Iep Plan

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Name: Madelone P.

Professor: Genara Pacana

Task 2: Inclusive Classroom Design for Learners with Visual Impairment

Intended Learning Outcome: Propose an inclusive classroom environment that accommodates learners
with special educational needs including those with visual impairments.
1. Read about the specific needs and challenges faced by students with visual impairments in a
classroom setting.
2. Make a classroom layout based on the principle of access and easy mobility on the part of the
learners with visual impairments. Consider the placement of furniture, teaching aids, and
3. Identify and describe specific assistive technologies that can be incorporated into the classroom
to support students with visual impairments. Discuss how these technologies enhance the
learning of children with visual impairments.

My own classroom lay-out for visually impaired pupils

Simple, high contrast, no clutter or patterns, and less items in a room. For our students who are blind,
careful consideration must also be in place for arranging and organizing the room.
Some few considerations:
 Protruding objects limit - it gives a person with limited vision sufficient time to detect the
element with the cane before there is body contact.
 Descriptive language- Words like “there”, “this”, and “that”, which are commonly paired with a
gesture, do not provide blind people with sufficient information.
Instead of saying,’’ The trashcan is over there.’’ say ‘’ The trashcan is to the left of the door’’.

Some specific assistive technologies that can be incorporated into the classroom to support students
with visual impairments.
 Braille displays- consist a row of cells with smalls pins that can be raised or lowered to form
Braille characters. These cells are controlled electronically and can be used to display text froma
computer, tablet or smartphone.
 Audio books- it allow the students hear the written words.
 Braile books, tape recorder, talking calculators and computer equipment- give the pupils an
access to required course material. In addition, some pupils may also use large print books
and electronic visual aids to make teaching and learning process more effective and
memorable for them.
The primary purpose of these assistive technology is to maintain and improve the pupil who
are visually impaired to be independent.

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