Drumeo Ds Workbook #4

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Mike Mic halkow’s

Book 4
Book 4 - Table Of Contents

Quarter Note Rock 6

Eighth Note Rock 7
Medium Rock 8
Medium Rock With 1 Bar Fills 9
Setup Fills 10
Fast Rock 11
Punk Rock 12
Medium Heavy Metal 13
Heavy Metal 14
Classic Rock 15
Country 16
Slow Funk 17
Funk 18
Blues 20
The Basic Shuffle 21
Porcaro Shuffle 22
Medium Swing 23
Bossa Nova 24
Samba 25
Songo 27
5/4 Rock 28
6/8 Rock 29
12/8 Rock 30
Hard Rock (Band) 31
Punk Rock (Band) 32
Eighth Note Rock (Band) 34

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 3

Funk (Band) 35
Reggae (Band) 36
7/8 37
5/4 39
4/4 To 3/4 41
Backwards Shuffle 43
Jazz Ballad 45
Jazz Medium 46
Funk 100 BPM 48
Funk 120 BPM 50
Rock 80 BPM 54
Rock 92 BPM 56
Rock 138 BPM 57
Gospel 59
Shuffle With 1 Bar Breaks 60
Shuffle 130 BPM 62
12/8 Blues With 1 Bar Breaks 65
14/8 Blues 67
Straight Blues 68
R&B 69
Classic Rock 71
6/8 73
Writing With A Band - Funk (Band) 75
Writing With A Band - 12 Bar Blues (Band) 77
Writing With A Band - Hard Rock (Band) 78
Writing With A Band - Jazz (Band) 80
Writing With A Band - 20/8 Blues (Band) 81
Writing With A Band - Funk Fusion (Band) 83
Track Listing 85

4 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Drum Set Notation Key
Drum Set Notation Key
Snare Drum Bass Drum Hi-Hat

œ œ œ œ x x x x
œ œ œ œ

Ride Cymbal Crash Cymbal 1st Tom (High Tom)

x x x x z z z z
œ œ œ œ

2nd Tom (Mid Tom) 3rd Tom (Low Tom) 2nd Bass Drum
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ

Cross-Stick Ride Cymbal Bell Hi-Hat with Foot

t t t t
y y y y
x x x x

ox ox ox ox
Open Hi-Hat Closed Hi-Hat
x x x x
Ghost Notes

(œ) (œ) (œ) (œ)

> > > >

Accented Notes Repeat Drum Fill

œ œ œ œ Repeat ’ ’ ’ ’

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 5

Play Along - Quarter Note Rock Ú 110 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Quarter Note Rock

110 8 01

44 œx œœx œœx œœx

œ Repeat 6

3 3

z z z z z
œœx œœx œœx xœ
8 œ ‰ œ œx œ
x œx ‰ œ œx

z z z z
œx ‰ œ œx
œx x Repeat 20

31 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x
œœ œœ œœ œœ Repeat 6

3 3

z z z z
œœx œœx œœx œœx ‰ œ Œ œx ‰ œ x
œ œ

z z z z
œx ‰ œ œx
œx x Repeat 23

6 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Eighth Note Rock Ú 110 bpm

DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Eighth Note Rock

110 8 03

44 x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x
œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 7
x x x x

x x
x x
x x
o Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x
œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 7
x x x x

x x x x x x x x
33 œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 5

39 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x
œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 15
x x x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 7

Play Along - Medium Rock Ú 110 bpm

DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Medium Rock
110 8 13

44 x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x ’ ’ ’ ’
œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ Repeat 3

z x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 6 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ ’’’’ Repeat 3

z x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 6 ’ ’ ’ ’

49 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 7 œ œ œœœ Repeat 7

8 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Medium Rock
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

With 1 Bar Fills q = 110 bpm

Medium Rock With 1 Bar Fills

Open Hi-Hat Feel
110 17 15

44 Ó ‰ œj œœ
x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ
1 Repeat 13

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

t t t t
18 œ œ
œx x x x x œx x œ x Repeat 2 ’’’’ Repeat 1

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ Repeat 13 ’’’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

z z z z
œx x
x x x œx
x œx Repeat 6 ’ ’ ’ ’

Play Shots With The Band

z z z
œx œ
œ œx œ
œ œ ‰ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3
x x x

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x z
œx x œx Œ Ó
58 œ œ œ Repeat 7 œ

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 9

Play Along - Setup Fills Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Setup Fills
100 17 19

44 x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx œz z x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x z x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ

z x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

z x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
16 ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x z x x x x x x x
19 œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ

10 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Fast Rock Ú 100 bpm

DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Fast Rock
180 8 15

44 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
œ œ
œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 15

z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 15

Y Y Yœ Y Y Y Yœ Y
œ œ œ œ Repeat 15

z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 27

Y Y Yœ Y Y Y Yœ Y
œ œ œ œ Repeat 19

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 11

Play Along - Punk Rock Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Punk Rock
9 01
z z z z z z z z
44 x œx x œx x œx x œx œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ
œ œœ œ œœ Repeat 15

z z z z z z z z zzzzzzzz z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ

x œx x œx x œx x œx
23 ’ ’’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œœ œ œœ Repeat 15

z z z z z z z z zzzzzzzz z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ œ œœ œœ œœœ œ œœ œœœ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2

z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

12 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Medium Heavy Metal Ú100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Medium Heavy Metal

110 9 13

44 Y Y Y Y
Repeat 3

œ œ Repeat 3

œ œœ œ œœ Repeat 7

x x œx x x x œx x
17 œ œ Repeat 15

z z z z z z z z
œ œ
œx x x x œx x x x Repeat 7

z z z z z z z z
œ œ
œx œx x x œx œx x œx Repeat 7

z z z z z z z z
œ œ
œx œx x x œx œx x œx Repeat 3

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ Repeat 3

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 13

Play Along - Heavy Metal Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Heavy Metal
100 9 09

44 x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 7

z z z z z z z z
œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x œx x x x œx x
17 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

z z z z z z z z
œ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x z x x œœ
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

14 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Classic Rock
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1
Ú 100 bpm

Classic Rock
64 8 17

44 X X Xœ X X X Xœ X
œ œ œ Repeat 7

9 ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

X X Xœ X X X Xœ X
œ œ œ Repeat 7

X X Xœ X X X Xœ X
œ œ œ Repeat 7

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 15

Play Along - Country Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

120 11 01
> > > >

44 œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ
œ x x x x

> > > > >

œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ Repeat 11
x x x x

> > > >

x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ x œ x œ x œ x

> > > > >

x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ x œ x œ x œ x Repeat 5

> > > >

œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ
x x x x

> > > > >

œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ Repeat 11
x x x x

16 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Slow Funk Ú 80 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Slow Funk
80 10 03

t t t tj t t t
44 Œ œ Œ œ Œ œ Œ œ œ œ Œ œ Œ œ Œ œ ’ ’

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ Repeat 6

x x x x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ ’ ’ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ Repeat 7

xx xx x x xx xx xx x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œœœ œ œ ’ ’ œœ œ Repeat 7

49 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 17

Play Along - Funk Ú 120 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

120 10 01

1 44 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Repeat 3

x œ x œx x x œ x œx x œ
œ( )œ œ ( )œ ()
o Repeat 7

z x x x x x x x x x
œx x x œx œx x œx x ≈
œ Repeat 3

x œ x œx x x œ x œx x œ
œ( )œ œ ( )œ ()
o Repeat 7

t x t x t x t x
œ œ œ ( œ) ( œ) œ œ Repeat 3

18 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

x x œx x x x œx x
œ ( œ) œ œ ( œ) œ ( œ) Repeat 7

t t t t
œ œ
œ ( œ) œ œ œ ( œ) Repeat 7

z z z z z z z z
œ œ
œx œx x x œx œx x x Repeat 3

x œ x œx x x œ x œx x œ
œ( )œ œ ( )œ ()
o Repeat 7

z x x x x x x x x x
œx x œx œx œx x œx x ≈ Repeat 3

65 ’ ’ ’ ’

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 19

Play Along - Blues Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

120 14 01
z x x x x x x x
1 8 œ ‰ œœx ‰ œ ‰ œœx ‰ Repeat 11

x x œx x x x œx x
œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ Repeat 11

z x x x x x x x
œ ‰ œx ‰ œ ‰ œx ‰
œ œ Repeat 11

j j
Open Hi Hat Feel

x xœ x x
œ ‰ ‰ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ ‰ œ ‰ œ
œ Repeat 11

j j
z z z z
œ ‰ ‰ œœ ‰ œ œ ‰ ‰ œœ ‰ œ Repeat 11

z x x x x x x x
œ ‰ œx ‰
œ œ ‰ œx ‰
œ Repeat 11

20 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - The Basic Shuffle
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1
100 bpm

The Basic Shuffle

110 13 01

12 x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
1 8 œ‰œ ‰ œ‰œ ‰ œ‰œ ‰ œ‰œ ‰ Repeat 3

Open Hi Hat Feel

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œ
Repeat 3

17 x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ‰ œ ‰ œ‰ œ ‰ œ‰ œ ‰ œ‰ œ ‰ œ
o Repeat 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œx ‰ œ œx ‰ œ

Repeat 7

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 21

Play-Along - Porcaro Shuffle
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1
q = 120 bpm

Porcaro Shuffle
DVD 19 - Drum Play-Along 3
Audio CD 4 - Track 8

3 3 3 3
120 13 03

44 Ó œ œ œ œ œ œ x e x x e x œx ‰ x x e x

œ œ
Repeat 15

3 3 3 3

t t t t t t t t
e e œ e e
œx œ x
Repeat 6
x x

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

3 3 3 3

x e x x e x œx x x e x
œ œ ‰ Repeat 7

3 3 3 3

x e X x e X œx e X x e X
œx œ x
Repeat 7
x x

3 3 3 3

t tt tt tt t z
œx e x e œ œx e x e Repeat 14 œ Œ Ó

22 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Medium Swing Ú 110 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Medium Swing
110 12 01

44 Œ

1 Œ ‰ ‰ œ œ
3 3

x x x x x x
‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x
3 3

x x x x x x
‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x

3 3

x x x x x x
‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x

3 3

x x x x x x
‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x
3 3

x x x x x x
‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x

3 3

x x x x x x
‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x

3 3

x x x x x x
‰ ‰ Repeat 13
x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 23

Play Along - Bossa Nova Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Bossa Nova
100 11 13
44 Ó ‰ y y y y

x x xy x x x x xy x
œ x œ œ x œ Repeat 15

x x xy x x x x xy x
œ x œ œ x œ Repeat 15

x x xy x x x x xy x
œ x œ œ x œ Repeat 15

x x xy x x x x xy x x x xy x x x x xy x
œ x œ œ x œ œ x œ œ x œ

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

24 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Samba
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1 q = 120 bpm
DVD 19 - Drum Play-Along 3
Audio CD 4 - Track 12
Samba 120 11 09

z zz z zz z zz z zz z zz z zz zz z zz z zz z zz z zz

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxx
œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x
e eœ e e e eœ e e
œ x œx œ x œx Repeat 9

Play Shots With The Band

z z z
œ œ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
e e e e e eœ e e e eœ e e e eœ e e
œ x œ œx œ x œx œ x œx œ x œx
Play Shots With The Band
z z z
œ œ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x
e e e e e e œ œœ
œ x œ œx œ x œ x Repeat 7

x x x xx x x x xx
œ e x eœ e œx e e œ e x œ œ ≈ œx e e Repeat 7

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 25

DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Play Shots With The Band

z z z
œ œ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x xx x x x x x x x xx x x x x
e e e e e œexœœ œœ œ e eœ e œ e e œ e œ œ œœ
œ x œ œx
x x x x x
Play Shots With The Band
z z z
œ œ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x
e eœ e e e eœ e e
œ œx œ œx
Repeat 10
x x

t x t x t x t x
e eœ ee e œ œ ee
œ œ œ œ
Repeat 7
x x x x
Play Shots With The Band
z z z
œ œ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

t x t x t x t x t x t x t x t x
e e e e e œ e e e e e e
œ x œ œx œ x œ œx œ x œ œx œ e x œ œ œx e e

Play Shots With The Band
z z z z
œ œ ’ ’œ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ Œ Ó

26 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play DVD
Along - Songo
17- Drum Play-Alongs 1
Ú 100 bpm

180 11 15

x x xœœ x
44 œœ œœœ œœœ
œ Repeat 7

9 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x xœœ x
œœ œœœ œœœ
œ Repeat 7

21 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x xœœ x
œ œ œ œ
25 œ œ œ œœ Repeat 7

33 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x xœœ x
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œœ Repeat 7

45 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 27

Play Along - 5/4 Rock Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

5/4 Rock
160 14 07

54 x x x x x x œx x x x
œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x œx x x x œx x
9 œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

z x x z z
œ œ
œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ Repeat 15

z x x z z
œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

28 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - 6/8 Rock 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

6/8 Rock
160 15 05

6 x x x x x x œx x x x x x
8œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x x x œx x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x œx
œ œx œ
œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x x x œx x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x x x œx x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x œx
œ œx œ
œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 29

Play Along - 12/8 Rock Ú 100 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

