Occurrence of Alternaria Toxins in Food Products in The Netherlands

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Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204

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Food Control
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Occurrence of Alternaria toxins in food products in The Netherlands

 pez a, *, Dini Venema a, Theo de Rijk a, Andre
Patricia Lo  de Kok b, Jos M. Scholten b,
a a
Hans G.J. Mol , Monique de Nijs
RIKILT e Wageningen UR, Akkermaalsbos 2, 6708 WB, Wageningen, The Netherlands
NVWA e Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Chemistry Laboratory, Akkermaalsbos 4, 6708 WB, Wageningen, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Alternaria toxins are mycotoxins that can contaminate cereals, oilseeds and various fruits and vegetables
Received 2 March 2015 such as apples, tomatoes, citrus fruits and olives. The fungi can grow at low temperatures, thus causing
Received in revised form spoilage even during transport and storage. Currently, there are relatively little occurrence data on
20 July 2015
Alternaria toxins in food products and in the Netherlands most data are limited to the presence of
Accepted 25 July 2015
Available online 29 July 2015
alternariol (AOH) and alternariol methyl ether (AME) in cereals. Tenuazonic acid (TeA), tentoxin (TEN)
and altenuene (ALT) have been recently identified by the Standing Committee on the food Chain and
animal health as Alternaria toxins of concern. A survey (95 samples) was conducted in the Netherlands in
Liquid chromatography tandem mass-
2013. The aim was to screen the levels of the five Alternaria toxins in wine (n ¼ 5), fresh apples (n ¼ 11),
spectrometry apple juices (n ¼ 7), fresh tomatoes (n ¼ 19), tomato sauces (n ¼ 8), fresh citrus (n ¼ 11), dried figs
Mycotoxins (n ¼ 5), olives (n ¼ 10), sunflower seeds (n ¼ 5) and cereals (n ¼ 14). Multi-mycotoxin methods for the
Alternaria toxins analysis of mycotoxins were adapted for this purpose. Their performance characteristics were assessed
Occurrence and were as follows: recoveries and precision ranged from 85 to 112% and from 4 to 20%, respectively.
Processed food LOQs were between 1.5 and 5.0 mg kg1. In the subsequent survey, AOH, AME, TeA, and TEN were
detected in one or more food commodities, while ALT was not detected in any of the samples. TeA was
found in 27% of the samples and at relatively high concentrations in sunflower seeds, tomato sauces and
dried figs (up to 2345 mg kg1). Alternaria toxins occurred regularly in cereals, tomato sauces, figs, wine
and sunflower seeds. Only incidental occurrence of the Alternaria toxins was observed in fresh apples,
fresh citrus fruits, fresh tomatoes and olives.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction already pointed out in 2013 that there was an urgent need for more
information about the toxicity of Alternaria toxins, because data
Alternaria species are pathogenic and saprophytic fungi widely published until then did not allow assessment of the health risks for
distributed in soil. They are widespread in both humid and semi- the consumer (BfR, 2003). A scientific opinion in 2007 of the Czech
arid regions and can infect growing plants in the field. They are Scientific Committee on Food on Alternaria mycotoxins led to the
the principal contaminating fungi in wheat, sorghum and barley. In same conclusion (SCF, 2008). The EFSA CONTAM panel published
addition to cereal crops, Alternaria species have been reported to their opinion on the risks for animal and public health related to the
occur in oilseeds such as sunflower and rapeseed, tomato, apples, presence of Alternaria toxins in feed and food in 2011 (EFSA, 2011).
citrus fruits, olives and several other fruits and vegetables. Alter- The EFSA risk assessment was inconclusive due to limited repre-
naria species grow at low temperature; hence they are generally sentative occurrence and toxicity data. In reply to this, the Standing
associated with extensive spoilage during refrigerated transport Committee on the food chain and animal health identified the
and storage (Ostry, 2008). following Alternaria toxins to be of relevance: alternariol (AOH),
Alternaria species can produce around 70 toxic secondary me- alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), tenuazonic acid (TeA), ten-
tabolites. The German Federal Institute of Risk Assessment (BfR) toxin (TEN) and altenuene (ALT). EFSA also recommended their
monitoring in national surveys. Other Alternaria toxins such as
altertoxins (ATX) and Alternaria alternate f sp lycopersici toxins (AAL
toxin) can also be analysed but were considered of less relevance by
* Corresponding author. EFSA (EFSA, 2011).
