have to
as individual technical solutions in blockchain projects. These applica­
start sharing information before they start mapping processes across
tions have not yet exceeded the status of proof-of-concept (interviewee
companies via smart contracts (Interviewee F).
A). Large software providers, who are also active in consulting, often
build unique products (“technical silos” as interviewee H noted The benefits of collaboration only emerge when all partners perceive
fittingly). In most cases, governance is still centralised in these solutions, transparency as a competitive advantage and business-critical processes
e.g. at TradeLens, initiated by IBM (TradeLens, 2019). These projects do are implemented on the blockchain.
not actively support standardisation and the development of critical
infrastructure. Consortia such as Hyperledger or R3 Corda are currently 4.2.3. Technology barriers
the driving forces behind the development of industry infrastructure and The potential of smart contracts has been demonstrated above, but
possible standardisation, which is a perception backed by literature some obstacles have yet to be overcome. There is still no framework for
(Wang, Han et al., 2019). Productive solutions are predominantly smart contract execution that is legally sound and secure (interviewees
implemented at the consortia level in permissioned chains. This is G and I). This may partly explain why no system has smart contracts in
strongly related to the lack of an industry standard. The experts productive use so far. Research has shown that many smart contracts are
confirmed the results of previous studies (Lacity & Khan, 2019) that insecurely set up and deployed on public blockchains (e.g. Luu, Chu,
competition for the standard in the industry takes place between the Olickel, Saxena, & Hobor, 2016; Fröwis & Böhme, 2017). They are
different consortia (interviewees D, E, F, H, I). protected by cryptography, but in their nature often call other smart
contracts or use data from the real world provided by oracles that may

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

be manipulated. This implies that the contract would no longer be cryptocurrencies for productive implementations in their active and
executed in the sense of the contract creator. Interviewees C, G, and J completed projects. This is the case for both options: newly created non-
indicated that the correct setup of smart contracts, technically and le­ publicly accessible cryptocurrencies that can be designed and used
gally secure, requires proper training, which in turn refers to the topic of exclusively for the ecosystem, as well as existing public cryptocurren­
skilled workers. One researcher from the expert group also noted that cies. The industry is currently very hesitant to test use cases with
legal certainty for smart contracts in the IoT context could only be cryptocurrencies. A part of this scepticism can be attributed to the
achieved if the actions of the IoT devices can be clearly attributed to the volatility of existing cryptocurrencies and the media coverage of the
intentions of a human (interviewee G). High data quality and accuracy hype and crash in late 2017 and early 2018. The assumed volatility of
of data and referencing are therefore of immense importance for smart cryptocurrencies increases the complexity to a level that many com­
contract utilisation. panies do not perceive as controllable. However, all interview partners
In terms of protocol selection and blockchain setup, most companies emphasised the excellent connection between blockchain applications
tend to use permissioned blockchains, mainly in a consortium approach. and cryptocurrencies. It will undoubtedly take some time before the first
From a technical standpoint, these are now simple to set up; the network productive use cases with cryptocurrencies go live that not only use
setup is what remains complicated. In general, several interviewees (B, tokens for the network transactions but financial settlement as well.
F, H, I, J) expect that a shift to permissionless blockchains will likely These findings are replicated in other studies in the area of SCM (Wang,
happen in the future. This would allow a secure and effective application Singgih et al., 2019). Increasing external pressure, e.g. through an
in the protected environment while at the same time ensuring external expansion of the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, could
validation: also drive them into business applications.