12/8 Rock
120 15 11

x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 8 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x œx x x x x x œx x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

17 œœ ‰ œœ œœ ‰ œœ œœ ‰ œœ œœ ‰ œœ Repeat 7

t x x t x x t x x t x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

z x x z x x z x x z x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

41 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 7

30 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Hard Rock (Band) Ú 120 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Hard Rock (Band)


o ox ox ox
120 20 02
Open Hi Hat Feel

44 x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ Repeat 7

zz zz zz zz x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ Repeat 7 œ œ Repeat 7

Open Hi Hat Feel

zz zz zz zz x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ Repeat 7 œ œ Repeat 7
Open Hi Hat Feel

zz zz zz zz x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ Repeat 7 œ œ Repeat 7

z z z z z z z z
œ œ
œ œ Repeat 7

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 31

Play Along - Punk Rock (Band) Ú 120 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

Punk Rock (Band)

120 03
20 04

4 ∑ œœœ Œ Ó ∑ œœœ Œ Ó Ó Œ œœ
4 Repeat 3

Open Hi Hat Feel

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3

z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

œœx œ œxœ œ œœx œ œxœ œ œœx œ œxœ œ œœx œ œxœ œ Repeat 7

32 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 7

Guitar Solo - Open Hi Hat Feel

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 33

Play Along - Eight Note Rock (Band)
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1 Ú 120 bpm

Eighth Note Rock (Band)

120 05
20 06
zx xxx xxx xx xxx xxx
44 Ó ‰ œj œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œœ œ œœ œ
Repeat 6

x x œx x x œ x œx x
’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 7 œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x œx x x œ x œx x
’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 7 œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x œx x x x œx x
’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 7 œ œ œ œœ Repeat 7

x x œx x x œ x œx x
’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 7 œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

34 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play Along - Funk (Band) Ú
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1
120 bpm

Funk (Band)
120 07
20 08

1 44 ∑ ∑ ∑ Ó Œ œœœ≈


x x œx x x x x œx x x x x œx x x x x œx
œ œ œ≈œ œ ≈ œ œ œ ≈ œ œœ Repeat 7

x x xy x y x x xy x
œ ( )œ Repeat 3 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ Repeat 3 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x xy x y x x xy x
œ ( )œ Repeat 3 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x
œx œ œx œ œx œ œx œx œ œx œ œx œ œ œx
Repeat 3

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 35

Ú 120 bpm
DVD 17- Drum Play-Alongs 1
Play Along - Reggae (Band)
Reggae (Band)
120 09
20 10

4 ∑ ∑

∑ Ó ’ ’

3 3 3 3

x x x xy x x x x x xy x x
5 ≈ œ≈ ≈ œ≈ Repeat 57

36 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - 7/8
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
e = 230 bpm

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 1+2
230 18 01

t x x x x x x t x x x x x x t x x t x x t xx
1 78 Repeat 7

j j j j
t x t x t x x t tt tt t t t
œx e x œx x e œx e x œx e œx e x œx x e œx e œx œœx e
Repeat 1

j j j j j j j
x X œj x x x x x x x x x x x x œj x X œj x x X œj
œ œ œ œ x œ œ x
Repeat 3

j j j
t x t x t t t t
œ e e œ
œx œx
Repeat 9
x x x x x

t xxx x x x t xxx x x x t xxt xxt xx

Repeat 3

j j j j
t x t x t x x t tt tt t t t
œx x œx x œx x œx
e e e e e œ e e œe
œx x x x œx œx œx
Repeat 1

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 37

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

j j j j j j j j j j
x X j
xxxx xxxxxxxxœ x X œ x x X œ
œ œ œ œ œ x œ œ x Repeat 3

j j j
t x t x t t t t
œ e œ e œ
Repeat 7
x x x x x x

j j j j j
t t t t t
œ ≈ œ ≈ œ ≈ œ ≈ œ Repeat 7

t xxx x x x t xxx x x x t xxt xxt xx

Repeat 3

j j j j
t x t x t x x t tt tt t t t
œx x œx x œx x œx
65 e e e e œ e œ e œ e œ œœ e Repeat 1
x x x x x x x

j j j j j j j
x X œj x x x x x x x x x x x x œj x X œj x x X œj
œ œ œ œ x œ œ x
Repeat 3

j j j Last Bar Ends On Count 6

t x t x t t t t
œ e œ e œ
œx x x x x x x Repeat 9

38 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - 5/4
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 235 bpm

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 3+4
117 18 03

54 X e x œ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxœxxxX
œ œ œ œ œ x

X X œx X x x x x x x x x œ x x x X X z
œx œx œx œ œx œxœ
Repeat 4

z z x z x z x x x x z x z z x z x z
œ œ œ œ œ œ
œx œ œ x œ œ x œ x œ
x x x x x x

z x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
œx œ
x x x

z r
X œx x x œx
œ œ x œ ’ Repeat 7

z z x z x z x x x x z x z z x z x z
œ œ œ œ œ
œx œx œ x œ x œ œ x œ x œ
x x x x

z x x xXx x x x x z x x x x xx x x
œ œ eœ œ œ
œx œ œx œx œ e x e œ œx œ e e œ
x x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 39

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

z r
X œx x x œx
œ œ x œ ’ Repeat 3

X x œ x x œ x œ x
œ x œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3

z z x z x z x x x x z x z z x z x z
œ œ œ œ œ
œx œx œ x œ x œ œ x œ x œ
x x x x

z x x xXx x x x x z x x x x xx x x
œ œ eœ œ œ
œx œ œx œx œ e x e œ œx œ e e œ
x x x

x x x x x x
39 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

8 Bar Drum Solo

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 7

z z x z x z x x x x z x z z x z x z z
œx œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ Ó Œ
œ œ
x x x x x x x x x

40 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - 4/4 To 3/4
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 145 bpm

Audio CD 18 To 3/4
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
- Track 5+6

3 3 3 3 3 3
145 18 05

44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x 34 x e x x e x Xœ
œx œ œ œ œ
Repeat 2

3 3 3 3

44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x
Repeat 3 œ œ œ Repeat 2 43

3 3 3 3

44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x
43 ’ ’ ’ Repeat 1 œ œ œ

3 3 3

34 x e x x e x x e x 44
Repeat 2 œ œ œ
Repeat 1

3 3 3 3 3 3

44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x 34 x e x x e x Xœ
œx œ œ œ œ
Repeat 2

3 3 3 3

44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x
Repeat 3 œ œ œ Repeat 2 43

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 41

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

3 3 3 3

44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x
43 ’ ’ ’ Repeat 1 œ œ œ

3 3 3

34 x e x x e x x e x 44
œ œ œ
Repeat 2 Repeat 1

3 3 3

44 x e ‰ x x x x x
œx x
œ ‰
x x
e Repeat 3 43 ’ ’ ’

3 3 3 3

44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x
Repeat 3 œx œ œ Repeat 2 43

3 3 3 3 3 3

34 x e x x e x Xœ 44 x e x x e x œx ‰ ex x e x
œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 2

43 ’ ’ ’ 44 Œ Ó
Repeat 2 Repeat 1

42 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-AlongDVD- 18-Backwards
Drum Play-Alongs 2
Shuffle q = 120 bpm

Backwards Shuffle
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 7+8

3 3 3 3
120 18 07

x x xx x x
44 Ó Œ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰œ
1 œœ œ œ œ Repeat 7

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x xx x x x x xx x x z x z x z
œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ e e œœ ‰ œ œ e e œœ ‰ œ

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ ‰ œ
œ ‰ œ œ e e œ
œ ‰ œ
œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ
œ œ œ Repeat 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x
’’’’ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰
œ œ œ œ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ
œ œ œ

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x x x x
œ‰ œ œ‰ ’’’’ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ
e e œ œ e e œ œ œ œ œ

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x xx x x x x xx x x x x xx x x
œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ e e œœ ‰ œ œ e e œœ ‰ œ œ e e œœ ‰ œ œ e e œœ ‰ œ

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x xx x x x x xx x x x x xx z
œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œœ œœ ‰
26 œ œ

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 43

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x x
œ ‰ œœ ‰ œ ’ ’ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ‰ œ
29 œ œ œ Repeat 3

Guitar Solo Set Up Shots

3 3 3 3

x z x z
œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ ’ ’ ’ ’
Repeat 15

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x
œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰
Repeat 7 œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x xx x x x x xx x x x x xx œ œ z
œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ œœ ‰ œ

3 3 3 3 3 3

z z z z x x x x x x
œ ‰ œ œœ œ ‰ œ œœ ‰ ‰ ‰ œ‰ œ
œ œ œ
œ œ œ
Repeat 3

Set Up Shots
’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ‰‰ œ

44 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Jazz Shuffle
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

q = 60 bpm

Jazz Ballad
Crescendo Roll Intro With Random Cymbal Shots
60 18 09
z x x x x
4 Ó
4 Repeat 3

Sweep The Brushes With Both Hands

6 œ œ œ œ Repeat 15 œ œ œ œ
x x x x

Repeat 7 œ œ œ œ Repeat 9
x x

One Hand Sweeps, The Other Plays The Ride

x x x x
40 œ œ œ œ Repeat 9 œ œ œ œ
x x x x

2 Bar Outro With Retard

Repeat 7 œ œ œ œ Repeat 6
x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 45

Play-Along - Jazz Medium
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 100 bpm

Jazz Medium
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 11+12
100 18 11
3 3

1 44 X xy

x X xy

Repeat 7
x x

3 3

X xy x X xy x
3 ‰ ‰ Repeat 6 ’ ’ ’ ’
x x

3 3

X xy x X xy x
12 ‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x

3 3

X xy x X xy x
19 ‰ ‰ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’
x x

3 3

X xy x X xy x
29 ‰ ‰ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’
x x

46 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

Guitar Solo 3 3

x x x x x x
33 ‰ ‰ Repeat 14 ’ ’ ’ ’
x x

Piano Solo
3 3

x x x x x x
œ ‰ œ ‰ Repeat 10 ’ ’ ’ ’
x x

3 3

x x x x x x
œ ‰ œ ‰ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’
x x

3 3

x x x x x x
œ ‰ œ ‰ Repeat 10 ’ ’ ’ ’
x x

1 Bar Outro With Retard

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰
x x x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 47

Play-Along - Funk
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 100 bpm

Funk 100 BPM

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 13+14

100 18 13

1 44 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Repeat 3

X x x œx x x z œj œ x
œx x x Xœ x Xœ
œ x œ œ
Repeat 5
x x

x x x x x x x z x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ
œx œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3
x x x x x x x

X x x œx x x z œj œ x
œx x x Xœ x Xœ
œ x x x œ œ Repeat 3

x x x x x x x z x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ
œx œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 7
x x x x x x x

48 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

x x z
œx x x x œx x x œ
œ ’ ’ œ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œ z x x œx x
œ œ œ œ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Repeat 3

x x xy x x x œx x x x xy x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 1

Organ Solo

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ
œx x œ
x œ x x œ x œ
x œ x Repeat 6

Cymbal Swell

z z z z z.
œx œ
œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ Œ
x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 49

Play-Along - Funk
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 120 bpm

Funk 120 BPM

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 15+16
120 18 15

z z
44 x e x œx x œ x e x œx x e
œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x œ œ œ œœ’ ’
œe œ œ eœ e Repeat 2

x e x œx x œ x e x œx x e z z
œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

x e x œx x œ x e x œx x e
œ œ œ
Repeat 3

x x x x x xx xx z z
œx e œx œ e x e œ œx e Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

x x xx x xx xx z. z j j z. z z
œx e œ. œ ‰ œ œ œ. œ ‰ œ
20 œ œe eœ œ e Repeat 2
x x x

x e x œx x œ x e x œx x e z z
œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

50 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

x x œx x x x œx x
œ e œ œ e œ e Repeat 3

t et t œ t et e t t œ t t e
œx œ œ
Repeat 7
x x x

x e x œx x œ x e x œx x e z z
œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

x e x œx x œ x e x œx x e œ œ œ œœ’ ’
œ œ œ
Repeat 2

x x x x x xx xx z z
œx e œx œ e x e œ œx e Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

x x x x x x x x x
e œ e e œ e
œx œ œ
Repeat 3
x x x

Guitar Solo

t et t œ t et et t œ t t e z z
œx x x œx x œx x x Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 51

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

t et t œ t et et t œ t t e z. z j j z. z z
œx x x œx x œx x x œ. œ ‰ œ œ œ. œ ‰ œ
Repeat 2

x x x xXx xx xx z z
œx e œx œ x œ œ œx e Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

x x x x X x x x x x
œx e œ œ œ œ œ e Repeat 3
x x x
Organ Solo

t et t œ t œ t œ t t œ t t e
œx œ œ
Repeat 7
x x x
Drum Solo With Shots
z z z z
œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œ

z z z z z zz
œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ œ œ œ œœ’ ’

z z z z
œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œ

z z
œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

52 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
Organ Solo

x x x x x xx xx z z
e œ œ œ
x œ x œ
e Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

x x x x x x x x x
œx e œ
x œ œ x œ œ œ
e Repeat 3

t et t œ t œ t œ t t œ t t e z z
œx x œ x œ x Repeat 2 ’ ’ œ œ

t et t œ t œ t œ t t œ t t e
œx x œ x œ x Repeat 3

x x x x x x x x x
œx e œ
x œ œ x œ œ œ
e Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x x
e œ œ œ œ e
œx œ œ
Repeat 2
x x x

z z
’ ’ œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 53

Play-Along - Rock
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 80 bpm

Rock 80 BPM
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 17+18
80 18 17

1 44 ΠX
Repeat 2 Œ
’ ’

