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Whats In Store?

Consumers, Food and The Recession

by Brand Amplitude, LLC

Fall, 2011

What Weve Been Up To: Food, Food and More Food!#

In 2010 and 2011, Brand Amplitude helped several major manufacturers of grocery products to better understand the trends affecting their customers in light of the continuing economic turmoil.! This work spans diverse categories including beverages, juice, proteins, condiments, even pet food! Despite this diversity, we observed many common themes regarding consumer needs and coping strategies.! While we all hope the economy improves soon, we increasingly see these findings as the new reality for retailers and manufacturers alike.! The following pages summarize the findings we can share without compromising any client confidences, supported by publicly available information where available. We hope you find this recap helpful, and would love to hear your experiences and thoughts.! Bon appetit!! "-Carol Phillips & Judy Hopelain!
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Our Take#
The Economy
The Saga Continues

What to Make
How Consumers Answer the Question: Whats for Dinner?

How to Save
Multiple, Creative Savings Strategies Now the Norm

Where to Shop
Its not Just About Women or Any One Format Anymore

What Brand to Buy

National Brands Feel the Heat!

Beyond the Numbers

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What Consumers Want Now!


The Effects of the Great Recession on Consumers Will Last Indenitely# #

In general: More than ever, people want good value for the money.!
It s cool to do, and Web 2.0 companies are making it easier than ever! ! ! ! ! Consumers continue to pay down debt and build up their savings. There is ! little reason to believe that consumers will give up their frugal behaviors in the short term. Consumers remain cautious, especially following their ! disappointment with the slow pace of improvement over the past year. ! ! ! !
Marcelo Tau, Principal at Booz & Company! !!

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The Economy | Key Trends | Implications# "


Lasting Effects on Consumers Relative to Meals#

re eating more meals at home and the recession has affected what we serve, how we choose it, and where we buy it.!
! - #On food at home: 28% cut back on expenditures vs. 23% in 2009 ! - Consumers also continue to trade down by switching to less expensive brands. 39% continue to trade down on household products! - 37% said they traded down on food at home, similar levels compared to last year s survey.! !
Consumer Frugality Persists In The Post-Recession U.S. Economy,# Finds Latest Booz & Company Annual Survey!
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The Economy | Key Trends | Implications# "


Consumers Continued Their Saving Ways in 2010,# & May Behave This Way for a Long Time to Come# #

Source: Consumers Celebrate Practicality This Holiday Season , Symphony/IRI, Dec 2010!

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Even as the rest of the economy improves and consumer attitudes brighten further, people will resist spending much. [the continuing decline in home values is] an ongoing message to households to be conservative about your spending and rebuild your savings because you can't trust the housing market as a wealth-creating machine. ! - Wall Street Journal 2/23/11!
The Economy | Key Trends | Implications# " 5!

Recession Spurred Renewed Interest# in Private Label Products#

With share-of-sales growing at an average annual rate of 0.5 percent between 2005 and sales are still growing nearly twice as fast as sales of national brands. !

Source: Nielsen!

As the recession ends, consumer shopping habits and attitudes toward brand consumption are changing. This shift is creating greater overlap in the competencies of retailers and national-brand marketers. !
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The Economy | Key Trends | Implications# "


Most People Believe the Recession# has Changed Their Habits and Caused Them to Become More Self-Reliant#
92% of consumers have made some sort of change in their grocery shopping! habits as a result of the recession! Today s consumers... are using tactical tools and capabilities they have to perform better in the marketplace:! ! Coupons, loyalty cards, meal planning, shopping lists, delayed gratication, lowered standards (although not as often as one might think), brand switching, channel switching, store switching, cooking more, eating out less, buying fewer prepared meals, clarifying want versus need, reassessing convenience, larger packages, smaller packages, and more. ! ! Cutting back has made consumers feel smart, not deprived, and they have no intention of returning to old habits even when the economy returns. "
Source: The 2010 American Pantry Study, Deloitte KnowledgeCo LLC and Harrison Group (July 2010)! !
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The Economy | Key Trends | Implications# "


More People are Cooking and Eating at Home Largely as a Result of the Recession# "
In 2009, 55% of respondents!
said that they prepared more meals at home in 2009 than they did in 2008! !

Most report that they are!

cooking more at home to save! money! Source: FMI s 2009 US ! Grocery Shopper Trends report!

Source: NPD Group s 24th Annual Report on Eating Patterns in America!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Faced with this Frugality, Consumers Biggest Meal Challenge may be Fighting Boredom#

Since they are eating out less, there is greater pressure on keeping food at home interesting! Consumers are looking for new products avors, ingredients (e.g., different seasonings and spices), small treats (e.g., new juice blends)!

