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Table of Contents

FS 1 Outline Activities

Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays
Activity 2.1 Observing learner characteristics at different stages
Activity 3.1 Observing differences among learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
Interests, and experiences; and differences among learners’
linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, religious backgrounds,
and difficult circumstances.
Activity 3.2 Observing differences among learners with disabilities, giftedness,
and talents.
Activity 4.1 Observing the Learner’s community and home environment
Activity 5.1 Managing Time, Space, and Learning Resources
Activity 5.2 Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management
Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines
Activity 6.2 Listing Down Classroom Rules
Activity 7.1 Identifying Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom
Activity 7.2 Demonstrating Knowledge of Positive and Non-Violent Discipline to
the Management of Learner Behavior
ACTIVITY 1.1 Exploring the School Campus
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps:
1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then
in the classroom.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a) Descriptive paragraph b) Photo essay
c) Sketch or drawing d)Poem, song or rap

As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to
document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before
proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be
accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the
column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available,
and say how each will contribute to the students’ learning and development.

Facilities Description Will it contribute to the

/ students’ learning and
development. Why?

Office of the (Principal) When we say office of the Yes. Because a principal
Director principal it is a space where office that is well designed
important tasks are managed and organized can benefit
and decisions are made to students learning because
ensure the smooth operation when student see that the
of the school. As we can see principal office is
when we observed the organized and efficient, it
facilities of the school the set a positive example for
principal office is well them to follow in their own
organized it has tables, lives. It is important that it
chairs that are needed when has a welcoming and
they gathered with some positive environment so
important meetings. It also that the students who
has other kitchen utensils visited the office for
that they can use. Specially guidance or support may
when they have visitors. feel comfortable which can
They also have tv, electric contribute to open
fan and aircon inside the communication.
principal office.

Library Their library has ample It will benefit the students

seating for students to study because it will help them
and read, and they are also to study comfortably if the
well equipped with books, all chairs and tables are
is neatly arranged in the enough. And also, a well-
respective places. equipped library with
sufficient seating
encourages group study
sessions and improve
collaborative learning
among students.

Counseling Room (OSDS)

Canteen/Cafeteria Their canteen is clean and Clean, well ventilated and

well organized they offer offer healthy food canteen
healthy foods for students; will helps the students
they have a tray for every learning because we all
section and soup for the know that students need
students. It has complete healthy foods for them to
kitchen utensils that are be able to acquire
needed by the teachers and knowledge.
students. And also, well
ventilated room.

Medical Clinic Their clinic has bed that the It is a vital facility that
student can relax if she or he serves the health needs of
experiencing headaches students and staff. That
they also have medicines. will contribute for their
And other equipment that safety when they are
clinic may have. inside the school. This will
also help them to get an
initial remedy or first aid if
something bad happens.

(Audio Visual/Learning

Resource Center)

Computer Laboratory

Science Laboratory

Gymnasium Their gymnasium is large, It is a large indoor space

they also have a bench that is used for physical
wherein the students can education classes, sports
seat and watch events or events, and also
program comfortably, it is programs. This will benefit
also clean and colorful. the students specially
when it comes to their
physical fitness. Healthy
body can also help the
students to become active
in schools.


Outdoor/Garden The outdoor garden is clean This outdoor garden can

and green it gives a positive contribute and helps
ambiance for the student’s students learning because
teachers and visitors. it will help them to relax
and get an inspiration from
the beautiful surroundings.

Home Economics Room

Industrial Workshop Area

PTA Office

Comfort Room for Boys

Comfort Room for Girls

Other (Please Specify.)

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the
space provided.

Guide Questions Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the The school is located at Barangay San Vicente Angono

community or Rizal. Angono is known for its vibrant arts scene,
neighborhood where particularly its tradition of folk and contemporary art.
the school is found. The community surrounding of San Vicente
Elementary School likely reflects this cultural heritage.