E-mail address: patricia.lopezsanchez@wur.nl (P. Lo

0956-7135/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
pez et al. / Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204
P. Lo 197

The CONTAM panel applied the threshold of toxicological required to refine the exposure assessment (EFSA, 2011).
concern (TTC) approach on Alternaria toxins, indicating that the This work aims to provide more occurrence data of the selected
Alternaria toxins are suspected mutagenic-carcinogens. TeA has Alternaria toxins in the food commodities recommended by EFSA.
been proven to be toxic to several animal species, e.g. mice, chicken, Two different in-house multi-mycotoxin methods devoted for the
dogs (Ostry, 2008). The acute toxicity of AOH, AME, ALT and TEN is determination of mycotoxins in feed/food by LC-ESI-MS/MS were
low, although there are several reports on the mutagenic and slightly modified for the simultaneous detection of the AOH, AME,
genotoxic activities of AOH and AME: AOH and AME are teratogenic TEN, ALT and TeA. The performance characteristics of both methods
and fetotoxic; altertoxin I is cytotoxic and mutagenic; TeA and AME were assessed and they were applied for a market survey of ten
cause precancerous changes in the esophageal mucosa of mice; food commodities in the Netherlands, which also included pro-
AOH and AME also seem to be mutagenic and act as antagonists to cessed food.
topoisomerase; furthermore, AME provokes DNA strand breaks
(EFSA, 2011). AOH can be very rapidly absorbed by the human in- 2. Material and methods
testinal lumen (Ostry, 2008). Recently, altertoxin II has been
demonstrated to be much a stronger mutagen and DNA strand 2.1. Chemicals and reagents
breaking mycotoxin than AOH and AME in cultured mammalian
cells (Fleck, Burkhardt, Pfeiffer, & Metzler, 2012). Acetonitrile and methanol, both UPLC gradient grade, were
The methods for the determination of Alternaria toxins in food purchased from Actu-all Chemicals (Oss, the Netherlands), formic
and feed have been reviewed by Scott (Scott, 2001) and more acid (98e100%) from Merck (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), and
recently by Ostry (Ostry, 2008), although most of the reported ammonium formate (99%) from Across Organics (Geel, Belgium).
literature only refers to AOH and AME. Organic solvents as such or MilliQ water (>18 MU) was used. AOH and AME were purchased
in mixtures are commonly used to extract Alternaria toxins from from Biosolve (Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals,
food commodities, while an acidic extraction solvent is preferable Merseyside, UK). TeA, TEN and ALT were supplied by Sigma-
for TeA. Purification and concentration procedures, when appli- eAldrich (Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands). All standards had a purity
cable, usually include solvent partitioning, solid phase extraction higher than 99%.
(SPE) or solid phase microextraction (SPME) (Ostry, 2008). In 2004 Individual stock solutions were prepared as follows: ALT at
Solfrizzo et al. developed a method to determine Alternaria toxins 1000 mg mL1 and TeA at 100 mg mL1 in methanol, AOH, AME and
in carrots based on an acidified extraction with water- TEN at 100 mg mL1 in acetonitrile. An intermediate solution
emethanoleacetonitrile. They split the filtered extract into two for mixture containing the Alternaria mycotoxins at 1 mg mL1
further purification by solid-phase extraction on a C18 column for (5 mg mL1 for TeA) was prepared in the extraction solvent
the analysis of altertoxin-I (ATX-I), AOH and AME, and on a poly- (acetonitrile/water/formic acid, 84/16/1, v/v/v). The working solu-
meric Oasis® HLB column for the analysis of TeA. The analysis was tions to obtain calibration curves, to determine matrix effect (ion
performed by HPLC-photodiode array (PDA) (Solfrizzo, De suppression/enhancement), recoveries and limits of quantification
Girolamo, Vitti, Visconti, & van den Bulk, 2004). for each mycotoxin were prepared in extraction solvent and in
Due to its sensitivity, selectivity and specificity, liquid blank matrix extract.