Open Hi-Hat Feel

z x z
œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œ x
œ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ ’ ’

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œz x
œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 7

Slightly Open Hi-Hat

z x x x X x Xœ x X x Xœ x œ œ
œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ

54 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

Guitar Solo

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x z x
œ œ œ
27 œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

z x z x z x z x z x z x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ

Play Shots With The Band

z x x z x x x z
œ œ œ œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

Organ Solo

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x z x
œ œ œ
48 œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

z x z x z x z x z x z x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 55

Play-Along - Rock
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 92 bpm

Rock 92 BPM
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 18 - Track 19+20
92 18 19

1 44 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

x x xy x y x y x xy x
œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 11

x x x x x x x x
Set Up Shot On Count 3

œ Xœ œx œ œx Repeat 12 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x X œx x X x x X œx x X
œx x œ œx œ x œ
Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x
Set Up Shot On Count 3

œx œ Xœ œ œx œ Xœ œ Repeat 12 ’ ’ ’ ’

z z z z z z z z Set Up Shot On Count 3

œx œ
œœ œ œ œ
x x Repeat 4 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x X œx x X x x X œx x X x e X œx x X z
œx x œ œx œ x œ œ œ x œ œxœ xŒ
Repeat 6

56 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Rock
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 138 bpm

Rock 138 BPM

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 1+2
138 19 01

1 44 x x x x x x x x
Repeat 3

x x x x x x x x
œ œ Repeat 3

x x œx x x x œx x Play Shots With The Band

œ œ œ œ Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x Play Shots With The Band

œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 4 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x X X X
œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 4 ’’’’ œ œ œx

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 57

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x X œx X
œx œ œ œ œ œ œ œ x Repeat 7

x x x x x x x x Play Shots With The Band

œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 4 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x Play Shots With The Band

œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 4 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x z
œ œx œx x x x
x x x
œx œ œx œ œx œ œx œ
x x x x

x x x x x x œx œx x x x x x X X
œx œ œx œx œ x œx œ œx œ œ œx œ
Repeat 3

zzzz zzzz Play Shots With The Band 5 Bar Outro

œx œ œx œx œ œx Repeat 4 ’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

58 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Gospel
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
e = 54 bpm

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 3+4

3 3 3 3
54 19 03

x x x x x x x x xx x x x
68 œ ≈ e e e e e ≈ œ œ œ
œ œ œ
Repeat 6

Guitar Solo

x x x xy x x x x x xy x x
œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3

x x x œx x x x x x œx x x
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2

Organ Solo 3 3 3 3

x x x xx xxx x x
œx x x
œ ≈ ≈ œ
œ e e e
œ œ œ œ ee
Repeat 6

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x x x x xx xxx x x
œ œ ≈ e e e œ e e œ ≈ œ ≈ œ
e e e œ ee Repeat 5

4 Bar Outro With Retard

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x x x x xx xx x x x
œ œ ≈ e e e œ e e œ ≈ œ ≈ œ
e e e œ ee Repeat 4

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 59

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

Play-Along - Shuffle With 1 Bar Breaks

Shuffle With 1 Bar Breaks q = 110 bpm
110 19 05


44 ∑ Œ Ó
Repeat 3

z z 3 3

6 ∑ œ Ó Œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x x
œ ‰ œ ‰ eœ eœ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ eœ e œ œ ‰ œ
Repeat 2

3 3 3 3

x x x xx x x x
œ ‰ ‰ ‰ ’ ’ ’ ’
œ e e œ
œ œ

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x œx ex x e x œx x x x œx ex x e x œx X
œx ‰ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ
Repeat 2

3 3 3

x x œx x x e x Xœ
œ ‰ ‰ ’ ’ ’ ’
e œ œ

3 3 3

z x z x x x x
œ ‰
œ x ‰ ‰ ’ ’ ’ ’
Repeat 7
x x

60 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x œx ex x e x œx x x x œx ex x e x œx X
œx ‰ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ ‰ œ œ ‰
Repeat 2

3 3 3

x x œx x x e x Xœ
œ ‰ ‰ ’ ’ ’ ’
e œ œ

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x œx ex x e x œx x x x œx ex x e x œx X
œx ‰ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ ‰ œ œ ‰
Repeat 2

3 3 3

x x œx x x e x Xœ
œ ‰ ‰ e œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’
3 3 3

z x z x x x x
œ ‰
œ x ‰ ‰ ’ ’ ’ ’
Repeat 7
x x

z z z
œ ‰ œ Œ ’ ’ ’ ’
œ œ œ
Repeat 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x x
œ ‰ œ ‰ eœ eœ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ eœ e œ œ ‰ œ Repeat 2

3 3 3 3 3

x x x xx x x x z z Å
œ ‰ œ ‰ eœ œ ‰ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ ‰ œ Œ
e œ œ œ œ

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 61

Play-Along - Shuffle
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 130 bpm

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 7+8
130 19 07
j 3
z j 3

1 ∑ Repeat 6 Ó Œ ‰ ‰ œ ‰ ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x
œ ‰ ‰ œ x ‰
œ e e œ
Repeat 7

Set Up Cymbal Shots With A Beat Or Fills

3 3 3 3 3
z x x x x x x z x
œ ‰ x ‰ œ ‰ œ x ‰ œ ‰ ‰ œ x ‰ œ ’ ’
œ œ œ œ
Repeat 2

3 3 3 3

z z z z
e e
e e
e e
e e ’ ’ ’ ’

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x
œ ‰ ‰ œ x ‰
œ e e œ
Repeat 3

3 3 3 3

x x œx x x e x œx x
œ ‰ ‰ e œ œ ‰ Repeat 11

62 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

Set Up Cymbal Shots With A Beat Or Fills

3 3 3 3 3
z x x xx xx z x
œ‰ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ ‰ œj œ ‰ œ ’ ’
Repeat 2
x x x

3 3 3 3

z z z z
œ eeœ eeœ eeœ ee ’ ’ ’ ’

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

z x x xx x x x x x x zx z z
œ ‰
50 œ ‰ e œ e œ œ ‰ e œ e œ ‰ eœ e œ œ ‰ œœ
x x x x

3 3 3 3 3

x zx x z x x 3

œx ‰
52 œ ‰ eœ e œ ‰ eœ e œ ‰ œ ’ ’
x x x x X

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ e ‰ eœ e ‰ eœ e ‰ eœ e ‰ eœ Repeat 5

Intro 3 3
3 3 3

66 ∑ Repeat 5 œ Œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 63

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x
œx ‰ ‰ œ x ‰
œ e e œ
Repeat 7

3 3 3 3 3
z x x xx x x z x
œx ‰ x ‰ œx ‰ œ x ‰ œ x ‰ œ x ‰ œ ’ ’
œ e œ œ
Repeat 2

3 3 3 3

z z z z
œX e e Xœ e e Xœ e e Xœ e e ’ ’ ’ ’

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x x
œx ‰ ‰ œ x ‰ œx ‰ ‰ œ x ‰
œ e e œ œ e e œ
x œx x œx

t t t t t t t t t t z x x
œx œ œx ‰ œ œx œ ‰ œx œ ‰ œ
x x x x

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

z xx xx xx x x xx xx xx x x x x œ Å 3

œx ‰ œx ‰ e œx ‰ œx ‰ e œx e œx ‰ e œx e œ œx ‰ e œx e œ Xœ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ

64 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - 12 Bar Blues
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

12/8 Blues With 1 Bar Breaks

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 9+10
q = 168 bpm

70 19 09
j j
8 œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ Œ œœ Œ

x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ’’’’ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ’’’’
œ œ

x x x œx x x x x x œx x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x œx x x x x x œx x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x x x œx x x x x x œx x x xxxxxxxxxxxx
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ’’’’ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ’’’’

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 65

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

Guitar Solo

x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ’’’’ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ’’’’
35 œ œ

Piano Solo

x x X œx x x x x X œx x x
œ œ x œ œ œ œ x œ œ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x X œx x x X x X œx X x X x X œx X x X x X œx X x
œ œ x œ œ x œ x œ œx œ x œ x œ œx œ x œ x œ œx

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x x x œx x x x x x œx x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

2 Bar Outro With Retard

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x x x œx x x x x x œx x x zx XzXXzXX XX
œ œ œ œ œ ’’’’ œ œ
œ œœ
œ œ œœ œ œœ

66 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - 7/8 Blues
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 70 bpm

14/8 Blues
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 11+12
168 19 11

Intro - Play Random Cymbal Shots
8 Repeat 10 ’’’’’’’

3 3 3

x x x x x x x
e œ ee e œ ee ee
œ œ œ
Repeat 11
x x x x

z x x x x x z z
œ œ eeœ e œ œ œ œ Repeat 11

Slightly Open Hi-Hat

3 3 3 3 3 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
e œ ee e œ ee ee e œ ee e œ ee ee
œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 6

Organ Solo - Play This Beat Or Improvise Over It

x x x x œ
œ e œ œ œœ e œ œ œ Repeat 11

Guitar Solo - Play This Beat Or Improvise Over It

3 3

x x x x x x x
œ e œ e e œ e œ œ ee Repeat 11
x x x x x

3 3 3

x ex œ xeex e x œ x eeXee z
œx œ œ œ Ó ∑
Repeat 11

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 67

Play-Along - Straight
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2 Blues q = 100 bpm
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2

Straight Blues
Audio CD 19 - Track 13+14

Intro Open Hi-Hat Feel 100 19 13

z x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
44 Ó ‰ œj œ œ
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

x x œx x x x œx x x x x x x x x x
œ œ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œ œ œ Repeat 23

Guitar Solo

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
Repeat 11
x x x x

Organ Solo

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 11

z z z
œœ œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ œ Repeat 3

œœ œ œœœ œ œœ œ œœœ œ œœ œ œœœ œ œœ œ œœœ œ œ Repeat 3

x x x x x x x x z z z z
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Ó
Repeat 14
x x

68 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - R&B
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 130 bpm

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 15+16
130 19 15
44 x x x x X x x œx X x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œx ‰ œ œ œx œ
Repeat 7

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

z z z z z z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œœ œœ
œx œ œ œx œ œ œx œ œ œx
x x x

x x œx x X z x x œx X x x œx x
œ œ œ œx ‰ œ œ œx œ Repeat 7

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

z z z z z z z z
œ œ
œx œ œ œx œ œ
Repeat 3
x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 69

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

x x x x x xx x x x x x x xx xx
œx œ œx œ œx
œ œ œ œ
x œ œx œ
Repeat 3
x x x

x x x x X z x x x X x x x x
œ œ œ œ œx ‰ œ œ œ œ
œx œ
Repeat 3

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x x œx x X z x x œx X x x œx x
œ œ œ œx ‰ œ œ œx œ Repeat 3

x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ
œx œ œ œx œ œ œx œ œ œx œ œ
x x x x

x x x x X z x x x X x x x x
œ œ œ œ œx ‰ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 2

z x x x z z x x z x x j X
œ œ œ œœ
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

70 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Classic Rock
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
q = 87 bpm

Classic Rock
DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 17+18
87 19 17

44 ’
’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

z z z z z z z z
œ œ
œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

œœ œ œœ œ œœ œœ œœ œ Repeat 7
x x

z x x z x x z x
œ œ
œ œ œ
Repeat 3

œœ œœ
œœ œ œ œœ œœ œ Repeat 7
x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 71

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

z x x z x x z x
œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3

> > > >

33 œœ œ! œ! œœ œ! œ! œœ œ œ œ œœ œ! œ! Repeat 7
x x x x

’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

z z z z z z z z
œ œ œœœ œ
Repeat 3

œœx œ œœ œ œœx œœ œœ œœ Repeat 3
x x

z x x z x x z x z
œ œœœ œ œœœ Repeat 7 œ Œ Ó

72 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - 3/4
DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2
e = 135 bpm

DVD 18 - Drum Play-Along 2
Audio CD 19 - Track 19+20

135 19 19

x x x x x x
68 ≈ œ œ
œ œ œ
Repeat 7

x x x x x x
œ ≈ œ œ Repeat 7

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x
œ ≈ œ ≈ œ
œ e e e œ ee Repeat 7

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x
œ ≈ œ œ ≈ e ee ee Repeat 7

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 73

DVD 18- Drum Play-Alongs 2

Play Shots With The Band

68 x x x x x x
43 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ ≈œ œ œ œ

3 3 3 3

x x x x x x
œ ≈ œ ≈ œ
œ e e e œ ee Repeat 7

Piano Solo
3 3 3 3

x x x x x x
œ ≈ œ œ ≈ e ee ee Repeat 7

Play Shots With The Band 3

68 x x x ≈ œx x x
43 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

3 3 3 3
Last Bar - Play The Shots
x x x x x x
œ ≈ œ œ ≈ œ
e e e œ ee Repeat 3

74 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Live Band Song #1
DVD 19- Writing With A Band
q = 105 bpm

