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1. Did the science and technology agenda under Marcos Sr. prioritize the needs of the Filipino people,
or were there other political or economic motivations?
During the Marcos administration, the science and technology agenda appeared to be motivated by both the needs
of the Filipino people and political/economic motivations. While there were efforts to address scientific and
technological needs, such as the establishment of institutions like the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry,
and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), some initiatives seemed to serve political and
economic interests. For instance, the establishment of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) was criticized for its
potential risks and high costs, raising questions about its necessity and practicality for the country's energy needs
(Salazar, 1999). Thus, while there were attempts to prioritize the needs of the people, political and economic motives
also played a significant role in shaping science and technology initiatives during the Marcos era.
2. Were the infrastructure projects initiated during Marcos Sr.'s regime beneficial to the country's
progress, or were they primarily tools for political propaganda and personal gain?
Infrastructure projects initiated during the Marcos regime had a mixed impact on the country's progress. While some
projects, such as the construction of roads and bridges, contributed to economic development by improving
connectivity and facilitating trade, others were perceived as tools for political propaganda and personal gain. The
BNPP, for example, was widely seen as a project aimed at bolstering Marcos's image rather than addressing the
country's energy needs efficiently (Salazar, 1999). Similarly, projects like the Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites
and Services (BLISS) Housing Project faced criticisms for alleged corruption and inefficiency, raising doubts about
their true benefits to the Filipino people (Quimpo, 2013). Therefore, while some infrastructure projects may have
benefited the country's progress, others were marred by political agendas and personal gain.


1. How have science and technology initiatives under these past presidents addressed
environmental challenges and promoted sustainability?
Science and technology initiatives under Cory Aquino and subsequent presidents have made efforts to address
environmental challenges and promote sustainability. Initiatives such as the Clean Air Act and the Ecological Solid
Waste Management Act aimed to mitigate pollution and promote responsible waste management (Republic Act No.
8749; Republic Act No. 9003). Additionally, renewable energy programs and initiatives to protect natural resources,
such as reforestation projects, have been implemented to foster environmental sustainability (Department of
Energy, n.d.; DENR, n.d.). These efforts signify a recognition of the importance of addressing environmental concerns
through scientific and technological interventions, although challenges persist in their implementation and
2. Has there been adequate investment in research and development from subsequent
administrations to drive innovation and scientific discovery?
While there have been some investments in research and development (R&D) under subsequent administrations to
drive innovation and scientific discovery, the level of investment may not always be adequate. Government budgets
for R&D have often been limited, and there is a need for increased funding to support scientific research and
innovation (Aldaba et al., 2018). Moreover, there is a gap between R&D investments and their translation into
practical applications and economic benefits (Aldaba et al., 2018). Therefore, while there have been efforts to invest
in R&D, more substantial and sustained investment is necessary to fully leverage the potential of science and
technology for innovation and development.

• Salazar, M. (1999). *The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant: Marcos' Lasting Legacy.* Inquirer.Net. Retrieved from
• Quimpo, N. G. (2013). *The Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and Services (BLISS) Housing Project.*
Journal of Contemporary Asia, 43(2), 343-367.
• Republic Act No. 8749. (1999). *The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999.* Official Gazette of the Republic of the
Philippines. Retrieved from
• Republic Act No. 9003. (2001). *The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.* Official Gazette of the
Republic of the Philippines. Retrieved from
• Department of Energy. (n.d.). *Renewable Energy Program.* Retrieved from
• Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). (n.d.). *Forest Management Bureau.* Retrieved
• Aldaba, R. M., Albert, J. R., & Ang, A. T. (2018). *Investment in Research and Development in the Philippines:
Challenges and Prospects.* Philippine Institute for Development Studies.

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