What I could well imagine is a hybrid variant in which the companies

4.2.6. Comparison with the literature and research propositions
themselves are operating in a consortium. But these anchor points in
Similar to the potentials of blockchain technology in OM and
public chains are there on a regular basis. For example, once a day or
manufacturing in Section 4.1, we now compare the experts’ viewpoints
every hour, a hash is written into a public blockchain. This way you can
on barriers to blockchain adoption with the academic literature and
save a kind of backup externally so that everyone can at least check if
present research propositions. Table 5 highlights the viewpoints of both
something has been changed. I could imagine such a hybrid version, where
groups on the different subjects of this study.
all the functionalities are still run on the consortium chain (Interviewee
Interestingly, issues that are often raised by researchers (Mougayar,
2016; Saberi et al., 2019; Wang, Han et al., 2019) such as ethical
However, as production data remains a sanctum for most companies, problems, security, and technical vulnerability of blockchain itself were
the next developments in OM and manufacturing will instead rely on not raised by any of the interviewed experts. This certainly does not
hybrid solutions and remain permissioned at their core: imply that these issues are not relevant, but it indicates that other issues
are more relevant in OM and manufacturing. Security issues, however,
Everything public - I guess it is a very long way to get there. The are present in media coverage, mostly regarding hacks and illegal use of
consortium-based approach will be the dominant approach in the medium cryptocurrencies (Saberi et al., 2019; Swan, 2015). The public tends to
term and then you can really think far into the future and imagine a public misunderstand cryptocurrencies as the only option for using blockchain
chain in this context (Interviewee E). technology. Many experts regarded this as an obstacle to widespread
adoption, but not to industrial application. The focus should be set on
4.2.4. External barriers creating productive use cases with added value, which then have to be
Regulatory uncertainty was classified as important by the in­ well marketed to allow blockchain a better reputation in public and
terviewees (B, C, D, E, G, H, I), but ranked lower in comparison to industry. This may also help to overcome the reluctance of many
standardisation. Naturally, some companies are somewhat reluctant due decision-makers who are waiting for successful and comprehensive
to regulatory uncertainty, but the relevant authorities are beginning to application in use cases, leading to the following fifth proposition:
deal with the issues more intensively (e.g., Boucher, Nascimento, & P5: Identifying and implementing truly significant use cases in OM and
Kritikos, 2017). Efforts to date have focused primarily on financial manufacturing will enable a broader and comprehensive application of
transaction processing rather than any issues in OM or manufacturing. blockchain in this area.
Boucher et al. (2017) argue that criteria and regulation are necessary to
enforce the validity of smart contracts and transaction records by law. Security and technical vulnerability of smart contracts in particular
The experts’ general view is that regulatory action should not be based are two of the main technological barriers identified by the experts. The
on abstract perspectives but should be targeted at specific issues (in­ establishment of secure blockchain networks has to be based on tech­
terviewees B, G, I). Other areas should be explored through practical nological solutions that are implemented company-wide with appro­
applications before a stop is put to innovation through regulatory priate management support and investment policies. In this case, this
intervention. However, two experts (A, H) noted that timely regulatory study is in line with existing literature (Saberi et al., 2019; Wang, Han
intervention in the next years could favour the swift development of an et al., 2019). Adaptability of blockchain in the sense of scalability, which
industry standard. is an issue present in the media concerning public cryptocurrencies
Legal uncertainties mainly exist for permissionless blockchains or (Lewis, 2019), research concerning IoT connection (Conoscenti, Vetro,
hybrid blockchains with a connection to a permissionless, public & De Martin, 2017), and adoption in the service sector (Biswas & Gupta,
blockchain such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. General Data Protection 2019), was not indicated as a barrier for adoption in OM and
Regulation (GDPR) compliance is an important issue (interviewees E, G, manufacturing. On the other hand, standardisation was jointly indicated
H, I). The right of consumers or any affected entity to be assured that by research and the experts as an essential prerequisite to advance the
data is deleted when it is no longer needed for service execution is technology. Standardisation might lead to more centralisation at first, as
difficult to realise in a permissionless and public system. Therefore, all the players in the market have incentives to make their protocol the
companies tend to use permissioned blockchains, mainly in a con­ decisive one. However, in the long run, standardisation is crucial to
sortium approach as indicated above. support a targeted evolution of the technology and enabling more
companies to move into blockchain operated networks (Cole et al.,
4.2.5. Cryptocurrencies in the industry 2019; Saberi et al., 2019; Wang, Singgih et al., 2019). This results in our
All interview partners stated that they do not (and did not) use sixth proposition:

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

Table 5
Comparison of academic and expert viewpoints on barriers of blockchain adoption in OM and manufacturing.
Subject Academic viewpoint Experts’ viewpoint

