Management Too Flow

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1 Define user roles

1. Administrator
Has full control over the project management tool.
Can manage user accounts, permissions, and settings.
Responsible for configuring the tool according to the organization's needs.
Typically has access to all features and functionalities.

2. Project manager
Oversees the planning, execution, and monitoring of the project.
Creates and manages project timelines, tasks, and resources.
Assigns tasks to team members and tracks their progress.
Communicates with stakeholders and resolves issues as they arise.
Usually has access to all project-related features and data.

3. Team member
Responsible for completing assigned tasks and contributing to project objectives.
Can view and update task statuses, add comments, and collaborate with team members.
Typically does not have access to administrative settings or project-wide

4. Viewer/observer
Has read-only access to project information.
Can view project timelines, tasks, and discussions but cannot make changes.
Useful for stakeholders who need to stay informed about project progress without
actively participating in tasks.
2 List of Features
1. Task Management:
• Create, assign, and prioritize tasks.
• Set due dates, deadlines, and reminders.
• Organize tasks into projects, lists, or categories.
• Track task progress and completion status.
2. Project Planning:
• Create project timelines and schedules.
• Define project milestones and objectives.
• Allocate resources and estimate project costs.
• Establish dependencies between tasks.
3. Collaboration and Communication:
• Facilitate team communication through comments, mentions, and notifications.
• Share files and documents related to the project.
• Conduct discussions and brainstorming sessions.
• Allow for real-time collaboration on tasks and documents.

For the employee workflow in your project management tool, here's a suggested
1. View Assigned Tasks
• Employees should be able to view a list of tasks assigned to them.
• The task list should display relevant information such as task description,
due date, priority, associated milestone, and assignee.
• Optionally, you could allow employees to filter or sort the task list based
on different criteria (e.g., due date, priority, milestone).
2. Update Task Status
• Employees should be able to update the status of their assigned tasks.
• Common status options could include:
• Not Started
• In Progress
• Blocked (with an option to provide a reason or raise an issue)
• Completed
• Optionally, you could allow employees to add comments or notes when updating
the task status.
3. Raise Issue
• Provide a feature for employees to raise issues or blockers related to their
assigned tasks.
• Issues could include descriptions, severity levels, and the option to attach
relevant documents or screenshots.
• Issues should be visible to the project manager and relevant team members for
4. Add Documents
• Allow employees to upload or attach documents related to their assigned
• Documents could include work files, reference materials, or any other
relevant artifacts.
• Optionally, you could implement version control or file revision tracking for
better document management.
5. View Task Details and Comments
• Employees should be able to view detailed information about their assigned
tasks, including task description, due date, priority, associated milestone, and
any comments or notes added by the project manager or team members.
• Optionally, you could enable employees to add their own comments or notes to
tasks for better collaboration and documentation.
6. Receive Notifications
• Implement a notification system to keep employees informed about changes or
updates related to their assigned tasks.
• Notifications could be sent for new task assignments, status updates,
comments, or due date reminders.
The workflow you have outlined for a project manager in your project management
tool seems reasonable. However, I would suggest a few additional steps or
1. Create a New Project
• Collect essential project details, such as project name, description, and
client/stakeholder information.
• Assign a unique project ID or code for easy identification.
2. Assign Deadline
• Provide the option to set a project start date in addition to the deadline.
• Consider allowing the manager to break down the project into phases or
stages, each with its own deadline.
3. Add Milestones
• Milestones should have descriptive names and clear criteria for completion.
• Allow the manager to set a due date for each milestone.
• Optionally, enable the manager to assign a responsible team member or team
for each milestone.
4. Add Tasks for Every Milestone
• Tasks should be associated with a specific milestone.
• Provide fields for task description, estimated effort/duration, and priority
• Allow the manager to assign tasks to team members or teams.
• Optionally, enable the manager to set dependencies between tasks or define
task predecessors.
Additionally, you may want to consider the following features:
5. Resource Management
• Allow the manager to view available team members or teams and their
• Provide a way for the manager to allocate team members or teams to the
project or specific milestones.
6. Communication and Collaboration
• Integrate a messaging or discussion board feature for project-related
• Enable file sharing or document management for project artifacts.
7. Progress Tracking
• Implement a way for team members to update task status (e.g., not started, in
progress, completed).
• Display project progress based on completed tasks and milestones.
• Provide reporting or dashboard views for the project manager to monitor
progress at different levels (project, milestone, task).
8. Notifications and Reminders
• Set up notifications or reminders for upcoming milestones, task due dates, or
project deadlines.
• Allow team members to receive notifications or reminders related to their
assigned tasks.
9. Review and Closure
• Implement a process for the project manager to review and approve completed
milestones or tasks.
• Provide a way to mark the project as completed or closed once all milestones
and tasks are completed.

2.1.1 Project Management Tables:

1. Projects
• Fields:
• ProjectID (Primary Key)
• ProjectName
• ProjectDescription
• Deadline
• Status
2. Milestones
• Fields:
• MilestoneID (Primary Key)
• ProjectID (Foreign Key to Projects)
• MilestoneName
• Deadline
• Status
3. Tasks
• Fields:
• TaskID (Primary Key)
• MilestoneID (Foreign Key to Milestones)
• TaskName
• Description
• AssignedTo (Foreign Key to Employees)
• Deadline
• Status
• Priority
4. Employees
• Fields:
• EmployeeID (Primary Key)
• FirstName
• LastName
• Email
• Position
• Department
2.1.2 Employee Management Tables:
1. EmployeeTasks
• Fields:
• TaskID (Primary Key, Foreign Key to Tasks)
• EmployeeID (Primary Key, Foreign Key to Employees)
• Status
• UpdateTimestamp
2. Issues
• Fields:
• IssueID (Primary Key)
• TaskID (Foreign Key to Tasks)
• Description
• Status
• RaisedBy (Foreign Key to Employees)
• Timestamp
3. Documents
• Fields:
• DocumentID (Primary Key)
• TaskID (Foreign Key to Tasks)
• FileName
• FileURL
• UploadedBy (Foreign Key to Employees)
• UploadTimestamp

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