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Chemical Bonding
and Molecular
“Chemical bonding is the phenomenon of union of two or more atoms by
redistribution of electrons, so that each atom involved in bonding acquires IN THIS CHAPTER ....
stable configuration to achieve stability or a state of lower energy”.
Bond and Valency
Bonding Types
Bond and Valency
Basis of Chemical Bonding
A bond is defined as ‘‘a kind of net inter-atomic, inter-molecular, or inter-ionic
attraction or attractive force which holds two or more constituents, i.e. Basic Theories of Chemical Bonding
together.” The constituents here can be atoms, molecules or ions. Ionic or Electrovalent Bonding and
• The combining capacity of constituents of different element is called their Electrovalency
valency. Polarisation and Polarisability
• In case of elements of I A and II A group it is equal to their group number, Covalent Bonding
i.e. 1 and 2 respectively. Coordinate Covalent Bonding
• For other elements it varies from group number to (group number -8)
Quantum Mechanical Approach to
Here, group number are taken in accordance with modern periodic table. Covalent Bonding
e.g. Nitrogen, an element of group V A, has valency from + 5 to - 3
Valence Bond Theory
[i. e. ( 5 - 8)].

Bonding Types Hybridisation

VSEPR Theory
Depending upon the nature of combining constituents (atoms, ions) and
nature of attractive forces, the bonds can be of following two types Molecular Orbital Theory
Metallic Bonding
1. Physical Bonds Hydrogen Bonding
In this case, various molecules attract each other by physical forces like
hydrogen bonding, van der Waals’ forces etc. These bonds are weaker than
chemical bonds due to less strong attractive forces involved. The energy
involved in their formation is less than 40 kJ mol –1 .
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 113

2. Chemical Bonds
These bonds involve proper redistribution of electrons to achieve the state of lower energy. It is done either by sharing
or by transfer of electrons. Here, the energy involved in bond formation exceeds 40 kJ mol–1.
A chemical bond is further classified into following types
• Electrovalent or ionic bond • Covalent bond • Coordinate covalent bond
Before going in detail about these bonds it is better to understand following basics about chemical bonds.

Basis of Chemical Bonding

The cause or basis of attractive forces or chemical bond, can be easily
understood if we look at structure of an atom having positive nucleus
and negative electrons. When two atoms come closer to combine, their
attractive and repulsive forces operate as shown in figure given below + Repulsion +
The net result of these forces may be either attraction or repulsion Attraction
between the atoms. A bond is formed only if the net result of
interaction is in the form of attraction. So we can say that the agency,
i.e. basis of a chemical bond is similar in all cases. The involvement of
charges signify that these forces are electrostatic in nature as these Attractive and repulsive forces between two atoms
operate beween charges.
Now, the question arises, why these attractive forces are called by different names then?
Answer of this question lies in one sentence and that is “the different names to bonds are assigned due to difference in
the intensities of these forces”.
These difference are summarised in the following table
Various Attractive Electric Forces
Electric force Relative strength Type Example
Cation-anion (in a crystal) or ionic Very strong + – Lithium fluoride crystal lattice
Covalent bonds Strong (140-523 kJ mol –1) Shared electron pairs H — H (435 kJ mol –1)
CH 3 —CH 3 (370 kJ mol –1)
I — I (150 kJ mol –1)
Ion-dipole Moderate d+ Na + in water

d+d – + d – d+

d- d+
Dipole-dipole (including hydrogen Moderate to weak d–
— Z ·· ....... H— O
bonds) (4-38 kJ mol –1) R d– d+
O ....H R
d+ d– d+ d–
and CH3—Cl CH3—Cl

van der Waals’ Variable Transient dipole Interactions between methane molecules

Basic Theories of Chemical Bonding

Formation of chemical compounds and bonding in them raises many questions like
• Why do atoms combine? • Why are only certain combinations possible? etc.
In order to answer such questions different theories and concepts have been put forward from time to time, out of
which the important one are as follows

Kossel-Lewis Approach (Octet Rule)

In 1961, Kossel and Lewis proposed a concept on the basis of electronic configuration of elements. This concept was
called electronic concept of valency or octet rule, later on Langmuir, extended it.
114 JEE Main Chemistry

The main points of this approach are as follows • Be and B have less than 4 valence electrons, hence
• The outer most shell of an atom is called the valence their octet cannot be completed even if they bind with
shell and the electrons present in it are called their full strength. e.g.
valence electrons. ·· ·· ··
· ´
(i) ´ Be´ + 2[ · F ··] ¾® ·F · Be ´· F ··
• The inertness of noble gases is due to their stable ·· ·· ··
configurations, i.e. due to the presence of eight or Be + 2F ¾® BeF2
electrons (except He) in their valence shell.
Total 4 electrons in octet
• On this basis, Kossel and Lewis proposed that
´ ·· ·· ··
elements having eight electrons in their outer shell, i.e. · · ´ ´ ·
(ii) ´ B ´ + 3[ · F ·] ¾® ·F · B · F ·
·· ·· ´ · ··
having complete octet, are chemically inert. Hydrogen
· ·
is the only exception which has 2 electrons in its ·F ·
valence shell. This is called popularly as octet rule.
B + 3F ¾® F— B — F
• Elements that do not have complete octet have a high
tendency to attain this configuration either by losing or F
gaining or sharing electrons to the atoms of same or other
Total 6 electrons in octet
elements. All these are used as means in bonding.
• In molecules with odd number of electrons, the octet
Lewis Symbols rule is not satisfied for all the atoms, e.g. in molecules
like NO, NO2, ClO-2 , etc., as they have 2 centre three
These are simplest symbols or notation used to denote electron bond.
bonding patterns between different atoms. ·· ´´ ·· ·+ ·· –
These notations represent the symbol of an element with N== O O== N — O ··
· ´´ ·· ··
valence electrons in its one atom as
• • • In both above case, there are total 7 electrons in nitrogen
•Be• , •B• , •N •

( 2 valence e – )
(3 valence e ) -
(5 valence e )
In Lewis dot structure, the electrons may be represented • It also does not explain the formation of 3 centre two
by a dot or a cross usually. General steps that one can electron bonds as found in B2H 6.
follow to write the Lewis structure are (3c–2e–)
• Calculate the total number of valence electrons of (2c–2e–) H H H (2c–2e–)
atom/atoms involved in a molecule. B B
(2c–2e–) H H H (2c–2e–)
• If species is charged there substraction or addition of (3c–2e–)
the requisite number of electrons in needed
• In a number of compounds there are more than 8
valence electrons present in the central atom. This is
• Here, addition is needed for negative charge and termed as expanded octet. This tendency is seen in
substraction is needed for positive charge. elements beyond the 3rd period of the periodic table
• Select the central atom which is generally the least as they have vacant d-orbitals for bonding.
electronegative atom and draw the skeletal structure • Obviously octet rule is not applicable in such cases.
by making an intelligent guess to indicate which atom Some of the examples of such compounds are PF5 , SF6 ,
is linked to which atom. H 2SO4 , etc.
n - n2 F
In Lewis representations, the number of bonds = 1 F F
2 F ½ F
where, n1 = number of atoms (other than H) ´ 8 P F—S—F
+ no. of H atoms ´ 2 F F F F
n 2 = number of valence electrons of all isolated atoms 10 electrons in valence shell of P 12 electrons in valence shell of S
+ (negative charge) – (positive charge) O
e.g. In N 2 , n1 = 2 ´ 8 + 0 = 16; n 2 = 5 ´ 2 + 0 - 0 = 10 ½½
H — O — S — O —H
n1 - n 2 16 - 10
Number of bonds = = =3 ½½
2 2 O
·· ··
12 electrons in valence shell of S
So, the Lewis representation of N 2 is N ºº N
The other limitations of octet rule include
Violation of Octet Rule
• The shape of the molecule is not clear
As a general perception this octet rule is acceptable to
• It is totally silent about the energy of the molecule,
most of the cases. However, the octet rule is violated also
in a significant number of cases. For example i.e. relative stability.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 115

Bi (V group) 2,8,18,32,18, 6s 2 6 p3
Ionic or Electrovalent Bi 3+
2,8,18,32,16, 6s 2 Only three 6 p-electrons
are lost
Bonding and Electrovalency
When sufficient energy is available, the s-electrons also
The attractive forces of an ionic bond are developed enter into bond formation and higher valencies are
between an electropositive and an electronegative atom. It observed. e.g. Pb4+ = 2, 8, 18, 32, 18.
is usually said to occur via complete transfer of electron
from one atom to another. The general condition followed This tendency to show higher valencies is less in the
here is, ‘‘larger the electronegativity difference between case of Tl, Pb and Bi but more in the case of
the atoms, stronger is the bond’’. comparatively lighter elements such as In, Sn, Sb, etc.
e.g. Consider the formation of the compound “NaCl” 2. Instability of the Core
Na ¾® Na + (cation formation) The residue configuration left after the loss of valence
2 2 6 1 2 2 6 electrons is called the core or kernel. In case of
(1s , 2s , 2 p , 3s ) (1s , 2s , 2 p )
transition elements, ions formed after the loss of valence
Cl + e ¾® Cl– (anion formation) electrons do not results to a stable core as the
2 2 6 2
(1s , 2s , 2 p , 3s , 3 p ) 5
(1s , 2s , 2 p6 , 3s2 , 3 p6 )
2 2 configuration of outermost shell is not ns2np6, but
+ - ns2np6d1 to 10.
Na + + Cl– ¾® NaCl (molecule formation)
• • + • • – The outer shell generally loses one or more electrons
Na ´ +• Cl •• ¾® [Na] [••Cl •´ ] (Lewis diagram) giving rise to metal ions of higher valencies e.g.
• • • •

Forces of ionic bond can be seen between any two oppositely Iron
charged atoms (or ions) even from different sources, e.g. Fe ( 26) = [Ar] 3s2 3 p6 3d 6 4s2
H +Cl– ( l ) + Na +OH - ( l ) ¾® Na +Cl– ( s) + H2O ( l ) Fe2+ ( 24) = [Ar] 3s2 3 p6 3d 6 (Not stable)
+ -
In the above reaction, Cl– from H +Cl- and Na + from Na OH 2 6 5
Fe3+ ( 23) = [Ar] 3s 3 p 3d (Stable)
come together to from ionic bonds. Thus, iron exhibits + 2 and + 3 oxidation state. The
Remember If the difference between electronegativity is compounds of Fe3 + (ferric ion) are more stable than the
around 1.9 or more then the bond is generally ionic. compounds of Fe2+ (ferrous ion).

Electrovalency Copper
The number of electrons lost (or gained) by an atom The only electron present in the outermost shell of copper
during the formation of ionic bond is called the atom is lost by it to get converted into Cu+ (cuprous) ion.
electrovalency of that atom. Cu(29) = [Ar] 3s2 3 p6 3d10 , 4s1

Variable Electrovalency and its Reasons Cu+ (28) = [Ar] 3s2 3 p6 3d10
For most of the atoms, its value is fixed and depends upon The s2 p6d10 configuration is not as stable as s2 p6
the number of valence electrons. However, certain configuration and the nuclear charge is not sufficiently
elements like metals show more than one electrovalency in strong to hold all the electrons intact in their positions.
their electrovalent compounds. Thus, Cu+ ion loses one more electron to form Cu2+
(cupric) ion. The Cu2+ ion is quite stable as the nuclear
The atoms of these elements lose different number of
charge is sufficient to hold 27 electrons intact.
electrons under different conditions, thereby showing
variable electrovalency. Cu2+ = [Ar] or 3s2 3 p6 3d 9
It is due to the following two reasons. Thus, cupric (Cu2+ ) compounds are more stable than
cuprous (Cu+ ) compounds.
1. Inert Pair Effect However, the above two explanations fail to account why
In case of heavier p-block elements, the outer ns2 (i) Co 2+ ion cannot be easily converted into Co3 + ion
electrons attracted strongly towards nucleus. Due to like Fe2+ ion.
this they don’t have tendency to participate in bond
formation. (ii) Zn2+ ion does not lose one more electron as its
configuration ( 3s2 3 p6 3d10 ) is similar to Cu+ ion.
Hence, inert pair effect is defined as, “the reluctance of
For the answer to such questions in general, we can say
valence s-electrons to take part in bond formation or
that whenever the core is unstable, it loses one or more
tendency of outer s-electrons to remain together’’.
electrons to show higher valency. On the other hand, if
e.g. Lead and Bismuth the core is comparatively stable it always resists the loss
Pb (IV group) 2,8,18,32,18, 6s 2 6 p2 of more electrons.
Pb 2+ 2,8,18,32,18, 6s 2 Only two 6 p-electrons are So, the cores of Co2+ ion and Zn2+ ion are comparatively
stable hence, both the ions resist such changes.
116 JEE Main Chemistry

Factors Affecting the where, S = heat of sublimation

I = ionisation energy
Formation of Ionic Bonds
D = dissociation energy
The formation of an ionic bond is related to the ease of
E = electron gain enthalpy
formation of cations and anions.
and U = lattice enthalpy
All those factors which help in the formation of ions are
given below in a summarised way DH 1 and DH 2 represent the enthalpy change for the same
chemical change. Hence, DH 1 = DH 2
• The ionisation enthalpies involved should be low so
that the metal atom forms a positive ion easily. D
\ Q =S + I + - E -U
• The quantitative values of electron gain enthalpies 2
should be high, (in negative value) so that the D
\ U =S + I + - E-Q
non-metal atom forms a negative ion easily. 2
• Lattice enthalpies involved should be high. Lattice enthalpy (or lattice energy) play an important
role in deciding the solubility of ionic solids. It affects the
Lattice Enthalpy (U) solubility in the following manner
The enthalpy involved when gaseous positive and • If the anion and the cation are of comparable
negative ion enthalpy involved come together to form size, the cationic radius will influence the lattice
1 mole of the solid ionic compound is called lattice energy. Since, with increasing ionic size lattice
enthalpy (U). e.g. energy decreases much more than the hydration
Na + ( g) + Cl - ( g) ¾® NaCl( s); DH = - U energy so the solubility will increase as we go down
the group.
For the reverse process,
• If the anion is large as compared to the cation,
NaCl( s) ¾® Na + ( g) + Cl - ( g); DH = + U the lattice energy will remain almost constant within
a particular group.
Lattice enthalpy varies in the following manner,
Since, the hydration energies decrease down a group,
Lattice enthalpy µ charge of ions and size of anion solubility will also decrease as found for alkaline
1 earth metal carbonates and sulphates.
size of cations
Example 1. If the ionisation energy of Na is 495.8 kJ mol-1,
It can be calculated using Born-Haber cycle. the electron affinity of Cl is 349.4 kJ mol -1 and lattice energy is
776 kJ mol -1, the true statement for the formation of ionic bond
Born-Haber Cycle in NaCl is
The fundamentals of this cycle is based upon the fact that (a) total energy released per mole of NaCl formed is 628.6 kJ
the formation of an ionic crystal may occur either by (b) the ionic bond formed is unstable
direct combination of the elements or by an alternate (c) the total energy absorbed per mole of NaCl formed is
process in which following steps are involved 1125.4 kJ
• The reactants are vaporised to convert into gaseous (d) net energy released in this process is 629.6 kJ
state. Sol. (d) Na( g ) + 495.8 ¾® Na + ( g ) + e- …(i)
• The gaseous atoms are converted into ions. Cl( g ) + e- ¾® Cl- ( g ) + 349.4
• The gaseous ions are combined to form ionic lattice of Na + ( g ) + Cl- ( g ) ¾® NaCl( s) + 776 kJ mol-1
molecules. Total energy released per mole of NaCl formed
So, for the generalised reaction, = 776 + 349.4 = 1125.4 kJ
1 Total energy absorbed in step (i) = 495.8 kJ
M ( s) + X 2( g) ¾® MX ( s), DH 1 = Q
2 Net energy released = 629.6 kJ
Steps involved are Thus, a stable ionic bond is formed between NaCl.
(i) M ( s) ¾® M ( g), DH = S
+ -
Example 2. Lattice enthalpy and enthalpy of solution of NaCl
(ii) M ( g) ¾® M ( g) + e , DH = I are 788 kJ mol -1 and 4 kJ mol -1, respectively. The hydration
1 D enthalpy of NaCl is
(iii) X 2( g) ¾® X ( g), DH = (JEE Main 2020)
2 2 (a) -780 kJ mol -1 (b) 780 kJ mol -1
(iv) X ( g) + e- ¾® X - ( g), DH = - E (c) -784 kJ mol -1 (d) 784 kJ mol -1
(v) M + ( g) + X - ( g) ¾® MX ( s), DH = - U
Sol. (c) The enthalpy of solution of an ionic solid is numericlly
D equal to the sum of its hydration and lattice energies,
DH 2 = S + I + - E -U
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 117

° = DH ° °
i.e. hydration + DHlattice



DH = 4


NaCl (s) NaCl (aq)

_ + _ + _ + _ + _ +
DH° =788 DH°


Na+ (g) + Cl –(g)


D solH° = D latticeH° + D hydH° Solubility of ionic compounds in polar solvent
4 = 788 + D hydH° Note For dissolution solvation energy > lattice energy and
DHhydH° = - 784 kJ/mol dissolution is also favoured by high dielectric constant of
solvent, e.g.