Inter-organizational • Lack of technical expertise (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019) and awareness • Lack of awareness among small- and medium-sized companies – advan­
barriers (Kamble et al., 2019) can be major blocking points towards adoption tages of collaboration in networks needs to be clarified
• Lack of empirical evidence and applications in productive use (Cole et al., • Technical expertise is limited, staff difficulties in all sectors
2019; Hackius & Petersen, 2020; Pournader et al., 2020) • Current concepts are mostly isolated and centralized, there is no
development of entire industrial ecosystems – consortia dominate

Intra-organizational • Management support is vital for implementation and further development • Full transparency of data is still perceived as a major risk by
barriers (Saberi et al., 2019; Wang, Han et al., 2019) manufacturing firms
• Full transparency of data may be a blocking point (Wang, Han et al., 2019), • Management support is vital for network establishment
resistance to share valuable information in real-time (Queiroz & Fosso • Standardisation is the key to a broader application – will also help in
Wamba, 2019) developing missing infrastructure

Technology barriers • Limited scalability is a barrier to widespread productive use (Biswas & • Smart contracts tend to be insecure and technically vulnerable – more
Gupta, 2019; Conoscenti et al., 2017; Makhdoom, 2019; Mougayar, 2016) research activities needed before adoption
• Lack of standardization that leads to technological uncertainty (Babich & • Governance structures are essential for the decentralization of the
Hilary, 2020; Hackius & Petersen, 2020; Wang, Singgih et al., 2019) networks and crucial to enable full, equal transparency – still no
• Business is reluctant to adapt to new and complex governance structures applicable standard available
(Lacity & Khan, 2019; Wang, Han et al., 2019) • Shift to permissionless blockchains will happen soon, but OM
• Security and technical vulnerability of blockchains limits further diffusion applications are more likely to occur in consortia
(Babich & Hilary, 2020; Saberi et al., 2019) • Setup is technically simple; network establishment is the hard part
• Research on governance models needs to intensify (Wang, Han et al.,

External barriers • Compliance with regulations is difficult to achieve with blockchain • Regulatory uncertainty discourages firms from further application
applications in use (Babich & Hilary, 2020; Saberi et al., 2019) development
• Legal uncertainties persist and hinder the diffusion of the technology • Smart contracts need a legal framework to be implemented broadly
(Mougayar, 2016) • Legal uncertainties mainly affect permissionless solutions, firms tend to
use permissioned blockchains only

Cryptocurrencies • Use of cryptocurrencies and public blockchains enable entirely new fields • The manufacturing industry is hesitant to test use cases with
of application for the technology like data marketplaces for IoT (Wang, cryptocurrencies
Han et al., 2019) • Broad application in practice will still take time, potentials should be
specified more precisely to accelerate the implementation

P6: Timely standardisation is crucial for the future targeted development implementation of blockchain technology in business. Although there
of blockchain technology and its further diffusion in OM and are not many established blockchain applications in OM and
manufacturing. manufacturing, the interviewees emphasised the potential of the tech­
nology. This assessment is supported by industry surveys (e.g., Gente­
The experts emphasised their optimism that technological progress
mann, 2019). One reason for the delay in the industry could be the mass
will continue and more transactions per second will be achieved so that
of technologies available and the pressure from Industry 4.0 and IoT that
the amount of data in production can be mapped efficiently. Intensified
has led to various projects in these areas. Therefore, managers should
research on data security of smart contracts and the interconnection of
recognise the specific functionalities of blockchain and examine poten­
protocols are the most promising research directions for blockchain
tial use cases. All experts pointed out the need for knowledge accumu­
utilisation in OM and manufacturing. Rather than investing efforts into
lation in industry. Adaption has to include the organisation itself, but
the optimisation of private and permissioned blockchain protocols, the
also the employees. They have to be recruited or trained so that the
focus should be set on achieving a robust interconnection of public and
benefits of the technology can be put to meaningful use:
private protocols to serve both the security needs of businesses as well as
the audit requirements and transparency in the collaboration processes. You can park a Ferrari in front of my office. However, if I cannot drive a
This leads to our last proposition: car and drive against a tree two meters ahead, the best Ferrari will not do
me any good (Interviewee E).
P7: Secure and efficient smart contracts and robust ways to interconnect
private and public blockchain protocols will facilitate utilisation in OM Smart contracts that offer various application possibilities (e.g., IoT
and manufacturing. devices) need to be particularly carefully assessed, as an incorrect or
inappropriate set up could lead to critical system failures. Individual
requirements should be clarified in advance and taken into account in
5. Implications the choice of a protocol and a consensus mechanism. New and upcoming
networks will likely be hybrid versions of permissioned and permis­
In this section, the contribution of this paper is extended by sionless blockchains. Managers should adapt to these developments and
providing industry and academic research with suggestions on topics take preparatory measures to ensure that no confidential data will be
that still need to be researched and tested in the field. Along with this, publicly accessible, but that periodic storage of transactions in one (or
trends that will become important in the future and recommendations multiple) public blockchains is enabled. External auditors can then
for action in order to react appropriately to these developments are validate the proper operation of the network while confidentiality of
indicated. The final subsection then highlights the gaps in current efforts data and performance of the productive permissioned blockchain is
related to blockchain technology between academic research and in­ maintained, technically referred to as “anchoring”.
dustry, as indicated by the experts in our study. The implications above are strongly related to blockchain setup and
network structure. As most experts are confident that the most signifi­
5.1. Managerial implications cant innovative drive is and will be generated by existing industry
consortia, companies seeking to benefit from early blockchain adaption
From a managerial perspective, our findings can assist practitioners should consider joining a consortium from their industry. Some experts
in developing a strategy for the evaluation and subsequent

