Rationale of The Study

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Existing Literature

Financial difficulties are frequent among all people, particularly students and
those from low-income or poor backgrounds. Furthermore, students from low-income
households or who have financial difficulties may have a negative impact on their
academic performance. According to Asri et al. (2017), students from low-income
homes are frequently hampered by issues such as the necessity to work to support
their families and the inability to purchase learning materials, both of which have an
impact on their academic performance.

Relevance to local and global context

Critical background/Contextual information

Studies aimed at better understanding the experiences of those enduring

economic difficulty. Examining the students' financial challenges gives valuable
context for investigating their academic successes, personal growth, and fortitude in
the face of hardship. Understanding the exact financial challenges these students face
is critical to getting insight into their lived experiences and the elements that influence
their educational journey.

Research Gap

We, as researchers, have discovered that the financial problems of parents are
rarely studied. Therefore,

Proof of urgency

This research must be completed urgently because many students are

struggling financially. Therefore, there is a good chance that this will hamper their
ability to further their education during this time.

Research goal/objective

Thus, exploring and understanding the lived experiences of the financially

challenged is the goal of this study. To examine how these students flourish and cope
with adversity regarding their financial issues and identify the psycho-social aspects
that contribute to their resilience and success despite encountering challenges. It
seeks to provide insights and recommendations for educational institutions and
support services to meet better the requirements of economically disadvantaged
students pursuing technical-vocational education.

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