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Dhurgesh M
 What is Electricity?
 Little history
 What is:
Static Electricity
Conventional current
Electric charge
 How is electricity is generated and reaches our
 Conclusion
 Acknowledgement
 Reference

What is Electricity?
Electricity is a special kind of energy that makes
things work. It's like the power that flows through
wires and makes our gadgets come to life. Think
of it as tiny particles called electrons moving
around. When they move, they create a flow of
energy we call electricity. This amazing energy is
what lights up our homes, powers our computers,
and makes our toys buzz with life. So, whenever
you turn on a light switch or charge your tablet,
you're using the power of electricity!
Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the
existence of charged particles (such as electrons or
protons), either statically as an accumulation of
charge or dynamically as a current. It is a
fundamental force in nature and a crucial aspect of
modern life. Electricity is responsible for powering
various devices and appliances, from lights and
computers to kitchen appliances and electronic
gadgets. It can be generated using different
methods, such as burning fossil fuels, harnessing
renewable sources like wind or sunlight, or
through other means. The flow of electricity,
known as an electric current, is facilitated through
conductors like wires, allowing it to be transmitted
and utilized in homes, businesses, and industries.
Understanding how electricity works and using it
safely are important aspects of our daily lives.
Little history

The history of electricity is a captivating journey

marked by centuries of observation and discovery.
Ancient civilizations recognized the peculiar
properties of static electricity, and pioneers like
William Gilbert in the 17th century began
systematic studies. The 18th century witnessed the
groundbreaking work of Benjamin Franklin, who
conducted the famous kite experiment,
establishing a link between lightning and
electricity. Alessandro Volta's invention of the
voltaic pile in 1800 marked a pivotal moment in
generating a continuous electrical current.
Throughout the 19th century, Michael Faraday's
laws of electromagnetic induction and Thomas
Edison's development of the incandescent light
bulb propelled electricity into practical
applications. The 20th century brought about
transformative advancements, including the
electric power grid and the rise of modern
electronics. Today, electricity is an indispensable
part of our daily lives, shaping the technological
landscape and powering the conveniences we
often take for granted.
What is:

In a battery, the terminals are the points where

electrical current enters and exits the battery. A
typical battery has two terminals:

Positive Terminal (+): This terminal is marked

with a plus sign (+) and is usually indicated by a
red colour. The positive terminal is where the
electric current flows out of the battery and into
the connected electrical circuit.

Negative Terminal (-): This terminal is marked

with a minus sign (-) and is typically indicated by
a black colour. The negative terminal is the point
where electric current returns to the battery after
flowing through the connected electrical circuit.

When a battery is connected to a device, such as a

flashlight or a car, the electrical circuit is
completed, allowing the flow of electrons from the
negative terminal to the positive terminal. This
flow of electrons is what provides electrical power
to the device.

It's crucial to connect devices to the correct

terminals; reversing the connections can lead to
malfunctions or damage. The arrangement of
positive and negative terminals is standardized to
ensure proper and safe usage of batteries in
various applications.

Static Electricity
Static electricity refers to the imbalance of electric
charge on the surface of an object. Unlike current
electricity, which flows through conductors, static
electricity involves the accumulation of electric
charge in one place. This phenomenon occurs
when certain materials gain or lose electrons
through friction, contact, or separation.
Key points about static electricity include:

 Electron Transfer: At the atomic level,

materials are made up of positively charged
protons and negatively charged electrons.
When two objects come into contact and then
separate, electrons may be transferred from
one material to another.

 Charging by Friction: Rubbing two materials

together, such as a comb through hair or a
balloon against clothing, can lead to the
transfer of electrons and the creation of static
 Attracting and Repelling: Charged objects can
attract or repel each other. For example, a
statically charged balloon may stick to a
neutral wall due to the attraction between the
charged balloon and the oppositely charged

 Lightning: A natural and powerful example of

static electricity is lightning. It occurs when
there is a buildup of static charge in clouds,
and the discharge of this accumulated charge
results in a visible electrical discharge.

 Static Discharge: When a charged object comes

into contact with a conductor or another
object, electrons may move, equalizing the
charge and causing a sudden release of energy
known as a static discharge or spark.

 Triboelectric Series: Different materials have

varying tendencies to gain or lose electrons
when in contact. The triboelectric series
categorizes materials based on their ability to
generate static electricity when rubbed against
each other.

While static electricity is generally harmless in

everyday situations, it can be problematic in
certain industrial or technological settings, where
it may lead to damage or disruption. Antistatic
measures, such as grounding and the use of
antistatic materials, are employed in these
environments to mitigate the effects of static
Conventional current

Conventional current refers to the theoretical flow

of positive charge in a circuit. Despite electrons
being negatively charged and constituting the
actual flow of charge in most materials,
conventional current assumes the opposite
direction – that positive charges move.

