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EDUC 328/ EDTL 325

Arts and Creative Literacy

Name: Kim-hurry H. Mier

Course:BTLED-HE 3
Answer the following questions:
1. What do you mean by arts and creative literacy?

The ability to think creatively may produce amazing results. In order

to support children in discovering their potential and expressing their
creativity, it ought to be taught throughout schools, not simply in the

2. What are the seven habits of highly creative people? Provide examples.

The "seven habits of highly creative people" is a concept that draws

from various sources in psychology, self-help literature, and
observations of creative individuals. While there may not be a
universally agreed-upon set of habits, here are seven habits
commonly associated with fostering creativity, along with

1. Curiosity- highly creative people tend to possess a strong sense

of curiosity and an insatiable desire to explore and understand
the world around them. They ask questions, seek out new
experiences, and constantly challenge assumptions. For
example, Albert Einstein's curiosity about the nature of the
universe led him to develop the theory of relativity.

2. Open-mindedness- Creative individuals are open to new ideas,

perspectives, and experiences. They embrace ambiguity and are
willing to entertain unconventional or divergent viewpoints. For
instance, Steve Jobs' willingness to think differently and
challenge conventional wisdom led to groundbreaking
innovations at Apple, such as the iPhone and iPad.

3. Persistence- Creativity often requires perseverance in the face of

obstacles and setbacks. Highly creative people demonstrate
resilience and a willingness to continue working on their ideas
even when faced with criticism or failure. J.K. Rowling's
persistence in writing and revising the Harry Potter series,

Educ 328 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
despite facing numerous rejections from publishers, eventually
led to one of the best-selling book franchises in history.

4. Risk-taking- Creativity involves stepping outside of one's

comfort zone and taking risks. Creative individuals are willing
to experiment, make mistakes, and embrace uncertainty in
pursuit of their goals. For example, Elon Musk's willingness to
take bold risks with ventures like SpaceX and Tesla has
revolutionized industries and pushed the boundaries of

5. Flexibility- Highly creative people are adaptable and flexible in

their thinking. They are able to consider multiple perspectives,
pivot when necessary, and revise their approach based on
feedback and new information. Picasso, for instance,
continually evolved his artistic style throughout his career,
exploring various movements such as Cubism, Surrealism, and

6. Passion- Creativity is often fueled by passion and intrinsic

motivation. Highly creative individuals are deeply passionate
about their work and derive satisfaction from the process of
creation itself, rather than solely focusing on external rewards
or recognition. For example, Maya Angelou's passion for writing
and storytelling fueled her prolific career as a poet, author, and
civil rights activist.

7. Reflection- Creativity thrives when individuals take time for

introspection and reflection. Highly creative people engage in
activities such as journaling, meditation, or simply quiet
contemplation to process their thoughts, generate new ideas,
and gain insights into their creative process. Leonardo da Vinci,
for instance, kept detailed notebooks in which he recorded his
observations, ideas, and sketches, allowing him to cultivate his
creativity through reflection and self-expression.

While these habits can help foster creativity, it's important to

recognize that creativity is a complex and multifaceted
phenomenon influenced by various factors such as personality,
environment, and individual experiences. Additionally, creativity
manifests differently in different contexts and domains, so not all
of these habits may be equally applicable or relevant to every
creative endeavor.

Educ 328 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
3. Explain eye-hand coordination-associated disorders, assessment
interventions and developments.

Hand-eye coordination is the capacity of the visual system to

synchronize the information received via the eyes to control, direct,
and steer the hand in carrying out a particular action, such writing by
hand or catching a ball.

Educ 328 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
4. Compare and contrast visual and verbal creativity.

Both verbal and visual creativity strive to communicate a message via

their work, and they both need imagination and critical thought.
Visual creativity, on the other hand, entails comprehending and seeing
the actual meaning of pictures or patterns in art, painting, or
sculpture, and verbal creativity is responding in a practical and
figurative manner to situations like arguments or spontaneous spoken

5. Discuss aesthetics as a philosophical perspective and the three


In terms of crafting, we should also possess the taste and skills

necessary to create the beautiful results, which are composed of
thoughts and taste. Dealing with the arts ought to be more expressive,
particularly when highlighting crafts to appreciate their beauty. These
three methods—which are examined in terms of comprehending the
crafts—assist in identifying and responding to the beauty of the arts.

6. How can arts and creative literacy be integrated in the curriculum?

Incorporating creative literacy and the arts into the curriculum may
aid in preparing kids to read, write, and talk in order to communicate
clearly and make sense of the outside world. In order to help children
appreciate the significance of the arts and create works of art that both
show off their creativity and expertise, we may incorporate creative
literacy and the arts into the curriculum. It may also highlight the
value of the arts, assist us in learning more about the legacy of our
nation's well-known artists, and educate us about various creative
trends that result in crafts.

Educ 328 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

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