D Watch 1 20172018 Semester 1 Resit Answers

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Program Year Semester Paper

MODULE NAME: Deckwatch & Collision Regulations 1



Questions to be answered on: Allowed requirements: Number of pages

separate answer sheet(s) Pen ,Pencil & Calculator (incl. cover page): 12
 the question paper

Points of attention: .
 For each question, the maximum earned points are mentioned between brackets at the end of each
 Write very clearly! Answers that are not readable are not marked don’t get points!
 Make sure your answers are written to the point.
 All answers should be written in English.
 Write with a blue or black pen. (not pencil)
 When finished submit the question paper, together with the answer sheets and the signed cover
page to the invigilator.
 Any cheating/copying may result in an instant failing of the examination.


STUDENT ID: 100 10


Number of answer sheets: ……..………… Invigilator: …………….….…………….….

Student’s signature: …………………………… Time of receipt: ………………………..…

Part A: Colregs: (80 marks)

Rule 1 Encircle the right answer (6 marks)

1. To what vessels do the COLREG rules 1983 apply to ? (3)

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a. To all vessels navigating in international waters.
b. To all vessels navigating in roadsteads, straits and open seas.
c. To all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith.
d. To all vessels upon the high seas, lakes and rivers.

2. In the Collision Regulations, the Government of any State can make provision for special rules
allowing the use of additional signals between which vessels?

a. Warships and vessels sailing under convoy.

b. Tugs and their tows.
c. Pilot vessels and vessels requiring pilots.
d. All of the above options.

Rule 3 ( 6 marks)

3. When are two vessels “in sight of one another”? (3)

When one can be observed visually from the other

4. Explain what is meant by “a vessel not under command ” (NUC) in the Rules.

This means a vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as
required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
NUC vessels e.g. engine blackout, problems with steering, propeller

Rule 9 (3 marks)

5. To which side of a narrow channel should a vessel keep?


On the starboard side of the narrow channel as safe and practicable

Rule 5 (6 marks)

6. Explain why it is necessary to have a good lookout when the ship is at anchor.

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Rule 5 says that every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout.
So this means also at anchor, to check movements own and other vessel

7. What is meant by “by all available means”? Give three examples.


Naked Eyes

Rule 6 (3 marks)

8. Mention three factors on which the safe speed depends.


- Visibility
- traffic

- size of the ship/manoeuvrability

- shore/backgroundlights
- navigational dangers, open sea or confined/shallow waters
- weather
- radar/arpa possibilities

Rule 2 (6 marks)

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9. Who, according to rule 2a, are responsible for not following the rules (name 3)?

vessel, owner, master or crew

10. When will it become necessary according rule 2 to depart from the rules?

You are only allowed to do so if complying with the rules would bring the vessel into another
immediate danger

Rule 8 (6 marks)

11. What does it mean that an action to avoid collision shall be taken “on time”?

An action to avoid collision shall be taken on time when there is time to spare for the other
ship to react to a change of course or speed

12. Describe three different ways to give way to another vessel?


Change of course,
Change speed, or
Combination of course and speed change

Rule 10 ( 9 marks)

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13a. Is the track of Vessel A (PDV 100m) to the Port in Sweden right or wrong?…………RIGHT
b. Is the track of Vessel B (PDV 120 m) to the Port in Sweden right or wrong?………RIGHT
c. Vessel D is allowed to engage fishing in the separation zone. True/Not True TRUE
d. Vessel C (PDV) has to give way to vessel A. True/ Not True TRUE
e. A sailing vessel shall not impede the safe passage of a PDV following a traffic lane . TRUE

Colregs Analysis:

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14. Analysis Colregs, good visibility, the compassbearings did not change. (6 marks)

If a vessel has to give way , or

if a vessel should not impede the
passage or safe passage,
give explanation on this, next to

Vessel A = Power- No shapes Length = 320 m Speed = 18 knots


Tugboat B = Power- No shapes Length = 40 m Speed = 9 knots


a. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel A (in accordance with Colregs).
Mention also which rule applies.