The neighborhood of San Vicente Elementary School

is likely diverse, with a mix of residential areas, small
businesses, and community spaces. It may have
narrow streets lined with colorful houses, some of
which might be adorned with murals or artwork,
showcasing the artistic spirit of Angono.

2. Describe the school The school campus is broad and can occupied every
campus. What colors student. It was well maintained and clean campus the
do you see? What is color of the buildings is white. They also have a large
the condition of the gymnasium, and a ground for the children that are
buildings? playing their favorite sports.

3. Pass by the offices. The offices of the school are clean and well
What impression do maintained. I’m glad that this school have respective
you have of these offices. Because this will help every teacher, visitors,
offices? parents and also the student for a better organization
and efficiency.

They also have a welcoming atmosphere with

comfortable seating areas for the visitors.

4. Walk through the When we are observing the facilities of the school, we
school halls, the saw a large ground where the students can play their
library, the cafeteria. favorite sports. It is located right after the gymnasium.
Look around and find
other facilities that These facilities contribute to a well-rounded
the school has. educational experience, providing students with
opportunities for learning, creativity, physical activity,
and social interaction.
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Myraliza Perez Teacher’s Signature:
School: San Vicente Elementary School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 1 Subject Area: Date:

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are the posted on the walls? What
heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table
located? How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

An Observation guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

By guided these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to
record your data.

Classroom Facilities Description

(location, number, arrangement,


1. Wall Displays The classroom that I observe is free from

wall displays they have instructional
materials and visual aids but it is not
decorated in the wall they have their own
perspective places. The wall is really
clean there are no distractions or focal
points competing for attention, creating a
sense of simplicity and minimalism.

2. Teacher’s Table The teachers table are placed at the back

of the classroom and the other one is
placed in front.

3. Learner’s Desk In traditional classroom setups, desks are

often arranged in rows facing the front of
the classroom where the teacher's desk
and blackboard are located. This
arrangement allows students to focus on
the teacher during instruction and
facilitates easy movement between
desks. They have 47 chairs inside the
classroom that can occupied every

All chairs are in good condition that the

students can focus and seat comfortably.

4. Blackboard Traditionally the blackboard is placed at

the front of the classroom which is facing
the students. This set up of the
blackboard allows the teacher to write
and draw while facing the class. They
have 2 connected blackboards inside the

5. Learning Materials/Visual Aids The learning materials is placed in the

front side of the classroom, others are at
the back to maximize the space inside the
classroom, I think they have at least 10
learning materials. When it comes to
arrangement it is well organized the
materials are also in good condition even
if it looks like used a year ago. They are
all clean and presentable.





Write your observation report here.

Name of the School Observed: San Vicente Elementary School

Location of the School: Barangay San Vicente Angono Rizal

Date to Visit: Every Tuesday and Friday

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
As a future educator it is important that we know that the school campus and the
classroom environment play significant roles in shaping the learning experiences of
students. First is the physical environment, the design of the school campus and
classroom can influence students’ behavior, engagement and academic performance.
That’s why we need to consider things that will help our students to improve their
learning environment. Next is the classroom atmosphere, a comfortable and conducive
classroom atmosphere encourages active participation, collaboration, and critical
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/How does
this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
As I grow older and based on my own experiences it is really indeed that the
environment has a big impact in the student’s development, a supportive and enriching
environment can promote positive developmental outcomes, while a challenging or
unsupportive environment may hinder growth and learning.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why
not? Yes, my experience at San Vicente Elementary School left an amazing
impression on me, their school, teachers and students help me to achieved the
transformative power of education and the importance of creating positive
learning environments. From the cleanliness of the school grounds and also to
the smiles of the teachers, every aspect of Sves spoke to a commitment to
excellence and a genuine passion for helping students succeed. It is my sincere
hope that I will one day have the opportunity to contribute to such a remarkable
community of educators and learners, and to play a role in shaping the lives of
future generations.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning? A school campus that is

conducive to learning is one that provides an environment that supports and
enhances the educational experience of students.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

4. In the future, how can you accomplish our answer in number 3?

5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.