Characteristics of Ionic Compounds Solvent H2O CH3OH C2H5OH CH3COCH3 CH3OCH3

The main characteristics of ionic compounds are as follows Dielectric 81 35 27 21 4.1

constant —capacity for dissolving ions decreases ¾®
• These are usually crystalline in structure. Thus, at
normal temperature and pressure, these are solids
with low volatility, high stability and high Polarisation and Polarisability
density. When two oppositely charged ions of unequal size
• Due to strong forces of attraction, these possess high approach each other closely, the ion with smaller size
melting and boiling points. attracts outermost electrons of the other ion and repel
• These are very hard and brittle as their crystal its nuclear charge. The net result of this is distortion or
planes can be separated very easily. polarisation of the bigger ion which is generally the
anion. This distortion is usually done by the cation as
• Ionic bonds are always non-rigid and
its size is smalller than the anion.
non-directional, and thus, do not exhibit space
isomerism. In this the electron cloud of anion no longer remains
symmetrical but is a bit inclined towards the cation as
• Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity in solid state
shown below.
but these are very good conductors when fused or
dissolved in a solvent of high dielectric constant. This
property is visible due to the presence of mobile ions in
Cation Anion
them. Cation
• Ionic compounds with same electronic configuration Anion
Inclined outermost
are isomorphous, i.e. structurally same to each –
e cloud of anion
other. i.e. ionic compounds undergo very fast (a) No polarisation (b) Polarised anion by cation
reactions in solution which are of simple ion exchange
Representation of polarisation
• These are soluble in polar solvents like water The ability of a cation to polarise the nearby anion is
because polar solvent molecules interact very called its polarising power and the tendency of an
strongly with the ions of crystal by solvation or anion to get distorted or deformed or polarised by the
hydration. cation is called its polarisability.
• The high solvation or hydration energy released as the As in the process inclination of electronic character is
result of interaction is sufficient to break the lattice visible from anion towards cation so some covalent
structure. Ions within the solution acquire greater character is visible in such ionic bond.
degree of motion.
Variation of Polarising Power/

Water molecule + _
Polarisability in the Periodic Table


• On moving down the group, the polarising power of


the cations decreases.


• Polarising power of the cations increase on moving

from left to right in a period.

• The polarisability of the anions by a given cation

decreases on moving from left to right in a period.

• The polarisability of the anions by a given cation

Cation Anion increases on moving down a group.
118 JEE Main Chemistry

e.g. Consider following Lewis structures

Fajan’s Rule (i) H · + · H ¾® H ·· H (H—H)
Fajan gave the following rules to decide the magnitude of
·· ·· ·· ··
polarisation or covalent character in an ionic bond (ii) O ·· + ··O ¾® O ·· ··O [O==O]
·· ·· ·· ··
(i) Higher charge on cation or anion As the charge
· ·· ·· ··
on the cation increases, its tendency to polarise the (iii) · C· + 2 O ·· ¾® O ·· ··C·· ··O [O==C==O]
anion increases and vice-versa. This brings more and · ··
·· ··
more covalent nature in the electrovalent compound, · ·· ·· ·
(iv) 2[H· ] + 2[ · C ·] ¾® H ·C C·H [H ¾ C ººC ¾ H ]
e.g. in case of NaCl, MgCl 2 and AlCl 3 , the polarisation · ··

increases from NaCl to AlCl 3 , thereby covalent

character increases as the charge on the cation Conditions
increases (Na + , Mg 2+ , Al 3+ ). Favourable conditions for covalent bond formation are as
A larger anion, i.e. anion with more charge is
polarised more and thus, also result in increased • Electronegativity difference between the combining
covalent character, e.g. CaSO4 is more covalent than atoms should be small.
Ca(NO3 )2 . • Combining atoms should have incomplete valence
(ii) Smaller size of cations Smaller cation usually shell electronic configurations.
possess higher charge, thus causing more
polarisation of anion. Hence, we can say that ionic Covalency
compounds having smaller cations show more
The number of electron(s) contributed by an atom for the
covalent nature.
formation of a covalent bond in order to achieve inert gas
(iii) Larger size of anions In such anions, the outer electronic configuration is known as its covalency.
electrons will be at a greater distance from the
Generally covalency of an element is equal to sum of
nucleus, hence, more easily influenced by the
unpaired electrons present in its s and p-orbitals.
attractive forces of cation. As the result larger anions
will be more easily polarised in comparison to smaller The covalency of hydrogen is 1 and for p-blcok
anions. non-metals it is calculated by 8 minus group number.
Just like electrovalency the elements of d-block show
(iv) Non-inert gas configuration The polarising power
variable covalency as well.
of those cations which don’t have inert gas
configuration will be more in comparison to cations Maximum covalency of elements in some periods are
having inert gas configuration. • For second-period-4
e.g. Polarising power of Cu + ion (electronic • For third-period-6
configuration 2, 8, 18) is more in comparison with • For forth-period-8
polarising power of Na + ion (electronic configuration
Such a variation in maximum covalency can be explained
2, 8).
on the basis of absence of vacant d-orbitals in 2nd period
elements and their availability in 3rd and subsequent
Effect of Fajan’s Rule period elements.
Generally, electrovalent compound having high values of e.g. In case of sulphur,
polarisation, i.e. more covalent character, are found to be
less soluble in water but more soluble in organic solvents. 3s 3p 3d
S-atom in ground state
This can be seen in the following examples (covalency = 2)
• Sulphides are less soluble in water than oxides of the
same metal. S-atom in excited state
(covalency = 4)
• Lithium salts are soluble in organic solvents.
• Beryllium compounds are less soluble in water than S-atom in second excited
corresponding other alkaline earth metal compounds. state (covalency = 6)
• The solubility of aluminium halides decreases from
On this basis, we can explain why compounds like OF6 ,
AlF3 to AlI3 . NCl 5 or ions like CF62- , NF63- do not exist and compounds
like ICl, ICl 3 , IF5 , IF7 or ion like SiF63- , PF63- can be formed.
Covalent Bonding
In ‘‘covalent bond” the attractive forces are developed due Types of Covalent Bonds
to the sharing of electron pair.
The covalent bonds can be of following two types
Here, usually each member contribute atleast one
electron and each element acquires inert gas electronic (i) Non-polar covalent bond If the covalent bond is
configuration. formed between two homonuclear atoms,
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 119

i.e. between the atoms of exactly equal (iii) The crystals which consists of separate lattice
electronegativity, the electron pair is equally shared layer, e.g. graphite. These crystals are very soft
between them. Such a bond is called non-polar and of lubricating nature.
covalent bond, e.g. H2 , Cl 2 , F2 , Br2 , etc. • With a few exceptions like diamond, carborundum
(ii) Polar covalent bond It is seen when the bond and silica covalent compounds have relatively low
forming entities are dissimilar, i.e. heteronuclear or values of their melting and boiling points.
have different electronegativity. In such cases the • The covalent bond is rigid and directional hence,
bond formed has partial ionic character as the different spatial arrangements of atoms are possible.
electron pair is attracted by more electronegative Thus, these compounds exhibit structural as well as
entity. Such a bond is called polar covalent bond. e.g. space isomerism.
d+ d- d+ d+ d-
H... O... H H... Cl • In general, covalent compounds are bad conductors of
electricity in fused as well as in solid state. However,
The greater the difference in electronegativity, higher
graphite can conduct electricity as it possess free
is the polar nature of bond.
electrons in its layers.
The ionic character in a polar bond can be calculated
• In general, covalent compounds are insoluble in polar
by the following methods
solvents like water but have the tendency to dissolve
• Pauling gave the following equation to calculate in non-polar solvents like benzene, CCl4 , ether etc.
the percentage ionic character of a polar bond by However, some of them like alcohols are miscible
using electronegativity difference ( xA - xB ) with water due to intermolecular H-bonding.
Amount of ionic character in A - B bond • The reactions of covalent compounds are slow and
= [1 - e0.25( x A - xB ) ]% complex as these involve proper fission of older bonds
or [18( xA - xB )1.4 ]% and formation of new bonds.
With the help of this equation Pauling established
the following relation Parameters of Covalent Bonds
( x A - xB ) — 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.2 Covalent bonds are characterised by some parameters
% ionic — 9 22 39 51 63 76 91 92 which are as follows
At about midway between 1. Bond Length
covalent and ionic character
The average distance between the centre of nuclei of the
• Hannary and Smith also used the
two bonded atoms in a covalent molecule is known as
electronegativity difference ( xA - xB ) to find the
bond length. It depends upon the size of atoms,
percentage ionic character by the following
hybridisation, steric effect, resonance etc.
Ionic character in A — B bond Usually bond length of polar bond is smaller as
= [16( xA - xB ) + 3.5 ( xA - xB )2 ]% compared to a non-polar bond. Bond length increases as
the size of atom or orbital increases.
• There is an another method also which is based on
dipole moment and given on page 127. Bond length of different homonuclear molecules proved
very useful in calculations regarding different radii
Characteristics of Covalent Compounds associated with their atoms.
The main characteristics of covalent compounds are given Average bond length of some single, double and triple
below bonds along with bond lengths of some common
molecules is given below.
• Normal covalent compounds are gases or liquids
under ordinary conditions of temperature and Average Bond Length for Some Single,
pressure. Some of these compounds are soft solids Double and Triple Bonds
also, e.g. Cl 2 (mol. wt. = 71) is a gas, Br2 (mol. wt. = 160) Covalent bond length
Bond type
is a liquid, I2 (mol. wt. = 254) is a volatile solid. (pm)
• In solid state crystals covalent compounds are of three O—H 96
types mainly C—H 107
(i) Soft, easily fusible, volatile crystals in which N—O 136
molecules are held by weak van der Waals’ forces, C—O 143
e.g. crystals of organic compounds, sulphur, iodine C—N 143
etc. C—C 154
(ii) Very hard crystals in which every atom is bonded N==O 121
with the other atoms resulting in the formation of a C==C 133
giant molecule, e.g. diamond crystal. C==N 138
120 JEE Main Chemistry

Covalent bond length Sol. (a) The correct descending order of bonds according to their
Bond type
(pm) average bond energies is as follows
C==N 116 C ¾ F > C ¾ Cl > C ¾ Br > C ¾ I
C==C 120 Bond length is inversely proportional to bond energy.
H2 (H—H) 74 So, bond length decreases as bond energy increases.
F2 (F—F) 144
Cl 2 (Cl—Cl) 199
3. Bond Order
Br2 (Br—Br) 228
It is the number of covalent bonds present between the
two atoms in a molecule.
I2 (I—I) 267 1
N2 (NººN) 109
Bond order µ Bond enthalpy µ
Bond length
O2 (O==O) 121
Remember Isoelectronic molecules and ions have identical
HF (H—F) 92
bond orders. For example F2 and O2-
2 have bond order 1.
HCl (H—Cl) 127 N2, CO and NO+ have bond order 3.
HBr (H—Br) 141 It is described in detail within the molecular orbital
HI (H—I) 160 theory.

4. Bond Angles
2. Bond Enthalpy
It is the angle between the bonded orbitals. Bond angle is
Bond enthalpy is the amount of energy required to break
expressed in degrees and is determined by spectroscopic
a particular bond in one mole of gaseous molecule.
methods. It gives a broad live idea about the distribution
Bond enthalpy µ electronegativity of orbitals around the central atom. Thus, it helps is
µ determining the shape of the molecule.
size of atoms
e.g. H ¾ O ¾ H bond angle in water molecule can be
1 represented as
number of lone pair of electrons O

-1 104.5°
The units of bond enthalpy are kJ mol . Some examples H H
of bond enthalpies are
H ¾ H = 435.8 kJ/mol; O == O = –498 kJ/mol;
It is often seen for some compounds like benzene, CO3- -
N ºº N = –946 kJ/mol; H ¾ Cl = –431 kJ/mol that a single Lewis structure is indequate for the
Remember, larger the bond (dissociation) enthalpy, representation of their molecules especially for
stronger will be the bond in the molecule. explaining all of its properties. Then many structures
with similar energy, position of nuclei, bonding and
In general within the polyatomic molecules the bond
non-bonding pairs of electrons are drawn with the
enthalpy calculations are more complicated as these
conditions that each of these will explain some properties
enthalpies differ considerably within a single molecule.
of the compound. These structures are called resonating
For example, in case of H 2O the enthalpies of both the
structures or canonical forms and the hybrid of these
bonds differ as
structures is considered as the real structure of the
Ist OH bond = –502 kJ/mol compound. e.g. Carbonate ion is a resonance hybrid of
IInd OH bond = –427 kJ/mol following canonical forms
– – –
This is the reason behind the fact that in polyatomic O O O Od
molecules the term mean or average bond enthalpy is
used. In simple terms it is obtained by dividing C – – C – – C C –
O O O O O O d–
O Od
total bond dissociation enthalpy by number of bonds
broken. ¬¾ Canonical forms ¾® Resonance hybrid
Example 3. Arrange the following bonds according to their Presence of double headed arrow between the resonating
average bond energies in descending order forms symbolises resonance.
C ¾ Cl, C ¾ Br, C ¾ F, C ¾ I (JEE Main 2020) From the concept of resonance, the bond order (BO) of a
molecule (or ion) is calculated as,
(a) C ¾ F > C ¾ Cl > C ¾ Br > C ¾ I
(b) C ¾ Br > C ¾ I > C ¾ Cl > C ¾ F Total number of bonds between
(c) C ¾ I > C ¾ Br > C ¾ Cl > C ¾ F two atoms in all the structures
BO =
(d) C ¾ Cl > C ¾ Br > C ¾ I > C ¾ F Total number of canonical forms
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 121

In general, it may be stated that lp = total number of non-bonding electrons or lone pairs
• resonance stabilises the molecule as energy of bp = total number of bond pair of electrons
resonance hybrid is always less than the energy of e.g. Formal charge of O atoms in ozone molecule is
any canonical form involved. calculated as,
• the difference between the energy of hybrid and that ··
of most stable canonical form is called resonance O
energy. 1 ·· 3
The stability of a resonating structure can be decided by
·O O ··
·· ··
considering the following points.
æ 1 ö
• Among all the given canonical forms the form with no FC of O1 = 6 - ç 4 + ´ 4÷
charge is the most stable one. è 2 ø
• Among the charged canonical forms = 6- 6= 0
the form with maximum number of covalent bonds is 2 æ 1 ö
FC of O = 6 - ç 2 + ´ 6÷
the most stable one. è 2 ø
• The structure with least charge separation comes = 6- 5= +1
next is stability. 3 æ 1 ö
FC of O = 6 - ç 6 + ´ 2÷
• The structure with conventionally correct charges è 2 ø
comes next in stability. = 6- 7= -1
• The structure with conventionally incorrect charges Thus, the correct representation of ozone molecule is
is least stable. +1
Example 4. Chlorine reacts with hot and concentrated O
NaOH and produces compounds ( X) and (Y ). Compound ( X) gives · · -1
white precipitate with silver nitrate solution. The average bond
·O O ··
·· ··
order between Cl and O atoms in (Y ) is (JEE Main 2020)
Example 5. The formal charge of each atom in sulphuric acid
Sol. (1.67) The reaction is, is equal to
3Cl2 + 6 NaOH 5 NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
(Hot and conc.) ( X) ( Y)
O FC = 6 – 0 – 1/2(12) = 0
+ AgNO3

AgCl Sol. (a) H—O—S—O—H FC = 1 – 0 – 1/2(2) = 0

(White ppt.)
+ –
Y = NaClO3 (Na and ClO3 ) FC = 6 – 4 – 1/2(4) = 0

The structure of ClO3 (chlorate ion) is,
FC = 6 – 4 – 1/2(4) = 0
Cl Cl Cl == Cl
d- d- d-
Dipole Moment
‘Cl¾O’ bond order in the hybrid The polarity of covalent bonds results in the formation of
Number of bonds between Cl and O electric dipole possessing a permanent dipole moment, m.
= This is defined as the product of net charge and the
Total number of O (surrounding atoms)
distance between the two charged ends (bond length), i.e.
= = 166
. or 1.67 m = charge ( e) ´ bond length ( d )
The unit of dipole moment in CGS system is Debye (D)
and in SI system is Coulomb-metre.
Formal Charge (FC)
Features of dipole moment are
The atoms of a molecule or ion are usually neutral,
• Dipole moment is a vector quantity, thus indicated by
i.e. carry no charge. However, for some purposes, such as
the symbol ( ¾½® ) pointing towards the negative end.
to find reaction mechanisms, assigning of formal charge
d + -®
| d-
of atoms in a molecule or ion is important. Thus, formal e.g. H — Cl
charge (FC) is calculated as
é 1 ù • For symmetrical molecules, dipole moment is zero but
FC = V - ê lp + bpú unsymmetrical molecules have some dipole moment.
ë 2 û
where, e.g. CO2 , BF3 , CH 4 etc., being symmetrical therefore
V = total number of valence electrons in the free atom all have zero dipole moment.
122 JEE Main Chemistry