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

also recommend a somewhat agnostic attitude towards the technical 5.3. Gap analysis
choice of a platform or a protocol. The focus should be on network
building and knowledge generation to gain competitive advantages. In order to provide practitioners with insights into the main areas of
research in academic institutions that go beyond the experts’ expres­
5.2. Academic research implications sions or focus on different issues, we highlight these aspects in the
following short subsection.
Besides the interesting topics for further research indicated by With regard to the potential of the technology, it is evident that
literature (Table 2) and the research propositions identified above, this academia is more focused on the potential improvement of existing
study has uncovered further research topics that are valuable to scien­ networks using blockchain technology for efficient and secure data
tists. The experts were asked to identify the specific research needs that sharing (Wang, Han et al., 2019; Weber et al., 2016). Another potential
they perceive. Frequently mentioned points include the design of addressed is the high cost of centralized approaches (e.g. intermediaries)
governance in the network (5 out of 10 experts), legal topics such as that can be avoided using decentralized solutions like blockchain (Ca­
GDPR compliance (4), and research on specific industry-wide applica­ sino et al., 2019; Christidis & Devetsikiotis, 2016). Thus, scholars are
tions and use cases that are truly valuable (3). mainly examining the effects of disintermediation as the primary impact
Governance has emerged as the most urgent topic for further of blockchain on existing business models (Lacity & Khan, 2019).
research. In addition to basic research on governance in decentralised Research is also perceiving smart contracts as vital in the further diffu­
systems, the establishment and operation of decentralised cross- sion of blockchain in OM and manufacturing and increasingly devotes
company networks and the stimulation of these networks through efforts to this feature (Christidis & Devetsikiotis, 2016; Wang, Han et al.,
automation of governance would be interesting in the long term. How 2019). The use of smart contracts could limit opportunistic behaviour in
are decisions made in a blockchain network? How is reputation built in transactional relationships, which is an interesting research aspect
these networks? Which decisions are made routinely and could be (Schmidt & Wagner, 2019).
automated? This complements the issues raised in literature so far: Cole In terms of challenges, most viewpoints of academia and the experts
et al. (2019) suggested exploring the link between governance and trust align. The lack of technical expertise prevents a more rapid dissemina­
in supply chains. New supply chain and production network dynamics tion of the technology, which is reinforced by the limited number of
could emerge that fundamentally change the way customer orders are available productive use cases (Cole et al., 2019; Kurpjuweit et al., 2019;
processed and relationships built and maintained (Wang, Han et al., Pournader et al., 2020). Research is still concerned with the limited
2019). scalability of blockchain solutions (Makhdoom, 2019; Mougayar, 2016),
Legal issues include the design of legally valid and secure smart which is not perceived as critical from within the industry. However, for
contracts and compliance with GDPR concerning disclosed identities the replacement of entire central ecosystems, there is certainly still
and personal data. Another topic raised is the ability of deleting or technical work to be done. Other scholars indicated that the security and
archiving older histories of data that are no longer needed. This could be technical vulnerability of the technology in general limit the further
achieved by connecting several blockchains, with one working as a diffusion into the business environment (Babich & Hilary, 2020; Saberi
“backup chain”, or by hiding transaction details besides the crypto­ et al., 2019). The experts identified this aspect for smart contracts
graphic functions needed to operate the blockchain securely. First exclusively. Research on new and adapted governance structures has
research on this topic is already ongoing (Farshid, Reitz, & Roßbach, been highlighted by experts as well as scholars and is a promising topic
2019). Cryptocurrencies for productive use in blockchains in production for the research community on both sides. Besides, meaningful appli­
networks need to be established and the technical integration of cryp­ cations with cryptocurrencies as the main reimbursement method
tocurrencies into existing IT landscapes must be advanced. Blockchain should be explored in academia and industry as well (Wang, Han et al.,
