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Best Application: Describe one experience you have had in your life that
coincides with what you learned this week. To get full credit, you must use AT
LEAST one term/theory/concept that shows you read the textbook and can
apply the material of this week's lesson. Bold or underline the
term/theory/concept you chose to highlight this week. (50 words minimum)
I had a really interesting experience once with a lesson I previously had on perception in
highschool actually. My psych teacher projected a series of images on the board, and
asked the class to choose between two different options on what the picture portrayed.
(ex. A dress that many people thought debated blue/black or white/gold) After showing us
these images, he explained that everyone has different perceptions, and went on to show
us why/how we have these varied perceptions on different things throughout our lives. It
really stuck with me, so learning about it again now is very exciting.

Best Your Board Contribution: Part of this course is being an active participant in class by
posting at least once in response to the initial question and replying at least twice to other
students. Think about your interactions on the Your Board discussion board this week. (50
words minimum)
Part 1) Summarize your initial post and any insights you learned about yourself/others. (If
you did not post by the Tuesday midnight deadline, you will not receive credit.)
Part 2) Summarize your best reply and any insights you learned about yourself/others.

My initial post was about how family and friends see me vs how I am perceived at work,
and how these two are different in many ways. My best reply was to someone who I
resonated with that they ALSO had a different personality at work vs with loved ones,
being a lot more crazy and laid back with those she actually knew vs those she interacted
with at work.
2. Best Group Insights: Think about other students’ contributions in the Small
Group Discussion that resonated with you. Name two people, describe their
contributions and what you learned from them. (50 words minimum) Note: If
you are doing the alternate assignment, name the two people with whom you
Part 1) Name 1st student. Describe their contribution and what you learned.
Part 2) Name 2nd student. Describe their contribution and what you learned.
Part 3) Describe your live small group meeting: 1) who attended 2) length of meeting 3)
location of meeting.
Some contributions from this week's group were from Cheyenne and Rebecca. Cheyenne
shared a very good video explaining perception, and it really helped to simplify the
concept. Rebecca shared a video on how our perceptions can be skewed, and it showed a
little bit different take on perceptions and how they can be influenced. We did a text
thread this week for our meeting, and it was me, Alora, Cheyenne, and Rebecca all in this
thread sending our questions and videos we found interesting.
4. Best Analysis: (50 words minimum)
Part 1) Name and summarize the Deepen Your Learning article or video you
shared. You will not receive credit for parts 2 or 3 if you did not participate in a
Part 2) Write the question you shared to spur discussion in your Small Group
Part 3) Write your own response to your question.
I shared a video that was similar to my experience in my psych class, and this teacher put
up an image that could either be a duck or a rabbit, and half the class saw one or the other.
Very interesting video and a good visual to explain perception. I asked the question: Do
you think we surround ourselves with people who have perceptions similar to ours? Or is
there not much correlation or importance between viewpoints in relationships?
My response to this question would be: I believe we do surround ourselves with people
who have similar viewpoints and perceptions. In my experience it tends to be on
perceptions of individuals, and how that person and I respond to different types of people
based on those perceptions.

5. Best Activity: Write out a conflict using the five-step pillow method. (Examples
are provided in pillow method instructions.) What did you learn from this? (50
words minimum)
Issue: I want Chick Fil A, and my boyfriend wants Chipotle.
Step 1: I am right and he is wrong. Chipotle isn’t even very good. They have limited
options, and the food is mediocre, which is the opposite of anything from CFA.
Step 2: I am wrong, he is right. He is a very healthy guy, who takes good care of himself and
is very aware of what hes eating, how much protein he needs everyday, etc. Maybe it
would be better for me if I order what he is getting from there.
Step 3:We are both wrong, we are both right. Chick Fil A has some really good food
options, and so does Chipotle from his view. Not wanting to eat Chick Fil A with me is
really frustrating, but so is me refusing to eat Chipotle every time he asks.
Step 4: The issue isnt as important as it seems. Its just food. As my dad likes to say, “it all
goes to the same place anyways”
Step 5: There is truth in all perspectives. If we both try to eat more of each other's food,
we get to enjoy more time together eating the same meals instead of eating alone at our
different food place of choice. I make him happy when I enjoy his favorite food, and same
goes for when he does this for me. Win win! :)

6. Best Personal Event: What was the best thing that happened to you outside of
class this week?
I had a volleyball tournament with my 10 year old girls! They did pretty well and we all had a
good time.

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