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Pilih salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A,

B, C dan D di bawah ini! 8. What is the announcement about?

The text is for number 1 to 2. A. The announcement to get the final test card
To: Sanny Wish you all the best on your seventeenth B. The final examination
birthday Love, Randy C. The test will be held six days
1. What is the purpose of the text? D. The requirement is for the staff in the school
A. To tell the reader about her activities
B. To ask Randy to come to her birthday party 9. “………. to pay the school fee before the final
C. To congratulate Sanny about her birthday party test………..” The underlined word has the same meaning
D. To persuade Sanny to buy some product with….
A. Requirement C. Payment
2. Who is celebrate the birthday? B. Get something D. Storage
A. Randy C. Sanny’s friend
B. Sisi D. Sanny The following text is for questions 10 to 12.

Read the text and answer questions 3 to 5. FINE SUN BLOCK MOISTURISING CREAM SPP
From : +0829589430 35
To : Lita Effective protection for every sensitive and fair skin
Sorry Honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to ACTIVE UV CELL PROTECTION Effective protection
the Mall tonight. I have to meet my friend (Mrs. Cathy) at for the skin cell Against premature skin ageing and UV Please don’t be angry. Damage with an innovative UV A-UV B Filter system
antioxidant ACTIVE FINE CARE It’s non sticky formula
Sender, Mom Perfectly moisturizes the skin Leaving it smooth and
3. Who sends the message? supple Skin compatibility dermatological proven
A. Lita C. Mrs. Cathy
B. Lita’s mother D. Mother’s friend 10. People who use this cream want their skin table ….
A. Wrinkled C. Tanned
4. How is Lita’s mother feel about her promise? B. Smooth D. Dry
A. Impressed C. Guilty
B. Confused D. Happy 11. This product is for people with …. skin
A. dry C. normal
5. Mom writes the message in order to ….. B. oily D. sensitive
A. Apologize for not keeping the promise
B. Remind Lita that she has promise 12. Which statement is not true based on the text?
C. Tell Lita that she has to go to the meeting A. Effective protection for every skin.
D. Say that she cannot meet her in the mall
B. This product has active SPP 30
C. It has filter system.
Read the text and answer questions 6 to 7.
Dear Andrew, Please come to my anniversary party on: D. It’s non sticky formula
Day / Date : Tuesday, May 21st 2013 Time : 4 p.m. Place
: CFC, Jln. A. Yani 06, Pandeglang I really hope that you Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15.
can come. There will be something missing without your Jakarta, 09 July 2017 Dear Indah, I am very glad to write
coming. this letter to you, I want to tell you about my new school.
Love, Rose I am studying at SMPN 102 Jakarta. Now I am at the 9th
grade. I have met a lot of friends here. My school is
6. Who celebrate the anniversary party? located in the city. It has a big library a representative
A. Rose C. Rose’s friend class and laboratory. The school is tidy and clean. I am
B. Andrew D. Andrew’s sister very happy studying here. Please write back and tell me
the condition of our school. Don’t forget to convey my
7. What kinds of party is it?
greetings for our teachers and our friends. I love you all.
A. Wedding party
C. Graduation party With love Nadya Chairunisa
B. Anniversary party 13. What is the purpose of the text?
D. Birthday party A. To tell Indah about her story
B. To give information for the readers
The text is for questions 8 to 9. C. To describe to Indah about her new school
To : All the students of SMPN 2 Yogyakarta You are D. To know Indah’s condition
required to pay the school fee before the final test. The
test will be held on April 22nd – 25th 2017. Those who 14. Nadya hopes Indah ….
can’t fulfill the requirement will not get the test card, A. Come to other her house and tell the story about her
except you meet the headmaster. new school
B. Write back the letter tell about her old school is one of the animals which are in danger of extinction.
C. Tell her story about her new school to other friends and Some people like to hunt them for getting its skin and sell
teachers it to create some interior accessories at home. The cheetah
D. Come to Nadya’s new school has a small head and ears, and long, powerful legs. It
always hunts and chases its prey on open ground. This is
15. “It has big library, a representative class and a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They
laboratory”. The word it refers to … like to stay in and near trees to catch their prey. The
A. Nadya’s new school cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot
C. Indah draw in its claws.
B. Nadya 22. The text mainly describes … of cheetah.
D. Nadya’s old school A. The location C. The food
B. The characteristics D. The body
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 21.
If you are a sport fan, you are sure to know the name of 23. Cheetah is now rare and is one of the animals which
Michael Jordan. It is probably the greatest basketball are in danger because ….
player is over; his fame will live on for many years to A. Lack of food C. The Hunting
come. Michael Jordan certainly looks like a star. He is B. Short Life D. Fighting each other
tall, well-build and handsome, with friendly brown eyes
and wide green. He always manages to look well dressed, 24. “It can run 100 km an hour.” The word it refers to ….
even in his casual clothes or smart suits. His personality, A. The Animal C. The Cat
too, is as outstanding as his playing ability. Michael B. The Leopard D. The Cheetah
Jordan is a very determined person. This has mid him a
successful basketball star. He has given a lot of money 25. They like to stay in and near trees to catch their pray.
and support to charities. All in all, Michael Jordan is not The antonym of the underlined word is ……
only a great athlete, but also a warm, caring person. It is A. To protect C. To chase
no wonder that so many boys have dreamed of growing B. To kill D. To prey
up to be just like him.
17. The best title for the text is … The text is for questions 26 and 27
A. Michael Jordan C. A Sport man How to make a boat or Hat from Paper •
B. A Warm, caring person D. Famous star Things You Need: A half of newspaper •
What to do: First, fold the paper in half the long way,
18. Why is he famous? crease and unfold. Second, fold the sides up to the middle
A. He is handsome crease, keep folded Next, fold the corners down to the
middle again Then, fold the points down to the middle.
B. He is the best basketball player
Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a
C. He gives charity
boat, or flip it over and wear it as a hat.
D. The author admires him
26. “Finally open the middle and turn it inside out to
19. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? make a boat or flip it over and wear it as a hat”. The
A. Michael Jordan is handsome underlined word could be best replaced with the word…..
B. His Playing ability is great. A. Design C. Perform
C. Everyone dreams to be Michael Jordan B. Create D. Have
D. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player in the
world 27. “Finally open the middle and turn it inside out to make
a boat or flip it over and wear it as a hat”. The underlined
20. Michael Jordan is not only a great athlete but also a word is refers to….
warm, caring person. A. Paper C. Boat
The underlined means…. B. Hat D. Newspaper
A. Great C. Hospitality
B. Famous D. Determined
21. The text indicates that the writer is ….
A. Michael Jordan’s fan
B. Michael Jordan’s son
C. Michael Jordan’s coach
D. Michael Jordan’s family

Read the text and answer questions 22 to 25.

THE CHEETAH The cheetah is the fastest animal on
land. It can run 100 kilometers an hour. It is now rare and

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