ACTIVITY 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Myraliza Perez Teacher’s Signature:
School: San Vicente Elementary School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 1 Subject Area: Date:

The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one
of the most readily available and versatile learning resources.
To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these
steps: 1. Examine for bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the
entrance, lobby, hallways and classrooms. 2. Pick one and evaluate the display. 3.
Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.

As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms
provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.
1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How
many board displays do you see?
2. Where are the displays boards found? Are they in places where
target viewers can see them?
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they
convey? What images and colors do you see? How are the
pieces of information and images arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar
inconsistencies and the like)
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your
8. Take a photos of the display boards (if allowed).
Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:

Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the Board displays here)
From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got the most
interested in. examine it using the evaluation form below.

Topic of the Board Display:________________________________

Location of the Board Display in School: ____________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up
your ratings.

4 – Outstanding 3 – Very Satisfactory 2 – Satisfactory 1 – Needs Improvement

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments

Effective Communication
It conveys the message
quickly and clearly.
Colors and arrangement
catch and hold interest.
Objects are arranged, so
stability is perceived.
Repeated shapes or colors or
use of borders hold display
The style and approach
entice learners to be involved
and engaged.
Letters and illustrations can
be seen from a good
It is free from grammar
errors, misspelled words,
It is well-constructed, items
are securely attached.
Bulletin Board Evaluated by:


Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:


Strengths Weaknesses

Description of the
Bulletin Board Layout

Evaluation of
educational content, and
other aspects

Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your
output through any of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 An electric (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

My Board Display Lay-out


What do you think was the purpose of the board display?


Did the board display design reflect the likes/interest of its target audience?
Why? Why not?

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?


What suggestions can you make?

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display boar. Use the
form below:
My Proposed Board Display

Board Title:



Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

Content Resources (Name each needed resources and give each a brief description):

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:


1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on
how you can improve on or acquire these skills.
Activity 2.1 Observing learner characteristics at different stages

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work your way through these
Step 1 Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels (preschool, elem, and
high school).
Step 2 Describe each of the learners based on my observations.
Step 3 Validate my observation by interviewing the learners.
Step 4 Compare them in terms of their interests and needs.

Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided
space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation checklist if a more detailed
observation is preferred.

1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move, walk, run,
go up the stairs, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motors skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad, easily
cries, mood-shifts)
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of
their thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they showed problem
solving abilities.

Learners’ Development Matrix

Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in
this matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at
different levels. The items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are
just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have observed.

Development Preschooler Elementary High School

Domain Indicate age Indicate age Indicate age range of
range of children range of children children observed:
observed: ______ observed: ______ ______
Gross-motor skills

Fine-motor skills

Self-help skills


Interaction with

Interaction with


Moods and
expression of




Thinking skills



Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you
observed. Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching-
Observed Learning Process
Preschool  Preschoolers like  Therefore, the teacher
Age range of learners to move around a should remember to use
observed 3-4 lot. music and movement
activities nit just in PE
but in all subject areas.
 Therefore, teachers
should not expect
preschoolers to stay
seated for a long period
of time.

Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the

Observed Teaching-Learning Process
Age range of learners

Age range of learners

High School
Age range of learners

1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences
when you were their age? What similarities do you have with the learners you

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did
she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social and
cognitive)? How did it affect you?

3. Share your other insights here.



ACTIVITY 3.1 Observing differences among learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
Interests, and experiences; and differences among learners’ linguistic, cultural,
socio-economic, religious backgrounds, and difficult circumstances.
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

The learners’ differences and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the
quality of teaching and learning. This activity is about observing and gathering data to
find out how student diversity affects learning.
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these
Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of a school day. (beginning of the day, class
time, recess, etc.)
Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in terms of age, gender, and social
and cultural diversity.
Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and outside the classroom.
Step 4. Interview your Resource Teacher about the principles and practices that she
uses in dealing with diversity in the classroom.
Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on learners’ interactions.
The observation form is provided for me to document my observations.