Writing With A Band - Funk

DVD ?? - Drum Play-Along ?
Audio CD 20 - Track 11+12
105 11
20 12

44 ∑
Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

x ex x x x ex ex x x x e
œ œ
œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 11

z x x x x x x z x x x x Xx x x x
œ œ œ œ œ œ
œx œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3
x x x x x x x

Bass Solo

x x œx x ex ex x x e
œ œ œ œ œ Repeat 3

Guitar Solo

x ex x x x ex ex x x x e
œ œ
œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 11

z x x x x x x z x x x x Xx x x x
œ e
œx œ œx œ
œx œ œ œœ
œ x œ x œ
Repeat 3
x x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 75

DVD 19- Writing With A Band

X x xy x x x xy z x x xy x x x xy x
œ x y œ y y
œ œ œ
Repeat 5

Play Shots With The Band

’ ’ ’ ’ Repeat 3

63 ∑ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

Piano Solo

x x x x x x x x x x
e œ e e œ e
œx œ x œ œ œ
Repeat 11
x x

zx x x x x x z x x x x Xx x x x
œx œx eœ œ œ œ œœ
x x x x x
eœ œ œ œ
x Repeat 2 ’’’’

z x x x x x x z x x x xXx x x x
œ eœ œ œ œ œ
œx x x x x œ x œx œ œx œ Repeat 3

x e x œx x x e x e x œx x x e x ex œx x x ex eœ œ œ X
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œx
Repeat 2

76 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Live Band Song #2
DVD 19- Writing With A Band
q = 146 bpm

Writing With A Band - 12 Bar Blues

DVD ?? - Drum Play-Along ?
Audio CD 20 - Track 13+14
146 13
20 14

x x x x x x x x
44 œ œ
œx œ œx œ
Repeat 3
x x

x x x x x x x x x
œ œ
œx œ œx œ
Repeat 7
x x

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ œ œ Repeat 11

Organ Solo

x x x x x x x x
œ eœ eœ œ
œx œ
Repeat 11
x x x
Guitar Solo

x x œx x x x œx x
œ œ eœ œ Repeat 11

Set Up The Shots On The Following Bar

z z
œ œ ’ ’ Repeat 10 ’ ’ ’ ’

x x x x x x x x
œ eœ œ e
œx œ œ
Repeat 11
x x x
Guitar Solo 8 Bar Outro With Retard
z z z z z z z z
œ eœ œ e
œx œ œ
Repeat 10
x x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 77

Play-AlongDVD- 19-Live Band
Writing With A Band Song #3 q = 90 bpm
DVD ?? - Drum Play-Along ?
Writing With A Band - Hard Rock
Audio CD 20 - Track 15+16

90 15
Intro 20 16

z X z z z X z X z z z
44 Ó Œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œœ œ œœœ ’ ’
Repeat 2 œ œœ

z X X X z X z z z z z z z z z z
œ œœ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Repeat 1

Open Hi-Hat Feel

z x z. z.
œx x x x œx x x x œx x œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ . .

z x x x x x x x x x œx x œ œ œ œ z .
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.
Repeat 1

z x x z x x x x z x x z x z z.
œ œ œx œ x œ œx œ œ œx œ x œ œ .
Repeat 2 œ Repeat 1

X z. z.
œ x ‰ Ó Œ Ó
r r
œ œ œ œ
. .
23 œ œ

Open Hi-Hat Feel

z x z. z.
œx x x x œx x x x œx x œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ . .

z x x x x x x x x x œx x œ œ œ œ z .
œ œ œ œ œ œ.
œ œ
Repeat 1

78 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

DVD 19- Writing With A Band

z x x z x x x x z x x z x z z.
œ œ œx œ x œ œx Repeat 2 œ
œ œ œx œ x œ œ . Repeat 1 42

Play Softly

42 Ó 44 x x xy x x x xy x x
œ œ œ
Repeat 3

x x x xy x x x œx@ x
œ œ œ
Repeat 3

x x œx x x x x
œ œ œ
Repeat 3

Play Louder As The Intensity Builds

Open Hi-Hat Feel

x x œx x x x x
œ œ œ œœ Repeat 3

Guitar Solo

z z z z z z z z
œ œ œ œ
œx œ œ œx
Repeat 7
x x
Open Hi-Hat Feel

z x z. z.
œx x x x œx x x x œx x œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ . .

z x x x x x x x x x œx x œ œ œ œ z .
œ œ œ œ œ œ.
œ œ
Repeat 1

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 79

Play-Along - Live Band Song #4
DVD 19- Writing With A Band
q = 123 bpm

Writing With A Band - Jazz

DVD ?? - Drum Play-Along ?
Audio CD 20 - Track 17+18
123 17
3 3
20 18

x x x x x x
1 44 ‰ ‰ Repeat 15
x x
3 3

x x x x x x
3 ‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x
3 3

x x x x x x
19 ‰ ‰ Repeat 7
x x
Guitar Solo 3 3

x x x x x x
33 ‰ ‰ Repeat 15
x x
Organ Solo
3 3

x x x x x x
‰ y ‰ Repeat 15
x x
Trading 4 Bar Solos With The Guitar And The Organ
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

x x xx x x x x xx x x x x xx x x x x xx x x
51 ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰
x x x x x x x x

’’’’ ’’’’ ’’’’ ’’’’ Repeat 3

3 3

x x xx x x z
97 ‰ ‰ Repeat 14 œ Œ Ó
x x

80 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Live Band Song #5
DVD 19- Writing With A Band
e = 225 bpm

Writing With A Band - 20/8 Blues

DVD ?? - Drum Play-Along ?
Audio CD 20 - Track 19+20
225 19
20 20

1 68 ’ ’ ’ ’

z x x œx x e x e x ex e x x x ex e
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

j j
z z
x x x œx x x 2
eœ e 8 œ 68
œ e eœ œ œ Repeat 4

68 x X œx x x X x X
e œ e œ e e œ œx x x
eœ e
œ œ
x x x

j j
x ex e 2 z z
X ex eX œx 68
œ x œ x œ 8 œ œ Repeat 3

Organ Solo

z x x x x x x x x x x x x
68 œ
œ œ œx œ œx œ œx œ œx
Repeat 7
x x

z x X œx X x X x X œx X x
œ œ œ œx œ œ œ œx
x x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 81

DVD 19- Writing With A Band

j j
z z
X x X œx X x 28 68
œ x œ x œ œx œ œ Repeat 3

Organ Solo

68 x x œx x e x e x ex ex œx x ex e
œ œ œ œ œ œ

j j
x ex ex x ex e 2 z z
œx 8 œ
œ œ œ œ
Repeat 3

z x x x x x x x x x x x x
68 œ
œ x œ x œx œ x œ œx œ œx Repeat 7

Soloing Over A Vamp j j

z z
28 68
’ ’ Repeat 2 œ œ Repeat 7

Guitar Solo

z x x x x x x xxx x x x z
œ x œ œx œx œ x œ œx œ œx œ ‰ Œ.
Repeat 7

82 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Play-Along - Live Band Song #6
DVD 19- Writing With A Band
q = 150 bpm

Writing With A Band - Funk Fusion

DVD ?? - Drum Play-Along ?
Audio CD 20 - Track 21+22
150 21
20 22

1 ∑ Repeat 6 ’ ’ ’ ’

X x œx x e x e X e e X e e x œx x e x e x œx x
œ x œ x œ x œ œœ œ
Repeat 7

z t x t x t x t x x x x x x x x
œ e eœ œ œ e œ e œ e eœ œ œ
x x x x x x x

r 3

z x x x x x x x x x x z z z xx x xx xx
œx œ e œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ≈≈œ ‰ œ œ e eœ œ œe
x x x x x x x x x x

r 3

x x x x x z z z x x x x x x z
œx e œx x œ ≈ ≈ œ ‰ œx œ ’’’
30 œ e eœ œ œ
x x x

Guitar Solo

X x œx x x X X x œx x x x œx x
œ x e e e e e
œ x œ x œe e eœ œ œ Repeat 7

z t x t x t x t x t x t x t x
œx œ e e œ e e œ e e œ
œ œ œ x œ x œ
x x x x x

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 83

DVD 19- Writing With A Band

r 3

z xx x xx xx x x x x z z z xx x xx xx
œx œx
e e œ œ œœ œ ≈ ≈ œ ‰ œ œ e e œ œ œ e
œ œ œ
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x z z z x x x x x x X
œx e œ œ œx x œ ≈ ≈ œ ‰ œx œx Ó
54 œ e eœ œ œ œœ
x x x

x x x x x xxx x x x x x x œx x x
œx x œ œx x œ x œ œx œ œ œ
Repeat 7
x x

60 ∑ Repeat 2 ’ ’ ’ ’

X x œx x e x e X e e X e e x œx x e x e x œx x
œ x œ x œ x œ œœ œ
Repeat 5

z x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x
œ e eœ œ œ e œ e œ e eœ œ œ
x x x x x x x

r 3

z x x x x x x x x x x z z z xx x xx xx
œ e œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ≈≈œ ‰ œ œ e eœ œ œe
x x x x x x x x x x
r 3

x x x x x z z zxx X
œx e œx e x œ ≈ ≈ œ ‰ œx œx e ’ ’ œx Ó Œ ‰

84 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

Track Listing

1 Exercise Loops Volume 1

001-03-the-basic-quarter-note-slow-1 041-03-8th-note-triplets-slow-1 081-03-counting-rests-1

002-03-the-basic-quarter-note-fast-1 042-03-8th-note-triplets-fast-1 082-03-counting-rests-2
003-03-the-basic-quarter-note-slow-2 043-03-8th-note-triplets-slow-2 083-03-counting-rests-3
004-03-the-basic-quarter-note-fast-2 044-03-8th-note-triplets-fast-2 084-03-counting-rests-4
005-03-the-basic-quarter-note-slow-3 045-03-8th-note-triplets-slow-3 085-03-counting-rests-5
006-03-the-basic-quarter-note-fast-3 046-03-8th-note-triplets-fast-3 086-03-counting-rests-6
007-03-the-basic-quarter-note-slow-4 047-03-8th-note-triplets-slow-4 087-03-counting-rests-7
008-03-the-basic-quarter-note-fast-4 048-03-8th-note-triplets-fast-4 088-03-counting-rests-8
009-03-the-basic-quarter-note-slow-5 049-03-8th-note-triplets-slow-5 089-03-counting-rests-9
010-03-the-basic-quarter-note-fast-5 050-03-8th-note-triplets-fast-5 090-03-counting-rests-10
011-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-slow-1 051-03-16th-note-triplets-slow-1
012-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-fast-1 052-03-16th-note-triplets-fast-1 092-03-sight-reading-tips-beg
013-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-slow-2 053-03-16th-note-triplets-slow-2 093-03-sight-reading-tips-int
014-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-fast-2 054-03-16th-note-triplets-fast-2 094-03-sight-reading-tips-adv
015-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-slow-3 055-03-16th-note-triplets-slow-3
016-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-fast-3 056-03-16th-note-triplets-fast-3 095-05-single-stroke-roll
017-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-slow-4 057-03-16th-note-triplets-slow-4 096-05-single-stroke-four
018-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-fast-4 058-03-16th-note-triplets-fast-4 097-05-single-stroke-seven
019-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-slow-5 059-03-16th-note-triplets-slow-5
020-03-eighth-note-subdivisions-fast-5 060-03-16th-note-triplets-fast-5 098-05-multiple-bounce-roll
021-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-slow-1 061-03-quarter-note-triplets-slow-1 100-05-triple-stroke-roll
022-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-fast-1 062-03-quarter-note-triplets-fast-1 101-05-five-stroke-roll
023-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-slow-2 063-03-quarter-note-triplets-slow-2 102-05-six-stroke-roll
024-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-fast-2 064-03-quarter-note-triplets-fast-2 103-05-seven-stroke-roll
025-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-slow-3 065-03-quarter-note-triplets-slow-3 104-05-nine-stroke-roll
026-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-fast-3 066-03-quarter-note-triplets-fast-3 105-05-ten-stroke-roll
027-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-slow-4 067-03-quarter-note-triplets-slow-4 106-05-eleven-stroke-roll
028-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-fast-4 068-03-quarter-note-triplets-fast-4 107-05-thirteen-stroke-roll
029-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-slow-5 069-03-quarter-note-triplets-slow-5 108-05-fifteen-stroke-roll
030-03-sixteenth-note-subdivisions-fast-5 070-03-quarter-note-triplets-fast-5 109-05-seventeen-stroke-roll

031-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-slow-1 071-03-dotted-notation-slow-1 110-05-single-paradiddle