F H Due to its directional nature the coordinate bond is

O C O; B C shown as,
m=0 F
F H H Donor atom ¾® Acceptor atom (under classical approach)
H But under modern approach, this bond can also be
However, unsymmetrical molecules like HF, H2O, NH3 shown as
have some dipole moment as Donor atom + ¾¾ - Acceptor atom

Formation of SO2
·· ··
H F; O N ·O · + ·· S ·· + O ·· ¾® ·· O ·· ·· S ·· O ·· or O==S ® O
H H · ·
H H ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
m = 1.91D m = 1.84D H Formation of SO3
m = –1.46D
·· ··
·O · · S ·· ··O ¾® O== S ® O
Dipole Moment and Percentage Ionic Character · · ·
· ·
By using dipole moment, the percentage ionic character ·O · O
of a polar bond ( A - B) can be calculated as,
m exp Formation of NH3 ® BF3
Percentage ionic character = ´ 100
m cal ·· ··
·F · ·F ·
m exp · ·
· · ·
= ´ 100 H H ·
·· · ·
dA - B ´ e ·· ·· ··
H ·· N ·· + B · · F ·· ¾® H · · N ·· B ·· F ··
·· · ·· · ·· ··
here, m exp = experimental (or observed) value of dipole H · · · ·
moment of AB molecule, ·F ·
· · H ·F ··
(m cal )ionic = calculated (theoretical) value of dipole moment
of AB molecule when molecule was assumed to ½
be completely ionic. This value can be or H ¾ N ® B¾ F
calculated as d ´ e, i.e. bond length ´ charge ½ ½
Example 6. The bond length of HCl bond is
2.29 ´ 10 -10 m. The percentage ionic character of HCl, Characteristics of Dative Bond or
if measured dipole moment is 6.226 ´ 10 -30 C-m, is
Coordination Compounds
(a) 8% (b) 20% (c) 17% (d) 50%
-19 -10 The important characteristics of dative compounds are as
Sol. (c) m cal = e ´ d = 1.6 ´ 10 ´ 2.29 ´ 10
= 3.664 ´ 10 -29 C - m
m exp • These compounds exist in all the three states, under
% ionic character = ´ 100 ordinary conditions, i.e. solids, liquids and gases.
m cal
• The melting and boiling points of these compounds are
6.226 ´ 10 -30
= ´ 100 = 17% higher as compared to covalent compounds but lower
3.664 ´ 10 -29 than those of ionic compounds.
• Like covalent compounds these are also poor
Coordinate Covalent Bonding conductors of electricity in solid as well as in fused
Coordinate covalent bond or dative bond is a special state.
type of covalent bond, which involves sharing of a pair of
• These compounds are sparingly soluble in polar
electrons with following speciability
solvents like water, however, these are readily soluble
• the shared electron pair is donated by one atom in organic solvents.
(called donor) and shared by both the atoms
• These compounds are generally as stable as covalent
• the other atom being participating in sharing only
hence, called acceptor, e.g.
• Coordinate linkage is rigid and directional, thus they
Formation of NH+4
exhibit space isomerism.
H H é H ù
·· ·· ê ½ ú • Dative compounds show molecular reactions just like
H ·· N ·· + [H] ¾® H ·· N ··H or êH —N ® H ú
+ + covalent compounds.
·· ·· ê ½ ú • The dielectric constants for these compounds are higher.
H H êë úû
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 123

The modifications suggested by Pauling and Slater were

Quantum Mechanical • The strength of chemical bond is proportional to the
Approach to Covalent Bonding extent of overlapping between the atomic orbital.
Electronic theory of covalent bonding was not capable to • Overlapping will takes place only between those
explain correct shape of molecules, nature of bonds, and atomic orbitals, electrons of which take part in
formation of bonds. Thus, new theories, collectively chemical bonding.
called the quantum mechanical theory had been • Between two orbital of the same stability, the one with
proposed. These theories were based upon dual nature more directionally concentrated cloud would form a
of electrons. stronger bond, e.g. p-orbital will form stronger bonds
Two theories based on quantum mechanical approach than s-orbital.
are • A spherically symmertical orbital, e.g. s-orbital, will not
1. Valence bond theory show any preference in direction whereas, non-spherical
orbital, e.g. p-or d-orbital will tend to form a bond in
2. Molecular orbital theory
their direction of maximum electron density.
For example
Valence Bond Theory (VBT) (i) In HF, H has a singly occupied s-orbital that overlaps
It was put forward by Heitler and London in 1927 and with a singly filled 2p-orbital of F.
was extended by Pauling and Slater in 1931. (ii) In H 2O, the O-atom has two singly filled 2p-orbitals,
According to this theory, atoms with unpaired electrons each of which overlaps with a single occupied s-orbital
tend to combine with other atoms which also have from two H-atoms.
unpaired electrons. In this way the unpaired electrons (iii) In NH3 , there are three singly occupied p-orbitals on N
are paired up, and all the atoms involved, attain a which overlap with s-orbitals from three H-atoms.
stable electronic arrangement, or a noble gas
configuration. Two electrons shared between two atoms Overlapping of Orbitals
constitute a bond. The number of bonds formed by an
atom is usually the same as the number of unpaired The overlapping of orbitals may be of two types
electrons in their ground state. (i) End to end overlapping or axial overlapping or
However, in some cases the atoms may form more than head on overlapping This overlapping results to
one bond. This occurs by excitation of the atom. In s (sigma) bond formation. Here, the electron density is
excited state electrons, which were paired in the ground concentrated in between the two atoms. The main
state, become unpaired and promoted into suitable examples of s-bond include
empty orbitals. This increases the number of unpaired (a) s-s overlapping
electrons and hence, increase the number of bonds

..................(b)............s-p ............overlapping ....................................................................................................................

..................................................... .....................................................................................................................
which can be formed.
The theory can be summarised as ..................................................
................................................................................... ..................................................
.................................................. ........................................... ..................................................
• A covalent bond is formed when the orbital of one
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. .
. .
.. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. ..................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....................................................................
. . . . . ...............................................................................
.................................................. .................................................................................................................
atom overlaps with the orbital of another atom.
Each of the orbital contain one unpaired electron.
................................................................................... ...........................................
. ..................................................
. .....................................................................................
. .....................................................................................................................................
.................................................. ...........................................
. .
.................................................. .
• The two atomic orbital in such a case, merge to form

.................................................. ..................................................
........................................................... ..................................................
a single bonding orbital or a localised
molecular orbital, which is occupied by both the
electrons. ...................................................................................
......(c).........p-p ...............overlapping ....................................................................................................... ...........................................
.......................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................
• The two electrons occupying the bond orbital must ..................................................
.......................................................................... . . . . . . . ..
.......................................................... .. .. . . . . .. . . . . ...................................................
.................................................................................................................................... ............
have opposite spins. This is called Pauli principle.
. . . .
. . .
. .
. . . .
. . .
. .
. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
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. . .
. . .
. . .
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. . .
. . .
. . .
. ..
. ........................................................................................................................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................................................................
• Each electron may be considered to belong to both
the atomic nuclei.
.................................................. .
.................................................. .
.................................................................................................................................................... . . ..................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................
• As a result of overlapping, there is maximum electron
density somewhere between the two atoms. The
electrostatic attraction between the nuclei and the ..................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................................................
accumulated electron clouds provides a large part of
. .
. .
. .
.. .
. .
.. .
. . .
. .
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
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. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Different cases showing head on axial overlapping
. . . . . . . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
the binding force of covalent bond.
• The neutralisation of spin magnetic moments of the (ii) Sidewise overlapping or parallel overlapping
two electrons taking part in the bond formation also This overlapping is seen normally after atleast one
contributes to the binding force. axial overlapping between orbitals of same atoms and
results to a p (pi) bond formation.
124 JEE Main Chemistry

Here, also the electron density concentrates between the excluded from the hybridisation process. For
atoms but on either side of line of joining nuclei as show example in CO2 molecule (O==C==O), the
below. singly-filled 2 s and 2 px -orbitals of C-atom mix
together to form two sp hybrid orbitals while the
+ + ++ + singly-filled 2 py and 2 pz -orbitals remain excluded
+ from the hybridisation process. These orbitals
+ afterwords process of two (C— O ) p-bonds.
• If the central atom of the given molecule or ion
_ _ _ _ _ also has one or more lone pairs of electrons, then
the atomic orbitals having lone pairs of electrons,
px atomic px atomic Overlapping of Resultant i.e. completely-filled orbitals are also take part in
orbital orbital two px atomic orbitals by p-orbital the process of hybridisation.
the linear additive
combination • In a few cases, empty atomic orbitals are also
Sidewise overlapping of two px atomic orbitals by linear
involved in hybridisation, e.g. is in B2H 6.
additive combination to give p2 px bonding orbitals. • A hybrid orbital, like an atomic orbital, can
accommodate a maximum of two electrons with
From the above, this can be concluded that single bond opposite spins.
(—) contains only one s-bond and no p-bond, double
• The number of hybrid orbitals formed is exactly
bond ( == ) contains one s and one p-bond and triple bond
equal to the number of orbitals taking part in the
( ºº ) contains one s and two p-bonds.
Bonding in CH 4 • The electronic charge in hybrid orbitals is
In CH4 , the C-atom in its ground state has the electronic concentrated more in one direction as shown below.
configuration 1s2 , 2s2 , 2 p1x , 2 p1y and only has two unpaired Nucleus Orbital axis
electrons and so can form only two bonds. If the C-atom is
excited, then the 2s-electrons may be unpaired, giving
1s2 , 2s1 , 2 p1x , 2 p1y , 2 p1z configuration. So, now there are four Smaller lobe
unpaired electrons which overlap with singly occupied Bigger lobe
s-orbitals of four H-atoms. A hybrid orbital
2s 2px 2py 2pz
• This property make the hybrid orbitals to overlap

Electronic structure of ¼ ¼ with the atomic orbitals to a greater extent and

carbon atom-ground state
1s 2s 2p hence, give stronger bonds.
Carbon atom-excited
The hybridised orbitals have exactly equal

¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ •
energies with identical size and shape, i.e. hybrid
Carbon atom having gained

orbitals are degenerate. The sum of the

four electrons from H atoms
energies of all the hybrid orbitals is equal to the
in CH4 molecule.
sp3-hybridisation sum of the energies of orbitals which participated
Although in CH 4, 1s and 2 p-orbitals were participating but in the process.
the resultant bonds formed are all alike. The reason of this • This simply means, that the process of
similarity can be explained on the basis of the concept of hybridisation does not involve any loss or gain of
hybridisation. energy. Here, only redistribution of energy occurs.
• Atomic orbitals can mix together effectively to give
hybrid orbitals only when they are of almost same
Hybridisation energy and same symmetry.
This process involves the mixing of orbitals of almost
• Same atom can assume different hybrid states
similar energy belonging to same atom, to form the
under different situations.
same number of orbitals of exactly equal energy. The
new orbitals formed are called hybrid orbitals. This • The distribution and shapes of hybrid orbitals
phenomenon in actual sense involves redistribution of energy. differ from that of the atomic orbitals which are
taking part in the process of hybridisation.
Salient Features of Hybridisation or • The energy released in the formation of s-bonds by
the hybrid orbitals is more than that which is
Rules of Hybridisation released in the formation of bonds by the pure
• Only the valence shell atomic orbitals of an atom or ion atomic orbitals. p-bonds are formed by the use of
can mix together to give the hybrid orbitals. pure orbitals. This signifies that s-bonds are more
• The atomic orbitals of the atom of a given molecule or ion stronger and stable than p-bonds formed by pure
which participate in the formation of p-bonds remain atomic orbitals.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 125

Types of Hybridisation three equivalent hybrid orbitals.These orbitals are

called sp2 or trigonal hybrid orbitals.
The hybridisation can be of following types
(1) sp (2) sp2 (3) sp3 or dsp2 Their formation and resultant distribution is shown
(4) sp3 d (5) sp3 d 2 and (6) sp3 d3 . z z z y
y y
Out of these first three are described here in detail.
x + x x
1. sp-Hybridisation (Linear Hybridisation)
In this hybridisation, one s and one p-orbital of the valence
shell of atom combine together and give rise to the formation s px py
of a set of two equivalent hybrid orbitals, which are called
sp-hybrid orbitals. Considered above if axis is supposed to be
the molecular x-axis, then p-orbital will be px -orbital. sp 2 -hybridisation
and formation of sp 2-
Since, the lobes of this p-orbital can combine with an s-orbital hybrid orbitals
in two different ways as shown in figure below so, two
sp-hybrid orbitals are obtained.

+ + x + + _ x + _ x
hybrid orbitals

120° 120°
Two spx


_ + x+ + + x _ + x

2px 2s 120°
Formation of two spx hybrid orbitals Showing sp2 -hybridisation with angle and
arrangement of orbitals
Characteristics of sp-hybrid Orbitals
• These are collinear, i.e. they lie in one axis in a Characteristics of sp 2 -hybrid Orbitals
straight line and hence, the angle between them is 180°.
• All these orbitals lie in one plane.
Their spatial arrangement is linear, i.e. they
are directed in a straight line in opposite directions. • They are directed towards the corners of an
equilateral triangle and hence, the angle between
• s-orbital is spherical and p-orbital is pear-shaped or
each two of them is 120°. Thus, in other words, we
cylindical but sp-hybrid orbital which results from the
can say that the spatial arrangement of the three
mixing of one s and one p-orbital is oval-shaped due to
sp2-hybrid orbitals is trigonal.
the presence of 50% s-character and 50% p-character in it.
• These orbitals are less oval than the sp-hybrid
• An example of sp-hybridised molecule is BeCl2 molecule.
orbitals because the contribution of the two
z z 180° pear-shaped p-orbitals to the formation of
y y sp2-hybrid orbitals is greater.
x + x + _ _ + z • The shape of sp -hybrid orbitals, therefore, tends
more towards a pear. Here, the s-character is
33% and the p-character is 67%.
(a) sp hybrid 2
• An example of sp -hybridised molecule is BCl3
s s
_ + + _ _ + + _ z
Clp Be Clp
z z
(b) + s
BeCl2 molecule +
+ -
(a) Formation of sp hybrids formal s and p orbits; - + + -
120° + -
(b) Formation of the linear BeCl 2 molecule. Planar +
+ s BCl3
2. sp 2 -Hybridisation (Trigonal Planar Hybridisation) sp 2 hybrids
In this hybridisation, one s and any two p-orbitals of the
valence shell of the atom combine together and give a set of Formation of sp hybrids and the BCl 3 molecule
126 JEE Main Chemistry

3. sp 3 -Hybridisation (Tetrahedral Hybridisation)

The term sp3 -hybridised means that one s and all the three p-orbitals ( px , py and pz orbitals ) of the valence shell of the
atom combine together and form a set of four hybrid orbitals. These orbitals are called sp3 or tetrahedral hybrid
orbitals. Their formation and resultant distribution is shown below.
z z
z z y y
y 109°.28¢
y sp3 hybridisation
and formation of sp3
hybrid orbitals
x+ x x x

s px py
Showing sp hybridisation with angle and arrangement of orbitals

Characteristics of sp 3 -hybrid Orbitals

• They are directed towards the four corners of a regular tetrahedron and the angle between each two of them is
109°.28° or 109.5°. This angle is called tetrahedral angle.
• Each of the four sp -hybrid orbitals, has one-fourth s-character and three-fourth p-character, i.e. 25% s-character
and 75% p-character.
• In case of sp -hybrid orbitals, since the contribution of three p-orbitals predominates over the contribution of one
s-orbital, the shape of sp3 -hybrid orbitals is almost the same as that of the parent p-orbitals except for the fact that
the lobes in sp3 -hybrid orbitals are somewhat more spread and are somewhat shorter in length than the pure
Relationship between Hybridisation, Shape and Bond Angle
No. of atomic
No. of hybrid Shape of
orbitals involved Type of hybridisation Bond angles Examples
orbitals formed molecules
in hybridisation
2 sp (one s and one p) 2 Linear 180° BeCl 2, BeF2
3 sp2 (one s and two p) 3 Planar triangular 120° BF3, BCl 3
4 sp3 (one s and three p) 4 Tetrahedral 109° 28¢ CH 4, CCl 4
4 dsp2 one ( n - 1) ‘d’ usually 4 Square planar 90° [Ni(CN) 4 ]2– , [PtCl 4 ]2–
( dx 2 - y 2 ), one ‘s’ and two ‘ p’

5 sp3d one ‘s’, three ‘ p’ and one d 5 Trigonal bipyramid 120° and 90° PCl 5
usually dz 2
6 sp3d 2 one ‘s’, three ‘ p’ and two ‘d’ 6 Octahedral 90° SF6
usually dx 2 - y 2 , + dz 2

7 sp3d 3 one ‘s’, three ‘ p’ and three 7 Pentagonal 72° and 90° IF7
‘d’ usually dxy + , dyz + , dzx bipyramid

Methods for Identification of Hybridisation in Molecules

Following method are used for identification of hybridisation in molecules

1. First Method
• Write electronic configuration for the outermost orbit or central atom using boxes.
• Find oxidation state of central atom. Excite the electrons from orbits of higher energy in such a way that total no.
of upaired electrons = oxidation state of central atom.
Note p-bonds must be excluded from hybridisation calculation.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 127