An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your
observation report on the space provided on the next page.
1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial
groups, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
During class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students
interact with one another and with the teacher. Are the groups that interact
more with the teacher than others.
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do
they behave and interact differently?
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with
or compete against each other?
4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most
5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the
classmates try to help him? Or do they raise their hands, so that the teacher
will call them instead?

Outside class:
1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogenously, by
age? By gender? By racial or ethnic groups? By their interests? Or are the
students in mixed social groupings? If so, describe the groupings.
2. Notice students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe
their behavior.

Interview the teachers and ask about their experience about learners in difficult
circumstances. Request them to describe these circumstances and how it has
affected the learners. Ask about the strategies they use to help these learners cope.

Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse
students due to the following factors:
 Gender, including LGBT
 Language and cultural differences
 Differences in religion
 Socio-economic status

Name of the School Observed:

School Address:
Date of Visit:
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
classroom. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the
leader, a mascot/joker, as attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?

What mistakes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their

2. Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who appear
“different?” why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by
others? How is this shown?

What does the teacher do to address issues like this?


3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of students?

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the
classroom, does the teacher leverage diversity?

1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or
unity among the learners and between the teacher and the learners?
ACTIVITY 3.2 Observing differences among learners with disabilities,
giftedness, and talents.

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:
1. Observe at least two of these classes.
a. SPED class with learners with intellectual disabilities
b. SPED class with learners with physical disabilities
c. SPED class for the gifted and talented
d. a regular class with inclusion of learners with disabilities
2. Note the needs of the learners that the teacher should address.
3. Interview the teachers to find out more about the learners.
4. Write your observation report.
5. Analyze your observation data.
6. Reflect on your experience.

Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation
report on the space provided.
1. Observe the class to see differences in abilities of the learners.
2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem
to be behind.
3. Validate your observations by asking the teacher about the background and
needs of the learners.
4. Observe the behaviour of both regular students and those with special needs.
Note their dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher, and
interaction with others.
5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs of the
students in his/her class.

Name of the School Observed:

School Address:
Date of Visit:
1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What
practices or strategies are done or should be done to differentiate instruction to
meet the needs of the learners.

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences
in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use
differentiated instruction? If yes, describe how.
1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and
low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in
abilities? Was your teacher effective?

2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the needs
of the learners?
Activity 4.1 Observing the Learner’s community and home environment
Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: __________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: _______________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: __________
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
1. Select a learner from the class which you have previously observed.
2. Interview the teacher about the learner’s characteristics and the community.
3. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner’s residence.
4. Interview the parents about
a. The rules they implemented at home concerning their child’s schooling.
b. The learner’s activities and behavior while at home.
5. Write the Learner’s Profile
6. Analyze your observation and interview data.
7. Reflect on your observation experience.


Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation/Interview Guide for Home-School Link

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe/interview. Then write your
observation report on the space provided.
The Learner
1.Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him/her in each of the domains of
 Physical-body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight),
level of physical activity (fast, slow, lethargic, active, etc.)
 Social-interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly,
gets into fights, liked by others, etc.)
 Cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons, excels, lags
behind, shows reasoning skills, turns in assignments and requirements, etc.)
Interview the Teacher
1. What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (emotional
dispositions, behavior and discipline, sense of responsibility, study habits, academic
performance, relationship with peers, relationship with adults, social adjustment)
2. How does the teacher communicate with the parents? How often? What do they
discuss? How do they decide of the best course of action to resolve issues or
3. How does the teacher utilize resources in the community to support the teaching-
learning process? How does the teacher work with the community to meet the
needs of the learners?

Interview with Parents

1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly,
family pictures in the living room etc.
2. Use the Interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which
you feel comfortable.