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is
currently the most applied method of analysis for mycotoxins. The 2.2. Samples
new generation of analytical instruments allows the use of the
“dilute-and-shoot” approach to analyse multiple mycotoxins in one A total of 95 samples from retail stores in the Netherlands
run without prior clean-up and thus reducing analysis time. AOH classified in 10 different food categories were analysed: 14 cereal
and AME were the first Alternaria toxins to be included in multi- products, 27 tomato products (19 fresh tomatoes and 8 processed
mycotoxin methods. More recently other Alternaria toxins are be- tomatoes), 5 sunflower seeds, 36 fruits (11 citrus, 11 apples, 10 ol-
ing integrated in these methods (Varga et al., 2013). Dedicated ives and 5 figs), 7 apple juices and 5 red wines. Cereals, citrus, fresh
methods for the analysis of the relevant Alternaria toxins have been apples and tomatoes and wines were collected in the frame of the
recently developed and applied to tomato products (Noser, regular Dutch 2013 survey programme, while the other 35 samples
Schneider, Rother, & Schmutz, 2011) and to cereals (Walravens were purchased from retails shops in the Netherlands and stored at
et al., 2014). Due to its poor chromatographic behaviour, the limit the recommended temperature until processing.
of detection of TeA is higher than that for the other Alternaria Wine samples were homogenised and stored at 20  C. Olives,
toxins. To improve the chromatographic behaviour of TeA, its apples, citrus and tomatoes were cryogenically milled, homoge-
derivatization with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (Siegel, Rasenko, nized and stored at 20  C. Figs, sunflower seeds and cereals were
Koch, & Nehis, 2009) was performed and shown to achieve homogenized, milled with water to form a slurry and stored
20e30 times lower limits of detection. The use of atmospheric at 20  C. The slurry for figs, for sunflower seeds and for cereal
pressure chemical ionization (APCI) enhanced the signal of TeA at grains contained water in a ratio of 1/1.5, 1/1.5 and 1/3, respectively.
least a factor of three compared to electrospray ionization (ESI)
(Prelle, Spadaro, Garibaldi, & Gullino, 2013). 2.3. Method 1: cereal samples
Most of the occurrence studies on Alternaria toxins (EFSA, 2011)
reported high concentrations of toxins on mouldy foods, which are Cereal grain samples were processed as follows: 12.5 g of the
not appropriate for human consumption and hence these data were slurry were mixed with 10 mL of acetonitrile acidified at 1% with
not suitable for risk assessment. Due to the lack of statistically acetic acid and shaken manually for 1 min. Then, 4.5 g of magne-
robust figures for risk assessment, EFSA launched a call in October sium sulphate were added to induce phase separation. The mixture
2010 to compile occurrence data on Alternaria toxins in food and was shaken for 1 min and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3 min.
feed. The vast majority of reported data were on grains products, Finally, 0.5 mL of the supernatant were diluted with 0.5 mL of
very limited on fruits and vegetables and none on wines or feed. methanol in an autosampler vial. The extracts were analysed by
Moreover, only scarce information about the fate of Alternaria injection of 2 mL of extract into an Acquity UPLC coupled with a
toxins during processing was available. Hence, EFSA concluded that Xevo-TQ-S mass spectrometer from Waters (Waters, Hertfordshire,
more occurrence data in food, feed and processed food/feed are UK).