This convention was established historically before

the discovery of the electron. When early scientists
were studying electricity, they didn't know about
the existence of electrons and had a limited
understanding of charge carriers. They established
a convention that the flow of electricity is from
positive to negative.

In a circuit, when you connect a battery or power

source, conventional current is said to flow from
the positive terminal of the source, through the
circuit, and back to the negative terminal. This
direction is opposite to the actual movement of
electrons, which flow from the negative terminal
to the positive terminal.
In summary, conventional current is a theoretical
concept that assumes a flow of positive charge in a
circuit, and it is a convention that has been
maintained for historical reasons. Despite the
mismatch with the direction of electron flow, it is
still widely used in circuit analysis and electrical

Electric charge
Electric charge is a fundamental property of
matter, intrinsic to subatomic particles like
electrons and protons. It comes in two types:
positive and negative. Protons carry a positive
charge, while electrons possess a negative charge.
One of the fundamental principles in
electromagnetism is that like charges repel each
other, and opposite charges attract. Electric charge
is conserved in isolated systems, and its
quantization means that it exists in discrete units,
with the elementary charge being the charge of a
single electron or proton. The unit of electric
charge is the coulomb, and the interaction of
charged objects gives rise to electric fields. From
the phenomena of static electricity to the
functioning of electronic devices and the principles
governing the behaviour of charged particles in
circuits, the concept of electric charge is central to
our understanding of the physical world.

How is electricity is generated and

reaches our home
Electricity is generated and delivered to our homes
through a series of processes involving power
plants, transformers, and a network of power
lines. Here is a simplified explanation of how
electricity is generated and reaches our homes:
1. Electricity Generation:
 Power Plants: Electricity is typically generated
in power plants. There are various types of
power plants, including those that burn fossil
fuels like coal or natural gas, use renewable
sources like wind or solar, or rely on nuclear
reactions. The energy produced in these plants
is converted into electricity.
2. Transformation and Transmission:
 Generators: The electricity generated in power
plants is produced as alternating current (AC)
by generators.
 Transformer Substations: The AC electricity is
sent to transformer substations, where its
voltage is adjusted for efficient transmission.
High-voltage transmission reduces energy loss
during transportation.
3. High-Voltage Transmission Lines:
 Transmission Lines: The transformed
electricity is then sent through a network of
high-voltage transmission lines. These
transmission lines can cover long distances
and transport large amounts of electricity.
4. Substations and Distribution:
 Substations: Along the way, the electricity
passes through substations where the voltage
is lowered for distribution.
 Distribution Lines: Lower-voltage electricity is
then sent through distribution lines that
branch out into neighbourhoods and
5. Local Distribution:
 Transformers: Before entering individual
homes, the electricity passes through local
transformers, which further reduce the
 Distribution Lines (Low Voltage): Finally, low-
voltage electricity is delivered to homes
through distribution lines.

6. Entering Homes:
 Electric Meter: As electricity enters a home, it
typically passes through an electric meter,
which measures the amount of electricity
 Circuit Breaker Panel: The electricity is then
distributed within the home through a circuit
breaker panel.
7. End Use:
 Appliances and Devices: The electricity is used
to power various appliances and electronic
devices in our homes, such as lights,
refrigerators, computers, and more.
 Throughout this process, maintaining a
balance in the electrical grid is crucial to
ensuring a continuous and stable supply of
electricity. The coordination of power
generation, transmission, and distribution is
managed by electricity utilities and grid
operators to meet the demands of homes and

In conclusion, electricity stands as a remarkable
force that powers our modern world, driving the
functionality of our homes and the technological
conveniences we rely on daily. The journey of
electricity, rooted in centuries of exploration and
discovery, has shaped the way we harness and
utilize this fundamental form of energy. From the
charged particles coursing through wires to the
historical milestones of pioneers like Benjamin
Franklin and Alessandro Volta, electricity has
evolved into an indispensable aspect of our lives.
Understanding the basics of terminals, static
electricity, conventional current, and electric
charge provides a foundation for safe and efficient
use. The intricate process of generating and
delivering electricity, involving power plants,
transformers, and transmission lines, underscores
the complexity of ensuring a stable power supply
to our homes. As we engage with electricity in the
flip of a switch or the charging of devices, it's
essential to appreciate the interconnected systems
that bring this energy source into our daily

I express my gratitude to Mr. Rahul who have
helped me in carrying out this project work and
fruitfully completing it.


 Byju’
 Science Cambridge Lower Secondary 7 Book
Thank you

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