Interview Questionaire

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Respondent No.
A. General
1. Name: Age: Sex:
(Surname) (Given name) (MI )
2. Address: , ,
(Barangay) (Municipality) (Province)
3. Civil Status: Single Married Widowed
4. Educational Attainment:Primary Secondary Tertiary No formal Education
5. Primary Occupation:
o Government employee
o Farming only
o Others (Specify):
6. Secondary Occupation:
o Government employee
o Farming only
o Others (Specify):
7. Annual income:
o 50,000 below
o 50,000-100,000
o 100,000-200,000
o 200,000 above
8. Tenurial Status
o Tenant
o Owned
o Rented
o Leased
o Others (specify):
If rented: a. Amount paid monthly:
b. Amount paid quarterly:
c. Amount paid Annually:
B. Farm Profile
9. Farm size (Ha):
o One (1) hectare
o Two (2) hectares
o Three (3) hectares
o Others (specify):

10. Variety of Lettuce:

o Romaine
o Lolla Rosa Lettuce
o Ice-berge Lettuce
o Oak Leaf Lettuce
o Miesclun
o Arugula
o Red Sails Lettuce
o Lechuga Violeta
o Red Leaf Lettuce
o Butterhead
o Crisphead lettuce

11. Seedlings Source:

o PCA-Kaanib
o Private sector
o Others:
12. Number of seedlings planted
o 100-500 seedlings
o 500-1000 seedlings
o 1000-1500 seedlings
o 1500-2000 seedlings
o Below 100, please specify :
o More than 2000, please specify:
13. Problems farmers face in ensuring quality lettuce production
o Financial constraint
o Source of water
o Pests and Diseases
o High cost of spraying
o Problems of weeds
o Erratic rainfall
o Unavailability of good variety
o High Cost of Labor
o Long distances of cacao farms
o Poor health of farmer
o Others, please specify:

C. Cultural Practices
14. Site selection
o The area is situated near a source of water
o The area has a good drainage system, preferably, the location is level or at most,
gently sloping terrain.
15. Planting Distance:
16. Irrigation Source
o Bore Water
o Town Supply
o Collected rainwater
o River water

17. How often do you water your lettuce or fill the boxes or pvc?
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4

18. Fertilization (land cultivation)

Kinds of fertilizers used:
Frequency of Usage:
No. of Bags used:

Nutrient-Soultions (hydroponics)
Kind of nutrient-solution:
Frequency of usage :
No. of Liters used:

19. Weed control ( for land cultivation)
Method (chemical,
Manual) Frequency:

20. Pest Control

Method (chemical, Manual)

21. Disease Control

Method (Chemical, Manual):

22. Harvesting
Harvesting Tool Used:

23. What is the most effective method for the cultivation of Lettuce?
o Hydroponics system
o Aeroponics
o Deep Water Culture
o Ebb and Flow
o Wick System
o Drip Irrigation
o Nutrient Film Techniqui (NFT)

o Land cultivation

24. What is your starting income?

o 5, 000 – 10, 000
o 11, 000- 20, 000
o 21, 000 – 30, 000
o 31, 000 – 50,000
o 80,000 – 100,000

25. What variety customer/consumers often buy?

o Romaine
o Lolla Rosa Lettuce
o Ice-berge Lettuce
o Oak Leaf Lettuce
o Miesclun
o Arugula
o Red Sails Lettuce
o Lechuga Violeta
o Red Leaf Lettuce
o Butterhead
o Crisphead lettuce

Electrical Information
26. What is your power supply?
o Solar panel
o Town supply

Please complete the following questionnaire with specific regard to the
above enquiry, by placing a CHECK in the appropriate box

29. Are you willing to share knowledge to other farmers?
28.Are you willing to adopt new practice?

29. What variety of lettuce mostly do you cultivate?

30. How often do you water your lettuce?

31. What variety customer/consumers often buy?

32. Is lettuce production your main source of income?

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