198 pez et al. / Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204
P. Lo

The separation was carried out using a Waters Acquity HSS-T3, into a Waters Atlantis HSS-T3, (3 mm), 3.0  100 mm column. The
(1.8 mm), 2.1  100 mm column, set at 40  C. Mobile phase A con- chromatographic conditions were as follows: column temperature
sisted of water, and mobile phase B of methanol, both with 5 mM 35  C and mobile phases consisting of water as eluent A and 4% (v/
ammonium formate and 0.1% formic acid. The flow rate was set at v) water in methanol as eluent B. Both mobile phases contained
0.4 mL min1. The gradient elution was applied as follows: after an 1 mM of ammonium formate and 1% of formic acid. The flow rate
initial hold time of 1 min at 90% eluent A, 90% eluent B was reached was set at 0.4 mL min1. A gradient elution was applied as follows:
within 6.5 min and kept for 2 min. After 0.01 min the gradient was after an initial hold time of 1 min at 100% eluent A, 50% eluent B was
changed to the initial conditions: 90% eluent A 10% eluent B. This reached within 2 min and 100% eluent B within the next 2.5 min.
composition was maintained for 0.5 min for column re- This composition was kept for 6 min, after which 100% eluent A was
equilibration. reached within the next 0.5 min and kept for 3.5 min for column re-
Table 1a shows the optimum settings for the transitions used to equilibration.
determine the analytes under study. Other settings for the MS were The precursor and product ion selection and the optimization of
as follows: source and desolvation temperature were 150  C and the fragmentation voltages and the collision energies were con-
500  C, respectively; cone gas flow and desolvation gas flow were ducted with infusion of single-analyte solutions (Table 1b). Opti-
150 and 1000 L/h, respectively; capillary voltage in ESI þ was set at mization was conducted in both ionisation modes: positive and
1.0 kV and at 1.0 kV in ESI- mode. negative. The analysis of the samples was carried out using elec-
trospray ionisation (ESI) and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM).
2.4. Method 2: other food matrices For each Alternaria toxin, at least two mass transitions were
measured for identifications, which is in agreement with SANCO
All samples, with the exception of cereal grains, were processed, Document 12571/2013 (SANCO, 2013). The general source settings
as follows: 2.5 g of sample were spiked, when needed, and then were as follows: source temperature 400  C, curtain gas 30 psi, ion
extracted with 10 mL of acetonitrile/water/formic acid (84/16/1 v/v/ source gas 50 psi, ion spray voltage 4000 V (negative) or þ4000 V
v). The mixture was shaken head-over-head for one hour and then (positive), entrance potential 10 V (negative) or þ10 V (positive).
centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. An aliquot of 0.5 mL of the Table 1b summarizes the obtained retention times, the ionisation
supernatant was taken and filtered using a mini-uniprep PTFE filter mode, the dwell time (DW), declustering potential (DP), collision
vial. The vial containing the extract was ready for analysis. energy (CE), collision cell exit potential (CXP) and the precursor and
The LC-MS/MS instrument was a Shimadzu ‘Prominence’ HPLC product ions for the five Alternaria toxins.
system, which consisted of a DGU-20A3 degasser, a SIL 20AC XR
autosampler, two LC-20 AD XR UFLC pumps, and a CTO-20AC col- 2.5. Sample analysis
umn oven. This system was coupled to an AB SCIEX QTRAP® 5500
mass spectrometer. The quantification of the Alternaria toxins was based on external
HPLC separation was performed by injecting 5 mL of the extract calibration using matrix-matched standards (MMS) when possible.
