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Dear future people,

Hi future generations! Hope you are in the pink. I hope that you can inherit something into
your life.

Everything in this world, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you planned something, it
always won’t come your way. Sometimes you will have success, sometimes you will also have failure,
but one should never ever gave up on something. For example, if you are an athlete, sometimes you
win but sometimes you lose. But when you lose, you should never give up on training, but you
should tell yourself that ‘’I will continue, no matter what. Maybe I didn’t prepare that good, so that is
why I lost.’’ Did you saw any professional athlete quit because they lost? No right? If they don’t give
up, why should we? A lost does not mean that you are weak, but a lost can actually let you learned
something new! I once saw a banner that read, ‘Practice like you have never won, perform like you
have never lost.’ If you feel like you wanted to give up, try to think back this quote. To be honest, it
helps me a lot.

Next, AI might be very common and very advance in your generation. Right now, the most common
thing that people use daily that involves AI is our smart phone. Playing games with a smart phone is
very fun, and it is a good way to relax our self, but we cannot get addicted into it. Once you get
addicted, you can’t stop playing that game for a very long time and you can’t focus on anything you
do. You would always think of that game and wanted to play it. I am not saying that we can’t play
any games, but we should set a strict time limit. If you are addicted to gaming, you can try out other
stress-relieving activities. Such as playing badminton, football or jogging with our friends.

Deforestation is one of the main problem the world is currently facing. People cut down trees and
forest for development and also housing area. But deforestation can cause devastating effect to the
whole world. It can cause climate change, wildlife extinction and produce more greenhouse gas
emissions to the air. Some countries can get to an extreme temperature of over 50 Celsius. Crazy
right? It is so hot that lakes and river dried up completely. But there are some daily habits we can do
to reduce deforestation. For example, plant more trees, try to use as less paper as we could and use
both sides, buy certified wood products and avoid using palm oil.

I hope that this letter helps. Hope that your world is better than mine. Wish you all the best!

Yours Sincerely,

Ng Han Yang

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