Suggested Parent Interview Guide

Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide. Be free to translate the
questions if necessary.

Name of Learner:

Date of Birth ______________________________ Age:_____________

Grade/Year Level:__________________________ Gender:___________
Number of Siblings:_________________________
Birth Order: _______________________________

Age:_____ Occupation:___________________ Educational
Age:_____ Occupation:___________________ Educational

Learner’s Physical Aspect:

1. Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner:
2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:
3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
5. Who took care of him/her as a child?
Learner’s Social Aspect:
1. Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner)
2. Who were the learner’s playmates?
3. As a child then, was he/she allowed to play outside?
4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
5. Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?
6. What are these rules?
1. What are your expectations of your child?
2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet
his/her emotional needs?
4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?
How do you discipline your children?
1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
2. How do you impose the rules?
3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?
Learner’s Cognitive Aspects:
1. What are the child’s interest?
2. What is he/she good at in school?
3. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?
4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?
5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
6. What are these rules? How are they implemented?
After you have gathered all the necessary data. Write the learner’s development profile
using the outline below. Type the profile on a separate sheet and attached it to this learning

The Learner’s Development Profile

Name of the Learner __________________________________________________________
School _____________________________________________________________________
Date of Home Visit__________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: Age:
Grade/Year Level: Gender:

Family Profile
Number of Siblings:
Birth Order:
Occupation: Educational Attainment:
Occupation: Educational Attainment:

Physical Development
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner. Combine the
teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.
Social Development
In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner. Combine the
teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.
Emotional-Moral Development
In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the learner.
Combine the teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.
Cognitive Development
In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner. Combine the
teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.
Write here your salient findings about the learner.

Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school and the
On the learner’s development. The questions in the Analysis portion of this learning
Episode can help you.
Write your recommendations

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you
answer the questions here.

1. From your home visit and Interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced
by the learner? Explain your answer.
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do
you think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school?

3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes,
what are these effects?

4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development and
learning of the students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to
seek advice regarding the development and learning of the students.


1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience?
How did it affect you?


2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can
you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?


Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer

1. Which are most likely the kind of children raised by authoritarian parents?
I. Fearful
II. Inhabited
III. Hostile
IV. Withdrawn

A. I and II C.II and III

B. I, II and III D. I, II,III and IV

2. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she behave in
A. Relates well to classmates
B. Is suspicious of others
C. Quarrels often with classmates
D. Has low level of Independence

3. Which parenting style/s contribute/s to the development of children who have lots of
A. Authoritarian C. Permissive
B. Authoritative D. Neglecting and permissive
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts Color Your World…
1. Make an artistic, colorful,
1. and creative visual
expression of your
insights or feelings about
the influence of the home
and school and
community to the learner.

Then, write a few statements on

the space below about your
visual art
H- C- Stick with acrostic…..
O- O-
M- M-
2. Make a reflection acrostic
E- M-
about the home, school and
U- community link..
S- N-
C- I-
H- T-
O- Y-
L- L-
Activity 5.1 Managing Time, Space, and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their

2. How many boys are there?

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?

4. Can the learners already work independently?

5. Describe their span of attention.

Analyze and answer these questions on observed classrooms management practices. It
is also good to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your
observation. Writes your notes below; then organize your data in the Table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes {storage of teaching aids,
books, students’ belongings, supplies, etc.? Describe these areas. Will it make a
difference if these areas for specific purposes are not present?

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior?
3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules?If the resource teacher is
available, ask him/her to describe the process. What’s the effect of students’
participation in rule-making on students’ behavior?

4. What are the daily routines done by the resource teacher? (prayer, attendance,
assignments of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this
help managing the class?

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the resource teacher
do? Described the behavior strategies used?

8. What does the resource teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior


Reflection as a future teacher.

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?


