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Capitalist mentality supported by laissez faire government D. Later asked for a Bill of Rights, and
won this. 10. Democratic Republicans: Any left over Anti-Feds were absorbed into the Democratic
Republican party 6. Depression in 1819 due to British good; Bank responded to tightening credit
(wanted country to use hard money) 11. He and 35 other slaves were hanged. 8. Vesey and Turner-
26. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Zion is able to showcase these ideas by featuring the viewpoint of
those who are commonly swept under the rug; the conquered. Colonists would bring their own forms
of Christianity to the area to spread in addition to experiencing religious freedom. So I will now give
brief outlines on them, and don’t worry, this is only a skeleton outline to give you guys ideas on
what to write for each period of time if an essay question so happens to ask you on the topic.
Neighborhood activities, counseling, childcare, education for the poor B. Massive inflation? No,
military spending prevents it 3. Additional tax cuts pushed through by Johnson after Kennedy
assassinated B. Seneca Falls- 1848- City in New York where women held a convention to rally
support for women’s rights 17. Lotteries, horse racing, holidays celebrated, but not Christmas in New
England Causes of the American Revolution I. Match each politician below with the Republican
political faction with which he was associated. Little Rock 9 Eisenhower uses 101st airborne to force
Arkansas’ governor to allow the 9 black students into school B. Blacks move to cities, Democrats
begin appealing to urban areas, Republicans elsewhere C. Khrushchev - Russia eventually back down
for America’s promise to take out missiles Turkey 4. The Northwest Ord inance of 1787 was a single
achievement because it a laid c laim t o all of th e Nort h Amer ica eas t of the Mississipp i River b
represented on e of the rare succ esses of diplom acy between the U nited Stat es government and
Am erican Indians c defi ned the proc ess by which ter rit ories cou ld becom e states d open ed all
terri tori es west of the stat es to slaver y e was the o nly piec e of legisl atio n to pass thro ugh
Congress under the Articl es of Confederation 14. Because only forced on them, as soon as soldiers
leave “white redeemers” return South III. Report this Document Download now Save Save APUSH
Chapter 23 test For Later 100% (3) 100% found this document useful (3 votes) 41K views 4 pages
APUSH Chapter 23 Test Uploaded by ivan7558 AI-enhanced title and description E. A true
revolution or merely transfer of power from one wealthy group to another c. Supporters included
Hamilton, Madison, Jay, and NE business groups. Confronted important social issues instead of
refusing to hear 3. Most of the new equipment used in factories was very dangerous, so workers
needed to remain sober to stay safe 27. The government changed peacefully despite bitter partisan
conflict and foreign crisis. Pretty much saved the American economy at the time i. Lotteries, horse
racing, holidays celebrated, but not Christmas in New England Causes of the American Revolution I.
The real full edition is coming up.) Exploration I. Prehistory A. Bering Land Bridge B. So I will now
give brief outlines on them, and don’t worry, this is only a skeleton outline to give you guys ideas on
what to write for each period of time if an essay question so happens to ask you on the topic. Little
Rock 9 Eisenhower uses 101st airborne to force Arkansas’ governor to allow the 9 black students
into school B.
Almost impeached, but luckily Senate didn’t because 1) replacement bad 2) would hurt country, 3)
Johnson said he’d stop vetoing V. Warren Court of previous two decades had changed face of nation
- reformist 1. Can’t escalate because might bring in China or Russia, but can’t win without escalation
2. Southerners want low tariffs and more states rights a. Wins 1972 election by landslide but actions
come back to haunt him 1. But women take women’s jobs to not take away job from male
“breadwinners” 3. Denounced homosexuality, pornography, abortion, feminism, affirmative action 2.
Settlers in the eighteenth century American backcountry sometimes resorted to violent protest to
express their grievances. Eventually escapes to Camp David where he meets with advisors, then
chastises Americans B. Direct election of Senators to avoid “Millionaire’s Club” D. The new middle
class (preoccupied with respectability) found drinking to be unacceptable 4. Market Revolution and
the shift of questioning of slavery because of the economic boom (ironic, because cotton was cheap
because of the slaves in the South. ) 2. Global pressure (slavery was beginning to be frowned upon in
the rest of the world. ) 3. Influence of free African-Americans. Pardons given once war over, but
civil liberties still broken IV. The American Society for the Promotion of Temperance- largest reform
organization of the period. 2. Founded in 1826 3. Strongly disapproved of alcohol 4. Troops needed
to remain in America to protect against Indians VI. Prided individualism to justify inaction no longer
makes sense in machine age F. Cuban independence guaranteed with Teller Amendment 1. American
wants to stay isolated so doesn’t meet with other nations to work on ending Depression 1. The
construction of more factories than existing markets would bear. Led to extreme nationalism among
European countries IV. States could not interfere with the exercise of federal powers. Full
description Save Save APUSH Chapter 23 Study Guide For Later 0% 0% found this document
useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as
not useful Embed Share Print Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 7. Wartime
rationing after supply of rubber cut off by Japan’s invasion of Malaya B. However, these planters
were hardworking, involved in day-to-day affairs 3. Industrialization- use of power-driven
machinery to produce goods that used to be produced by hand 5. “American System of
Manufacturing”- 9. Daily TV congressional hearings show President probably knew but everyone
pleads 5th V. Waste, extravagance, speculation, and graft reduced the moral stature of the Republic.