Eating at home challenges meal preparers to!

diversify their menus to avoid serving the same! dish too often! As a result, they are searching for new recipes to mix it up!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Cost and Health Pressures are Driving New Ingredient Priorities# "
Overall consumer spending
on groceries grew 8% after ination over past ve years; real growth forecast at 18% over next ten! Expenditures for Fruit, Milk, Cheese, Eggs grew faster than total expenditures from 2005-2009! Expenditures for Bread, Cereals and Vegetables are expected to outpace all other types of food from 20102020! ! !

Datamonitor, Consumer Lifestyles in the U.S., Food and Drink!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #

The Biggest Change in US Diets is Expected to be a Shift from Animal Proteins & Fats to Grains & Vegetables# "
Spending on Bread and
Cereal expected to surpass spending on Meat in 2015!

Spending on Vegetables
expected to match spending on Milk, Cheese and Eggs by 2020 ! !

Datamonitor, Consumer Lifestyles in the U.S., Food and Drink!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


As More Meals Eaten at Home and Ingredients Shift, Cooking Websites and Cookbooks Have Grown in Popularity# " trafc rose from 5 million
UV s month in July 2007 to 7.5 million in July 2010, and is continuing to trend up* ! Over 150 million recipe related searches in Q4 2010! Chicken recipes consistently most searched**! ! *Quantcast **Mintel! !

Cookbook Sales A Bright Spot For Book Industry During the Recession#

2010 total book sales down 4% vs. 2009! Cookbook sales up 5%!

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Source: Nielsen, Food: The Social Network of the Ages! November 22, 2010 ! !

What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Consumers Are Actively Looking# for Healthy, Nutritious Food Options# #

As of 2010, 51.8% of U.S. consumers!
completely or mostly agreed with the! statement: "I frequently check labels! to determine whether the foods I buy! contain anything I'm trying to avoid. !
! Source: Mediapost: 50% Of Consumers Check Nutrition Facts Label, 01/27/2011! !

# #

Calories, total fat, sugar, sodium and calories from fat are the top ve items consumers usually look for when they read the Nutrition Facts label. ! NPD National Eating Trends! !

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Taste and Flavor Variety Claims Are Even More Popular Than Health and Wellness#

! Source: SymphonyIRI:New Product Pacesetters March 2011! !

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Consumers Have Become More Planful Particularly for Dinner #

"Understanding the meal preparation process prior to grocery shopping, behavior around recipes, impulse purchases, and the use of prepared foods can help manufacturers, food retailers, and marketers design effective strategies for increasing loyalty, trip frequency, and basket sizeThe frequency of meal planning is an indication that many purchase decisions are made prior to grocery shopping. !

58% U.S. households are using shopping lists!

SOURCE: Nielsen :Survey: Fewer of 10 % of US Consumers Dislike Grocery Shopping December 2009

- Ann Hanson, Executive Director of Product! Development at NPD ! !

Meal Planning Before Grocery Shopping Drives Purchase Decisions, Reports NPD# Chicago, December 1, 2010#
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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


" Condent and Anxious Consumers Alike# Use Coupons to Determine Where to Shop#

94% of shoppers used CPG !

coupons at least once in 2009, 77% ! said they used them regularly! ! Between 2005 and 2009 the percentage of Condent Consumers who agree that coupons draw them to stores they don't normally shop grew from 27% to 33%. (Experian Simmons NCS)!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


As a Result, Coupon Use Has Exploded

Printed: In 2010, more than 291 billion coupons were distributed via FSI s -- the! highest level of activity during the past decade and a 7.2% increase versus 2009*!

Food and beverage categories alone distributed 118.7 billion coupons in 2009,!
an increase of 6.0%**! Redeemed: 3.3 billion consumer packaged goods coupons were redeemed in 2009,! a 27% increase over the 2.6 billion redeemed in 2008. (Inmar)!

Measured coupon redemption for grocery products increased 25% in 2009*!, a Web site with coupons from grocery stores and manufacturers! including Safeway and Rite Aid reported the value of savings from coupons printed! onits site increased 212% during rst ve months of 2009, compared to the same! period last year. - DM News, Digital Coupons Help Grocers Boost Loyaly Programs!
*2010 NCH Coupon Facts Report (3/10); ! **Kantar Media Intelligence! Packaged Facts: The Post-Recession Consumer in the U.S. May 2010!
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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Price Concerns Increasingly Drive Decisions about Where to Shop and What to Buy# #
Stocking up on family favorites
and bargain hunting are the most popular cost-saving strategies!

