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Name: Diane Jie Robuca Date: April 03, 2024

Instructor: Louvin D. Ohao, RA Section: BAT-3D

Activity 1
Genetically Modified/ Genetically Engineered Foods

Name of the product: Golden Rice


Golden Rice is a genetically modified crop that holds the promise of addressing vitamin A
deficiency, a common health issue affecting millions worldwide. Created through genetic
engineering, this rice variety contains beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, giving it a distinct
golden hue. In this article, we will explore the significance of Golden Rice, its development,
controversies, and its potential role in combating malnutrition and improving public health.


Improved Vitamin A Intake: Golden Rice provides a biofortified source of pro-

vitamin A, addressing vitamin A deficiency and potentially reducing related health issues, such as
blindness and immune system weaknesses, Cost-Effective Solution: Golden Rice could serve as a
cost-effective intervention to combat malnutrition, as it leverages the existing rice production and
distribution infrastructure, potential for Enhanced Crop Yield: Since Golden Rice is genetically
modified, it may have traits that improve crop resilience and yield, offering benefits to farmers and
food security. Sustainable Impact: By enhancing the nutritional value of a staple crop like rice,
Golden Rice could have a sustainable and long-term impact on reducing malnutrition and
improving public health. Independence from External Supplementation: Unlike vitamin A
supplementation programs that rely on external distribution and funding, Golden Rice can be
cultivated locally, reducing dependency on external aid.

Controversy and Public Perception: The genetically modified nature of Golden Rice has
sparked controversy, leading to public skepticism and reluctance to accept and adopt this crop.
Environmental Concerns: Critics express worries about the potential ecological impact of GMOs,
such as crossbreeding with wild rice varieties or the development of herbicide-resistant weeds.
Corporate Control and Intellectual Property: The involvement of multinational corporations in
Golden Rice development raises concerns about seed control and the potential exploitation of farmers.
Regulatory Hurdles: The complex and time-consuming regulatory approval processes for GMOs in
different countries can hinder the widespread adoption of Golden Rice. Social and Ethical
Considerations: The introduction of genetically modified crops can raise ethical dilemmas regarding
the unintended consequences of genetic manipulation and long-term effects on human health.
Uses in agriculture:

Like ordinary rice, Golden Rice does not require any special cultivation practices, and
generally has the same yield and agronomic performance. While vitamin A can be obtained from
food products and supplements, challenges regarding their availability, accessibility, and
affordability make it difficult to address the problem of vitamin A deficiency (VAD). As rice is a
staple food in many vitamins A-deficient communities in Asia, Golden Rice can be a significant
help in improving these areas’ vitamin A status once the grain becomes available for public

What are your thoughts about the GM/GE product?

GM/GME products are truly amazing and are indeed modified by possessing some various
traits or characteristics to make it more nutritional, productive, durable in terms of disease or should I say
resistance and tolerance, however we also have to consider the health risk we could eat by eating or taking
GM/GME products as food consumption, especially to some people who are not physically fit/has a very
weak immune system, or medically unwell to intake such chemical altered or based products. Altgough we or
each of us has different stand against this subject, we all have the same goal which is for the food security.

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