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Reading Comprehension: Past Simple

Yesterday my wife and I went to a restaurant.

It was a romantic evening. But suddenly we heard a lot of
screams. We didn’t know what to do. We stood up and went
outside. A man appeared from behind and said:
“You two! Stay there!” He was a thief. He had a gun in his
hands. Therewas another man beside him. We gave them
our money. After ten minutes, the police arrived and they
caught the thieves. Thanks to them we could recover our money.

Answer the following questions about the text.

1) When did this happen?


2) What did they want to do when they heard people screaming?


3) Who was the man that appeared from behind?


4) What did the couple give to the thieves?


5) Did the police catch the thieves?


6) What happened netx?


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