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• t ,a.a. wrt t• .11our £.,cQ.m R o n N o.


aper Code: B S-105 , • _
. H - - - -- _ _ _ S u b;ect: Applied Phy
Time • 3 ours .s i c.<J•l
Note · Att . Maximum Marks: 7 5
I Sel empt.five ques tions in all including Q.No.l.which is compulsory . I
ect one _questions from each unit. Assume missing data, if any . I
Answer ~ e fo~owing questions: - [3x5=15J
(a) E':pla 111 bi:1:0y the n egauve results of Mic helson -Morley Experiment?
(b) Give cond 1uons of sustained interference.
(c) Explain continuum Model.
(d) Show that accele ration is invariant u.nde r Galilean Transformation.
(el De line Poynting vector.

Q2. (a) ~ta_te and Explain the Second law of thermod ynamics. Also give the
bm1ta?ons _o f fir ~t la w of the rmodynamics. (6+2=8]
(b) Exp! ~ Ad1a banc process by using first law of thermod yna mics. [4]
(c) Wha t 1s thermal Equilibrium? Ex pla in wiU1 e xample . (3]

Q3. (a) De fin e thermodynamic variables and its types. Also give examples of
each. [5]
/f6)Deftne Enu·opy .Expla in entropy in a Reve rs ible and irreve rs ible
process. (10]

Q4. (a) State a nd de .-ive Ma xwe ll 3 rd Equation in diffe rential and integral
form . Also wri.te its sign ificance. \8+2=10\
(b) Derive Energy i n S HM. Also give gra phica l re prese nta l ion of it. l5\
QS. (aJ What is physical m eaning of Poyntin g theorem .Give inlerpretation.l51
(b)Deduce the equ a tion for propaga tion of electromagnelic wave in [ree
space and oblaj n an expression for Lhe velocity. Show tha l electric
and magneLic fi eld vectors fire normal to each 0U1.c r and to lhe
direction of propagation of wa ves . [101

Q6. (a) Defin e and derive the resolving power and d is pe rsive power of a
grating? [6]
th t h
(b) ln an experiment of Newton 's r ings, the diameter of 4 and 12 dark
rings arc 0.400cm and 0 .700cm respectively. Calc ula te the diameter
of 20 th dark ring. (5)
(c)Describe Fresnel's Biprism. [4•)

Q7. (a) Explaj n the phe nomenon of Double refraction . Compa re Lhe properties
of ordinary a nd extraordinary r ays. [6]
(b)Describe Nicol pris m with nea t d iagram . (51
(c) Jn a gra ting s pectrum, whic h spectral lin e in 4 orde r wi ll overlup
with 3rd orde r lin e of 5461 A0? [41

P.T .O .

• I (,J )\\'li, l t d o you unckrsl t1nci by Llu.: " T111H· dilal tl,JJ "r' l.;1~1 L!~~- i..
t.::;.;pi::rirn,~ntal prouL '. l
II ,) S ta le r11ndam <.:nta.l Postul ntcs o f s pc.:cial Lhl·Ory r,f re in! 1vit;,. tfi j
(..:1 i\ rnckc ts hip is 50m lo n g, wh t:n it is on l1ig ht i Ls len ~Lh .ipp<.:~u :., tu IJ
4~.l.5 111 lo an observer o n t h e g ro und . fi'ind the speed or the roc ket. (5 j

(JCJ . (n) Wh a t a re E inste in's /\ a nd B <.:a-efficie nts? Describe relation bctwc<.:11

them. (5 ]
tb) Draw the e n e rgy !eve .I d iagram uf He-Ne laser . How is il s upt:rior to a
1uby lase r? (5]
(c) Defin e coh e re n ce. Disltn gu ish b e1ween spatial ;;u1 d tempora l
coh e re nce. [5]

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