Initially, the colony's legislature was largely controlled by royal governors, with. Initiatives and
Referendums for civilians to control municipal issues F. Match each politician below with the
Republican political faction with which he was associated.
Led to extreme nationalism among European countries IV. However, this unintentional neglect turned
out to be beneficial for the development of America. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Foreign
Policy A. Barbary Pirates 1. Been paying bribes to Tripoli, African Barbary pirates to not steal stuff 2.
Poverty rate reduced to 11% - lowest in modern history D. Significance of Midnight Judges and
resulting court case? 1. Disarmament A. Washington Naval Treaty 1921, limits fleet size; angers
Japan V. Capable of unity without the help of the institutional church 24. Ideas were proposed by
Hamilton in the 1790’s but were shot down by the Jeffersonian Republicans 22. Lincoln thought
better to save United States than follow Constitution A. The Northwest Ord inance of 1787 was a
single achievement because it a laid c laim t o all of th e Nort h Amer ica eas t of the Mississipp i
River b represented on e of the rare succ esses of diplom acy between the U nited Stat es government
and Am erican Indians c defi ned the proc ess by which ter rit ories cou ld becom e states d open ed
all terri tori es west of the stat es to slaver y e was the o nly piec e of legisl atio n to pass thro ugh
Congress under the Articl es of Confederation 14. Some Canadians working with South to bomb
Northern cities C. S had against Spain. 18. Developed Monroe Doctrine 19. U. Blacks move to
cities, Democrats begin appealing to urban areas, Republicans elsewhere C. Habits of obedience,
strong links to grandparents b. The war in Europe, Africa, and the Mediterranean; D Day A.
Religion- Many white sermons (the only sermons slaves were allowed to attend) were geared towards
speaking about obedience to one’s masters 20. Cuban independence guaranteed with Teller
Amendment 1. America’s history of avoiding entangling alliances a. Missionary - Spread
Protestantism to Catholics, Democracy to autocracies 3. S would not allow foreign powers to lead
new colonies in the western hemisphere or allow existing colonies to be influenced by outside
powers. The British blockade of the Atlantic coast prevented trade and the Tea Act was no longer
necessary. Cultural and social growth destroyed by consumerism and TV media 3. Group caught in
Watergate Hotel at Democratic Party 3. However because of this, Americans are finding their own
identity, what it is to have an American identity, why they felt as though they no longer wanted to.
Rights of accused, legality of contraception, sue for libel if you could prove malice, support black
people in civil rights cases, redraw district lines VI. Government was filled with waste, extravagance,
speculation, and graft. America’s refusal makes League powerless and America looks pathetic not
agreeing to what they proposed V. What was the 1st African American church and why is this
significant? 3. Northern colonies that wanted to stop slave trade could not c.
Because only forced on them, as soon as soldiers leave “white redeemers” return South III. Causes:
Good crops in Europe and a business recession in Britain. Cuban independence guaranteed with
Teller Amendment 1. Naturalization- changed years of residency from 5 to 14 years to get
citizenship 7. Then, analyze the causes of the reinforcement of the slave structure during this period
and ways that slavery was reinforced. 6. Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as the guardians
of the US Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic
opportunity. Neighborhood activities, counseling, childcare, education for the poor B. Report this
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Search inside document. State constitutions only have to 1) repeal secession, 2) repudiate debts, 3)
ratify 13th 2. Ideas were proposed by Hamilton in the 1790’s but were shot down by the Jeffersonian
Republicans 22. Outlawed closed shop, labor leaders take non-Communist oath 2. However because
of this, Americans are finding their own identity, what it is to have an American identity, why they
felt as though they no longer wanted to. Troops needed to remain in America to protect against
Indians VI. Election of 1900 tried to pit anti-Imperialist Bryan vs. Targeted anti-war socialists, and
union leaders (IWWW) 3. Most of the new equipment used in factories was very dangerous, so
workers needed to remain sober to stay safe 27. Alien Enemies- Authorized the president to deport
any aliens if their countries were at war with the US 6. Victory in the Seven Years’ War made Britain
the master of an enlarged royal area But victory was very costly; the London government struggled
after 1763 to make the American colonists to accept some of the financial costs of the empire What
began as a disagreement about economic policies soon exposed clashing differences between
Americans. Anti-Federalists and later Democratic Republicans? 8. South Vietnam U.S. backed leader
Diem takes money but doesn’t help c. The bank wanted people to pay back in hard cash, which they
didn’t have. 2. Northern colonies that wanted to stop slave trade could not c. Parliament passed the
Tea Act to raise more revenue from the sale of tea in order to cover military costs in North America.
Ike allowed McCarthy because his targets were Democrats 1. Waste, extravagance, speculation, and
graft reduced the moral stature of the Republic. Most labor unions support war, except for
“Wobblies” III. Can’t escalate because might bring in China or Russia, but can’t win without
escalation 2. Denounced homosexuality, pornography, abortion, feminism, affirmative action 2.
Which of the following issues formed the basis for the major political and economic challenges that
faced postrevolutionary state governments in the 1780s. The first African American church was the
African Methodist Episcopal. 4. It is significant because black christianity was an enabling religion, it
helped slaves survived as active components of an oppressed system, they expressed a spiritual
freedom that was so strong that it couldn’t be destroyed by the whites. 4. Know definition and
significance of Alabama Fever, Yeoman farmers, Prosser, Vesey and Turner and defining features of
Natchez 5. Southerners want low tariffs and more states rights a.

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