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Tae’s whines faded as the

hand around his throat

tightened, his tongue lolling out
of his mouth as the man
started with hard and slow
So hot, it’s so hot in this room
and the man with all his body
weight resting on and thick
cock nestled in the small boy
isn’t helping either of them cool
“God, fuck – your daddy
should’ve went on that trip long
ago” the man said gruffly,
directly in Tae’s ear. “Fuckin’
tight cunt, gonna tell your
daddy about how good his little
boy’s pussy is”
Tae could only whimper and
barely even do that as with
every thrust it felt as if the air in
his lungs was being bulldozed
from his body. His father had
left him with one of his closest
friends to go off on trip for
what, Tae didn’t know.
Three days passed with his
father’s friend and all was well
until Tae decided to wear a
cute little pair of shorts that
were, perhaps, too thin almost
translucent as they were.
The friend of his father paid
him no mind at first, til it got
really hot outside –
his clothes began to stick to his
small body – flushed skin,
panting and clothes that were
barely covering anything
getting wet
Oh and the man noticed some
things when Tae came back in,
he noticed how Tae’s little
nipples were poking through
the sweat drenched fabric –
noticed how the wet thin fabric
of Tae’s shorts showed his
panties under and bump of his
small cunt.
Pretty much how he ended up
where he is, hugged to this
man’s chest with a cock that’s
probably rearranging
everything inside of his little
“gonna make you cum” the
man pants out, starting to rub
on Tae’s tiny pearl – he
squealed and his legs shook,
his little brain felt like it was
going to explode. Tae
involuntarily humped back on
the man’s cock as well as his
hand that felt like it was
vibrating at this point.
“mister, mister..eEeEee~!” he
cried out as his sloppy pussy
gushed all over his babysitter’s
cock, shoes, pants and the
floor. “Messy thing” his
babysitter muttered before
pushing down on the boy’s
bladder, making him gush
The babysitter focused on
reaching his climax, pounding
little Tae’s tiny cervix in. With a
grunt, Tae’s insides are flooded
with hot cum. Tae gets treated
to a shameful hot bath with his
favorite ducky.
Summary: Tae nd his twin
brother (irl brother, Jung-hyun)
go to a DVD room and get
some streaming done !!
Tae ran up the stairs and
knocked on his big brother’s
door “hyung, can I come
in?” he called through the door
“come on in, Bun” his brother
Tae wasted no time running in
the room and jumping on Jung-
hyun’s lap “aye, Tae!” Hyun
lightly scolded. “Sorry~” Tae
muttered apologetically “did
you miss me? Did you, did
you!” he perked up, awaiting
his hyung’s answer.
“Course I did, Bun” Hyun
answered, stroking Tae’s head
“you know my answer’ll never
change” he said with a huff.
“besides you missing me, are
we… gonna go to the DVD 방
again?” Tae asked hesitantly
“hm, yeah of course, you
racked up quite a few fans
from the
last time we went” Hyun
responded absentmindedly.
“why, did you like it~” the older
teased “I don’t feel inclined to
answer that” Tae replied, red
faced and Hyun just laughed.
Hyun grabbed his laptop,
webcam, tripod, and…some
other things and put em in a
duffle bag.
“Bun, you clean?” Hyun asked
while putting his jacket on “uh,
yeah, I am” Tae replied, giving
an awkward smile.
They hopped in Hyun’s car and
they were off
When they arrived, Hyun
picked out the longest film they
had and dragged Tae back to a
room with the bag in hand.
Hyun set up his camera and
“Get undressed, Bun” Hyun
said in sing songy tone “so s-
soon?” Tae stuttered out “hurry
up” Hyun responded.
Tae got undressed, folded his
clothes and sat them aside.
“C’mere, Bun, sit on hyung’s
lap” Hyun told the younger,
who listened, sat on the older’s
lap. “how come you get to
keep your clothes on?” Tae
asked, pouting “hm, I don’t
know, Bun” Hyun smiled.
He soon started the stream,
making sure the camera was
pointed at the both of them.
“Hold on” Hyun said, taking out
his phone “smile” Tae smiled
and Hyun
pushed their faces together,
taking a selfie. “Posted!” Hyun
said as he leaned into the
laptop to read the incoming
“huh, alright guys we’ll be
starting shortly” Hyun said to
the viewers. He began going
through the duffle bag, pulling
out a pink lovense toy that
would vibrate for every
donation and goal reached.
Hyun poured some lube on the
toy before handing it to Tae
“put it in, quickly” he rushed.
Tae slid the pink toy into his
ass, the thin end sticking out
like a little tail. “Show the
camera, Bun”
As soon as Tae had his butt
facing the camera, the toy
began to vibrate “wah!
Donations are coming in so
soon?” Hyun said in shock as
Tae wailed from the sudden
stimulation “Hyun, Hyun, Hyun
Hyun-” he repeated.
“Ah, we’re going to be rich,
Tokki!” Hyun exclaimed looking
down at his flushed brother “u-
uh-huh…” Tae mumbled.
Hyun looked through the chat
once more “tch, he’s my
brother!” he responded to a
message asking to see Tae
suck his cock. At this
revelation, the
chat burst in to requests and
questions of and about incest
between the two.
One message caught Hyun’s