Source: IRI/Symphony: Consumer Expectations: Is CPG Serving to Satisfy?, October 2010!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Most Consumers See Different Store Formats as Best for Different Grocery Needs and Shop Accordingly# "
Cross-channel shopping has become a well-entrenched part of the CPG shopping experience; three-quarters of consumers shop in ve or more channels to meet their CPG needs. -SymphonyIRI Times & Trends (August, 2009)!

Nielsen research
found that consumers who shopped in four or more channels spent from 3 to 5x more than single channel shoppers!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Men Increasingly Important Grocery Shoppers, Particularly for Smaller Basket, Immediate Need Trips# "
Women are still doing the majority of
shopping in all retail channels (except convenience stores), but men have increased trip shares between 2004 and 2010 in all channels except drug stores! !

At grocery stores, women spend an

average of $44.43 per trip, while men spend $34.81! !

At dollar stores and warehouse stores,

women are only spending $3 and $5! more per trip than men respectively.!
Source: Nielsen: Men Take To Stores, Women Head To Couch March 15, 2011,Mediapost


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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #

Multiple Forces Leading to Devaluing of Brands#

More consumers are trying private!
label and nding it satisfactory!

More stores are offering a tiered !

private label offering, so consumers! can self-select their desired level of! quality by category (e.g., canned ! goods vs. prepared frozen entrees)!

Consumers are using coupons!

to make branded goods more! affordable! Across 40 categories, buying privatelabel products when available saved $43.92 on average (33.6% savings)!

Entire communities have emerged!

around the hunt for deals, conferring! bragging rights on those who nd ! and share -- biggest bargains !

Source: MediaPost, January 21, 2011 Only 19% Think National Brands Are Worth The Money
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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Overall, Private Label Penetration 23% of Units in 2010,# Slightly Above Pre-Recession Levels #
Several sources have concluded that the uptick in sales private labels experienced
during the economic downturn will continue, even as prosperity returns.! !

The recent surge in store brands sales is likely to continue as more than 60% of respondents plan to buy more private labels in order to save money. ! ! Approximately two-thirds of those surveyed had switched to less! expensive consumer goods over the previous year, with more than s of switchers agreeing that the less expensive products were as good or better than the more expensive items. !
IRI/Symphony: Store Brands! More Than Just a Safe Harbor in Turbulent Times, June 2010!
Packaged Facts: The Post-Recession Consumer# in the U.S. May 2010!

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Brands Are Training Consumers# to Look for Discounts in FSIs and In-store # #


s offering coupons on major brands accounted for 89% of coupons distributed and over half of all coupons redeemed in 2009! Food items represent the most active coupon segment! !

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What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Coupon Divas Are Becoming Inuential by Showing Consumers How to Reap Greater Savings#
Coupon usage is highly concentrated: during the rst half of the year81% of units
purchased with a manufacturer coupon were from just 19% of households !

Consumers are tapping into a vast online network

One of the show s four main subjects is Philadelphia s own Joyce House, a retired nurse who hasn t paid for a toothbrush, toothpaste or deodorant in 34 years. On one trip to a local Philadelphia supermarket, House lands a load of groceries for $6.32, originally valued at $230.38. One of her tricks of the trade is knowing her grocery store s coupon policy in and out, plus apparently if an item scans incorrectly at check-out,! you can often get it for free.! ! ! Source:!
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of deal-hunting sites: GottaDeal, RetailMeNot, Buxr, Hot Coupon World,, WeUseCoupons, and many, many more. !

Known as the

Coupon Diva, Joyce House was featured on NBC s The Today Show last year. Check out her Facebook page for a heads up on local sales.!

What to Make | How to Save | Where to Shop | Which Brand to Buy# #


Insights Beyond the Numbers: What Consumers Want Now"

Consumers want to eat at home without feeling deprived or bored.! The traditional family meal is being replaced by foods that can be heated or reheated and eaten by one or two people at a time when their schedules allow. Ingredients and recipes that accommodate this will win.! The differences between meals and snacks are blurring. ! Consumers want labeling information to be clear and understandable, they want to know what the ingredients are without a lot of mumbo jumbo or trumped up claims! They are looking for food and beverages that cost less and have new tastes, more variety and more interesting avors that satisfy their more sophisticated palettes, and are willing to go to multiple stores to nd what they are looking for at the right price.! They want to show that they care about their families by serving healthy food and drinks that dont compromise taste and make them feel clever for doing so especially healthy snacks.! They want to serve favorites and nd treats to make their family happy and make themselves feel they are doing a good job.!

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To Learn More.

Contact Us: Carol Phillips

Judy Hopelain


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