For example, the hybridisation and shape of SF6 and IF7 Y = number of monovalent atom
can be described in following molecule C = total positive charge
(i) SF6 molecule sp3 d 2 -hybridisation and A = total negative charge on molecule
3s 3p 3d For the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 value of H , the hybridisation is
F respectively sp, sp2 , sp3 , sp3 d , sp3 d 2 and sp3 d3 . e.g.
Sulphur atom in ground state PF5 COCl2 NH +4 ClO–4
(b) S 1 1 1 1
X= [5 + 5] X= [2 + 4 ] X= [4 + 5 - 1] X= [ 0 + 7 + 1]
2 2 2 2
Sulphur atom in excited state F F =5 =3 =4 =4
(c) F Hybrid state of Hybrid state Hybrid state of Hybrid state of Cl
P is sp3d. of C is sp2. N is sp3. is sp3.
3 2
sp d -hybridisation
NO-3 IF7 CO2 XeF4
Octahedral geometry of SF6 molecule resulting from
sp3d 2 hybridisation of the central S-atom. Dotted arrows 1 1 1 1
X= [ 0 + 5 + 1] X= [ 7 + 7] X= [0 + 4 ] X= [4 + 8]
represent electrons supplied by fluorine atoms. 2 2 2 2
=3 =7 =2 =6
(ii) IF7 molecule sp3 d 3 -hybridisation Hybrid state of Hybrid state Hybrid state of Hybrid state of Xe
5s 5p 5d N is sp2 of I is sp3d 3 C is sp is sp3d 2
(a) F
Iodine atom in ground state F
Valence Shell Electron Pair
(b) F Repulsion Theory (VSEPR Theory)
Iodine atom in excited state
This theory was given by “Gillespie and Nyholm” and is
F helpful in predicting the geometric arrangement of atoms
(c) F in molecules. It includes all molecules which may or may
sp3d 3-hybridisation
not obey octet rule.
Pentagonal bipyramidal geometry of IF7 molecule resulting The main postulates of this theory are
from sp3d 3-hybridisation of the central I atom. • The central atom in a molecule contains 2 types of
Dotted arrows represent electrons supplied by fluorine atoms.
electron pairs. These are bond pairs and lone pairs.
The shape of the molecule is determined by
2. Second Method repulsions between all the electrons pairs present in
The type of hybridisation undergone by the atom/ion in a the valence shell.
given molecule or ion depends on the sum of s-bond pairs • A lone pair of electrons takes up more space around
and lone pairs surrounding the central atom/ion, e.g. if the central atom than a bond pair, since the lone pair
the sum of s-bps and lps is 2 then the central atom/ion is attracted by only one nucleus whilst the bond pair
undergoes sp-hybridisation. is shared by two nuclei.
Similarly, for the sum equal to 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, the Thus, the presence of lone pairs on the central atom
central atom undergoes sp2, sp3 , sp3 d, sp3 d 2 and causes slight distortion of the bond angles from the
sp3 d 3 -hybridisation respectively. ideal shape calculated from hybridisation.
Alongwith these, dsp2-hybridisation is also seen in which Thus, repulsion among pairs increases as
1d , 1s and 2 p -orbitals combine to hybridise. The shape of bp - bp < bp - lp < lp - lp.
the molecule is square planar with a bond angle of 90°. • The magnitude of repulsions between bonding pairs of
3. Third Method electrons depends on the electronegativity difference
between the central atom and the other atoms.
An alternative way of finding hybridisation is the use of
• Double bonds cause more repulsion than single bonds
following formula
and triple bonds cause more repulsion than double
H = [V + Y - C + A] bonds.
A brief summary of molecular shapes resulting from
Here, V = valence shell electrons of the cental metal different configurations of electrons pairs is given.
128 JEE Main Chemistry

Geometry of Molecules According to VSEPR Theory

Regular geometry of the Actual (modified) shape of
Steric Bond Lone Molecular
electron pairs and the molecule due to electron Examples
number. pairs pairs formula
hybridisation pair repulsions
2. Linear 2 0 AX 2 Linear CO2 , BeO2

A , sp

3 Triangular planar 3 0 AX 3 Triangular planar BF2 , AlCl 3 , CO2-



2 1 AX 3L SnCl 2 , NO2 , O3

Bent (V-shape)
4. Tetrahedral 4 0 AX 4 Tetrahedral CH4 , ClO–4 , SO2–
4 , NH2

A sp2

3 1 AX 3L NH3 , H3O+ , PCl 3 , PH3



Triangonal pyramidal

2 2 A X 3L 2 H2O, H2S, NH2 , ClO2- , SCl 2

Bent (V-shape)
5. Trigonal bipyramidal 5 0 AX 2 Trigonal bipyrmidal PCl 3, PF5, SbCl 3, AsF5

A sp3d

4 1 SF4 , TeCl 4
See-saw on teeter-totter or
irregular saw horse or folded
3 2 A X 2L 3 ClF3 , BrF3


Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 129

Regular geometry of the Actual (modified) shape of

Steric Bond Lone Molecular
electron pairs and the molecule due to electron Examples
number. pairs pairs formula
hybridisation pair repulsions
2 3 A X 2L 3 I -3 , XeF2, ICl -2 , Br3-

6. Octahedral sp3d 2 6 0 AX 6 Octahedral or square SF6, PCl 6-

X 5 1 A X 3L ClF5 , IF5 , BrF5

X Square pyramidal

5 2 A X 3L 2 X X ICl -4 , XeF4


Square planar
7. Pentagonal bipyramidal sp3d 3 7 0 AX7 X IF7



Pentagonal bipyramidal

Examples of Electron Pairs Interactions

Some examples of shape modifications due to lone pair and bond pair interaction are given below.
• As the number of lone pairs of electrons increases, bond angle decreases. e.g. The bond angles for CH4 , NH3 and H2 O
are in the order CH4 > NH3 > H2 O, 109° 28¢ , 106° 51¢ and 104° 31¢ respectively.
• Bond angles increases as the electronegativity of the central atom increases, e.g.
In hydrides of oxygen family, order of bond angle is
H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te
(104.5° ) (92° ) (91° ) (89° )
However, in molecule having same central atom, bond angle increases as the electronegativity of surrounding
atoms decreases. e.g. The order of bond angle for PI3 , PBr3 and PCl3 is as
PI3 > PBr3 > PCl3
(102° ) (101.5° ) (100° )

Q The order of electronegativity is Cl > Br > I.

• Similarly, NF3 and NH3 both have structure based on a tetrahedron with one corner occupied by a lone pair. In NF3 ,
the high electronegativity of F pushes the bonding electrons further away from N than in NH3 . Hence, the lone pair
in NF3 causes a greater distortion from tetrahedral bond angle. This gives a F — N — F bond angle of 102° 30¢ as
compared with 107° 48¢ in NH3 . The same effect is found in H2 O (bond angle 104° 27¢) and F2 O (bond angle 102°).
130 JEE Main Chemistry

• pi ( p ) bonds do not affect the stereochemistry of a In trisilyl amine, there is vacant d-orbital with
molecule. However, multiple bond orbitals repel other silicon, which overlaps with lone pair of nitrogen, to
orbitals more strongly than single bond orbital, thus form pp-dp back bonding. Hence, the geometry
the bond angle will increase. becomes planar.
H SiH3 SiH3 SiH3
(i) C ==O, Ð H — C— H Þ 116°
and Ð H — C==O Þ 122°. H3Si H3Si H3Si
SiH3 SiH3 SiH3
(ii) C == O, Ð F —C —F Þ 108° Finding Shapes of Molecules
F and Ð F — C==O Þ 126° To find the shapes of molecules, follow the steps given
H 2N below.
(iii) C == O, Ð N —C —N Þ 118° Step I Identify the central atom and count the
H 2N number of valence electrons. e.g. In PCl 3, P
and Ð N — C —O Þ 121°
being less electronegative is the central atom.
• A lone pair and double bond repulsion is much greater No. of valence electrons of P = 5
than a lone electron (means single) and double bond Step II Find the number of electron pairs shared.
repulsion. e.g. In PCl 3, there are 3Cl atoms, so total no. of
• ••
N N shared electrons = 3 + 3 = 6e-


(From P) (From Cl)

O==N== O O O O O
total no. of shared electrons
Bond angle = 180° Bond angle = 134° Bond angle = 115° Use, no. of bond pairs =
(no lone pair) (a lone electron) (a lone pair) 2
• In an triangle the lone pairs always occupy the 6
= =3
equatorial positions rather than the axial positions, 2
i.e. up and down. Thus, in I3- ion, the central valence e- - bond pair
and no. of lone pairs =
I atom has five electron pairs in the outer shell, made 2
of two bond pairs and three lone pairs. 5 -3 2
I = =1
•• 2 2
Step III While counting the number of electron pairs

for ion, value of negative charge is added and

positive charge is subtracted with/from the valence

e– of central atom. In PCl 3, no charge is there, so we
• The lone pairs occupy all the three equatorial left this step.
positions and the two I atoms occupy the top, and
Step IV On the basis of total number of electron pairs bond
bottom positions in the bipyramid, thus giving a
pairs + lone pairs predict the geometry of the
linear arrangement with a bond angle of exactly 180°.
molecule with the help of the table given earlier.
Back Bonding
• The interaction between an empty orbital and lone
Example 7. The compound that has the largest H—M ¾ H
pair of electrons is known as back bonding. bond angle (M = N, O, S, C) is (JEE Main 2020)
(a) H2O (b) NH3 (c) H2S (d) CH4
e.g. The nitrogen in trimethyl amine and trisilyl
amine has a lone pair of electrons at nitrogen. This Sol. (d)
nitrogen in trimethyl amine has pyramidal shape H
while in trisilyl amine nitrogen has planar shape
because in trimethyl amine there is repulsion H H
between lone pair and bond pair that’s why the shape H
becomes pyramidal.
[CH4 = hybridisation is sp3 , lone pair of electrons is 0, so that bond
angle is maximum, i.e. = 109°28'
Me Me N
Me H H
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 131

NH3 = Hybridisation is sp3 , lone pair of electron is one, so that bond • At the time of electron filling in the molecule BMOs
angle is 107° are preferred and filled first due to their lower energy
or more stability. Hence, BMOs are also called
HOMOs, i.e. Highly Occupied Molecular Orbitals.
H H • ABMOs, on the other hand are less preferred during
H 2O = Hybridisation is sp lone pair of electrons are two, so that electron filling due to their higher energy or lower
stability. Hence, these are also called LUMOs, i.e.
bond angle is 104°5¢
Lowly or Unoccupied Molecular Orbitals.
• The shapes of molecular orbitals formed depends
H H upon the type of combining atomic orbitals.
No hybridisation as according to Draga's rule, so that bond angle is • The filling of molecular orbital obey Aufbau principle,
92° Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule of
According to VSEPR theory. maximum multiplicity.
Lone pair-Lone pair > Lone pair-Bond pair > Bond pair-Bond pair. Electron density is increased for the bonding MO’s in the
internuclear region but decreased for anti-bonding MO’s.
Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT) Shielding of the nuclei by increased electron density in
Why He2 molecule does not exist and why O2 is bonding MO’s reduces internuclear repulsions and thus
paramagnetic? Questions like these cannot be explained stabilises the molecule.
by valence bond theory. On the other hand, lower electron density (even as
In 1932 F Hund Huckel and R.S. Mulliken put forward compared to the individual atom in anti-bonding MO’s)
a theory, known as Molecular Orbital Theory. The theory increases the repulsions and destabilises the system.
was forwarded to explain above questions and many
others on the basis of Schrodinger wave equation and
its solutions for electrons. Anti-bonding MO

According to this theory,

• A molecule is supposed to have orbitals of varying 0

energy levels in the same way as an isolated atom Bonding MO

has. These orbitals of molecule are called molecular
orbitals (MO).
• Molecular orbitals are formed by the combination of
Distance between atom
atomic orbitals of comparable energy and proportional Energy vs distance graph of MOT
• We know that in atomic orbitals, one electron is Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)
influenced by one nucleus. On the other hand, in a
The Schrodinger wave equation is very difficult to apply
molecular orbital, it is influenced by two or more
on the system containing more than one electron because
nuclei depending upon the number of atoms in the
in these system one electron mores in the field of several
molecule. Thus, orbitals of atoms loose their
nuclei so some approximation method is used in the
individual identity. Hence, an atomic orbital is
formation of molecular orbitals. This can be explained on
monocentric while a molecular orbital is polycentric.
the basis of LCAO. It is a very convenient method of
• Just as the electron probability distribution around a approximation.
nucleus in an atom is given by an atomic orbital, the
According to LCAO, the wave function ( y ) of individual
electron probability distribution in molecule is given
atomic orbitals linearly combined and form molecular
by the molecular orbital.
orbitals, i.e. during the formation of AB molecule y of A
• The number of molecular orbitals formed is equal to and y of B will linearly combine as
the number of combining atomic orbitals. y MO = y A + y B
• Two atomic orbitals combine to give, two types of Following two cases may be possible in such a linear
molecular orbitals. One of these is known as bonding combination.
molecular orbital (BMO), whereas other is known
Case I When two waves are in phase the waves adds up
as anti-bonding molecular orbital (ABMO). BMO
and amplitude of new wave becomes
has lower energy and hence, greater stability than
y MO = y A + y B (Bonding MO)
the corresponding ABMO.
132 JEE Main Chemistry

+ + Conditions for Combination

_ _ _
+ + of Atomic Orbitals
The combination of the atomic orbitals is based on the
_ following conditions.
+ +
_ _ _ • The combining atomic orbitals must have comparable
Amplitude = a Amplitude = 2a energies. It may be noted that in the homonuclear
diatomic molecules of the type A 2 (e.g. H 2, O2, N 2, F2
+ + etc.), the participating atomic orbitals must have
comparable energies. .
Bonding MO
• This means that 1s atomic orbital of one atom can
combine with 1s atomic orbital of the other atom and
not with its 2s-orbital. However, in heteronuclear
Constructive interaction molecules AB (e.g. HF, HCl etc.) such a combination
These interactions are based upon the fact that when is permissible.
orbitals or lobes of orbitals with same wave function ( y ) • The extent of overlapping must be large. The
combine, the result is constructive interaction. overlapping of the atomic orbitals results in decrease
Case II When two waves are out of phase, the waves are in energy and increase in stability. Thus, greater the
subtracted from each other so that the amplitude of new extent of the overlapping, more will be the stability of
wave becomes, the molecular orbital formed.
y * MO = y A - y B (Antibonding MO) • The combining atomic orbitals must have same
symmetry about internuclear axis. The atomic
+ +
orbitals taking part in the overlap must have

_ _ _
same orientation or same sign of symmetry.
Correct and wrong overlap between the orbitals is
+ + + shown below.
_ _ _ 2s 2pz
Amplitude = a Amplitude = 0
_ +
(Correct overlap)
Anti-bonding MO
2s + 2px
Destructive interaction
These interactions are based upon the fact that when
orbitals or lobes of orbitals with opposite wave function

( y ) combine, the result is destructive interaction.
The condition of lower energy (bonding molecular orbital) (Wrong overlap)
is also called attractive state for electrons while
condition of higher energy (antibonding molecular
orbital) is also called repulsive state for electrons. s (Sigma) and p (Pi) Molecular Orbitals
Anti-bonding MO(subtraction) Repulsive state
Molecular orbitals of diatomic molecule are designated
as s (sigma) and p (pi) etc. Sigma (s ) molecular orbitals
are symmetrical around the bond axis while pi (p)
molecular orbitals are not symmetrical.

Atomic Atomic
orbital orbital The bonding molecular orbitals are shown as s or pns or
np while antibonding molecular orbitals are shown as s *
or p * ns or np* accordingly.
Bonding MO(addition) attractive state The total energy of two molecular orbitals, however,
Energy level diagram of molecular orbitals remains the same as that of two original atomic orbitals.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 133

Formation of s and p HOMOs and LUMOs As the result both come together and hence, repulsive
forces arises which raise the energy s 2 p above that of
(i) Combination of s-orbitals p2 p molecular orbitals.
Before moving ahead to explore proper electronic
yA- yB
configuration of these molecules, it is better to
+ Anti-bonding s 1s or s *1s understand the connectivity of bond order, stability,
yA + y
B bond length and magnetic nature of the molecule with
1s 1s their electronic configurations.
Bond Order
Bonding s 1s or s 1 s
......................................................................................................... ...................................................................................
............................................................................................... ............................................................
The one-half of the difference between the number of
.................................................. ..................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
..........................................................................................y......-...y...... ...........................................................
(ii) Head on
combination . .
. . . . .. ....
.. ..
. . of . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
. .
. . .
. .
.. .
. .
.. .
. .
. .
. . .
. .
. ..
.. .
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . p-orbitals
. . . . . . . .
. .
. .
. electrons present in bonding orbitals and number of

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................
. . . . . . . . . . .
.. .... . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
.................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . electrons present in anti-bonding orbitals is called
. ..................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. .
. . . . . . . . . ...............................................................
. ............................................................................................................................................................. ..... bond order of that molecule, i.e.


