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The Complete Vocabulary Batch (free Batch on YouTube)

YouTube Channel Name : English By Jaideep Singh

Class 04
Inform friends also.

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Servile (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: चापलूस/ दासभाव
English Meaning:
too eager to serve and please some
one else in a way that shows you
do not have much respect for

Usage: As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without

appearing totally servile.

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Synonyms: Slavish, abject, menial, sycophant, toadyish,
subservient, demure
Slavish (adj.)
obeying completely and having no original thoughts or ideas:
Usage: He was criticized for his slavish devotion to rules and regulations.
abject (adj.)
1st meaning
showing no pride or respect for yourself:
Usage: an abject apology
2nd meaning the state of being extremely unhappy, poor,
unsuccessful, etc.:
Usage: They live in abject poverty.
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Menial (adj.)
Menial work is boring, makes you feel tired, and is given
a low social value:
Usage: It's fairly menial work, such as washing dishes and cleaning floors.
Sycophant (noun)
someone who praises powerful or rich people in a way that is
not sincere, usually in order to get some advantage from them:
Usage: The prime minister is surrounded by sycophants.
Toadyish (adj.)
attempting to win favor by flattery
Usage: Robert Redfield’s toadyish performance during President
Trump’s visit did nothing to inspire.
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subservient (adj.)
willing to do what other people want,or considering your wishes as
less important than those of other people:
Usage: Women were expected to adopt a subservient role/position.

Demure (adj.)
(especially of women) quiet and well behaved:
She gave him a demure smile.

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Antonyms: Imperious, arrogant, haughty, supercilious, lordly
Imperious (adj.)
unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed:
She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.
She was a very imperious, arrogant woman.
Haughty (adj.)
unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself better than
other people:
She has a rather haughty manner.

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Supercilious (adj.)
behaving as if you are better than other people, and that their
opinions, beliefs, or ideas are not important:
He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.

Lordly (adj.)
used to decribe someone who behaves as if they are better than
other people:
We must get out of the lordly attitude of the past.

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Ominous (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: अशुभ/ अपशगुन
English Meaning: Suggesting
that something unpleasant is
likely to happen

Usage: There was on ominous

silence when I asked whether my
contract was going to be renewed.

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Synonyms: Threatening, baleful, doomy, inauspicious, menacing,
portentous, depressive, sinister
Baleful (adj.)
threatening to do something bad or to hurt someone:
He gave me a baleful look.
Doomy (adj.)
creating a mood that is sad and without hope, as if something
very bad is going to happen:
The film features brooding, doomy music.
Inauspicious (adj.)
showing signs that something will not be successful or positive:
After an inauspicious start, India went on to win the match.
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Menacing (adj.)
making you think that someone is going to do something bad:
a menacing look/gesture
Portentous (adj.)
1st meaning too serious and trying to be very important:
The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into
portentous philosophizing.
2nd meaning : Portentous events, statements, or signs are important
because they show that something unpleasant is very likely to happen:
The report contains numerous portentous references to
a future environmental calamity.

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Sinister (adj.)
making you feel that something bad or evil might happen:
The ruined house had a sinister appearance.

Antonyms: Unthreatening, auspicious, bright, propitious,

prosperous, hopeful

Auspicious (adj.)
suggesting a positive and successful future:
They won their first match of the season 5–1 which was an
auspicious start/beginning.

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Propitious (adj.)
likely to result in success, or showing signs of success:
With the economy in recession, it was not a propitious
time to start a company.

Prosperous (adj.)
successful, usually by earning a lot of money:
In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.

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Discord (noun)
Hindi Meaning: मतभेद
English Meaning: Disagreement or argument
Usage: The plan to build the highway created discord in our

Synonyms: Conflict, disharmony, strife, disaccord, dissension,

dissonance, contention, dissidence

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Disharmony (noun)
the situation in which there is disagreement and unpleasant
feeling between people: marital disharmony

Strife (noun)
violent or angry disagreement:
What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the
Christian minority and Muslim majority?

Disaccord (noun/verb)
Lack of agreement or harmony or Disagree; be at variance.

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Dissension (noun)
arguments and disagreement, especially in an organization,
group, political party, etc.:
There are signs of dissension within the ruling political party.
Dissonance (noun)
1st meaing disagreement
2nd meaning a combination of sounds or musical notes that are
not pleasant when heard together:
Contention (noun)
the disagreement that results from opposing arguments:
There's a lot of contention about that issue

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Dissidence (noun)
the act of publicly disagreeing with and criticizing the government
or a powerful person or group:
There is a growing youth dissidence movement.

Concord, accord, agreement, concordance, harmony, peace
Concord (noun)
agreement and peace between countries and people:
accord (noun)
(a formal) agreement:
The project is completely in accord with government policy.

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Concordance (noun)
the state of there being agreement or similarity between things:
Last Thursday's show produced moments of inspired concordance
between the dance forms.


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