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Name: Cajile Kenneth Jay S. Course/Yr/Section: 2 BSBA-A
Product Issues for Discussion Questions:
(1) The Product Management can help improve sales. Do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Explain.
Yes, I agree that Product Management can significantly contribute to improving sales.
Product Management plays a crucial role in boosting sales by focusing on what customers want
and making sure products meet those needs. By understanding customers, collaborative efforts,
truly understanding the market, product managers pave the way for increased sales. The success
of a certain product would not be possible without the comprehensive management of processes
that comes along with it. Managers usually collaborates with the different departments to come up
with a strategic plan that would improve sales.

(2) How does Product Management function impact Marketing of a product?

Product Management has a significant impact on the marketing of a product by ensuring
that the right product is developed, positioned effectively, and communicated clearly to the target
audience. For a product to penetrate the market, an effective marketing strategy should be
implemented along with different ways that could possibly augment the success of the product.
Product Management significantly influences the marketing of a product by shaping its core
features, value proposition, and overall positioning in the market. Product managers collaborate
closely with the marketing team to ensure a deep understanding of customer needs and market
trends. This collaboration ensures that marketing efforts are not only driven by customer needs but
are also flexible and adaptive to changing market landscape, which will lead to a more successful
and effective marketing for the product.

(3) What is the importance of Product Development? Do you think that an organized process of
development is helping us develop products that the customer needs?
Product development is like the superhero behind the scenes, making sure the products we
use every day are not just cool but also exactly what we need. It encompasses the systematic
process of creating, designing, and bringing new products or enhancing existing ones to meet the
ever-evolving needs of customers. Not a single product could be seen in the market that did not
undergo product development. It serves as an engine of innovation since through this process that
a certain product becomes tangible and available. Apart from that, the organized process of
product development is instrumental in developing products that truly meet the needs of
customers. To resonate with the demand of the customers, managers can progressively execute a
product development that aligns completely with the needs of the customers.

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