ACTIVITY 5.2 Identifying the Difference Aspects of Classroom Management

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:


Observe a class accomplished the given matrix

Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners
1. Specific areas in the
2. Classroom rules
3. Classroom rules
4. Daily routines
5. Seating arrangement
6. Handling misbehavior
off-task behavior
7. Reinforcement of
positive behavior
8. Others
9. Others
10. Others


1. How did the classroom organizations and routines affect the learners’ behavior.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom routines?
What theories and principles should you have in mind?
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior motivating
student? Why were they effective?

Reflect on the following and write your insights
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level?
2. Makes a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level? Why would you
choose the rules?
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?
ACTIVITY 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Observe the classroom routines of the resource teacher by accomplishing the given


Check YES (/) if observe and (X) IF NOT OBSERVED.


1. Movement into the
2. Transition in
classroom activities
3. Movement of of the
4. Use of lavatories /
comfort room /
5. Passing of papers
6. Passing of books
7. Working with
8. Tardy students
9. Absent students
10. Submission/collection
of materials
11. Submission of
12. Asking questions
during lessons
13. Asking for assistance
14. Joining classroom
15. Lining up
16. Walking in the line
17. Fire drill /
18. Movement between
19. Use of classroom
20. Checking of


Analyze the routines set by the resource teacher by answering the following questions.
1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why
2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your

Reflect on the various routines observed.

1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the resource teacher

Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners’ safety and
security. Rules also teach discipline and self control. Rules eliminate stress and will
provide a pleasant, secured and non threatening environment. Rules ensure the
students’ engagements focus in their classroom activities.


1. E.g. Read directions well Ensures less error in answering the


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?
2. Are classroom rules really important?

Reflect on the various classrooms rules set by the resource teacher. Will you have the
same rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.


Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the resource teacher
which are worth emulating. Tell something about the pictures.
ACTIVITY 7.1 Identifying Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom Management
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Observe a class and interview the resource teacher. Ask how the personal and physical
aspects of classroom management ensure proper classroom management and

Check if these aspects were observed in the classroom.

Aspects of Classroom YES NO

1. Personal Classroom
1.1 is the teacher well-
groomed that he/she
demands respect from
the learners?
1.2 is the teacher’s
voice modulated and
can be heard by the
entire class?
1.3 Was the teacher
present in class?
1.4 Did the teacher
arrive on time in class
1.5 Does the teacher
exude a positive
attitude towards
2. Physical Classroom
2.1 is the classroom
2.2 is the lighting good
2.3 is the classroom
free from noise?
2.4 Does the seating
arrangement provide
better interaction?
2.5 is the
design/structure of the
room inviting to
classroom activities?
2.6 is the physical
space/learning station
clear from


Analyze the different of personal/physical classroom management and answer the

following questions?

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?


Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.

1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain.

“No amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom management.”
2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?


ACTIVITY 7.2 Demonstrating Knowledge of Positive and Non-Violent Discipline to the
Management of Learner Behavior

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Observe the classroom management strategies that your resource teacher employs in
the classroom. You may also conduct an interview to substantiate your observation.

Check(/) observed, put an (x) if not observed and O for no opportunity to observe.


1. Model to the
students how to act
in different
2. Establish
3. Document the
4. Refrain from
punishing the entire
5. Encourage
initiative from class
6. Offer praise and
7. Use non-verbal
8. Take time to
celebrate group
9. Let students work
in groups
10. Interview
students to assess
their needs
11. Address bad
behavior quickly
12. Consider peer
13. Continuously
engage the students
14. Assign open-
ended project
15. Write your group
Others (Please


Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions.

1. How many strategies were employed by the resource teacher? Did this contribute to
better classroom management? Explain your answer.

2. What were not used by the resource teacher? Were these important? What should
have been used instead? Explain.


As a future teacher, reflect on the observations then answer the given question.
1. What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to diverse
types of learners?

Show Your Learning Artifacts

Show piece(s) of evidence of learning to capture the classroom management strategies

used by resource teacher.

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