. . . . . . .

........ .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A .
. ..................................................
. ..................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .
.................................................. . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




. . .
................................................. ...........................................................
................................................... ..................................................
................................................... . . . .
....................... ...........................................................................................
A . . . .. . .. ...
. .
. .......................Anti-bonding
. . . . . z
.. .. ..........
z ..................................................
. . ..................................................
..............................................s..........2..............p.......................or..........................s............*2....................p........................................................ ..........
.................................................. Bond order = b
N - Na
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. . . . . . . . ..................................................
.... ...
.. . . .
..................................................................2p.................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .
. . . . . ..................................................

. .









. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.................................................. ..................................................
.................................................... . . . z
. . .
. . . . . .
............. ......................................... Here, N b = number of electrons in bonding orbitals
. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...
. .
. .
. ...
. ...
z. . . . . . .
. . . .
. .
. . .
. ..
. .
. ..
. .
. ..
. . . s . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . 2 . .
. . .
p .
. . . .
or . . s . .
*2 . p. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. ... .. ..
.................................................. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . ... . .


N a = number of electrons in anti-bonding orbitals







.................... .......

(iii) Sidewise combination of two p-orbitals





. .


. . . . . . .

. .


. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . The stability of a molecule can be determined by its

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . .

. . . .

......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. .


. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .


bond order as
............................ .......






.................... .......


......................................... .

. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........

. .

. .


. . .

. . .
.......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. .

. . . .

. . . . . .

. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • A positive bond order means a stable molecule,

– yB

. . .

. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . .

. . . .

......................................... . .
...................................................................... yA


......................................... • A negative or zero bond order means an unstable
............................ .......








+ Anti-bonding p 2px or p*(2px)




......................................... A y


B • Bond order values 1, 2 and 3 corresponds to single,


................................................. ...............................................







................. .......




......... double and triple bond respectively.



.............................. ...........................




Bond Length
......................................... 2px 2px

......... ......
.................................................... .......









Bonding p 2px or p(2px)



It varies inversely with the bond order, i.e. decreases




as the bond order increases.


[Here, z axis is considered as internuclear axis]





Bond order µ
. .

Bond length
Electronic Configuration of Molecules
Magnetic Nature
It is the key to get informations like bond order, bond length,
bond strength and magnetic nature of a molecule. Just like For different molecules, magnetic nature can also be
electronic configuration of atoms this electronic predicted by molecular orbitals as
configuration is also aligned with the energy of orbitals. • If all orbitals are fully occupied, molecules substance
For homonuclear diatomic molecules of the 2nd period is diamagnetic.
elements of periodic table the energy levels of molecular • If one or more molecular orbitals are singly
orbitals have been determined experimentally from occupied, molecules/substance is paramagnetic.
spectroscopic data.
The increasing order of energies of molecular orbitals for O2 Bonding in Some Homonuclear Diatomic
and F2 molecules are given as Molecules
* *
s1s < s 1s < s 2s < s 2s < s 2p z < p 2p x (i) H2 molecule
* * *
» p 2 py < p 2 px » p 2 py < s 2 pz Electronic configuration : s1s2
However, for remaining molecules, i.e. Li 2 , Be2 , B2 , C2 , N2 the 2- 0
* *
Bond order = =1
order is s1s < s 1s < s 2s < s 2s < p 2 px 2
* * * Conclusion Stable molecule, with single bond
» p 2p y < s 2p z < s 2p x » p 2p y < s 2p z between 2H atoms, diamagnetic.
i.e. Here the energy of p 2 px » p 2 py is less than the energy (ii) He2 molecule
of s 2 pz molecular orbital. Electronic configuration : s1s2 , s 1s2
It is so because except O2 and F2 the energy difference
2- 2
between 2s and 2p atomic energy level is small. Bond order = =0
134 JEE Main Chemistry

Conclusion Unstable molecule, does not exist. (v) O2 molecule

Similarly, Be2 molecule with possible electronic Electronic configuration
* *
configuration s1s2 s 1s2s 2 s2 s 2 s2 does not exist. s1s2 , s* 1s2 , s 2 s2 , s* 2 s2 , s 2p2z , p 2p2x » p 2p2y , p* 2p1x » p* 2p1y
(iii) Li2 molecule 10 - 6
Bond order =
Electronic configuration : s1s2 , s * 1s2 , s 2 s2 2
4- 2 Conclusion Stable, with double bond between two
Bond order = =1
2 oxygen atoms, paramagnetic.
Conclusion Stable (known in vapour phase) (vi) F2 molecule
with single bond between 2 Li atoms, diamagnetic. * *
Electronic configuration : s1s2 , s 1s2 , s 2s2 , s 2 s2
(iv) C2 molecule * *
Electronic configuration s 2 pz2 , p 2 px2 » p 2 p2y , p 2 px2 » p 2 p2y

s1s2 , s * 1s2 , s 2 s2 , s 2 s2 , p 2 px2 » p 2 p2y

* 10 - 8
Bond order = =1
8- 4 2
Bond order = =2
2 Conclusion Stable, with one s bond between two
Conclusion Stable (detected in vapour phase), with F-atoms, diamagnetic.
2p-bonds between two C-atoms instead of 1s and A brief summary to our discussion can be visualised as
1p, diamagnetic. following table.

B2 and O2 are paramagnetic while other are diamagnetic in nature 1 N2 has minimum bond
2 length (BL) while N2 has
maximum bond length
With 2s-2p mixing Without 2s-2p mixing
B2 C2 N2 O2 F2 Ne2

s*2p *2p
*p2p *p2p
s2p p*2p
Bond energy (in kJ mol–1)

p2p *2p
*s2s *2s
s2s s2s
Bond length (in pm)

900 BL BE BL 150
159 BL BL
945 BL 143
BE BE 121
600 131 1200
620 110
BE 498
300 BE 50
Bond order 1 2 3 2 1 0 3
F2 has minimum bond
Paramagnetic Diamagnetic Diamagnetic Paramagnetic Diamagnetic – length (BL) while N2 has
properties (s2S)2(s*2S)2 maximum bond length
(s2S)2(s *2S)2
(s2S)2(s *2S)2 (s2S)2(s*2S)2
(s2S)2(s (s2S)2(s*2S)2
(p2p)4 (p2p)4(p2p)2 (p2p) (p2p)
2 4
(p2p)2(p2p)4 (s2p)2(p2p)4
MOEC (p2p)2 *2p)4(s
(p*2p)2 (p*2p)4 (p *2p)2

MOEC = Molecular Orbital Electronic Configuration

Tabular defriction of homonuclear molecules of IInd period MOEC, magnetic properties, bond order bond
length, bond energy all have been depicted.

Example 8. The bond order and the magnetic characteristics As there is no unpaired electron in CN - , thus it is diamagnetic.
of CN - are (JEE Main 2020) Example 9. Two pi and half sigma bonds are present in
(a) 3, diamagnetic (b) 2 , paramagnetic (a) O+2 (b) N2 (c) N+2 (d) O2
(JEE Main 2019)
(c) 3, paramagnetic (d) 2 , diamagnetic Sol. (c) The energy order of MOs of the given species are as
2 follows
Sol. (a) CN– has 14 electrons (6 from C, 7 from N and 1 for negative
O 2(16 e- ’ s) = s1s2, s *1s2, s 2s2, s *2s2, s 2 p 2z ,
charge). Its MO configuration must be similar to
p 2 p 2x = p 2 p y2 , p *2 p1x = p *2 p1y ,
N 2 : s 1s2 s *1s2 s 2s2 s *2s2 p 2px2 p 2p y2 s 2p z2
O +2 (15e-’ s) = s1s2, s *1s2, s2s2, s *2s2, s2 p 2z ,
10 - 4
\ Bond order = =3
2 p 2 p 2x = p 2 p y2 , p *2 p1x » p *2 p y0
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 135

N 2(14e- ’ s) = s 1s2 s *1s2, s 2s2, s *2s2

p 2 p 2x = p 2 p 2y , s 2 p z2
Metallic Bonding
This bonding holds the metal atoms together in a metal
N 2+ (13e- ’ s) = s1s2s *1s2 s2 s2 s *2s2 crystal. Different models have been proposed to explain the
nature of metallic bonding and the two important ones
p 2 p 2x = p 2 p z2 s 2 p1z among them are as follows
Thus, in case of N+2 , two p-bonds and half s-bond are
Electron Sea Model
present in the bonding MOs.
According to this model, a metal is regarded as a group of
Example 10. During the change of O2 to O-2 , the incoming positive metal ions packed together as closely as possible in
electron goes to the orbital. (JEE Main 2019) a regular geometric pattern. This set up is immersed in a
(a) p2px (b) p *2px (c) p2py (d) s *2pz sea of electrons which move about freely in the vacant
Or valence orbitals.
Which of the following options represents the correct bond The positive metal ions, here are called positive cores or
order ? (NCERT Exemplar) kernels and mobile electrons are electron pool or
(a) O-2 > O2 > O+
2 (b) O-2 < O2 < O+
electron gas. The attractive force between electrons and
kernels is considered as metallic bonding.
(c) O-2 > O2 < O+
2 (d) O-2 < O2 > O+
_ _ _
+ e + e + e +
Sol. (b) E.C. of O2 (16 electrons)
= s1s2, s* 1s2, s 2s2, s* 2s2, s 2pz2, p 2px2 » p 2py2 , p
* *
2p1x » p 2p1y e
+ e
+ e
+ e

1 1
Bond order = (Nb - Na ) = (10 - 6) = 2 _ _ _ Delocalised
2 2 + e + e + e + electrons
E.C. of O+
2 (15 electrons) _ _ _ _
e + e + e + e
= s1s2, s* 1s2, s 2s2, s* 2s2, s 2pz2, p 2px2 » p 2py2 , p
* *
2p1x » p 2py Metallic ion
Electron sea model
1 1
Bond order = (Nb - Na ) = (10 - 5) = 2.5
2 2 Band Model
E.C. of O-2 (17 electrons) This model is based upon molecular orbital theory.
2 * 2 2 * 2 * * According to this model, a metal lattice has an extremely
= s1s , s 1s , s 2s , s 2s , s 2pz2, p 2px2 » p 2py2 , p 2px2 » p 2p1y
large number of atoms. The atomic orbitals of these atoms
1 1 overlap together due to similar symmetry and similar
Bond order = (Nb - Na ) = (10 - 7) = 15
2 2 energy resulting to the formation of energy bands. The
Thus, the order of bond order is O-2 < O2 < O+2 and the incoming
arrangement of electrons in the different energy bands
determines the characteristic of a metal.
electron goes to p *2px-orbital
The highest occupied energy band is called the valence
Example 11. Of the species, NO, NO + , NO 2+ and NO - , the band while the lowest unoccupied energy band is called
one with minimum bond strength is (JEE Main 2020) conduction band. The properties of various elemental
(a) NO+ (b) NO (c) NO2 +
(d) NO- solids can be explained by the gap present between the top
of valence band and the bottom of conduction band. This
Nb - Na gap is called the energy gap ( E g ). In case of metals,
Sol. (d) Energy order of MOs BO =
2 semimetals and non-metals this gap is visible as
s 1ss *1ss 2ss *2s p 2p x = p 2p y s 2p z p *2p x = p *2p y
10 - 5 Conduction band
NO(15e- ) : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 ® = 2.5
Empty Empty
+ 10 - 4
N O(14e- ) : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 ® =3 band band
2+ 9-4 Forbidden zone
N O(13e- ) : 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 ® = 2.5 energy gap (Large energy gap)
- 10 - 6 Valence
N O(16e- ) : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 ® =2 Valence

2 band
1 1
We know, Bond length µ µ Partially Overlapping Semimetals
BO (Bond order) Bond strength Non-metals
filled bands
So, the order of bond strength : NO+ > NO = NO2+ > NO- band Metal
(In each case, an unshaded area represents a conduction band)
So, NO- has minimum bond strength. Distinction among metals semiconductor and non-metals.
136 JEE Main Chemistry

• As the electronegativity difference of H and other

Hydrogen Bonding atom to which it is covalently bonded increases, the
The attractive electrostatic force between a hydrogen atom strength of H-bond increases.
which is already covalently attached to a strong H-bond order : H — F > H — O > H — N > H — Cl
electronegative atom (i.e. any of F, O and N) and an • All the three atoms X—H---X lie in one plane.
electronegative atom (any out of F, O and N) is known as
hydrogen bond.
Effects of H-Bonding
Types of H-bonding Following are the effects of H-bonding
Hydrogen bonding is of following two types (i) High boiling point of water Due to polar nature
of H 2O and H-bonding between its molecules there
1. Intramolecular H-bonding is association of water molecules. This in turn
converts H 2O to giving a liquid state of abnormally
It is seen in a single molecule and when this type of
high boiling point.
H-bonding leads to linking of two groups in such a way +d –d +d -d +d –d +d –d
that a ring like structure is formed, the effect is also called H — O- - - H — O - - -- - - H — O - - - H — O
chelation. e.g. ½ ½ ½ ½
H+d H+ d H+ d H+ d
Intramolecular Hydrogen bonds
In water, one water molecule is joined to four water
Cl Hd+ Od - d- Od - H+ molecules (two with H-atom and other two with
O d+
O-atoms). Thus, coordination number of water
Cl Cd+ C H molecule in water is four.
d+ d+ H
d- N Od - C Od -
Cl Hd+ Od - d+
Butterfly structure of O OH H—O
chloral hydrate o-nitrophenol Salicylic acid
(CCl3CH(OH2)) in H d– d+ H
which 2–OH groups are benzoic acid) O---H H---O
H d+ H d+ –
d H
show H-bonding with Cl-atom
Molecules with intramolecular H-bonding are known to O
have lower boiling point and melting point.
(ii) Low density of ice as compared to water When
2. Intermolecular H-bonding ice is formed from liquid water, some air gap is
It occurs between two or more molecules of similar or left in the tetrahedral packing of water molecules.
different compounds, e.g. Due to this, volume of ice is greater than liquid
H H H water and thus, ice is lighter than water.
d+ d– d+ In other words, we can say that density decreases
H N H N H N H when ice is formed. Reversely when ice melts, density
increases but only upto 4°C, after this intermolecular
H H H H-bonding between water molecules breaks, hence
volume increases and finally, density decreases.
Intermolecular H-bonding in NH3
d– d– d– d– d–
Thus, water has maximum density at 4°C.
F F F F F (iii) Pentagonal arrangement of HF In the gaseous
d+ d+ d+ d+ d+ state, several polymeric forms of HF molecules exist
H H H H H in which the monomers are held together through
Hydrogen fluoride molecule showing intermolecular H-bonding H-bonding. A pentagonal arrangement of H—F
molecules is shown below
The intermolecular H-bonding is found to be responsible d– d+
for high m.p and b.p of compounds in which it is seen. d+ F—H d– 101 pm
Certain organic compounds show miscibility with polar d– H 180° F d+
F d– H
solvents like water. It is also attributed to intermolecular H F 180° d+
H-bonding, e.g. alcohol and water molecules. F---H 150 pm
(iv) Dimerisation of carboxylic acids Carboxylic
Nature and Importance of H-bonding acid dimerises in gaseous state due to H-bonding.
• H-bond is simply dipole-dipole attraction within 160 pm
oppositely partially charged ends. 100 pm
• H-bond never involves more than two atoms. O---H—O
H—C—C C —C —H
• Bond energy of H-bond is of the order of 3-10 kcal mol , O—H---O
H d+ d– H
i.e. about 1/10 of covalent bond.
Practice Exercise
ROUND I Topically Divided Problems
Octet Rule and Ionic Bonding 7. A pair of compounds which have odd electrons in
1. Which of the following compounds does not follow the group NO, CO, ClO 2 , N 2O 5 , SO 2 and O 3 are
the octet rule for electron distribution? (a) NO and ClO2 (b) CO and SO2
(a) H2O (b) PH3 (c) PCl3 (d) PCl5 (c) ClO2 and CO (d) SO2 and O3