032-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-fast-1 072-03-dotted-notation-fast-1 111-05-double-paradiddle
033-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-slow-2 073-03-dotted-notation-slow-2 112-05-triple-paradiddle
034-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-fast-2 074-03-dotted-notation-fast-2 113-05-single-paradiddle-diddle
035-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-slow-3 075-03-dotted-notation-slow-3
036-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-fast-3 076-03-dotted-notation-fast-3 114-05-flam
037-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-slow-4 077-03-dotted-notation-slow-4 115-05-flam-tap
038-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-fast-4 078-03-dotted-notation-fast-4 116-05-flam-accent
039-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-slow-5 079-03-dotted-notation-slow-5 117-05-flamacue
040-03-32nd-note-subdivisions-fast-5 080-03-dotted-notation-fast-5 118-05-flam-paradiddle

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119-05-single-flammed-mill 151-05-ser-doubles-slow-9 183-05-ser-flams-slow-5
120-05-flam-paradiddle-diddle 152-05-ser-doubles-fast-9 184-05-ser-flams-fast-5
121-05-swiss-army-triplet 153-05-ser-doubles-slow-10 185-05-ser-flams-slow-6
122-05-inverted-flam-tap 154-05-ser-doubles-fast-10 186-05-ser-flams-fast-6
123-05-pataflafla 187-05-ser-flams-slow-7
124-05-flam-drag 155-05-ser-paradiddles-slow-1 188-05-ser-flams-fast-7
156-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-1 189-05-ser-flams-slow-8
125-05-drag-ruff 157-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-2 190-05-ser-flams-fast-8
126-05-single-drag-tap 158-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-2 191-05-ser-flams-slow-9
127-05-double-drag-tap 159-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-3 192-05-ser-flams-fast-9
128-05-lesson-25 160-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-3 193-05-ser-flams-slow-10
129-05-single-dragadiddle 161-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-4 194-05-ser-flams-fast-10
130-05-dragadiddle-1 162-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-4
131-05-dragadiddle-2 163-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-5 195-05-ser-drags-slow-1
132-05-single-ratamacue 164-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-5 196-05-ser-drags-fast-1
133-05-double-ratamacue 165-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-6 197-05-ser-drags-slow-2
134-05-triple-ratamacue 166-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-6 198-05-ser-drags-fast-2
167-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-7 199-05-ser-drags-slow-3
135-05-ser-doubles-slow-1 168-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-7 200-05-ser-drags-fast-3
136-05-ser-doubles-fast-1 169-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-8 201-05-ser-drags-slow-4
137-05-ser-doubles-slow-2 170-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-8 202-05-ser-drags-fast-4
138-05-ser-doubles-fast-2 171-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-9 203-05-ser-drags-slow-5
139-05-ser-doubles-slow-3 172-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-9 204-05-ser-drags-fast-5
140-05-ser-doubles-fast-3 173-05--ser-paradiddles-slow-10 205-05-ser-drags-slow-6
141-05-ser-doubles-slow-4 174-05--ser-paradiddles-fast-10 206-05-ser-drags-fast-6
142-05-ser-doubles-fast-4 207-05-ser-drags-slow-7
143-05-ser-doubles-slow-5 175-05-ser-flams-slow-1 208-05-ser-drags-fast-7
144-05-ser-doubles-fast-5 176-05-ser-flams-fast-1 209-05-ser-drags-slow-8
145-05-ser-doubles-slow-6 177-05-ser-flams-slow-2 210-05-ser-drags-fast-8
146-05-ser-doubles-fast-6 178-05-ser-flams-fast-2 211-05-ser-drags-slow-9
147-05-ser-doubles-slow-7 179-05-ser-flams-slow-3 212-05-ser-drags-fast-9
148-05-ser-doubles-fast-7 180-05-ser-flams-fast-3 213-05-ser-drags-slow-10
149-05-ser-doubles-slow-8 181-05-ser-flams-slow-4 214-05-ser-drags-fast-10
150-05-ser-doubles-fast-8 182-05-ser-flams-fast-4

2 Exercise Loops Volume 2

001-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-1 010-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-5 019-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-10

002-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-1 011-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-6 020-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-10
003-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-2 012-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-6
004-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-2 013-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-7 021-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-1
005-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-3 014-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-7 022-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-1
006-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-3 015-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-8 023-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-2
007-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-4 016-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-8 024-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-2
008-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-4 017-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-9 025-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-3
009-06-bass-drum-independence-slow-5 018-06-bass-drum-independence-fast-9 026-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-3

86 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

027-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-4 073-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-9
028-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-4 074-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-10
029-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-5 075-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-10
030-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-5 076-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-11
031-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-6 077-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-11
032-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-6 078-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-12
033-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-7 079-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-12
034-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-7 080-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-13
035-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-8 081-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-13
036-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-8 082-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-14
037-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-9 083-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-14
039-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-slow-10 084-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-1
040-06-hi-hat-foot-independence-fast-10 085-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-1
041-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-slow-1 087-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-2
042-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-fast-1 088-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-3
043-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-slow-2 089-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-3
044-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-fast-2 090-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-4
045-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-slow-3 091-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-4
046-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-fast-3 092-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-5
047-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-4 093-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-5
048-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-5 094-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-6
049-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-slow-6 095-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-6
050-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-fast-6 096-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-7
051-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-slow-7 097-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-7
052-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-fast-7 098-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-8
053-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-slow-8 099-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-8
054-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-fast-8 100-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-9
055-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-9 101-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-fast-9
056-06-double-bass-exercises-beginner-10 102-06-double-bass-exercises-advanced-slow-10
058-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-1 104-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-1
059-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-2 105-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-1
060-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-2 106-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-2
061-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-3 107-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-2
062-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-3 108-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-3
063-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-4 109-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-3
064-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-4 110-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-4
065-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-5 111-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-4
066-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-5 112-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-5
067-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-6 113-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-5
068-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-6 114-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-6
069-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-7 115-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-6
070-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-fast-7 116-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-7
071-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-8 117-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-7
072-06-double-bass-exercises-intermediate-slow-9 118-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-8

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 87

119-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-8 155-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-6 191-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-4
120-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-9 156-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-7 192-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-5
121-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-9 157-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-7 193-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-5
122-07-punk-rock-beginner-slow-10 158-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-8 194-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-6
123-07-punk-rock-beginner-fast-10 159-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-8 195-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-6
160-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-9 196-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-7
124-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-1 161-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-9 197-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-7
125-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-1 162-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-10 198-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-8
126-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-2 163-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-10 199-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-8
127-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-2 200-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-9
128-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-3 164-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-1 201-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-9
129-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-3 165-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-1 202-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-10
130-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-4 166-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-2 203-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-10
131-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-4 167-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-2
132-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-5 168-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-3 204-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-1
133-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-5 169-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-3 205-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-1
134-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-6 170-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-4 206-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-2
135-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-6 171-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-4 207-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-2
136-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-7 172-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-5 208-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-3
137-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-7 173-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-5 209-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-3
138-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-8 174-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-6 210-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-4
139-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-8 175-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-6 211-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-4
140-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-9 176-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-7 212-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-5
141-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-9 177-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-7 213-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-5
142-07-punk-rock-intermediate-slow-10 178-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-8 214-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-6
143-07-punk-rock-intermediate-fast-10 179-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-8 215-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-6
180-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-9 216-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-7
144-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-1 181-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-9 217-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-7
145-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-1 182-07-heavy-metal-beginner-slow-10 218-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-8
146-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-2 183-07-heavy-metal-beginner-fast-10 219-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-8
147-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-2 220-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-9
148-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-3 184-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-1 221-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-9
149-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-3 185-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-1 222-07-heavy-metal-advanced-slow-10
150-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-4 186-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-2 223-07-heavy-metal-advanced-fast-10
151-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-4 187-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-2
152-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-5 188-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-3
153-07-punk-rock-advanced-fast-5 189-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-fast-3
154-07-punk-rock-advanced-slow-6 190-07-heavy-metal-intermediate-slow-4

3 Exercise Loops Volume 3

001-07-speed-metal-intermediate-slow-1 007-07-speed-metal-intermediate-slow-4 013-07-speed-metal-intermediate-slow-7

002-07-speed-metal-intermediate-fast-1 008-07-speed-metal-intermediate-fast-4 014-07-speed-metal-intermediate-fast-7
003-07-speed-metal-intermediate-slow-2 009-07-speed-metal-intermediate-slow-5
004-07-speed-metal-intermediate-fast-2 010-07-speed-metal-intermediate-fast-5 015-07-speed-metal-advanced-slow-1
005-07-speed-metal-intermediate-slow-3 011-07-speed-metal-intermediate-slow-6 016-07-speed-metal-advanced-fast-1
006-07-speed-metal-intermediate-fast-3 012-07-speed-metal-intermediate-fast-6 017-07-speed-metal-advanced-slow-2

88 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

018-07-speed-metal-advanced-fast-2 065-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-9 111-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-5
019-07-speed-metal-advanced-slow-3 066-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-9 112-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-6
020-07-speed-metal-advanced-fast-3 067-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-10 113-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-6
021-07-speed-metal-advanced-slow-4 068-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-10 114-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-7
022-07-speed-metal-advanced-fast-4 115-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-7
023-07-speed-metal-advanced-slow-5 069-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-1 116-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-8
024-07-speed-metal-advanced-fast-5 070-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-1 117-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-8
025-07-speed-metal-advanced-slow-6 071-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-2 118-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-9
026-07-speed-metal-advanced-fast-6 072-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-2 119-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-9
027-07-speed-metal-advanced-slow-7 073-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-3 120-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-10
028-07-speed-metal-advanced-fast-7 074-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-3 121-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-10
029-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-1 076-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-4 122-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-1
030-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-1 077-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-5 123-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-1
031-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-2 078-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-5 124-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-2
032-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-2 079-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-6 125-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-2
033-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-3 080-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-6 126-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-3
034-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-3 081-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-7 127-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-3
035-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-4 082-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-7 128-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-4
036-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-4 083-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-8 129-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-4
037-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-5 084-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-8 130-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-5
038-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-5 085-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-9 131-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-5
039-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-6 086-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-9 132-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-6
040-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-6 087-07-hard-rock-advanced-slow-10 133-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-6
041-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-7 088-07-hard-rock-advanced-fast-10 134-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-7
042-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-7 135-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-7
043-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-8 089-07-grunge-rock-beginner-slow-1 136-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-8
044-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-8 090-07-grunge-rock-beginner-fast-1 137-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-8
045-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-9 091-07-grunge-rock-beginner-slow-2 138-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-9
046-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-9 092-07-grunge-rock-beginner-fast-2 139-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-9
047-07-hard-rock-beginner-slow-10 093-07-grunge-rock-beginner-slow-3 140-07-grunge-rock-advanced-slow-10
048-07-hard-rock-beginner-fast-10 094-07-grunge-rock-beginner-fast-3 141-07-grunge-rock-advanced-fast-10
049-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-1 096-07-grunge-rock-beginner-fast-4 142-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-1
050-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-1 097-07-grunge-rock-beginner-slow-5 143-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-1
051-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-2 098-07-grunge-rock-beginner-fast-5 144-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-2
052-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-2 099-07-grunge-rock-beginner-6 145-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-2
053-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-3 100-07-grunge-rock-beginner-slow-7 146-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-3
054-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-3 101-07-grunge-rock-beginner-fast-7 147-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-3
055-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-4 148-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-4
056-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-4 102-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-1 149-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-4
057-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-5 103-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-1 150-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-5
058-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-5 104-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-2 151-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-5
059-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-6 105-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-2 152-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-6
060-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-6 106-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-3 153-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-6
061-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-7 107-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-3 154-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-7
062-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-7 108-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-4 155-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-7
063-07-hard-rock-intermediate-slow-8 109-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-fast-4 156-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-8
064-07-hard-rock-intermediate-fast-8 110-07-grunge-rock-intermediate-slow-5 157-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-8

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 89

158-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-9 174-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-7 188-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-4
159-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-9 175-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-7 189-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-4
160-07-progressive-rock-beginner-slow-10 176-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-8 190-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-5
161-07-progressive-rock-beginner-fast-10 177-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-8 191-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-5
178-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-9 192-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-6
162-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-1 179-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-9 193-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-6
163-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-1 180-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-10 194-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-7
164-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-2 181-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-10 195-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-7
165-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-2 180-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-10 196-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-8
166-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-3 181-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-10 197-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-8
167-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-3 198-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-9
168-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-4 182-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-1 199-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-9
169-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-4 183-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-1 200-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-10
170-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-5 184-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-2 201-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-10
171-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-5 185-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-2
172-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-slow-6 186-07-progressive-rock-advanced-slow-3
173-07-progressive-rock-intermediate-fast-6 187-07-progressive-rock-advanced-fast-3

4 Exercise Loops Volume 4

001-08-folk-beginner-slow-1 026-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-3 051-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-6

