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Dravidian Temple

Meenakshi Temple

? LOCATION : Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

? TIMELINE : 2000 years ago and was substantially expanded during the
regime of ThirumalaI Nayak(1623-55 AD).

16th–17th centuries

? ARCHITECT : Meenakshi Sundareshwar Temple was built in the Dravidian

Style Architecture by the Pandya King Sadayavarman Kulasekaran
I (1190-1205).
Covered porches on temples (Vimanas) Thousand pillard hall
“Ayiramkaal Mandapam”

Kulam Golden
Lotus Tank: It is
a water tank or
reservoir at the
south end of the
complex for
ritual bathing
tall entry gate towers on two or more sides
The pool walls were painted with frescoe
Brihadeshwara Temple

LOCATION : Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India

TIMELINE : Between 1003 and 1010 AD

ARCHITECT :The Brihadeeswara Temple was built by Rajaraja Chola I and

designed by Kunjara Mallan Raja Rama Perunthachan.
A1 A2 A3

A-Brihadisvara Temple E-Kailashnath shrine

A1-Garbhagriha F-Aman shrine
A2-Adhra_mandap G-Chandikeshwara shrine
A3-Maha-mandap H-Mahisasurmardini shrine
B-Main gate I-North gate
C-Nandi J-Lion well
D-Ganesh shrine K-Office
Chandesanugraha Murti: Located Sarswati: Located on the eastern wall
on the western wall flanking the flanking the northern entrance of the
northern entrance of the ardha-mandap. It shows the godes of
ardha-mandap. It shows Shiva, with knowledge, music, art and wisdom
Parvati on her side, blessing
Rajendra I
Ganesh Shrine (D on map): This is located on the
south eastern corner of the complex. The Ganesh
Shrine is aligned in the east-west direction and
consists of Vimana and Mandap. Entry is from the
east and the temple houses a large image of
Ganesh or Ganesha
Kailashnath Shrine (E on map): The Kailashnath Shrine is located on the southern
side of the complex. It houses no deity. It consists of a Vimana and a Mandap, with a
extended porch, whose roof has collapsed. Darpalas guard the empty inner sanctum.
Aman Shrine (F on map): All major Shiva temple in Shiva temples in South India
comes in with a shrine dedicated to Parvati, wife of Shive, popularly known as Aman
shrine on Temple. In case of Brihadeshwara Temple, Gangaikonda Cholapuram it is
located on the northern side. The east facing temple has a mandap is approached by
flights of stairs from the northern and southern side.
Chandikesvara Shrine (G on map): This
is the smallest temple of the complex and
the only temple of the complex that does
not face east. It faces south.
Mahisasurmardani Shrine (H on map): This is located
to the north-east of Chandikesvara Shrine and the samll
temple consisting of Vimana and Mandap and houses an
image of Mahasasurmardini.

North Gate (I on map): A portion of two tired pilared gateway on the northern wall still stands. On the
western side of the gateway contains several statues collected from the temple complex. Sadly they are
badly displayed, with lower portions burried below the floor level. Also the cloister wall that surrounded the
complex is in bad shape and major sections of the roof has long collapsed.

Lion Well (J on map): East of the Mahasasurmardini Shrine is a stutue of a lion made of
plastered brick work. A flight of stairs runs through the body of the lion statue and leads ti a
large well. The well is known as Simhakinar. According to popular legend syas that Rajendra
I poured Ganga water in the well so there would be a perpetual supply of holy water to bathe
the deiety.

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