2. Which of the following has an electrovalent linkage? 8. X , Y and Z elements have 4, 5 and 7 valence
(a) CH4 (b) SiCl4 electrons. Among the given the correct formula is
(a) XH3 (b) YH4 (NCERT)
(c) MgCl2 (d) BF3
(c) HZ (d) YH5
3. As compared to covalent compounds, electrovalent
compounds generally have 9. Among the following isostructural compounds,
identify the compound which has the highest lattice
(a) low melting points and low boiling points
(b) high melting points and high boiling points
(a) LiF (b) LiCl
(c) low melting points and high boiling points
(c) NaCl (d) MgO
(d) high melting points and low boiling points
10. CaO and NaCl have the same crystal structure and
4. Arrange the bonds in order of increasing ionic
approximately the same ionic radii. If U is the
character in the molecules; LiF, K 2O, N 2 , SO 2 and
lattice energy of NaCl, the approximate lattice
energy of CaO is
(a) N2 < ClF3 < SO2 < LiF < K 2O U
(b) N2 < SO2 < ClF3 < K 2O < LiF (a) (b) U
(c) N2 < ClF3 < SO2 < K 2O < LiF (c) 2U (d) 4U
(d) N2 < SO2 < ClF3 < Lif < K 2O
11. An atom X has three valence electrons and atom Y
5. Amongst LiCl, RbCl, BeCl 2 and MgCl 2 , the has six valence electrons. The compound formed
compounds with the greatest and the least ionic between them will have the formula
character, respectively are
(a) X 2Y 6 (b) XY 2
(a) LiCl and RbCl
(c) X 2Y3 (d) X3Y 2
(b) RbCl and MgCl2
(c) RbCl and BeCl2 12. The isoelectronic set of ions is (JEE Main 2019)
(d) MgCl2 and BeCl2 (a) F- , Li+ , Na + and Mg 2+
(b) N3 - , Li+ , Mg 2+ and O2-
6. Arrange the following bonds in order of increasing
(c) Li+ , Na + , O2- and F-
ionic character N— H , F— H, C — H and O — H (d) N3 - , O2- , F- and Na +
(a) F — H < O — H < C — H < N — H (NCERT)
13. The group having isoelectronic species is
(b) N — H < O — H < C — H < F — H (JEE Main 2017)
(c) C — H < N — H < O — H < F — H (a) O2 - , F- , Na + , Mg 2 + (b) O- , F- , Na, Mg +
(d) F — H < C — H < O — H < N — H (c) O2 - , F- , Na, Mg 2 + (d) O- , F- , Na + , Mg 2 +
138 JEE Main Chemistry

14. In which of the following pairs, the two species are 24. The correct order in which the O—O bond length
not isostructural? increases in
(a) CO 32- and NO 3- (b) PCl +4 and SiCl 4 (a) O2 < O3 < H2O2 (b) H2O2 < O3 < O2
(c) PF5 and BrF5 (d) AlF 36- and SF 6 (c) O3 < O2 < H2O2 (d) O2 < H2O2 < O3
15. Which one of the following constitutes a group of 25. The correct order of decreasing polarity is
the isoelectronic species? (a) HF > SO2 > H2O > NH3
(a) C2– –
2 , O2 , CO, NO (b) NO+ , C2– –
2 , CN , N2 (b) HF > H2O > SO2 > NH3
(c) CN , N2, O2–
– 2–
2 , CO2
– +
(d) N2, O2 , NO , CO
(c) HF > NH3 > SO2 > H2O
(d) H2O > NH3 > SO2 > HF
Covalent Bonding its Parameters,
Special Characteristics and 26. Which one of the following compounds has bond
Coordinate Covalent Bonding angle as nearly 90°?
(a) NH3 (b) H2S
16. Among the following the maximum covalent
(c) H2O (d) CH4
character is shown by the compound (AIEEE 2011)
(a) FeCl2 (b) SnCl2 27. Which of the following molecule is linear ?
(c) AlCl3 (d) MgCl2 (a) H2S (b) NO2
(c) ClO2 (d) CO2
17. Which of the following is the most covalent?
(a) C—F (b) C—O 28. Which of the following pair has same structure?
(c) C—S (d) C—Br (a) PCl5 and SF6 (b) SO2 and NH3
(c) PH3 and BCl3 (d) NH+4 and SO2-
18. Which has maximum covalent character?
(a) SiCl4 (b) MgCl2 29. In which of the following molecule/ion all the bonds
(c) NaCl (d) AlCl3 are not equal? (NCERT Exemplar)
(a) XeF4 (b) BF4– (c) C2H4 (d) SiF4
19. Which of the following compounds contain(s) no
covalent bond(s)? 30. The possible number of resonance structures for
KCl, P H 3 , O 2 , B 2 H 6 , H 2SO 4 (JEE Main 2018) NO -3 is (NCERT)

(a) KCl, B2H6, PH3 (b) KCl, H2SO4 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(c) KCl (d) KCl, B2H6 31. For which of the following molecule significant
20. The order of resultant dipole moment in CO 2 , NF3 m ¹0? (JEE Main 2014)
C l C l
and CHCl 3 is (NCERT)
(a) NF3 < CO2 < CHCl3 (b) CHCl3 < CO2 < NF3
(c) CO2 < NF3 < CHCl3 (d) CO2 < CHCl3 < NF3 (i) (ii)

21. Why BeH 2 molecule has a zero dipole moment

although the Be—H bonds are polar? (NCERT) C l C N
(a) Because of its linear geometry O H S H
(b) Because of two opposite and equal dipoles
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above (iii) (iv )

22. N 2 is less reactive than CN - due to

(a) difference in spin quantum number O H S H
(b) presence of more electrons in orbitals (a) Only (i) (b) (i) and (ii)
(c) absence of dipole moment (c) Only (iii) (d) (iii) and (iv)
(d) None of the above
32. Which of the following does not have a coordinate
23. Which of the following has a bond order of 1.75? bond?
(a) ClO3- (b) ClO-4 (a) SO2 (b) H2SO3
(c) NO3- (d) CO32- (c) HNO2 (d) HNO3
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 139

33. The types of bonds present in CuSO 4 × 5H 2O are only 41. The types of hybrid orbitals of nitrogen in
(a) electrovalent and covalent NO +2 , NO -3 and NH +4 respectively are expected to be
(b) electrovalent and coordinate (NCERT Exemplar, AIEEE 2011)
3 2
(c) electrovalent, covalent and coordinate covalent (a) sp, sp and sp (b) sp, sp2and sp3
(d) covalent and coordinate covalent. (c) sp2, sp and sp3 (d) sp2, sp3 and sp
42. In which of the following the carbon atoms marked
VBT, Resonance, Hybridisation with star is sp hybridised?
34. In which of the following molecules are all atoms O
coplanar? *
½½ *
(a) CH2 == CH—C —* O — H (b) CH3 —C H2— OH
(a) PF3 (b) NH3 (c) BF3 (d) CH4
35. Which of the following statements is not correct? *
½½ *
(c) CH3 —CH2—C*— H (d) CH3 —C ººCH
(a) Hybridisation is the mixing of atomic orbitals prior
to their combining into molecular orbitals 43. Although geometries of NH 3 and H 2O molecules
(b) sp2-hybrid orbitals are formed from two p-atomic are distorted tetrahedral, bond angle in water is
orbitals and one s-orbital
less than that of ammonia. This is due to (NCERT)
(c) d 2sp3 -hybrid orbitals are directed towards the
(a) lp-lp repulsion in NH3 and lp bp repulsion in H2O
corners of a regular octahedron
(b) lp-lp repulsion in H2O and lp-bp repulsion in NH3
(d) dsp3 -hybrid orbitals are all at 90° to one another
(c) bp-bp repulsion in NH3 and lp-bp repulsion in H2O
36. The bond in the formation of fluorine molecule will be (d) None of the above
(a) due to s-s overlapping (b) due to s-p overlapping
44. If AB4 molecule is a polar molecule, a possible
(c) due to p-p overlapping (d) due to hybridisation
geometry of AB4 is (JEE Main 2020)
37. Which orbital is used by oxygen atom to form a (a) square pyramidal (b) square planar
sigma bond with other oxygen atom in O 2 (c) rectangular planar (d) tetrahedral
45. The molecular geometry of SF6 is octahedral. What
(a) pure p-orbital (b) sp2-hybrid orbital
(c) sp3 -hybrid orbital (d) sp-hybrid orbital is the geometry of SF4 (including lone pair(s) of
electrons, if any)? (JEE Main 2020)
38. Two hybrid orbitals have a bond angle of 120°. The
(a) Tetrahedral
percentage of s character in the hybrid orbital is
(b) Trigonal bipyramidal
(c) Pyramidal
(a) 25% (b) 33% (c) 50% (d) 66%
(d) Square planar
39. The hybrid state of S in SO 3 is similar to that of
46. The structure of PCl 5 in the solid state is
(a) C in C2H2 (b) C in C2H2 (JEE Main 2020)
(c) C in CH4 (d) C in CO2 (a) tetrahedral [PCl4 ]+ and octahedral [PCl6 ]-
40. The structure of IF5 can be best described as (b) trigonal bipyramidal
(c) square planar [PCl4 ]+ and octahedral [PCl6 ]-
(d) square pyramidal
F 47. The ion that has sp 3d 2 hybridisation for the
72° 90°
(a) I F (b) 72° I F central atom, is (JEE Main 2019)
(a) [ I C l 2 ] - (b) [BrF2]-

F (c) [ICl4 ]- (d) [IF6 ]-

F 48. The correct statements among I to III are :
F I. Valence bond theory cannot explain the color
90° exhibited by transition metal complexes.
(c) 90° (d) None of these II. Valence bond theory can predict
quantitatively the magnetic properties of
F F transition metal complexes.
140 JEE Main Chemistry

III. Valence bond theory cannot distinguish 58. Using MO theory predict which of following species
ligands as weak and strong field ones. has the shortest bond length?
(JEE Main 2019) (a) O+2 (b) O2+
(a) II and III only (b) I, II and III (c) O-2 (d) O2-
(c) I and II only (d) I and III only
59. The bond length of species O 2 , O +2 and O -2 are in the
49. Although both CO 2 and H 2O are triatomic order of
molecules, the shape of the H 2O molecule is bent (a) O+2 > O2 > O–2 (b) O–2 > O2 > O+2
while that of CO 2 is linear. This is because (NCERT)
(c) O2 > O+2 > O–2 (d) O2 > O–2 > O+2
(a) C is less electronegative than H
(b) C is more electronegative than H 60. In the formation of NO + from NO, the electron is
(c) lone pairs are present on O-atom of H2O but not in removed from
O-atom of CO2 (a) a s-orbital (b) a p-orbital
(d) lone pairs carrying O is the central atom in H2O (c) a s *-orbital (d) a p *-orbital
but not in CO2
61. Which among the following molecules/ions is
50. Which of the following species has tetrahedral diamagnetic?
geometry? (a) Super oxide ion
(a) BH–4 (b) NH–2 (b) Oxygen
(c) CO32– (d) H3 O+ (c) Carbon molecule
(d) Unipositive ion of N 2 molecule
51. The structure of IF7 is (AIEEE 2011)
(a) square pyramid (b) trigonal bipyramid 62. N 2 and O 2 are converted into monocations, N +2 and
(c) octahedral (d) pentagonal bipyramid O +2 respectively. Which of the following is wrong?
(a) In N+2 , N—N bond weakens
Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT) (b) In O+2 , the O—O bond order increases
(c) In O+2 , paramagnetism decreases
52. The molecule having smallest bond angle is
(d) N+2 becomes diamagentic
(a) N C l 3 (b) AsCl3 (AIEEE 2012)
(c) SbCl3 (d) PCl3 63. Which of the following diatomic molecules would be
stabilised by the removal of an electron?
53. The bond angles of NH 3, NH +4 and NH –2 are in the
(a) C2 (b) CN (c) N2 (d) O2
64. Among the following species, the diamagnetic
(a) NH–2 > NH3 > NH+4 (b) NH+4 > NH3 > NH–2
molecule is (JEE Main 2019, 2017)
(c) NH3 > NH–2 > NH+4 (d) NH > NH+4 > NH–2
(a) CO (b) B2 (c) NO (d) O2
54. Which one of the following is paramagnetic and has
65. According to molecular orbital theory, which of the
the bond order half (0.5)?
following is true with respect to Li +2 and Li -2 ?
(a) F2 (b) N2 (c) O2 (d) H+2
(a) Both are unstable
55. Which of the following molecular orbitals has two (b) Li+2 is unstable and Li-2 is stable
nodal planes? (c) Both are stable
(a) s2 px (b) p2 py (d) Li+2 is stable and Li-2 is unstable
(c) p *2 py (d) s *2 px
66. According to molecular orbital theory, which of
56. In which of the following diatomic molecules/ions is the following will not be a viable molecule?
the bond order of each molecule/ion = 2.5 ? (a) He2+2 (b) He+2 (JEE Main 2018)
(a) O+2 , NO, CN- (b) CN , N+2 , N2
(c) H-2 (d) H2-
(c) N+2 , NO, O+2 (d) O+2 , CN- , N+2 ,
67. Which of the following species exhibits
57. The order of bond energies in NO, NO + and NO - diamagnetic behaviour?
are decreases as (a) O2- (b) O+2 (c) O2 (d) NO
– +
(a) NO > NO > NO
(b) NO+ > NO– > NO 68. In which of the following pairs of molecules/ions
(c) NO > NO– > NO+ both the species are not likely to exist?(JEE Main 2013)
(d) NO+ > NO > NO– (a) H +2 , He2– – 2– 2+ – 2+
2 (b) H2 , He2 (c) H2 , He2 (d) H2 , He2
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 141

69. Stability of the species Li 2 , Li -2 and Li +2 increases in 74. Two ice cubes are pressed over each other until
the order of (JEE Main 2013) they unite to form one block. Which one of the
(a) Li 2 < Li 2+ < Li –2 (b) Li –2 < Li +2 < Li 2 following forces dominates for holding them
(c) Li 2 < Li 2– < Li +2 (d) Li –2 < Li 2 < Li 2+ together?
70. Among the following, the molecule expected to be (a) Dipole-dipole interaction
(b) van der Waals’ forces
stabilised by anion formation is C 2 , O 2 , NO, F2 .
(c) Hydrogen bond formation
(a) C2 (b) F2 (JEE Main 2019)
(d) Covalent attraction
(c) NO (d) O2
75. The maximum possible number of hydrogen bonds
71. Among the following molecules/ions, C 22 - , N 22 - , O 22 - ,
in a H 2O molecule that can participate is
O 2 Which one is diamagnetic and has the shortest
(a) 1 (b) 2
bond length? (JEE Main 2019)
(c) 3 (d) 4
(a) C2-
2 (b) O2 (c) O2-
2 (d) N2-
76. Hydrogen bonds are formed in many compounds, e.g.
72. In which of the following processes, the bond order
H 2O, HF, NH 3. The boiling point of such compounds
has increased and paramagnetic character has
changed to diamagnetic? ( JEE Main 2019)
depends to a large extent on the strength of hydrogen
(a) O2 ® O+2 (b) N2 ® N2+ bond and the number of hydrogen bonds. The correct
(c) O2 ® O22- (d) NO ® NO+ decreasing order of the boiling points of above
compounds is (NCERT Exemplar)
Metallic and Hydrogen Bonding (a) HF > H2O > NH3 (b) H2O > HF > NH3
73. Which of the following does not apply to metallic (c) NH3 > HF > H2O (d) NH3 > H2O > HF
(a) Overlapping valence orbitals
77. Which of the following hydrogen bond is the
(b) Mobile valence electrons
(a) O ¾ H L N (b) F ¾ H L F
(c) Delocalised electrons
(c) O ¾ H L O (d) O ¾ H L F
(d) Highly directed bonds

ROUND II Mixed Bag

1. The HOMO in CO is 6. In which one of the following cases breaking of
(a) p-bonding (b) p-antibonding covalent bond takes place?
(c) s-antibonding (d) s-bonding (a) Boiling of H2O (b) Melting of KCN
(c) Boiling of CF4 (d) Melting of SiO2
2. With which of the given pairs resembles with CO 2 ?
(a) HgCl2, C2H2 (b) C2H2, NO2 7. Which of the following substances has the highest
(c) HgCl2, SnCl4 (d) N2O, NO2 melting point?
3. Which of the following has maximum dipole (a) BaO (b) MgO
moment? (c) KCl (d) NaCl
(a) NCl3 (b) NBr3 (c) NH3 (d) NI3
8. The species C 2
4. Carbon suboxide (C 3O 2 ) has recently been shown (a) has one s-bond and one p-bond
as a component of the atmosphere of Venus. (b) has both p-bonds
Which of the following formulation represents the
(c) has both s-bonds
correct ground state Lewis structure for carbon
(d) does not exist
· · ·· · · ·
(a) ·O · C · · C · C · O · 9. The true statements from the following are
· ·· ·· · ·· ·
(b) · O · · C· · C· C · · O· 1. PH5 and BiCl5 do not exist.
·· ··
· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·
(c) · O· · C· · C· · C · · O· 2. pp - dp bond is present in SO2.
· · · · · ·
(d) · O· C· C· C· O· 3. Electrons travel at the speed of light.
5. Among the species: CO 2 , CH 3COO – , CO, CO 23 - , 4. SeF4 and CH4 have same shape.
HCHO which has the weakest C—O bond? 5. I +3 has bent geometry
(a) 1, 3 (b) 1, 2, 5
(a) CO (b) CO2
(c) 1, 3, 5 (d) 1, 2, 4
(c) CO32- (d) CH3COO–
142 JEE Main Chemistry

