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10. What is the main requirement of intersubjectivity?

A. Acceptance without prejudice

B. Acceptance without condition
C. Acceptance without the imposition
D. Acceptance without discrimination
11. What does authentic dialogue mean?
A. Communicating with others authentically
B. Talking with others with respect and reverence
C. Relating to other persons through his/her face
D. Accepting others who are different from themselves

12. Why does the human face of the other become the focus in accepting the
other? It is because of the human face. . .
A. Identifies the human person
B. Represents the human person
C. Reflects the real needs of a person
D. Satisfy the needs of the human person
13. According to Levinas, what is the best way to treat the human face?
A. Through ethics
B. Through intersubjectivity
C. Through authentic dialogue
D. Through acceptance without the imposition
14. Why does the face of the other should not be dealt with phenomenologically?
It is because
A. phenomenology experiences the face
B. phenomenology only describes the physical appearance
C. phenomenology accepts the other person unconditionally
D. phenomenology treats the face of the human person as naked
15. The following are implications when a Person with disability (PWD) is treated
as pitiful or indifferently, EXCEPT:
A. It implies that a person is limited.
B. It implies that a person is being boxed.
C. It implies that a person has a lot of possibilities
D. It implies a judgment that he/she has no bright future at all.
16. What does it mean to have an ethical relationship with the face of the other?
It means that
A. it is ethical not to help him or her.
B. one’s relationship should be based on morality.
C. one’s relationship should go beyond physicality.
D. one’s relationship should be based on one’s status in life.
17. What does the superior person capable of?
A. The superior person has the capability to dominate.
B. The superior person has the capability to help the inferior one.
C. The superior person has the capability to control the inferior one.
D. The superior person has the capability to take care of themselves.
18. When does the superior person become responsible for others?
A. If he/she finds transcendence.
B. If he/she finds his/her superiority
C. If he/she finds endless possibilities
D. If he/she finds his/her domineering capability
19. What does it mean to transcend in relating to everyone?
A. It means that everyone is treated equally
B. It means that everyone is treated minimally
C. It means that everyone is treated objectively
D. It means that everyone is treated subjectively
20. Why do ethics and responsibility should go together according to Levinas? It is because
A. They are a necessary foundation of subjectivity.
B. They are the foundation structure of subjectivity.
C. They are the inseparable structure of subjectivity.
D. They are the solid foundation or structure of subjectivity.
21.When does authentic dialogue in a community happen?
A. It is when members relate to one another as a utility
B. It is when members relate to one another as a commodity
C. It is when members relate to one another due to religious belief
D. It is when members relate to one another as a community of persons
22. Which among the two relationships does an authentic dialogue happen?
A. It is through the I-It relationship
B. It is through the I-Thou relationship
C. It is both the I-It and It-Thou relationships
D. it is neither nor the I-It nor the I-Thou relationships
23. The following are the attitudes of persons having authentic dialogue. Which
one does not belong to attitudes?
A. He/she is actively communicating
B. He/she thinks and intends to establish a mutual relationship
C. He/she perceives everybody as different and underprivileged
D. He/she welcomes possibilities brought about by the human spirit.
24. Why do the sacrifices of other people become an invitation to authentic
A. Because sacrifice demands time and energy
B. Because sacrifice is necessary for the sake of martyrdom
C. Because sacrifice answers the call of a depressing situation
D. Because sacrifice is necessary for a healthy community relationship
25. Which of the following words does not represent an organized group of people whose members interact
freely and has a common territory and culture?
a. Society c. Company
b. Community d. Individuality

26. Who is the father of sociology that termed sociology in 1838 which refers to the
scientific study of society?
a. Edmund Husserl c. Auguste Comte
b. Thomas Hobbes d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
27. Who, among the philosophers and social theorists, did not tackle the origin of
human society?
a. Sigmund Freud c. Thomas Hobbes
b. Jean-Jacques Rousseau d. John Locke
28. Which of the statements is not a description of a social contract theory?
a. Justification and explanation of a relationship between the individual and the larger society or government.
b. The underlying view of human nature includes that we are rational beings and can understand why and how
regulations and principles in the society make life better. Human reason is the key element in social contracts.
c. Demonstrate why members of a society would emotionally find at their best interests to comply with the
principles and regulations of their society.
d. It refers to contracts between a nation and its citizens.
29. Which of the statements below does not show an influence in societies?
a. Society influences the interactions of its members through the establishment
of norms.
b. Society, through the establishment of norms, can influence knowledge and ideas.
c. Society encourages us to create a systematic chaos in Philippine communities.
d. Society is the backdrop by which we adopt the prevailing culture, values and
ideas of the people and communities that surround us.
30. Which of the following statements is the best description of norms?
a. These are set of traits and values that society considers acceptable.
b. They regulate the despicable behavior of its members in a society.
c. These are rules or standards of behavior violated by members of a social group.
d. They are rules of conduct that should be ignored since these will cause justice.
31. Which among the classifications of society refers to any socially defined position within a society?
a. Social System c. Social Status
b. Social Group d. Social Role
32. Which among the classifications of society refers to the set of expected behaviors
based on the position a person occupies in society?
a. Social System c. Social Status
b. Social Institution d. Social Role
33. Which among the classifications of society is an organized or patterned set of
relationships among individuals and groups that compose a society?
a. Social System c. Social Status
b. Social Group d. Social Role
34. Which among the classifications of society is referred to as a certain group that performs vital functions in
a. Social System c. Social Status
b. Social Institution d. Social Role
35. Which among the classifications of society is regarded as a collection of people who interacts with each
other and share a similar characteristics?
a. Social System c. Social Status
b. Social Group d. Social Role
36. “The teacher provides knowledge and guidance to the students; inspires, motivates,
and educates learners; and encourages students to participate in various lessons
and in other school-related activities.”
What does this statement imply?
a. Social System c. Social Status
b. Social Institution d. Social Role
37. Which of the following statements is not the essence of a primary group?
a. This group is usually large and is characterized by more impersonal interaction, and relatively endures in a
short span of time.
b. Members of this group care a lot about each other since they have strong emotional ties.
c. This group includes family, circle of friends, team mates and co-workers.
d. This group is usually small and is characterized by extensive interactions.
38. “Our society has socially defined positions such as engineers, businessmen, farmers,
law enforcers, politicians, teachers, construction workers and medical practitioners.”
What does this statement imply?
a. Social System c. Social Status
b. Social Institution d. Social Group

39. Which of the following statements does not show social influence and transformation
in human relations?
a. Today’s modern society enables various people from diverse backgrounds and societies to interact and
establish close ties.
b. Emergence of industrial societies transformed human relations through interactions among family members
and employees in the work environment.
c. Virtual societies have transformed human relations as improved communication technologies make people
from faraway places interact closely with each other.
d. A society that upholds positive social values will influence its members to uphold negative values. On the
other hand, a society that is defined by negative values will produce individuals who embody positive values.

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