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Basilica of San Vitale

Ravenna, Italy

Krish Balsara (05) Nevil Chahwala (08) Shreshth Dadwal (10) Pooja Nimbhorkar (39) Ayush Parmar (41)
Harshil Raichura (61) Ansh Tapiawala (82)
Location and history
● The Basilica of San Vitale church is located in
Ravenna, Italy.

● It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage site. It is

a good example of Byzantine art and architecture,
and its mosaics.


● The construction began in 526 A.D. on the order

of Bishop Ecclesius of Ravenna. Bishop
completed construction in 547 A.D.

● The construction of the church was sponsored by

local banker and architect Julius Argentarius.

● It was also the prototype for the Hagia Sophia

which was built 10 years later.
Narthex Choir and main altar

Ambulatory Apsidal Chapel

Stair tower to gallery Apse

● It is developed around central point or axis.

In Basilica of San Vitale, the central plan is
octagonal with eight sides radiating from its

● The octagonal shape of the basilica

symbolize the eight days of creation and the
eternal nature of Christ.

● Each side is usually having an arch with

column or piers, creating an open-airy

● The apses contain important religious

imagery which serve as focal points for
Bell tower
rituals and ceremonies.
Narthex Choir and main altar

Ambulatory Apsidal Chapel

Stair tower to gallery Apse

● There are two apsidal chapel on both side

of main apse.

● The ambulatory is adorned with decorated

arches, columns and its capitals and dome
on center.

● The building combines Roman and

Byzantine elements such as Dome,
polygonal apse, capitals and flying

● The church is most famous for its Byzantine

Bell tower
Section ● The domed roof of the church is raised to
Central Dome
gain more height and light ventilation.

● The dome has approx dia 17m and height

about 30m.

● Between eight piers, there are series of

smaller arches which helps to resist the
Altar load with more decorative interiors.
● The main altar which extends beyond on
one end is filled with decorative colorful
and vibrant mosaics.

● The Proconnesian marble elements, including columns, capitals follows the latest Constantinople style.

● There are 14 at the ground level, 14 at gallery level and 8 columns on upper level above the apse.

● Above capital of column a impost block containing motif of two horse facing towards cross.

● Columns are made up of locally marble and decorated carvings.


● Marble revetments, meaning the decorative marble paneling or cladding which is generally on lower walls
of Byzantine Church.

● It covers the most of interior surfaces, dominating the visual experience of the church. The marble used for
cladding were brought from all corners of Rome, because these marles expressed the beauty of the
Kingdom of God.
● Central vault used a technique of hollow tubes inserted into
each other, rather than bricks.

● This technique was first used in terracotta forms, which later
evolved into modern structural clay tile.

● The building develops in two brick-built prismatic blocks, a
higher one and a lower one, both with an octagonal plan.

● The octagonal structure is made of marble and terracotta
dome. The mosaic depicts old and new figures of Byzantine

● Masonry of San Vitale are built with large bricks 310 X 510 X
40 mm with very thick mortar joints.

● The walls of the church is approx 900 mm in thickness, two-

three brick thick wall.
● The dome was built with clay piped technique. In this technique the hollow pipe is fitted into one another and forming
semi-spherical shape.

● There were bottle shaped bricks placed in concentric series with gradually decreasing diameter. This allows the dome to
be light and resistant with minimal restriction of windows, doors and arches.
Mosaic art
● At the foot of the apse side walls are two famous mosaic panels,
completed in 547. On the right is a mosaic depicting the East
Roman Emperor Justinian I, clad in Tyrian purple with a golden
halo, standing next to court officials, generals Belisarius and Narses,
Bishop Maximian, palatinae guards and deacons. .
● The gold background of the mosaic shows that Justinian and his
entourage are inside the church.
● Another panel shows Empress Theodora solemn and formal, with
golden halo, crown and jewels, and a group of court women as well
as eunuchs.
● Inside, the intrados of the great triumphal arch is decorated with
fifteen mosaic medallions, depicting Jesus Christ, the twelve
Apostles and Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius, the sons of Saint

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