10. The electronic configuration of four elements L, P, 18. Match the species given in Column I with the bond
Q and R are given in brackets L (1s2 , 2 s2 , 2 p 4 ), order given in given Column II. (NCERT Exemplar)
P (1s2 , 2 s2 , 2 p 6 , 3s1), Q (1s2 , 2 s2 , 2 p 6 , 3s2 , 3 p 5 ),
R (1s2 , 2 s2 , 2 p 6 , 3s2 ). The formula of ionic Column I Column II
compounds that can be formed between these A. NO 1. 1.5
elements are B. CO 2. 2.0
(a) L 2P , RL, PQ and R2Q (b) LP, RL, PQ and RQ C. O-2 3. 2.5
(c) P2L , RL, PQ and RQ2 (d) LP, R2L , P2Q , and RQ D. O2 4. 3.0
11. Which of the following hydrogen bonds are Codes
strongest in vapour phase? A B C D
(a) HF---HF (b) HF---HCl (a) 3 4 1 2
(c) HCl---HCl (d) HF---HI (b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 4 3 1
12. Which combination is best explained by the (d) 3 1 2 4
coordinate covalent bond?
(a) H+ + H2O (b) Cl + Cl Numeric Value Questions
1 19. The number of Cl == O bonds in perchloric acid is
(c) Mg + O2 (d) H2 + I2
2 ‘‘..........’’. (JEE Main 2020)
13. The species having pyramidal shape is
(a) SO3 (b) BrF3 20. The bond angle between two hybrid orbital is 105°.
(c) SiO32– (d) OSF2 The percentage of s-character of hybrid orbital is
between x-23%. The value of x will be…….
14. Which of the following compound cannot act as a
Lewis base? (JEE Main 2021)
21. 2H-2 , H+2 , H2 and He2 + are given species. Among them
(a) NF3 (b) PCl5
… number of species is/are paramagnetic in nature ?
(c) SF4 (d) ClF3 22. Bond order of N—O bonds in nitrate ion is y. If y is
15. Which of the following conversions involve change added with 8.67 we get the value as … .
in both hybridisation and shape? 23. Given below are some molecule, H2 O, HF, NH3 and
(a) CH4 ¾® C2H6 CH4 . Molecules contains one pair of non-bonding
(b) NH3 ¾® NH+4 electrons is/are …… .
(c) BF3 ¾® BF4– 24. BH-4 , NH+4 , CO23 - and H3O + out of these given ions, ……
(d) H2O ¾® H3 O+
does not contain coordinate bond.
16. Which of the following has least covalent P—H 25. The molecule MLx is planar with six pairs of electrons
bond? around M in the valence shell. The value of x is … .
(a) PH3 (b) P2 H6
(c) P2 H5 (d) PH+6 26. A s-bonded molecule MX 3 is T-shaped. The number
of non-bonding pairs of electron in any MX 3 molecule
17. Match the species given in Column I with the is … .
geometry/shape given in Column II. (NCERT Exemplar)
27. In a polar molecule, the ionic charge is
Column I Column II 4.8 ´ 10 -10 esu. If the interionic distance is 1 Å unit,
A. H3 O+ 1. Linear then the dipole moment is …… debye.
B. HC ºº CH 2. Angular 28. Among the following ions, the pp - dp overlapping
C. ClO –2 3. Tetrahedral could be present in …… ions.
D. NH+4 4. Trigonal bipyramidal PO 3- - - 2-
4 , NO 2 , NO 3 , CO 3

5. Pyramidal 29. Consider two elements with atomic no. 37 and 53.
Suppose their valencies are x and y. Then the
product x ´ y is … .
(a) 1 2 3 4 30. Consider the following molecule/ion O22 - , B2 , N+2 and
(b) 5 1 2 3 O2 . …… molecule/ion contain unpaired electrons.
(c) 1 2 5 3 31. Number of hybrid orbital of carbon in carbon
(d) 3 2 4 1 suboxide is … .
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 143

Round I Answers
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (b) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (d) 50. (a)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (b) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (c) 57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (b) 60. (d)
61. (c) 62. (d) 63. (d) 64. (a) 65. (d) 66. (d) 67. (a) 68. (c) 69. (b) 70. (a)
71. (a) 72. (d) 73. (d) 74. (c) 75. (d) 76. (b) 77. (b)

Round II
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (3.00) 20. (21)
21. (3) 22. (10) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (4) 26. (2) 27. (4.8) 28. (1) 29. (1) 30. (3)
31. (2)

Round I 2 each, therefore, the lattice energy of CaO is four
4. N2 < SO2 < ClF3 < K 2O < LiF times the lattice energy of NaCl, i.e. 4U.
12. Isoelectronic species contains same number of
5. According to Fajan’s rule, largest cation and smallest
electrons. The species with their atomic number and
anion form ionic bond.
number of electrons are as follows
6. Greater is the electronegativity difference between the
two bonded atoms, greater is the ionic character. No. of
Species (Ions) At. no. (Z )
N — H; F — H; C — H and O — H
N3 - 7 7 + 3 = 10
(3.0 - 2.1) = (4.0 - 2.1) = (2.5 - 2.1) = (3.5 - 2.1) O2- 8 8 + 2 = 10
difference 0.9 1.9 0.4 = 1.4 F- 9 9 + 1 = 10
Therefore, increasing order of ionic character of the Na + 11 11 - 1 = 10
given bonds is as follow Li + 3 3-1= 2
C— H < N — H < O — H < F— H Mg 2+ 12 12 - 2 = 10
8. In order to complete their octet X requires 4, Y Thus, option (d) contains isoelectronic set of ions.
requires 3 and Z requires only one electron.
13. Isoelectronic species are those which contains same
Thus, valency of X ,Y and Z are respectively 4,3,1. number of electrons.
Thus, the formulae of their hydrides are XH4 , YH3 and Given species with their atomic number and number
YH5 , Z — H. of electrons are as follow
Thus, among the given option YH5 is the correct
formula. Atomic Number of
1 number electrons
9. Lattice energy µ charge of ions µ
size of ions O2 - 8 10
qq F- 9 10
10. Lattice energy, U = 1 2 2
r Na + 11 10
Since, interionic distances, i.e. in CaO and NaCl are Mg 2 + 12 10
almost similar, (larger cation has smaller anion and O- 8 9
vice-versa). Therefore, lattice energy depends only on Na 11 11
charge. Mg + 12 11
Since, the magnitude of charge on Na + and Cl- ions is \ Option (a) is correct which contains isoelectronic
same, i.e. unity and that on Ca 2+ and O2- ions is species, i.e. O2 - , F- , Na + , Mg2 + .
144 JEE Main Chemistry

14. (a) CO32- , NO3- Triangular planar Total number of bonds between Cl and O
Bond order =
Total number of resonating structures
(b) PCl+4 , SiCl4 Tetrahedral
(c) PF5 Trigonal bipyramidal 7
= = 1.75
BrF5 Square pyramidal 4
(d) AlF63 - , SF6 Octahedral 24. H— O— O— H, O ¬ O==O, O==O
15. Isoelectronic species have same number of electrons, O O
NO+ C2– –
2 , CN and N2 all have 14 electrons. O O O O
16. In all the given compounds, anion is same (Cl- ), hence Due to resonance, the O—O bond length in O3 will be
polarising power is decided by size and charge of cation. in between O ==O and O—O.
Al3 + with maximum charge and smallest size has
O—O being a single bond is larger than the O== O
maximum polarising power hence, AlCl3 has
maximum covalent character. 29. XeF4 Þ 4bp + 2 lp Þ square planar Þ all bonds are
18. SiCl4 because covalent character µ charge of cation. equal
BF4- Þ 4bp + 0 lp Þ tetrahedral (all bonds are equal)
19. KCl is the only ionic compound. The structure of PH3 ,
O2, B2H6 and H2SO4 showing covalent bonds are given C 2 H4 Þ C == C Þ C == C bond is not equal
below H H
to C — H bond
Covalent SiF4 Þ 4 bp + 0 lp Þ tetrahedral (all bonds are equal)
P bonds
O O Thus, from the given option only in C2 H4 all the
H H (O2)
H bonds are not equal.
(PH3) Covalent
H H 1.33Å 19Å H bonds 30. Nitrate ion, NO3-



120° • – –
•O •
• •
•O •
•O •

B2H6 N N N
•O •
• • •O •
• • •O •
• • •

• •O• •
• • •
O •O •

Sulphuric acid In quinol and thioquinol, ¾ OH and
In H2SO4 also all bond between S and O-atom are
covalent bonds. ¾SH groups do not cancel their dipole moments this
is due to the existance of different conformations.
Cl Cl O O
20. O C O N C
m =0 F F Cl
F Cl
m =0.24 D m =1.03 D
Increasing order of dipole moment is CO2 < NF3 < CHCl3 m=0 m=0 H H
21. BeH2 molecule is linear. The two equal bond dipoles 2 different conformers [\ m ¹ 0]
point in opposite directions and cancel the effect of [same as thioquinol]
each other. That’s why, its dipole moment is zero. 38. Since, bond angle is 120°, orbital is sp2-hybridised. In
sp2-hybridised orbital, % of s-character
H—Be—H 1
BeH2 molecule, m = 0 = ´ 100 = 33%
23. The resonating structures of ClO-4 are as follows
– 40. Number of hybrid orbitals = no. of bp + no. of lp
=5 + 1 =6
Cl Cl Cl Cl 3 2
– – Thus, hybridisation is sp d but geometry, due to the
– presence of one lone pair, is square pyramidal, i.e.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 145

F Þ m ¹ 0 (polar), because
90° I


41. NO+2 = 2bp + 0lp = linear = sp-hybridised B B B

NO3- = 3 bp + 0 lp Þ sp2-hybridised
mplane = 0 B
NH+4 Þ 4 bp + 0 lp Þ sp3 -hybridised maxis ¹ 0 mplane ¹ 0
O mnet ¹ 0 (polar) maxis ¹ 0
½½ • mnet ¹ 0 (polar)
• [Square pyramidal]
42. (a) C H2 == CH — C• — O — H (b) CH3 C H2OH [Trigonal pyramidal]
sp 3
sp2 sp2 ( 4s ) So, it can be seen that when AB4 molecule is a polar
( 3s ) ( 3s ) molecule then possible geometry of AB4 is square
O pyramidal.
½½ • 45. The geometry of SF6 is octahedral and the geometry of
(c) CH3 —CH2 — C — H (d) CH3 — C ºº CH
sp 2
sp SF4 is trigonal bipyramidal.
( 2s )
( 3s ) SF6 F
S: sp3d2-hybridised
43. N O S Geometry = shape
H H H H = octahedral
bp =3 bp =2 SF4
lp =1 lp =2
In H2O molecule, there is lone pair-lone pair repulsion S: sp3d-hybridised
Geometry = trigonal
due to the presence of two lone pairs of electrons while S
in NH3 molecule there found only lone pair-bond pair F bipyramidal
Shape = see-saw
According to VSEPR theory, the former one is more
stronger and hence, the bond angle in water is less 46. Phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5 ) exist
than that of ammonia (NH3 ).
as [PCl4 ]+ and [PCl6 ] - .
44. If AB4 molecule is a polar moelcule, a possible Structure of [PCl4 ]+
geometry of AB4 is square pyramidal. Cl
All possible structure of AB4 molecule are as follows:
(i) AB4 Þ lone pair = 0 Þ A is sp3 (tetrahedral) or Cl
A is dsp2 (square planar) Cl
Þ Dipole moment, m = 0 (Non-polar) (sp3-hybridisation)

(ii) AB4L 2 Þ lone pair = 2 Þ A is sp3 d 2 (octahedral) Structure of [PCl6 ] -

Þ m = 0 (Non-polar), because Cl
Cl Cl
B B P–
Cl Cl
A Þ mnet = 0 (Non-polar) Octahedral
(sp2d 2-hybridisation)

B B In solid state, PCl5 prefer to exist as oppositely charged

ions like [PCl4 ]+ and [PCl6 ]- as the ionic bonding
(Assuming, B is more electronegative than A)
enhances the crystalline nature. These structures
(iii)AB4L Þ lone pair = 1 Þ A is sp3 d (square pyramidal
providing extra stability to solid.
or trigonal bipyramidal)
146 JEE Main Chemistry

47. The hybridisation for a central atom in A B C D E F G

a species can be calculated by using formula
H = (V + M - C + A )
2 Inclined at 72° At 90° with
where, with one each other ABCDE plane
Seven sp3 d -hybrid orbitals
H = no. of hybridised orbitals used by central atoms. forming s-bonds with F-atoms,
V = no. of valence electrons of the central atom.
M = no. of mono-valent atoms (bonded). F
C = no. of cationic (positive) charge. F
A = no. of anionic (negative) charge. F
I 72°
The hybridisation of given species are as follows
For [ICl2]- and [BrF2]- F
H = (7 + 2 - 0 + 1) = 5 (sp3 d ) Pentagonal-bipyramidal structure
N ù
For [ICl4 ]- , P ú
Group = 15
1 52. ú
H = (7 + 4 - 0 + 1) = 6 (sp3 d 2) As ú Valence ù
2 =5
Sb úû electrons úû
For [IF6 ]- ,
1 MCl3 has sp3 -hybridised M-element with one
H = (7 + 6 - 0 + 1) = 7 (sp3 d3 ) lone-pair.
Lone-pair and bond-pair repulsion decreases bond
48. Among the given statements, correct statements are
angle. However, the bond-pairs of electrons are much
I and III only. Valence bond theory (VBT) cannot
farther away from the central atom than they are in
explain the colour exhibited by transition metal
NCl3 . Thus, lone-pair causes even greater distortion
complexes. This theory cannot distinguish ligands as
in PCl3 , AsCl3 and SbCl3 . Thus, bond angle decreases
weak and strong field ones.
from NCl3 (maximum) to SbCl3 (minimum).
49. The net dipole moment of CO2 is zero. This is because
53. As the number of lone pairs of electrons increases,
d+ d-
the two equal bond dipoles ( C ¾ O) point in opposite bond angle decreases. Thus, the order of bond angle is
directions and cancel the effect of each other. Hence, NH+4 > NH3 > NH–2
CO2 is linear. On the other hand, H2O molecule is found (no lp) (1 lp) (2 lp)
to have a net dipole moment (1.84 D) which suggests
54. H+2 (1 + 1 - 1 = 1 ) = s 1 s1
that the two O ¾ H dipoles are not in a straight line
opposing each other, i.e. H2O does not have linear 1 -0
BO = = 0.5
structure, but they (O—H) must be inclined to each 2
other at certain angle. Thus, H2O molecule has a bent Since one unpaired electron is peresent, it is a
structure in which the two O—H bonds are oriented at paramagnetic species.
an angle of 104.5°.
57. NO+ (7 + 8 - 1 = 14)
H * * * *
104.5° = s 1s2, s 1s2, s 2s2, s 2s2, p2 px2 » 2 py2 , s 2 pz2 , p 2 px0 » p 2 py0
O O == C==O
10 - 4
H B. O = =3
50. BH4- Þ 4 bd + 0 lp Þ B is sp3 -hybridised = tetrahedral 10 - 5
NO (7 + 8 = 15) BO = = 2.5
geomety 2
51. IF7-Outer orbital diagram of I NO- (7 + 8 + 1 = 16)
10 - 6
I(53 ) B. O = =2
5s2 5p5 5d 0
I(53) Since, bond length µ
in ground state
5s1 5p3 5d 3 So, the order of bond length is
NO- < NO < NO+

sp 3d 3-hybridisation in excited state

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 147

59. Find B.O for each species from M.O configuration s* 2s2, s2 pz2 , p2 px2 » p2 py2, p * 2 p1x » p * 2 py0
(B. O of O+2
= 2.5, O2 = 2 O2-
= 1.5) and bond length is Since, NO has one unpaired electron in p * 2 p1x
inversely proportional to bond order. So, the order of orbital, so it is paramagnetic.
bond length is O-2 > O2 > O+2 .
(c) B2 (Number of electrons = 10)
* 1s2, s 2s2, s
60. NO (7 + 8 = 15) = s1 s s 2 * 2s2, s2 p2 , p2 p2 Electronic configuration
z x

» p2 * 2 p1
py2 , p = s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2, s* 2s2, p2 p1x » pp1y

* 1s2, s2s2, s
* 2s2, s2 p2 , p2 p2 Since, two unpaired electrons are present in p2 p1x
NO+ (7 + 8 -1 = 14) = s1s2, s z x and p2 p1y orbital. So, it is paramagnetic.
» p2 py2
(d) O2 (of electrons = 16)
Thus, electron is removed from p *-orbital.
Electronic configuration = s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2,
* 1s2, s2s2, s
61. C2 (6 + 6 = 12) s1s2, s * 2s2, p2 p2 » p2 p2 s* 2s2, s 2 pz 2, p2 px2 » p2 py2, p * 2 p1x » p * 2 p1y
x y
Since, two unpaired electrons are present in
* 1s2, s 2s2, s
62. N2 (7 + 7 = 14) = s1 s2 s * 2s2, p2 p2 » p 2 p2 , s2 p2 p * 2 p1x and p * 2 p1y orbital. So, it is also
x y z
10 - 4
B. O = =3 65. Considering molecular orbital theory (M.O.T) :
The electronic configuration of
* 1s2, s 2s2, s
N+2 (7 + 7 - 1 = 13) = s1 s2 s * 2s2, p2 p2 » p 2 p2 , s2 p1
x y z Li+2 (Z = 5) = s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s1
N - Na
9 -4 Bond order (B.O) = b
B.O = = 2.5 2
3 -2 1
N+2 is paramagnetic. = =
2 2
* 1s2, s2s2, s
O2 (8 + 8 = 16) = s1s2, s * 2s2, s2 p2 , The electronic configuration of

* 2 p1 » p
* 2 p1 Li-2 (Z = 7) = s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2, s*2s1
p 2 pz2 » p 2 py2 , p x y
N - Na
10 - 6 Bond order (BO) = b
B. O = =2 2
2 4-3 1
= =
2 (8 + 8 - 1 = 15 ) 2 2
10 - 5 For the species having the same value of B.O, the
B. O = = 2.5
2 specie having lesser number of antibonding
Thus, N2 > N2+ and O+2 > O2 (stability order) electrons [ N a] will be more stable.
63. In O2, there are two electrons in antibonding orbitals. Here, N a of Li+2 (2) < N a of Li-2 (3) .
Removal of one electron from the O2 molecule gives O+2 in So, their order of stability will be Li+2 > Li2- .
which the number of antibonding electrons is one less 66. According to M.O.T, the viability of any molecule
and hence, B.O increases. Thus, removal of one electron can be judged through the calculation of bond
from O2 stabilises the molecule. order.
64. Magnetic nature can be detected by molecular orbital
theory. Presence of unpaired electrons means Electronic
Species Bond order
paramagnetic and absence of unpaired electrons means
diamagnetic in nature. He+2 s s* 2-1
1 s 2 1 s1 = 0.5
Among the given options, CO is a diamagnetic molecule. 2
It can be proved by molecular orbital (M.O) theory. H-2 s s* 2-1
1 s 2 1 s1 = 0.5
The electronic configuration of given diatomic molecules 2
are as follows
H2- s s* 2- 2
2 1s2 1s2 =0
(a) CO (Number of electrons = 14) 2
Electronic configuration
= s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2, s* 2s2, s2 pz2 , p2 px2 » p2 py2 He2+ s 2- 0
2 1s2 =1
Since, there is no unpaired electron in the CO molecule, 2
so it is diamagnetic. The molecule having zero bond order will not
(b) NO (Number of electrons = 15) be viable hence, H2-
2 (option d) is the correct

Electronic configuration = s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2, answer.