Rule 14 head on situations between PDV’s

Give way vessel:alter course to sb (3marks)

b. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel B (in accordance with Colregs).

Give way vessel, alter course to starboard (3 marks)

15. Analysis Colregs, good visibility, the compassbearings did not change. (6 marks)

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If a vessel has to give way , or
if a vessel should not impede the
passage or safe passage,
give explanation on this, next to

Vessel A = Power-driven No Length = 80 m Speed =12 knots


Vessel B = Sailing vessel No Length =20 m Speed=5 knots


a. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel A (in accordance with Colregs).
Mention also which rule applies.

Rule 10
Stand on, keep course and speed. If no action than vessel A may take action (3 marks)

b. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel B (in accordance with Colregs).

Give way vessel, according rule 10

A sailing vessel Shall not impede the safe passage of Vessel A (3 marks)

16. Analysis Colregs, good visibility. (6 marks)

The compassbearings did not change and vessels are approaching each other.

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If a vessel has to give way , or
if a vessel should not impede
the passage or safe passage,
give explanation on this,
next to

Vessel A = Sailing- No shapes Length = 18 m Speed = 7 knots


Vessel B = Sailing- No shapes Length = 30 m Speed = 4 knots


a. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel A (in accordance with Colregs).
Mention also which rule applies.

Vessel A: Stand on vessel, (3 marks)

Rule 12 sailing vessels

b. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel B (in accordance with Colregs).

Vessel B give way vessel because of rule 12, wind from portside. (3 marks)

17. Analysis Colregs, good visibility, the compassbearings did not change. (6 marks)

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If a vessel has to give way , or
if a vessel should not impede the
passage or safe passage,
give explanation on this, next to

Vessel A =Power-driven No shapes Length =220 m Speed =17 knots

Vessel B = Power-driven No shapes Length =240 m Speed = 16 knots

a. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel A (in accordance with Colregs).
Mention also which rule applies.

Rule 15 crossing situation between pdv

Vessel A :stand on, keep course and speed (3 marks)

b. Explain the most important responsibilities for vessel B (in accordance with Colregs).

Give way vessel, change course to starboard and pass astern A (3 marks)

Rule 18 (3 marks)

18. For which vessels does a sailing vessel have to give way?

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1. Vessel NUC

2. RAM vessel
3. Vessel engaged in fishing

Rule 19 (5 marks)

19. Name three precautions when you are sailing into an area of restricted visibility . (3)
-adjust speed (if necessary)
-give sound-signals and switch on Nav. lights
- Use both radars
- inform the captain
- call (if necessary ) extra look-out and /or helmsman
- adjust (if necessary) engine settings to have engine ready for immediate manoeuvering

20. Give two examples of “restricted visibility” .


Fog, sandstorm, heavy rain, dust, smoke, snow

Rule 17 (3 marks)

21. Name three possibilities to get the attention of the give way vessel when this vessel is not taking
any action.

1. Call vessel via VHF

2. Soundsignal
3. ALDIS lamp

Part B Deckwatch: (20 marks)


1. Why is it important to be on the bridge ten minutes before your watch begins?

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To be informed about all particulars, like position, course/speed, traffic, weather
And especially at night to get used to the dark

2. “When the captain is coming onto the bridge the OOW is still in charge of his watch”.
Is this statement true or not true?


3. If a helmsman is given an order "starboard 10" , what must he do?


a. He must repeat the order before putting the wheel on starboard 10

b. He must put the wheel on starboard 10 and then report
c. He must repeat the order , wait for a reconfirmation from the OOW and then put the wheel on
starboard 10
d. All of the other options are appropriate

4. Who is responsible for the ship when the pilot is on board?



5. What is the primary function of a lookout?


His primary duty is to report to the officer of the watch (OOW), anything of any importance,
of what he sees and/or hears. Like ships’s, lighthouse, buoys, weatherchange,

6. Name four important reasons for the OOW to call the captain on the bridge.

When traffic causes concern

Restricted visibility
When it is difficult to maintain course
With breakdown of engine(s) or other important equipment and /or radio malfunctions,
When unreported dangers to navigation are met
When in doubt about position

End of Exam

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