also promises to close gaps among different technologies in use, which 2019).
can lead to improved relationships and cost savings (Banerjee, 2018).
These integrations of technologies, interdependencies between systems 6. Summary
and potential consolidations should be studied.
From an economical perspective, there is still a need for research into The objective of this paper was to explore the potential and the
processes with high potential for cost savings and efficiency enhance­ existing barriers of blockchain technology in OM and manufacturing
ment in the field of OM and manufacturing. Several experts (B, C, D, E, F, through an empirical study. Potential for new collaborative
H, I) emphasised that the potential of smart contracts has hardly been manufacturing networks, efficiency gains through smart contract uti­
exploited yet and is closely linked to the redesign of processes, markets, lisation, the linking of IoT and blockchain, and several new business
and business models. Several new business models (e.g., smart contract models like the tokenisation of assets were identified. Barriers still exist
based business processes, tokenisation of assets) were outlined by the in the form of lack of awareness in the industry, general scepticism
experts that should be examined in research with critical consideration concerning trust and transparency in networks, missing standards, un­
of cost-effectiveness and technical suitability. Additionally, scholars clear governance systems, regulatory and legal uncertainties as well as
should focus on specific industries to assess potential use cases and new the complex integration of cryptocurrencies into network design. In
business models in collaboration with managers, using the results of this addition to this assessment by industry experts, implications for the
study as guidelines. industry on how to move forward with blockchain adoption were un­
As the sample of our study is numerically and regionally limited and covered and highlighted. A careful analysis of possible use cases has to
the blockchain sphere is evolving rapidly, we call for further empirical be conducted, but rather sooner than later, as many business areas are
studies. These could confirm, contradict, or extend the barriers, poten­ still untapped and competitive advantages can be achieved. Promising
tials, and propositions identified in this study in a global context. The approaches and obstacles to be avoided were outlined. Academic
maturity level of companies or managers dealing with blockchain might research is provided with stimuli for activities in areas where the sci­
also be an exciting element of research. Furthermore, the results of this entific support will enable a broad application of blockchain technology
study could be verified in the context of an extensive empirical study in practice. This includes concepts and frameworks for governance
with major OM companies from different industries. Techniques like the structures in new production and supply networks, making blockchain
Delphi method could be utilised to evaluate expert verdicts. systems compliant with the law, assessing the impact of trustlessness on
network dynamics, and research on specific industry-wide use cases.

J. Lohmer and R. Lasch Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106789

CRediT authorship contribution statement

• In which direction are the different protocols developing? Do you
Jacob Lohmer: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Valida­ see any of the variants gaining in importance? Are hybrid variants
tion, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Writing - conceivable and feasible?
review & editing, Visualization. Rainer Lasch: Supervision, Writing -
review & editing, Validation, Project administration, Funding • What influence do cryptocurrencies have on current use cases and
acquisition. proofs-of-concept? Have you worked with cryptocurrencies in your
Declaration of Competing Interest
• How do you perceive a potential integration and utilization of fiat
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial currencies?
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper. • Do you recognize security concerns in the industry? How do you
assess concerns about security or transparency (or else) concerning
Appendix 1. Interview guidelines the further development of the sector?

1. Organizational details 4. Further development, implications

• Please briefly describe your company, the department you are • What implications can you provide to the industry?
working in, your position in the firm, your length of employment,
your specific focus area in the blockchain environment and current • Where do you see a need for further research?
projects you are working on.

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