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Lesson Related Issue 2 - Chapter 8 - South Africa Education

Date March 13, 2024

Title/Focus Stations
Subject/Grade Time
Social Studies 10-1, 10-2, levels 60 Min
Level Duration


Learning Students will assess the impacts of historical globalization on Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
Specific 2.6 examine impacts of cultural contact between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples (exchange of
Learning goods and technologies, depopulation, influences on government and social institutions)
Outcomes: 2.8 explore the relationship between historical globalization and imperialism
2.9 examine multiple perspectives on the political, economic and social impacts of historical
globalization and imperialism
2.10 examine imperialist policies and practices that affected Indigenous peoples (British rule in India,
British and French rule in Canada, post-colonial governments in Canada)
2.11 analyze contemporary global issues that have origins in policies and practices of post-colonial governments
in Canada and other locations (consequences of residential schools, social impact on Indigenous peoples, loss of
Indigenous languages, civil strife)
2.13 examine legacies of historical globalization and imperialism that continue to influence globalization
Students will:
1. assess the impacts of historical globalization through participation in and completion of various education stations'
activities related to South African Apartheid where they will analyze political cartoons involving apartheid, reflect on the
life of Nelson Mandela, create a timeline of apartheid using provided events, and analyze the daily realities of life during
ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))
 Participation in and completion of education stations' activities
 Discussion


 Print 4 education stations  4 Education stations
  Chromebooks to watch Mandela video

Introduction Time


Remind of test
-Before we start, get them to pull out their test outline before the start of the unit
1 min
-On top of test, write date. Tuesday March 19. (quiz kids in subsequent classes)

-Globalization: historical globalization and its connection to our case studies
-Rwandan genocide: historical globalization, colonization, leadup to genocide, genocide
1 min
-Movie: key events
-"Ok guys so we've been learning about globalization in grade 10 so far. We've learned about it through
exploring the history of african colonization and the Rwandan genocide and how globalization can
contribute to modern events."

Introduce today's activities

1 min
-education stations "so today we're starting a new case study. We've moved on from the rwandan genocide
and now we're talking about a different country in africa, we're talking about the country of south africa"
Body Time

Very brief summary of what Apartheid was in south africa 3 min

Briefly explain the purpose and objectives of each station.

-Station 1: Constructing a Timeline. Overview: Construct a timeline to visualize the key events and laws of
the apartheid era in South Africa.
-Station 2: Diary Entry Overview: Reflect on and respond to the provided (fictional) diary entry written 3 min
during apartheid in South Africa.
-Station 3: Political Cartoon Analysis Overview: Interpret the following political cartoons and explore the
underlying messages about South Africa during the apartheid era
-Station 4: Nelson Mandela Video Overview: Watch the provided video on the life of Nelson Mandela and
answer the questions below on his role in ending apartheid, his leadership qualities, and the enduring
global impact of his legacy
1 min
Divide the class into four groups and assign each group to a starting station.

Students begin work.

-Remind them when half of their station time is done 40 min (10 min per
-Rotate students through the stations station plus
transition time)
Closure Time

Review and Summarize information

-Gather education stations and have students sit in their desks
-Ask students what they found during their workstations.
-"For station 1, the timeline activity, were there any patterns or pivotal years that stood out to
-"For station 2, the diary entry, what's one thing you learned about life under apartheid from this 10 min
diary entry that you didn't know before?"
-"For station 4, the Nelson Mandela video, what were some of the challenges Mandela faced"
-Easy questions: "In the second political cartoon what is the dragon labelled? Why might the artist
use a dragon (or monster) to represent apartheid? What might the arrows signify?" "What do you
think the dialogue of the archer means?"

Wrap up class
-"So tomorrow we're going to continue learning about South african apartheid. We're going to learn about 1 min
how globalization affected the history of the country their connection to what we learned today."

Sponge Activity/Activities Allow more time at each station


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