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UNIT 4: TRACK 8 ( PAGE 20)

Stu: Okay, welcome back to team talk. Now we have a special guest on our show
this ............... She's joining us from South America. Hello, Alice. Are you there?
Alice: Hi Stu. Thanks for having me on your show.

Stu: So Alice, tell our listeners why your in South America?

Alice: Well, I .......... for a charity called “Tree friends”, we work in many countries
including Brazil, Indonesia, India and the Republic of the Congo but right now
I'm ............. in Peru.

Stu: So what are you doing there?

Alice: “Tree Friends” supports local people in the ........... , we build houses schools
and provide .............. I'm working in a small school in the jungle.

Stu: That's amazing. So, are you a ..........?

Alice: Yes, I'm an ............ teacher. I have a small class of ten students and there
are eleven or twelve years old.

Stu: How long will you stay in Peru?

Alice: I will stay here for another months. After that maybe Africa, Asia. I'm not

Stu: It sounds very .............

Stu: Can you tell our listeners how they can help .......... team Friends?

Alice: Yes if you want to volunteer, please visit our website at
to ............ Our number is ...............

Stu: Great, thanks a lot Alice. Good luck in Peru.

Alice: Thanks.

UNIT 4: TRACK 9 ( PAGE 24)

Do you want to help .............. money for charity and have fun doing it? There are
some fantastic fundraising events every year in the U. K. The great gorilla run
events began in .............. as a way to raise ........... to save gorillas in Uganda
Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. People dressed up as
guerrillas and run ............... the city of London.

Although its primary ............. is to raise money, it's also a lot of fun for everyone
involved. In 2018, the great gorilla run raised about ............ thousand pounds for
conservation efforts. Sleep out is also an interesting fundraising event organized
by the ............. center-point.

Groups of ............ and friends give up their comfortable beds at home and sleep
outside in sleeping bags for one night. The ......... allows people to imagine what
it's like to not have a home or bed to sleep in. Sleep out happens several times
each year.

In 2018, the event raised over seven hundred fifty thousand pounds across their
sleep out events to.............. services for ............. young people. You can help fund
raising money for charity by taking part in one of these ............ events.

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