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Photosynthesis occurs in the ________ of plant cells, where pigments like chlorophyll
capture light energy to produce glucose.

2.The process of DNA replication takes place in the ________ phase of the cell cycle,
ensuring accurate transmission of genetic information to daughter cells.

3.During protein synthesis, tRNA molecules carry specific ________ to the ribosome,
where they are assembled into a polypeptide chain.

4.The ________ system plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance, filtering blood,
and producing urine as a waste product.

5.Enzymes, such as amylase, break down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars in
the ________ to facilitate absorption in the digestive system.

6.The structure of a DNA molecule is described as a double ________, with

complementary base pairing ensuring accurate replication during cell division.

7.In the human body, red blood cells lack a ________ and other organelles, allowing
them to efficiently transport oxygen through the bloodstream.

8.The endocrine system regulates various physiological processes by releasing ________

into the bloodstream, which act as chemical messengers.

9.The ________ theory proposes that eukaryotic cells originated from the symbiotic
relationship between different types of prokaryotic cells.

10.The process of mitosis ensures the accurate distribution of ________ to daughter

cells, maintaining the genetic stability of an organism.

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