148 JEE Main Chemistry

67. The correct option is O 2-

2 . 70. C2 will be stabilised after forming anion. The electronic
This species has 18 electrons, which are filled in such configuration of carbon is 1s2 2s2 2 p2. There are twelve
a way that all molecular orbitals are fully-filled, so electrons in C2. After forming anion (i. e. C–2 ), the
diamagnetic. electronic configuration of C-2 is
s1s2, s *
1s2, s2s2, s 2s2, s2 pz2 , p2 px2 » p2 py2 , p 2 px2 » p 2 py2
* * (s1s)2(s* 1s)2 (s2s)2 (s * 2s)2 (p2 px2 = p2 py2 ) (s2 p1z )
or KK (s2s)2(s* 2s)2(p2 px2 = p2 py2 ). s2 p1z
68. Species having zero or negative bond order do not exist. 1 1
Bond order = (N b - N a ) = (9 - 4) = 2 .5
H 22+ (1 + 1 - 2 = 0) = s1s0 2 2
Bond order = 0
For other options such as F2- , O-2 , NO- , the electronic
He2 (2 + 2 = 4) = s1s2, s * 1s2
configurations are as follows :
N - Na 2 - 2
Bond order = b = =0 F2- : (s1s)2 (s* 1s)2(s2s)2(s* 2s)2(s2 pz )2
2 2
(p2 px2 = p2 py2 ) (p * 2 px2 = p * 2 py2 )(s* 2 p1z )
So, both H 2+
2 and He2 do not exist.
Bond order = 1 / 2(N b - N a ) = 1 / 2(10 - 9) = 0. 5
69. Li2 (3 + 3 = 6) = s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2
O-2 : (s1s)2. (s* 1s)2 (s2s)2 (s* 2s)2 (s2 pz )2
N - Na
Bond order = b (p2 px2 = p2 py2 ) (p * 2 px2 = p * 2 p1y )
1 1
4 -2 Bond order = (N b - N a ) = (10 - 7) = 1.5
= =1 2 2
NO- : (s1s)2 (s* 1s)2 (s 2s)2 (s * 2s)2(s2 pz )2
Li+2 (3 + 3 - 1 = 5) = s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s1
3- 2 1 (p2 px2 = p2 py2 ) (p * 2 p1x = p * 2 p1y )
Bond order = = = 0.5
2 2 1 1
Bond order = (N b - N a ) = (10 - 6) = 2
* 1s2, s2s2, s
* 2s1 2 2
Li–2 (3 + 3 + 1 = 7) = s1s2, s
The value of bond order of C-2 is highest among the
4 -3 1 given options. Bond order between two atoms in a
Bond order = = = 0.5
2 2 molecule may be taken as an approximate measure of
Stability order is Li2 > Li+2 > Li–2 (because Li –2 have the bond length.
more number of electrons in antibonding orbitals The bond length decreases as bond order increases. As
which destabilises the species). a result, stability of a molecule increases.

n, no. of
Species M.O energy order Bond order (B.O) Magnetic character
unpaired e -

C2- -
[8e ]p =p s 6- 0 0 Diamagnetic
2 (14e ) 2 px2 2 py2 2 pz2 =3
O2 (16e- ) [8e ]s p =p p* = p* 6- 2 2 Paramagnetic
2 pz2 2 px2 2 py2 2 p1x 2 p1y =2
O2- -
[8e ]s p =p p* = p* 6- 4 0 Diamagnetic
2 (18e ) 2 pz2 2 px2 2 py2 2 px2 2 py2 =1
N2- - 6- 2 2 Paramagnetic
2 (16e )
* * 1
[8e ]p =p s p =p 2 py =2
2 px2 2 py2 2 pz2 2 p1x 2
Bond length µ
B. O (Bond order)
So, order of bond length is C22- < O2 = N22- < O22-
(B.O = 3) (B.O = 2) (B.O = 1)

The diamagnetic species with shortest bond length is C2-

2 (option-a).
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 149

72. Bond order

Species Valence M.Os æ Nb - Na ö Paramagnetic/Diamagnetic Nature
ç ÷
è 2 ø
NO(15e- ) [8e- ] p 2 px2 = p 2 py2s2 pz2 6-1 Paramagnetic
= 2.5
p * 2 p1x = p * 2 py0 s * 2 pz 0 2
- 6- 0 Diamagnetic
[8e ] p 2 px2 = p 2 py2s2 pz2 =3
NO+ (14e- ) 2
p * 2 px0 = p * 2 py0 s * 2 pz0
N2 (14e ) 6- 0 Diamagnetic
[8e- ]p 2 px2 = p 2 py2s2 pz2 =3
–e- 2
N+2 (13e- ) p * 2 px0 = p * 2 py0 , s2 pz0 5- 0 Paramagnetic
= 2.5
[8e ]p 2 px2 = p 2 py2s 2 pz 1 2
p * 2 px0 = p * 2 py0 s * 2 pz0
O2 (16e- ) [8e- ]s 2 pz2p 2 px2 = p 2 py2 6- 2 Paramagnetic
p * 2 p1x = p * 2 p1y s * 2 pz0 2
[8e- ]s 2 pz2p 2 px2 = p 2 py2
O+2 (15e- ) 6-1
p * 2 p1x = p * 2 py0 s * 2 pz0 = 2.5 Paramagnetic
+2e- - 2
[8e ]s 2 pz2p 2 px2 = p 2 py2
O22- (18e- )
p * 2 px2 =p * 2 py2s * 2 pz0 6- 4 Diamagnetic

So, only in the conversion of NO ® NO+ , the bond order 3. Electronegativity difference between N (3.0) and Cl
has increased (2.5 ® 3) and paramagnetic character has (3.0) is zero and hence, N—Cl bonds are non-polar. As
changed to diamagnetic. a result, the overall dipole moment of NCl3 molecule
76. Although F forms stronger H-bonding, but H2O has and its direction is just the dipole moment of the lone
higher boiling point due to more number of H2O pair of electrons.
molecules that bonded together by H-bonds. N is least
electronegative than F and O. Thus, hydrogen
bonding is less in this case as a result boiling point is N N
also less. Cl Cl H H
Cl H
77. Since, H-bond is the electrostatic force of attraction
between H-atom and electronegative element. On the other hand, N—Br, (3.0 - 2.8), N—I (3.0 – 2.5)
Thus, fluorine being the most electronegative and N—H (3.0 – 2.1) bonds are polar and hence,
element forms stronger H-bonds. On the other hand, contribute towards the overall dipole moment of the
H—F possesses larger electronegative difference than respective molecules. Since, the EN difference is
O—H. higher in case of N—H bonds, therefore, NH3 has the
higher dipole moment.
Therefore, H—F molecule is more polarised than O—H,
due to which H-atom of H—bears larger amount of 4. In structure (c), all the atoms have complete octet.
partial charge than that of O—H. This suggests H-atom Thus, it is the correct representation of carbon
of H—F attracts more strongly F-atom than that of suboxide.
O—H. 5. Among the given species, the bond dissociation energy
Hence, H—F forms more stronger H-bonds with of C—O bond is minimum in case of CO32- by which
fluorine than that of H—H. C—O bond become more weaker.
6. During melting of SiO2, the giant network structure
held by covalent bonds breaks to give individual
Round II molecules of SiO2. In contrast, during boiling of H2O
1. HOMO, means highest occupied molecular orbital and only change of state occurs from liquid to gaseous;
in CO (14 electron ion), s bonding molecular orbital is during melting of KCN, electrostatic attraction
HOMO. between K + and CN- ions is overcome; during boiling
* 1s2, s2s2, s
CO = s1s2, s * 2s2, p2 p2 » p2 p2 , s2 p2 of CF4 , van der Waals’ forces of attraction breaks.
x y z
7. Melting point depends upon lattice energy. NaCl and
2. All have linear structure.
KCl have unit charge on their ions while MgO and
O==C == O,Cl — Hg —Cl, H —C ººC — H
150 JEE Main Chemistry

BaO have two units of charge, therefore, lattice 17. (a) H3 O+ = 3bp + 1lp Þ pyramidal
energies of MgO and BaO are expected to be larger (b) HC ºº CH = linear as sp-hybridised
than those of NaCl and KCl. Since, Mg 2+ is smaller
than Ba 2+ , therefore, MgO has the highest lattice (c) ClO-2 Þ 2bp + 2lp Þ angular
energy and hence, has the highest melting point. (d) NH+4 Þ 4bp + 0lp Þ tetrahedral
8. In C2 only 2p-bonds are present. * 1s2, s2s2, s
18. NO (7 + 8 = 15) = s1s2, s * 2s2, s2 p2 ,
9. SeF4 has distorted tetrahedral geometry while, CH4 * 2 p1
p2 px2 » p2 py2 , p
has tetrahedral geometry. 10 - 5 x
B. O = = 2.5 .
Speed of electron ¹ speed of light 2
CO (6 + 8 = 14)
10. Valencies of L, Q, P and R is –2, –1, +1, and +2
10 - 4
respectively. So, they will form P2L , RL PQ, and RQ2. B. O = =3
11. A compound having maximum electronegative element
will form strong hydrogen bond. * 1s2, s2s2, s
O2- (8 + 8 + 1 = 17) = s1s2, s * 2s2, s2 p2 ,
·· ·· 2 * * 2 p1
12. H — O ·· + H+ ¾® H — O ¾® H p2 px » p2 py , p 2 px2 » p
½ ½ 10 - 7
H B. O = = 1.5
H 2
13. OSF2 has pyramidal shape. O2 (8 + 8 = 16),
10 - 6
B. O = =2
S 19. Perchloric acid is HClO4. Its structure is as follows

14. Lewis base : Chemical species which has capability to Cl —OH

donate electron pair. O O
In NF3 , SF4 , ClF3 central atom (i.e. N, S, Cl) have lone
pair therefore act as Lewis base. — O bond is 3. Hence, the correct answer is 3.
Thus, Cl—
In PCl5 , central atom (P) does not have lone pair 20. s-character µ bond angle.
therefore does not act as Lewis base..
For 25% s-character (as in sp3 -hybrid orbital), bond
15. (a) CH4 ¾® CH3 —CH3 angle is 109.5°, for 33.3%, s-character (as in sp2-hybrid
4bp + 0 l p 4bp 4bp orbital), bond angle is 120° and for 50%, s-character
3 3
Hybridisation sp sp sp 3 (as in sp-hybrid orbital), bond angle is 180°.
Structure Tetrahedral Tetrahedral Similarly, when the bond angle decreases below
(b) NH3 ¾® NH+4 109.5°, the s-character will decrease accordingly.
3bp + 1 lp 4bp
Decrease in bond angle = 120°-109.5° = 10.5°
Hybridisation sp 3 sp 3 \Decrease in s-character = 33.3 - 25 = 8.3
Structure Pyramidal Tetrahedral
Actual decrease in bond angle = 109.5°-105° = 4.5°
(c) BF3 ¾® BF4- 8.3
3bp 4bp \Expected decrease in s-character = ´ 4.5 = 3.56%
Hybridisation sp 2 sp 3 Thus, the s-character should decrease by about 3.56%,
Structure Trigonal planar Tetrahedral i.e. s-character = 2.5 - 3.56 = 21.44%
(d) H2O ¾® H3 O+ 21. A species is said to be diamagnetic, if it has all paired
2bp + 2lp 3bp + 1 lp electrons.
3 3
Hybridisation sp sp Magnetic
Structure angular Pyramidal
Species Electrons M.O electronic
configuration behaviour
Thus, conversion of BF3 into BF4- involves change in H-2 3 *
s1s2 , s1s1 Paramagnetic
both hybridisation and shape.
H+2 1 s1s1 Paramagnetic
16. Due to the presence of positive charge on P, it attracts
the electrons of the P—H bond towards itself. H2 2 s1s2 Diamagnetic
Consequently, the bond has some ionic character.
In other words, the P—H bond in PH+6 is least He+2 3 *
s1s2 , s1s1 Paramagnetic
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 151

22. Nitrate ion has the following three resonating structure. O

– –
O O O pp-dp bond
P –
– O
+ + O
N N N –
– – – – O
N and C, on the other hand, can’t form pp - dp bond,
As it evident, three O-atoms are attached to the N
because they do not have d-orbitals.
atom by four bonds, thesefore, bond order of N—O
bond is = 1.33.. So, the value of y is 1.33. If 1.33 is
29. 37 = 1s2, 2s2, 2 p6 , 3s2, 3 p6 , 4s2, 3d10 , 4 p6 , 5s1
3 Thus, the element belongs to IA group and has
added with 8.67 we get the value 10. valency +1.
23. In NH3 , nitrogen has one lone pair of electrons. 53 = 1s2, 2s2, 2 p6 , 3s2, 3 p6 , 4s2, 3d10 , 4 p6 , 5s2, 4d10 , 5 p5
There are 7 electrons in the valence shell of this
24. CO32- has the following structure
– – element, it belong to group VIIA Its valency is - 1.
The magnitude of product of x and y is = 1
C C C 30. O2-
– – – – 2 (Total numbers of electron = 18)
s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2, s* 2s2, s2 pz2 , p2 px2
Among the given compound CO32- is the only one that » p2 py2, p *
2 px2 » 2 py2
contains covalent bonds Unpaired electron = 0
25. Since, the molecule has six pairs, it should have B2 (Total number of electron = 10)
octahedral geometry. But the structure is planar, s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2, s* 2s2, p2 p1x » p2 py1
therefore, it should have two lone pairs and four bond Unpaired electron = 2
pairs. Therefore, value of x in ML x is 4.
N+2 (Total number of electron = 13)
26. The formula of MX3 shows the presence of 3s-bonds.
s1s2, s* 1s2, s2s2, s* 2s2, p2 px2 » p2 py2, s 2 p1z
Since, it has T-shape geometry, it must contain 2 lone
pair as Unpaired electron = 1
X O2 (Total number of electron = 16)
s1s2, s* 1s2, s 2s2, s* 2s2, s2 px2 , p2 pz2
X–—M–—X *
» p2 py2 , p 2 p1x » p 2* p1y
Unpaired electron = 2
27. Given, ionic charge = 4.8 ´ 10-10 esu
And hence, there are 3 ion/molecule which contain
and ionic distance = 1 Å = 10-8 cm unpaired electron.
We know that, 31. The structure of carbon suboxide is
Dipole moment = ionic charge ´ ionic distance 1s 1s 1s 1s
= 4.8 ´ 10-10 ´ 10-8 O 1p
C 1p
C 1p
C 1p
= 4.8 ´ 10-18 esu cm -1 = 4.8 debye
In C3 O2, each carbon forms 2 pi bond and 2 sigma
28. In PO34- , P is sp3 -hybridised, it forms four P—O s bonds bond, so, each carbon is sp-hybridised thus, number of
by overlap of sp3 -orbitals of P with p-orbitals of O. The hybrid orbital is 2.z
double bond is, however, formed by the overlaping of
p-orbitals of O and d-orbitals of P.

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