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EDUC 328/ EDTL 325

Media Literacy
Name: Kim-hurry H. Mier
Course: BTLED-HE 3
Answer the following questions:
1. What is media literacy?

 Media literacy encompasses several channels that use audio, visual, and a
mix of these to communicate ideas. We may obtain a variety of information
from the media that aids in keeping us informed about various events,
significant news stories, and societal challenges. Our capacity to
comprehend is what qualifies us as literate users of media; it allows us to
study and assess various platforms or media goods that deliver true or
incorrect messages.

2. What are the important roles of media literacy?

 Media literacy opens doors for students to use various platforms that are
beneficial in the classroom and gives them a thorough awareness of the
significance of media literacy. Furthermore, it can enhance our
comprehension of all the messages we get from various sources. Since
there are so many platforms available to us as information sources
nowadays, we need screen the information to determine whether or not it
is false.

3. Discuss Media Information Literacy (MIL), its aspects and dimensions.

 Media Information Literacy (MIL) is a crucial skillset in today's digital age,

enabling individuals to critically evaluate and navigate the vast array of
media content that surrounds us. MIL encompasses various aspects and
dimensions, all aimed at empowering individuals to become discerning
consumers and creators of media such as Critical Thinking, Media Literacy
Skills, Digital Literacy, Information Literacy, Cultural Competence, Ethical
Considerations, Active Citizenship, Overall, Media Information Literacy is a
multi-dimensional concept that equips individuals with the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes necessary to critically engage with media in a complex
and rapidly evolving media landscape. By fostering critical thinking, digital
literacy, cultural competence, and ethical responsibility, MIL empowers
individuals to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age
and participate meaningfully in society.

Educ 328 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of media?

As everyone knows, we still rely on the media today to assist us get

trustworthy information that helps us understand our society. The benefit of
media use in this generation is that it allows us to obtain information. Even
in our hobbies and way of life, media permeates our surroundings. However,
there is an issue with handling and utilizing media. It encourages abuse and
the propagation of false information, therefore as media consumers, we too
need to exercise caution and awareness about the information we get on
various media platforms. As users, it is up to us to filter such information.

5. How can you integrate MIL in the curriculum across disciplines? Cite

As a student of the twenty-first century and aspiring teacher, I will include

the MIL in the lesson by assigning tasks that promote original thought and
maximum output. I'll start by introducing the information-conveying video
analysis. This can aid in the analysis and evaluation of the data from the film
and provide a creative insight that can convey critical thinking abilities.
Talking about the media is also crucial in order to help them comprehend
what it is and how it affects them as students.

Educ 328 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

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