002-08-folk-beginner-fast-1 027-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-4 052-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-6
003-08-folk-beginner-slow-2 028-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-4 053-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-7
004-08-folk-beginner-fast-2 029-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-5 054-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-7
005-08-folk-beginner-slow-3 030-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-5 055-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-8
006-08-folk-beginner-fast-3 031-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-6 056-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-8
007-08-folk-beginner-slow-4 032-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-6 057-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-9
008-08-folk-beginner-fast-4 033-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-7 058-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-9
009-08-folk-beginner-slow-5 034-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-7 059-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-10
010-08-folk-beginner-fast-5 035-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-8 060-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-10
011-08-folk-beginner-slow-6 036-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-8
012-08-folk-beginner-fast-6 037-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-9 061-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-1
013-08-folk-beginner-slow-7 038-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-9 062-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-1
014-08-folk-beginner-fast-7 039-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-10 063-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-2
015-08-folk-beginner-slow-8 040-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-10 064-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-2
016-08-folk-beginner-fast-8 065-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-3
017-08-folk-beginner-slow-9 041-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-1 066-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-3
018-08-folk-beginner-fast-9 042-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-1 067-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-4
019-08-folk-beginner-slow-10 043-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-2 068-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-4
020-08-folk-beginner-fast-10 044-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-2 069-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-5
045-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-3 070-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-5
021-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-1 046-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-3 071-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-6
022-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-1 047-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-4 072-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-6
023-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-2 048-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-4 073-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-7
024-08-classic-rock-beginner-fast-2 049-08-classic-rock-intermediate-slow-5 074-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-7
025-08-classic-rock-beginner-slow-3 050-08-classic-rock-intermediate-fast-5 075-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-8

90 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

076-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-8 121-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-1 167-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-8
077-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-9 122-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-1 168-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-8
078-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-9 123-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-2
079-08-classic-rock-advanced-slow-10 124-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-2 169-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-1
080-08-classic-rock-advanced-fast-10 125-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-3 170-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-1
126-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-3 171-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-2
081-08-country-beginner-slow-1 127-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-4 172-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-2
082-08-country-beginner-fast-1 128-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-4 173-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-3
083-08-country-beginner-slow-2 129-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-5 174-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-3
084-08-country-beginner-fast-2 130-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-5 175-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-4
085-08-country-beginner-slow-3 131-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-6 176-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-4
086-08-country-beginner-fast-3 132-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-6 177-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-5
087-08-country-beginner-slow-4 133-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-7 178-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-5
088-08-country-beginner-fast-4 134-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-7 179-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-6
089-08-country-beginner-slow-5 135-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-slow-8 180-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-6
090-08-country-beginner-fast-5 136-08-3-4-beats-and-fills-fast-8 181-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-7
091-08-country-beginner-slow-6 182-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-7
092-08-country-beginner-fast-6 137-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-1 183-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-slow-8
093-08-country-beginner-slow-7 138-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-1 184-08-7-4-beats-and-fills-fast-8
094-08-country-beginner-fast-7 139-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-2
095-08-country-beginner-slow-8 140-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-2 185-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-1
096-08-country-beginner-fast-8 141-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-3 186-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-1
097-08-country-beginner-slow-9 142-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-3 187-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-2
098-08-country-beginner-fast-9 143-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-4 188-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-2
099-08-country-beginner-slow-10 144-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-4 189-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-3
100-08-country-beginner-fast-10 145-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-5 190-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-3
146-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-5 191-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-4
101-08-country-intermediate-slow-1 147-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-6 192-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-4
102-08-country-intermediate-fast-1 148-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-6 193-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-5
103-08-country-intermediate-slow-2 149-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-7 194-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-5
104-08-country-intermediate-fast-2 150-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-7 195-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-6
105-08-country-intermediate-slow-3 151-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-slow-8 196-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-6
106-08-country-intermediate-fast-3 152-08-5-4-beats-and-fills-fast-8 197-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-7
108-08-country-intermediate-slow-4 198-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-7
108-08-country-intermediate-fast-4 153-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-1 199-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-slow-8
109-08-country-intermediate-slow-5 154-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-1 200-08-5-8-beats-and-fills-fast-8
110-08-country-intermediate-fast-5 155-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-2
111-08-country-intermediate-slow-6 156-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-2 201-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-1
112-08-country-intermediate-fast-6 157-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-3 202-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-1
113-08-country-intermediate-slow-7 158-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-3 203-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-2
114-08-country-intermediate-fast-7 159-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-4 204-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-2
115-08-country-intermediate-slow-8 160-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-4 205-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-3
116-08-country-intermediate-fast-8 161-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-5 206-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-3
117-08-country-intermediate-slow-9 162-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-5 207-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-4
118-08-country-intermediate-fast-9 163-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-6 208-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-4
119-08-country-intermediate-slow-10 164-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-6 209-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-5
120-08-country-intermediate-fast-10 165-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-slow-7 210-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-5
166-08-6-4-beats-and-fills-fast-7 211-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-6

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 91

212-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-6 224-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-4 236-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-2
213-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-7 225-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-5 237-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-3
214-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-7 226-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-5 238-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-3
215-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-slow-8 227-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-6 239-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-4
216-08-6-8-beats-and-fills-fast-8 228-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-6 240-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-4
229-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-7 241-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-5
217-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-1 230-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-7 242-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-5
218-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-1 231-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-8 243-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-6
219-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-2 232-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-8 244-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-6
220-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-2 245-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-7
221-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-3 233-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-1 246-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-7
222-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-fast-3 234-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-1 247-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-8
223-08-7-8-beats-and-fills-slow-4 235-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-slow-2 248-08-9-8-beats-and-fills-fast-8

5 Exercise Loops Volume 5

001-09-blues-beginner-slow-1 030-09-blues-intermediate-fast-5 059-09-blues-advanced-slow-10

002-09-blues-beginner-fast-1 031-09-blues-intermediate-slow-6 060-09-blues-advanced-fast-10
003-09-blues-beginner-slow-2 032-09-blues-intermediate-fast-6
004-09-blues-beginner-fast-2 033-09-blues-intermediate-slow-7 061-09-funk-beginner-slow-1
005-09-blues-beginner-slow-3 034-09-blues-intermediate-fast-7 062-09-funk-beginner-fast-1
006-09-blues-beginner-fast-3 035-09-blues-intermediate-slow-8 063-09-funk-beginner-slow-2
007-09-blues-beginner-slow-4 036-09-blues-intermediate-fast-8 064-09-funk-beginner-fast-2
008-09-blues-beginner-fast-4 037-09-blues-intermediate-slow-9 065-09-funk-beginner-slow-3
009-09-blues-beginner-slow-5 038-09-blues-intermediate-fast-9 066-09-funk-beginner-fast-3
010-09-blues-beginner-fast-5 039-09-blues-intermediate-slow-10 067-09-funk-beginner-slow-4
011-09-blues-beginner-slow-6 040-09-blues-intermediate-fast-10 068-09-funk-beginner-fast-4
012-09-blues-beginner-fast-6 069-09-funk-beginner-slow-5
013-09-blues-beginner-slow-7 041-09-blues-advanced-slow-1 070-09-funk-beginner-fast-5
014-09-blues-beginner-fast-7 042-09-blues-advanced-fast-1 071-09-funk-beginner-slow-6
015-09-blues-beginner-slow-8 043-09-blues-advanced-slow-2 072-09-funk-beginner-fast-6
016-09-blues-beginner-fast-8 044-09-blues-advanced-fast-2 073-09-funk-beginner-slow-7
017-09-blues-beginner-slow-9 045-09-blues-advanced-slow-3 074-09-funk-beginner-fast-7
018-09-blues-beginner-fast-9 046-09-blues-advanced-fast-3 075-09-funk-beginner-slow-8
019-09-blues-beginner-slow-10 047-09-blues-advanced-slow-4 076-09-funk-beginner-fast-8
020-09-blues-beginner-fast-10 048-09-blues-advanced-fast-4 077-09-funk-beginner-slow-9
049-09-blues-advanced-slow-5 078-09-funk-beginner-fast-9
021-09-blues-intermediate-slow-1 050-09-blues-advanced-fast-5 079-09-funk-beginner-slow-10
022-09-blues-intermediate-fast-1 051-09-blues-advanced-slow-6 080-09-funk-beginner-fast-10
023-09-blues-intermediate-slow-2 052-09-blues-advanced-fast-6
024-09-blues-intermediate-fast-2 053-09-blues-advanced-slow-7 081-09-funk-intermediate-slow-1
025-09-blues-intermediate-slow-3 054-09-blues-advanced-fast-7 082-09-funk-intermediate-fast-1
026-09-blues-intermediate-fast-3 055-09-blues-advanced-slow-8 083-09-funk-intermediate-slow-2
027-09-blues-intermediate-slow-4 056-09-blues-advanced-fast-8 084-09-funk-intermediate-fast-2
028-09-blues-intermediate-fast-4 057-09-blues-advanced-slow-9 085-09-funk-intermediate-slow-3
029-09-blues-intermediate-slow-5 058-09-blues-advanced-fast-9 086-09-funk-intermediate-fast-3

92 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

087-09-funk-intermediate-slow-4 134-09-reggae-beginner-fast-7 173-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-7
088-09-funk-intermediate-fast-4 135-09-reggae-beginner-slow-8 174-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-7
089-09-funk-intermediate-slow-5 136-09-reggae-beginner-fast-8 175-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-8
090-09-funk-intermediate-fast-5 137-09-reggae-beginner-slow-9 176-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-8
091-09-funk-intermediate-slow-6 138-09-reggae-beginner-fast-9 177-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-9
092-09-funk-intermediate-fast-6 139-09-reggae-beginner-slow-10 178-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-9
093-09-funk-intermediate-slow-7 140-09-reggae-beginner-fast-10 179-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-10
094-09-funk-intermediate-fast-7 180-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-10
095-09-funk-intermediate-slow-8 141-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-1
096-09-funk-intermediate-fast-8 142-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-1 181-09-jump-shuffle-slow-1
097-09-funk-intermediate-slow-9 143-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-2 182-09-jump-shuffle-fast-1
098-09-funk-intermediate-fast-9 144-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-2 183-09-jump-shuffle-slow-2
099-09-funk-intermediate-slow-10 145-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-3 184-09-jump-shuffle-fast-2
100-09-funk-intermediate-fast-10 146-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-3 185-09-jump-shuffle-slow-3
147-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-4 186-09-jump-shuffle-fast-3
101-09-funk-advanced-slow-1 148-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-4 187-09-jump-shuffle-slow-4
102-09-funk-advanced-fast-1 149-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-5 188-09-jump-shuffle-fast-4
103-09-funk-advanced-slow-2 150-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-5 189-09-jump-shuffle-slow-5
104-09-funk-advanced-fast-2 151-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-6 190-09-jump-shuffle-fast-5
105-09-funk-advanced-slow-3 152-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-6 191-09-jump-shuffle-slow-6
106-09-funk-advanced-fast-3 153-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-7 192-09-jump-shuffle-fast-6
107-09-funk-advanced-slow-4 154-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-7 193-09-jump-shuffle-slow-7
108-09-funk-advanced-fast-4 155-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-8 194-09-jump-shuffle-fast-7
109-09-funk-advanced-slow-5 156-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-8
110-09-funk-advanced-fast-5 157-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-9 195-09-texas-shuffle-slow-1
111-09-funk-advanced-slow-6 158-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-9 196-09-texas-shuffle-fast-1
112-09-funk-advanced-fast-6 159-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-10 197-09-texas-shuffle-slow-2
113-09-funk-advanced-slow-7 160-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-10 198-09-texas-shuffle-fast-2
114-09-funk-advanced-fast-7 153-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-7 199-09-texas-shuffle-slow-3
115-09-funk-advanced-slow-8 154-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-7 200-09-texas-shuffle-fast-3
116-09-funk-advanced-fast-8 155-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-8
117-09-funk-advanced-slow-9 156-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-8 201-09-purdie-shuffle-slow-1
118-09-funk-advanced-fast-9 157-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-9 202-09-purdie-shuffle-fast-1
119-09-funk-advanced-slow-10 158-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-9 203-09-purdie-shuffle-slow-2
120-09-funk-advanced-fast-10 159-09-reggae-intermediate-slow-10 204-09-purdie-shuffle-fast-2
160-09-reggae-intermediate-fast-10 205-09-purdie-shuffle-slow-3
121-09-reggae-beginner-slow-1 206-09-purdie-shuffle-fast-3
122-09-reggae-beginner-fast-1 161-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-1 207-09-purdie-shuffle-slow-4
123-09-reggae-beginner-slow-2 162-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-1 208-09-purdie-shuffle-fast-4
124-09-reggae-beginner-fast-2 163-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-2 209-09-purdie-shuffle-slow-5
125-09-reggae-beginner-slow-3 164-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-2 210-09-purdie-shuffle-fast-5
126-09-reggae-beginner-fast-3 165-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-3
127-09-reggae-beginner-slow-4 166-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-3 211-09-kansas-city-shuffle-slow-1
128-09-reggae-beginner-fast-4 167-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-4 212-09-kansas-city-shuffle-fast-1
129-09-reggae-beginner-slow-5 168-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-4 213-09-kansas-city-shuffle-slow-2
130-09-reggae-beginner-fast-5 169-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-5 214-09-kansas-city-shuffle-fast-2
131-09-reggae-beginner-slow-6 170-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-5 215-09-kansas-city-shuffle-slow-3
132-09-reggae-beginner-fast-6 171-09-half-time-shuffle-slow-6 216-09-kansas-city-shuffle-fast-3
133-09-reggae-beginner-slow-7 172-09-half-time-shuffle-fast-6

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 93

6 Exercise Loops Volume 6

001-10-jazz-beginner-slow-1 044-10-jazz-advanced-fast-2 087-10-latin-intermediate-slow-6