Hey, chingu~ I’ll totally pay 5

million won if you two kiss~
“Tae, come read this!” and Tae
crawled over on his rapidly
shaking limbs “w-what,
hyung?” Tae moaned out “look,
that’s a lot of money” Hyun
pointed at the offering.
“a-hic-all for kissing?” Tae
stuttered out “come on, Bun,
just close your eyes and let’s
get it over with” Hyun pressed
on, pulling Tae into his lap and
grabbing his jaw. Tae’s mouth
fell open as more donations
poured in – the viewers
ecstatic to see the two brothers
like this.
Hyun began kissing his
moaning brother, who not soon
after the kissing had begun,
was grinding on his brother’s
lap desperately – Hyun peeked
at the laptop to see that the 5
million won donation ( in
tokens) had been made and
had the
lovense toy going at the
highest setting.
Tae drooled while they made
out, tongues messily rubbing
against one another. Tae’s
back suddenly arched as more
and more tokens were given
“Bun~” Hyun panted “suck me
off” he cooed while petting
Tae’s head. Tae, without
question or debate, undid his
elder’s pants and took out his
cock with shaky hands.
Hyun brought the camera
closer to where Tae was sat
between his legs, stroking his
big brother’s cock with amateur
hands. Tae kissed his brother’s
dick, doing what he’d seen in
porn. He’d
never thought that he’d be the
one sucking dick or be with
another man, maybe he’s not
as straight as he once thought
he was.
He looked up at his brother as
he suckled on the thick head,
Hyun grinned and gave him a
thumbs up. Tae slowly took
more and more into his mouth,
feeling like a real slut.
Tae gagged and gasped as he
got into a rhythm, performing
for his brother as best as he
could. “Love you, Bun” Hyun
groaned out “so much” Tae felt
Hyun’s cock twitch inside his
mouth before his tastebuds
were flooded with,
surprisingly, sweet cum.
Hyun had never finished so
fast, nor had he ever felt so
satisfied with an orgasm.
“Hyun, I wanna go home” Tae
choked out after pulling the toy
from his ass “well, get dressed,
Bun” Hyun replies as he ends
the stream and puts everything
On the way back:
“Bun, you aren’t too bad with
that mouth of yours” Hyun says
out of nowhere “I- uh, I try my
best!” Tae said, awkwardly
“yeah, we gotta do that again
sometime – maybe more?”
Hyun peeked at Tae as he
“I’ll think about it.”
Keep You
Summary: ( ・ω・)☞ : TAE’S
Good boy Tae gets his dignity
Underage- Tae is 13/rape
Tae suddenly wakes in an
unfamiliar place. He could’ve
sworn he was just on his way
home from the library when-

“Is my sweetheart finally

awake?” a gruff voice echoes
from behind him. Tae tries to
see who it is before he realizes
he can’t move nor speak for
that matter. “I saw you walking
all by yourself and I just had to
bring you home, my home
obviously” the man chuckles.
Tae weeps, he should be at
home with his mama and
daddy and sisters and-

“little boy, I’m going to indulge

in myself – with your help of
course!” he says the last part
cheerily and Tae jolts when
he’s given a hard slap on the
ass. His panties? His panties-
where- he panics even more
as he realizes his panties are
gone and his privates are bare.
The stranger sits on his legs
and spreads Tae’s round
cheeks, admiring the freshly-
turned teenager’s cunt and
virgin asshole. “Pretty down
here too” the man comments,
slipping a finger in Tae’s cunt.
He clenches around it
unintentionally, and it hurts
when the man goes from one
finger to three fingers.
Tae screams through the tape
when the man begins stuffing
his girthy meat in his tiny
cunthole. The stranger starts at
a merciless pace, tearing the
poor boy’s walls and stretching
his hymen all too quickly.

It feels like hell. Tae tries to

pray in his head, but his focus
is broken by the vomit inducing
pain he feels in what’s
supposed to be a sacred
place. His captor disgustingly
moans out in pleasure. Tae
pukes in his mouth, and
inadvertently swallows it. He
feels sick.
He should be ashamed, what a
way to repay God. Tae’s
muffled screams get louder
when the man penetrates his
cervix, entering his womb.
There’s blood all over his
thighs and the dingy sheets
beneath him, and *God* the
man’s cock.

“I think I’ll be keeping you” the

huffs and Tae’s screaming dies
down into sobbing.

He soon goes numb, taking the

rest of his fucking in silence.
Tae squeezes his eyes shut
when he feels the man’s vile
semen stuff his womb.

When he’s untied he doesn’t

move. How
he wishes he were dead right
about now.

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