002-10-jazz-beginner-fast-1 045-10-jazz-advanced-slow-3 088-10-latin-intermediate-fast-6
003-10-jazz-beginner-slow-2 046-10-jazz-advanced-fast-3
004-10-jazz-beginner-fast-2 047-10-jazz-advanced-slow-4 089-10-latin-advanced-slow-1
005-10-jazz-beginner-slow-3 048-10-jazz-advanced-fast-4 090-10-latin-advanced-fast-1
006-10-jazz-beginner-fast-3 049-10-jazz-advanced-slow-5 091-10-latin-advanced-slow-2
007-10-jazz-beginner-slow-4 050-10-jazz-advanced-fast-5 092-10-latin-advanced-fast-2
008-10-jazz-beginner-fast-4 051-10-jazz-advanced-slow-6 093-10-latin-advanced-slow-3
009-10-jazz-beginner-slow-5 052-10-jazz-advanced-fast-6 094-10-latin-advanced-fast-3
010-10-jazz-beginner-fast-5 053-10-jazz-advanced-slow-7 095-10-latin-advanced-slow-4
011-10-jazz-beginner-slow-6 054-10-jazz-advanced-fast-7 096-10-latin-advanced-fast-4
012-10-jazz-beginner-fast-6 055-10-jazz-advanced-slow-8 097-10-latin-advanced-slow-5
013-10-jazz-beginner-slow-7 056-10-jazz-advanced-fast-8 098-10-latin-advanced-fast-5
014-10-jazz-beginner-fast-7 057-10-jazz-advanced-slow-9 099-10-latin-advanced-slow-6
015-10-jazz-beginner-slow-8 058-10-jazz-advanced-fast-9 100-10-latin-advanced-fast-6
016-10-jazz-beginner-fast-8 059-10-jazz-advanced-slow-10 101-10-latin-advanced-slow-7
017-10-jazz-beginner-slow-9 060-10-jazz-advanced-fast-10 102-10-latin-advanced-fast-7
018-10-jazz-beginner-fast-9 103-10-latin-advanced-slow-8
019-10-jazz-beginner-slow-10 061-10-latin-beginner-slow-1 104-10-latin-advanced-fast-8
020-10-jazz-beginner-fast-10 062-10-latin-beginner-fast-1 105-10-latin-advanced-slow-9
063-10-latin-beginner-slow-2 106-10-latin-advanced-fast-9
021-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-1 064-10-latin-beginner-fast-2
022-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-1 065-10-latin-beginner-slow-3 107-11-drum-fills-beginner-1
023-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-2 066-10-latin-beginner-fast-3 108-11-drum-fills-beginner-2
024-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-2 067-10-latin-beginner-slow-4 109-11-drum-fills-beginner-3
025-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-3 068-10-latin-beginner-fast-4 110-11-drum-fills-beginner-4
026-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-3 069-10-latin-beginner-slow-5 111-11-drum-fills-beginner-5
027-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-4 070-10-latin-beginner-fast-5 112-11-drum-fills-beginner-6
028-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-4 071-10-latin-beginner-slow-6 113-11-drum-fills-beginner-7
029-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-5 072-10-latin-beginner-fast-6 114-11-drum-fills-beginner-8
030-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-5 073-10-latin-beginner-slow-7 115-11-drum-fills-beginner-9
031-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-6 074-10-latin-beginner-fast-7 116-11-drum-fills-beginner-10
032-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-6 075-10-latin-beginner-slow-8 117-11-drum-fills-beginner-11
033-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-7 076-10-latin-beginner-fast-8 118-11-drum-fills-beginner-12
034-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-7 119-11-drum-fills-beginner-13
035-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-8 077-10-latin-intermediate-slow-1 120-11-drum-fills-beginner-14
036-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-8 078-10-latin-intermediate-fast-1 121-11-drum-fills-beginner-15
037-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-9 079-10-latin-intermediate-slow-2 122-11-drum-fills-beginner-16
038-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-9 080-10-latin-intermediate-fast-2 123-11-drum-fills-beginner-17
039-10-jazz-intermediate-slow-10 081-10-latin-intermediate-slow-3 124-11-drum-fills-beginner-18
040-10-jazz-intermediate-fast-10 082-10-latin-intermediate-fast-3 125-11-drum-fills-beginner-19
083-10-latin-intermediate-slow-4 126-11-drum-fills-beginner-20
041-10-jazz-advanced-slow-1 084-10-latin-intermediate-fast-4 127-11-drum-fills-beginner-21
042-10-jazz-advanced-fast-1 085-10-latin-intermediate-slow-5 128-11-drum-fills-beginner-22
043-10-jazz-advanced-slow-2 086-10-latin-intermediate-fast-5 129-11-drum-fills-beginner-23

94 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

130-11-drum-fills-beginner-24 172-11-drum-fills-intermediate-16 214-11-drum-fills-advanced-8
131-11-drum-fills-beginner-25 173-11-drum-fills-intermediate-17 215-11-drum-fills-advanced-9
132-11-drum-fills-beginner-26 174-11-drum-fills-intermediate-18 216-11-drum-fills-advanced-10
133-11-drum-fills-beginner-27 175-11-drum-fills-intermediate-19 217-11-drum-fills-advanced-11
134-11-drum-fills-beginner-28 176-11-drum-fills-intermediate-20 218-11-drum-fills-advanced-12
135-11-drum-fills-beginner-29 177-11-drum-fills-intermediate-21 219-11-drum-fills-advanced-13
136-11-drum-fills-beginner-30 178-11-drum-fills-intermediate-22 220-11-drum-fills-advanced-14
137-11-drum-fills-beginner-31 179-11-drum-fills-intermediate-23 221-11-drum-fills-advanced-15
138-11-drum-fills-beginner-32 180-11-drum-fills-intermediate-24 222-11-drum-fills-advanced-16
139-11-drum-fills-beginner-33 181-11-drum-fills-intermediate-25 223-11-drum-fills-advanced-17
140-11-drum-fills-beginner-34 182-11-drum-fills-intermediate-26 224-11-drum-fills-advanced-18
141-11-drum-fills-beginner-35 183-11-drum-fills-intermediate-27 225-11-drum-fills-advanced-19
142-11-drum-fills-beginner-36 184-11-drum-fills-intermediate-28 226-11-drum-fills-advanced-20
143-11-drum-fills-beginner-37 185-11-drum-fills-intermediate-29 227-11-drum-fills-advanced-21
144-11-drum-fills-beginner-38 186-11-drum-fills-intermediate-30 228-11-drum-fills-advanced-22
145-11-drum-fills-beginner-39 187-11-drum-fills-intermediate-31 229-11-drum-fills-advanced-23
146-11-drum-fills-beginner-40 188-11-drum-fills-intermediate-32 230-11-drum-fills-advanced-24
147-11-drum-fills-beginner-41 189-11-drum-fills-intermediate-33 231-11-drum-fills-advanced-25
148-11-drum-fills-beginner-42 190-11-drum-fills-intermediate-34 232-11-drum-fills-advanced-26
149-11-drum-fills-beginner-43 191-11-drum-fills-intermediate-35 233-11-drum-fills-advanced-27
150-11-drum-fills-beginner-44 192-11-drum-fills-intermediate-36 234-11-drum-fills-advanced-28
151-11-drum-fills-beginner-45 193-11-drum-fills-intermediate-37 235-11-drum-fills-advanced-29
152-11-drum-fills-beginner-46 194-11-drum-fills-intermediate-38 236-11-drum-fills-advanced-30
153-11-drum-fills-beginner-47 195-11-drum-fills-intermediate-39 237-11-drum-fills-advanced-31
154-11-drum-fills-beginner-48 196-11-drum-fills-intermediate-40 238-11-drum-fills-advanced-32
155-11-drum-fills-beginner-49 197-11-drum-fills-intermediate-41 239-11-drum-fills-advanced-33
156-11-drum-fills-beginner-50 198-11-drum-fills-intermediate-42 240-11-drum-fills-advanced-34
199-11-drum-fills-intermediate-43 241-11-drum-fills-advanced-35
157-11-drum-fills-intermediate-1 200-11-drum-fills-intermediate-44 242-11-drum-fills-advanced-36
158-11-drum-fills-intermediate-2 201-11-drum-fills-intermediate-45 243-11-drum-fills-advanced-37
159-11-drum-fills-intermediate-3 202-11-drum-fills-intermediate-46 244-11-drum-fills-advanced-38
160-11-drum-fills-intermediate-4 203-11-drum-fills-intermediate-47 245-11-drum-fills-advanced-39
161-11-drum-fills-intermediate-5 204-11-drum-fills-intermediate-48 246-11-drum-fills-advanced-40
162-11-drum-fills-intermediate-6 205-11-drum-fills-intermediate-49 247-11-drum-fills-advanced-41
163-11-drum-fills-intermediate-7 206-11-drum-fills-intermediate-50 248-11-drum-fills-advanced-42
164-11-drum-fills-intermediate-8 249-11-drum-fills-advanced-43
165-11-drum-fills-intermediate-9 207-11-drum-fills-advanced-1 250-11-drum-fills-advanced-44
166-11-drum-fills-intermediate-10 208-11-drum-fills-advanced-2 251-11-drum-fills-advanced-45
167-11-drum-fills-intermediate-11 209-11-drum-fills-advanced-3 252-11-drum-fills-advanced-46
168-11-drum-fills-intermediate-12 210-11-drum-fills-advanced-4 253-11-drum-fills-advanced-47
169-11-drum-fills-intermediate-13 211-11-drum-fills-advanced-5 254-11-drum-fills-advanced-48
170-11-drum-fills-intermediate-14 212-11-drum-fills-advanced-6 255-11-drum-fills-advanced-49
171-11-drum-fills-intermediate-15 213-11-drum-fills-advanced-7 256-11-drum-fills-advanced-50

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 95

7 Exercise Loops Volume 7

001-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-1 044-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-4 088-12-accented-notes-fast-9

002-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-1 045-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-5 089-12-accented-notes-slow-10
003-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-2 046-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-6 090-12-accented-notes-fast-10
004-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-2 047-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-7
005-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-3 048-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-8 091-12-cross-sticking-slow-1
006-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-3 049-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-9 092-12-cross-sticking-fast-1
007-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-4 050-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-10 093-12-cross-sticking-slow-2
008-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-4 094-12-cross-sticking-fast-2
009-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-5 051-12-ghost-notes-slow-1 095-12-cross-sticking-slow-3
010-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-5 052-12-ghost-notes-fast-1 096-12-cross-sticking-fast-3
011-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-6 053-12-ghost-notes-slow-2 097-12-cross-sticking-slow-4
012-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-6 054-12-ghost-notes-fast-2 098-12-cross-sticking-fast-4
013-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-7 055-12-ghost-notes-slow-3 099-12-cross-sticking-slow-5
014-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-7 056-12-ghost-notes-fast-3 100-12-cross-sticking-fast-5
015-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-8 057-12-ghost-notes-slow-4
016-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-8 058-12-ghost-notes-fast-4 101-12-cross-sticking-slow-6
017-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-9 059-12-ghost-notes-slow-5 102-12-cross-sticking-fast-6
018-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-9 060-12-ghost-notes-fast-5 103-12-cross-sticking-slow-7
019-11-jazz-drum-fills-slow-10 061-12-ghost-notes-slow-6 104-12-cross-sticking-fast-7
020-11-jazz-drum-fills-fast-10 062-12-ghost-notes-fast-6 105-12-cross-sticking-slow-8
063-12-ghost-notes-slow-7 106-12-cross-sticking-fast-8
021-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-1 064-12-ghost-notes-fast-7 107-12-cross-sticking-slow-9
022-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-2 065-12-ghost-notes-slow-8 108-12-cross-sticking-fast-9
023-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-3 066-12-ghost-notes-fast-8 109-12-cross-sticking-slow-10
024-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-4 067-12-ghost-notes-slow-9 110-12-cross-sticking-fast-10
025-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-5 068-12-ghost-notes-fast-9
026-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-6 069-12-ghost-notes-slow-10 111-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-1
027-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-7 070-12-ghost-notes-fast-10 112-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-1
028-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-8 113-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-2
029-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-9 071-12-accented-notes-slow-1 114-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-2
030-11-hand-to-feet-combos-beginner-10 072-12-accented-notes-fast-1 115-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-3
073-12-accented-notes-slow-2 116-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-3
031-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-1 074-12-accented-notes-fast-2 117-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-4
032-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-2 075-12-accented-notes-slow-3 118-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-4
033-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-3 076-12-accented-notes-fast-3 119-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-5
034-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-4 077-12-accented-notes-slow-4 120-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-5
035-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-5 078-12-accented-notes-fast-4 121-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-6
036-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-6 079-12-accented-notes-slow-5 122-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-6
037-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-7 080-12-accented-notes-fast-5 123-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-7
038-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-8 081-12-accented-notes-slow-6 124-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-7
039-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-9 082-12-accented-notes-fast-6 125-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-8
040-11-hand-to-feet-combos-intermediate-10 083-12-accented-notes-slow-7 126-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-8
084-12-accented-notes-fast-7 127-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-9
041-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-1 085-12-accented-notes-slow-8 128-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-9
042-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-2 086-12-accented-notes-fast-8 129-12-open-close-hi-hat-slow-10
043-11-hand-to-feet-combos-advanced-3 087-12-accented-notes-slow-9 130-12-open-close-hi-hat-fast-10

96 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

8 Name
Play-Alongs Volume 1
*All tracks with & without metronome
9 Name
Play-Alongs Volume 2
*All tracks with & without metronome
01 Quarter Note Rock 110 01 Punk Rock 160
02 i)ii)DVD 7: Punk Rock - Play Along
02 i) DVD 17: Quarter Note Rock DVD 17: Punk Rock

03 Eighth Note Rock 110

04 i)ii)DVD 1: Playing With A Song 03 Slow Punk 160
DVD 5: Flam Paradiddle
iii) DVD 17: Eighth Note Rock 04 i) DVD 7: Punk Rock - Beginner
05 Medium Punk 180
05 Slow Rock 8th Note Feel 75
06 i) DVD 7: Punk Rock - Beginner, Intermediate
06 i) DVD 7: Hard Rock - Beginner, Intermediate
07 Fast Punk 200
07 Slow Rock 16th Note Feel 75
08 i) DVD 7: Punk Rock, Beginner, Intermediate
09 Medium Rock 8th Note Feel 100 09 Heavy Metal 100
10 i)ii)DVD 6: Double Bass Exercises - Play Along
10 i)Advanced
DVD 7: Hard Rock - Beginner, Intermediate,
DVD 17: Heavy Metal

11 Medium Rock 16th Note Feel 100 11 Slow Heavy Metal 75

12 i) DVD 7: Hard Rock - Advanced 12 i) DVD 7: Heavy Metal - Beginner, Intermediate
13 Medium Rock 110 13 Medium Heavy Metal 110
14 i)Advanced,
DVD 7: Heavy Metal - Beginner, Intermediate,
14 i)ii)DVD 6: Bass Drum Independence
Play Along
DVD 17: Medium Rock
ii) DVD 17: Medium Heavy Metal

15 Fast Rock 180 15 Fast Heavy Metal 175

16 i)ii)DVD 7: Hard Rock - Beginner, Play Along
DVD 17: Fast Rock 16 i) DVD 7: Heavy Metal - Advanced

17 Classic Rock 64
18 i)ii)DVD 8: Classic Rock - Play Along
DVD 17: Classic Rock

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 97

# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 3
*All tracks with & without metronome
# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 4
*All tracks with & without metronome
01 Funk 120 01 Country 120
02 i)ii)DVD 9: Funk - Play Along
02 i)ii)DVD 8: Country - Advanced
DVD 17: Funk DVD 17: Country

03 Slow Funk 80 03 Slow Country 75

04 i) DVD 17: Slow Funk 04 i) DVD 8: Country - Beginner, Intermediate
05 Slow Funk 65 05 Medium Country 120
06 i) DVD 9: Funk - Beginner, Intermediate,Advanced 06 i) DVD 8: Country - Beginner, Intermediate
07 Medium Funk 120 07 Fast Country 160
08 i) DVD 9: Funk - Beginner, Intermediate,Advanced 08 i) DVD 8: Country - Intermediate
09 Fast Funk 160
09 Samba 120
10 i) DVD 9: Funk - Beginner
10 i)ii)DVD 10: Latin - Play Along
DVD 17: Samba
11 R&B 120
12 11 Fast Samba 130
13 Bossa Nova 100

# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 5
*All tracks with & without metronome
14 i) DVD 17: Bossa Nova
15 Songo
16 i) DVD 17: Songo

01 Medium Swing 110

02 i)ii)DVD 10: Jazz - Play Along

DVD 17: Medium Swing

Play-Alongs Volume 6
03 Slow Swing 70 *All tracks with & without metronome
04 # Name BPM
05 Medium Swing 100 01 The Basic Shuffle 110
06 i)Intermediate,Advanced
DVD 10: Jazz - Beginner,
02 i)ii)DVD 9: Shuffles - The Basic Shuffle
DVD 17: The Basic Shuffle

07 Fast Swing 190 03 Porcaro Shuffle 120

08 04 i)ii)DVD 9: Shuffles - Porcaro Shuffle
DVD 17: Porcaro Shuffle
09 Slow Techno 120
10 05 Half Time Shuffle 120
11 Fast Techno 180 06 i) DVD 9: Shuffles - Half Time Shuffle, Purdie Shuffle
12 07 Slow Shuffle 70
08 i) DVD 9: Blues - Advanced
09 Medium Shuffle 100
10 i) DVD 9: Shuffles - Texas Shuffle
11 Fast Shuffle 130
12 i)Shuffle
DVD 9: Shuffles - Jump Shuffle, Kansas City

98 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 7
*All tracks with & without metronome
15# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 8
*All tracks with & without metronome
01 Blues 120 01 5/8 Rock 140
02 i)ii)DVD 9: Blues - Play Along
02 i)ii)DVD 8: Odd Time - 5/8 Time, Play Along
DVD 17: Blues DVD 17: 5/8 Rock

03 Slow 12 Bar Blues 100 03 6/8 Ballad 140

04 i) DVD 9: Blues - Beginner, Advanced 04 i) DVD 8: Odd Time - 6/8 Time
05 Fast 12 Bar Blues 140 05 6/8 Rock 160
06 i) DVD 9: Funk - Beginner, Intermediate,Advanced 06 i) DVD 17: 6/8 Rock
07 5/4 Rock 160 07 7/8 Rock 140
08 i)ii)DVD 7: Progressive Rock - Play Along
DVD 17: 5/4 Rock 08 i) DVD 8: Odd Time - 7/8 Time

09 5/4 Rock 200 09 9/8 Rock 150

10 i) DVD 8: Odd Time - 5/4 Time 10 i) DVD 8: Odd Time - 9/8 Time
11 7/4 160 11 12/8 Rock 120
12 12 i) DVD 17: 12/8 Rock
13 7/4 Rock 200 13 12/8 Rock 120
14 i) DVD 8: Odd Time - 7/4 Time 14 i) DVD 9: Blues - Advanced

16# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 9
*All tracks with & without metronome

01 Soloing With Shots 110

02 i) DVD 16: Soloing With Shots
03 4 Bar Solo Breaks 110
04 i) DVD 16: Soloing With Breaks - 4 Bar Solo Breaks
05 8 Bar Solo Breaks 110
06 i) DVD 16: Soloing With Breaks - 8 Bar Solo Breaks
07 12 Bar Solo Breaks 110
08 i) DVD 16: Soloing With Breaks - 12 Bar Solo Breaks
09 16 Bar Solo Breaks 110
10 i) DVD 16: Soloing With Breaks - 16 Bar Solo Breaks
11 32 Bar Solo Breaks 110
12 i) DVD 16: Soloing With Breaks - 32 Bar Solo Breaks
13 Soloing Over A Vamp 110
14 i) DVD 16: Soloing Over A Vamp

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 99

# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 10
*All tracks with & without metronome
18# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 11
*All tracks with & without metronome
01 Slow Rock With 1 Bar Breaks 75 01 7/8 230
02 02 i) DVD 18: 7/8
03 Slow Rock With 2 Bar Breaks 75 03 5/4 117
04 04 i) DVD 18: 5/4
05 Medium Rock With 1 Bar Breaks 100 05 4/4 To 3/4 145
06 06 i) DVD 18: 4/4 To 3/4
07 Medium Rock With 2 Bar Breaks 100 07 Backwards Shuffle 120
08 08 i) DVD 18: Backwards Shuffle
09 Fast Rock With 1 Bar Breaks 180
09 Jazz Ballad 60
10 i) DVD 18: Jazz Ballad
11 Fast Rock With 2 Bar Breaks 180
12 11 Jazz Medium 100
13 Medium Swing With 1 Bar Breaks 100 12 i) DVD 18: Jazz Medium
14 i) DVD 11: Hand To Feet Combos
13 Funk 100 BPM 100
15 Medium Rock 1 Bar Fills 110 14 i) DVD 18: Funk 100 BPM
16 i) DVD 17: Medium Rock 1 Bar Fills 15 Funk 120 BPM 120
17 Setup Fills On 4 Of Bar 4 100 16 i) DVD 18: Funk 120 BPM
18 17 Rock 80 BPM 80
19 Setup Fills On 4+ Of Bar 4 100 18 i) DVD 18: Rock 80 BPM
20 i) DVD 17: Setup Fills on 4+ of Bar 4 19 Rock 92 BPM 92
20 i) DVD 18: Rock 92 BPM

100 Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc.

# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 12
*All tracks with & without metronome
# Name
Play-Alongs Volume 13
*All tracks with & without metronome

01 Rock 138 BPM 138 01 Hard Rock (Band) 120

02 i) DVD 18: Rock 138 BPM 02 i) DVD 17: Hard Rock (Band)
03 Gospel 54 03 Punk Rock (Band) 120
04 i) DVD 18: Gospel 04 i) DVD 17: Punk Rock (Band)
05 Shuffle With 1 Bar Breaks 110 05 Eighth Note Rock (Band) 120
06 i) DVD 18: Shuffle With 1 Bar Breaks 06 i) DVD 17: Eighth Note Rock (Band)
07 Shuffle 130 07 Funk (Band) 120
08 i) DVD 18: Shuffle 130 BPM 08 i) DVD 17: Funk (Band)
09 12/8 Blues With 1 Bar Breaks 70 09 Reggae (Band) 120
10 i) DVD 18: 12/8 Blues With 1 Bar Breaks 10 i) DVD 17: Reggae (Band)
11 14/8 Blues 168 11 Writing With A Band - Funk 105
12 i) DVD 18: 14/8 Blues 12 i) DVD 19: Funk
13 Straight Blues 100 13 Writing With A Band - 12 Bar Blues 146
14 i) DVD 18: Straight Blues 14 i) DVD 19: 12 Bar Blues
15 R&B 130 15 Writing With A Band - Hard Rock 90
16 i) DVD 18: R&B 16 i) DVD 19: Hard Rock
17 Classic Rock 87 17 Writing With A Band - Jazz 123
18 i) DVD 18: Classic Rock 18 i) DVD 19: Jazz
19 6/8 135 19 Writing With A Band - 20/8 Blues 225
20 i) DVD 18: 6/8 20 i) DVD 19: 20/8 Blues
21 Writing With A Band - Funk Fusion 150
22 i) DVD 19: Funk Fusion

Metronome Tracks
Name # Name # Name

01 50 BPM 12 105 BPM 23 160 BPM

02 55 BPM 13 110 BPM 24 165 BPM
03 60 BPM 14 115 BPM 25 170 BPM
04 65 BPM 15 120 BPM 26 175 BPM
05 70 BPM 16 125 BPM 27 180 BPM
06 75 BPM 17 130 BPM 28 185 BPM
07 80 BPM 18 135 BPM 29 190 BPM
08 85 BPM 19 140 BPM 30 195 BPM
09 90 BPM 20 145 BPM 31 200 BPM
10 95 BPM 21 150 BPM
11 100 BPM 22 155 BPM

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 101

Shot on location at Rock Beach Recording in White Rock, B.C. Canada,
and Drumeo Studios in Abbotsford, B.C. Canada.
Featuring: Mike Michalkow
Executive Producers & Directors: Jared Falk, Rick Kettner
Directors of Cinematography: Dwayne Thornhill & Victor Guidera
Audio Engineers: Victor Guidera & Steve Klassen
Editors: Jamie Falk, Victor Guidera, Trent Harms, Kyle Trienke & Phil Larson
Graphic Design: Jordan Dick
Photography: Revival Arts Studios
Rock Beach Studio Manager: Pat Glover
Audio Mastering: Victor Guidera & Dwayne Harder
Music Transcription: Hugo Janado

Mike would like to thank:

My wife Tracy for her amazing support and love.
All of my supportive family and friends.

My Sponsors:
Yamaha Drums, Paiste Cymbals, Evans Drum Heads,
Pro Mark Drumsticks, HansenFutz, The HiShaker, and Blowit Fans.

To all of the musicians who performed on this project:

I want to thank Fidel Cabacungan for the loan

of your amazing vintage snare collection!
Dwayne Thornhill for the great stories and laughs during filming.
Jared Falk for believing that I could actually complete
this massive project! Thanks!
The crew at Railroad Media Inc. Jared Falk, Rick Kettner, Dave Atkinson,
Jamie Falk, Victor Guidera, Jordan Dick, Jeff Claassen, Nate Savage,
Trent Harms, Kenton Hirowatari, Kyle Trienke, Pam Black,
Jessica Tierney, Megan Friesen, Chad Kettner, Phil Larson & Hugo Almeida.

My Teachers:
Norm St. Hilaire, Mitch Dorge, Brian Thurgood, John Fisher,
Peter Magadini, Dom Famularo, Virgil Donati,
John “JR” Robinson, Jim Chapin.
Our black lab “Dakota” who is now the official “Drum Lab”

All of YOU who purchased this product,

or own any of my previous DVDs “You Rock”.
The Drumming System is dedicated to my first child
“Jackson Michalkow” who was born February 5th, 2009

Copyright © 2009-2012 Railroad Media Inc. 103

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