The MMS were prepared by dilution of standard solution in blank
matrix extract. Blank matrix extracts for each type of matrix under
Table 1 study (tomato, citrus, apple, fig, olive, wine, sunflower seed, apple
Retention times, the ionisation mode, the dwell time (DW), declustering potential
juices, tomato sauce and cereals) were first assessed to be free of
(DP) or cone voltage, collision energy (CE), collision cell exit potential (CXP) and the
precursor and product ions for the five Alternaria toxins. any detectable amount of the target mycotoxins. The concentration
levels of the calibration standards used for method 1 (cereals) were
a) Method 1: cereals
0.25, 0.5, 0.1, 2.5 and 5 ng mL1. The concentration levels of the
Mycotoxin ESI mode RT (min) Transition Cone voltage (V) CE (V) calibration standards for method 2 (other matrices) were 0, 1, 2.5,
ALT Positive 5.5 293.1 > 257.2 22 14 10, 25, 50 and 100 ng mL1 for AOH, AME, ALT and TEN and 0, 5,
293.1 > 239.1 20 12.5, 50, 125, 250 and 500 ng mL1 for TeA. When blank matrix
293.1 > 229.2 20 extracts were not available, as happened for TeA in figs and sun-
TeA Positive 5.6 198.1 > 125.1 40 16
flower seeds, and for AOH, AME and TeA in tomato sauces, cali-
198.1 > 139.0 14
198.1 > 153.0 12 bration by standard addition was conducted. For method 2,
AOH Negative 6.4 257.0 > 213.0 78 22 calibration curves from standards in solvent were also prepared.
257.0 > 147.1 32 The Alternaria toxins were identified by similarity of retention
257.0 > 185.0 26 times and ion ratios between the sample extract and the standard
TEN Positive 6.6 415.2 > 312.2 45 18
415.2 > 302.2 12
in matrix. The criteria used to ensure the correct identification of
415.2 > 132.1 38 the target mycotoxins were: (a) the retention times of the analyte in
AME Negative 7.4 271.0 > 228.0 62 30 the sample extract matched those of the matrix-matched standards
271.0 > 183.0 40 within a deviation of ±0.2 min; (b) the deviation of the ion ratio of
271.0 > 213.7 38
the sample extract fell within ±30% of the ion ratio for the matrix-
b) Method 2: other matrices matched standards (SANCO, 2013).
Mycotoxin ESI mode RT (min) aTransition DW (ms) DP (V) CE (V) CXP (V)

ALT Positive 6.3 293.1 > 257.0 10 56 20 10

2.6. Method validation
293.1 > 239.1 10 60 30 10
TeA Negative 6.6 196.0 > 112.0 50 35 20 11 Method 1 and method 2 were assessed in terms of linearity,
196.0 > 139.0 50 35 20 11 matrix effects, LOQ, recovery and precision.
AOH Negative 6.8 257.0 > 215.0 10 5 30 15
Linearity of calibration curves was assessed for standards in
257.0 > 213.0 10 5 26 15
TEN Negative 6.8 413.0 > 141.0 10 60 26 11 matrix extracts of cereals within the range of 0.25e20 ng mL1; and
413.0 > 271.0 10 60 22 17 for fresh citrus, fresh apple, fresh tomato, dried fig, wine, sunflower
AME Negative 7.4 271.0 > 256.0 10 90 32 13 seed, olive, tomato sauce and apple juice, within the range of
271.0 > 227.0 10 90 50 9 1e100 ng mL1 for AOH, AME, ALT and TEN and 5e500 ng mL1 for
Quantification transition in bold. TeA. The linearity requirements were fulfilled when the correlation
pez et al. / Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204
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coefficient was greater than 0.99. of stable isotope dilution assay (SIDA) with the addition of
Matrix effects were evaluated by comparison of the slopes of [13C,15N]-TeA as internal standard (Stefan Asam et al., 2011) have
calibration curves from standards in solvent with those from significantly improved the analysis and allowed the determination
standards in matrix extract, at 95% confidence interval. For method of TeA in flour, bakery products and beer (Stefan Asam, Habler, &
1, matrix effects from the MS measurements were determined by Rychlik, 2013; Stefan Asam & Rychlik, 2013; Siegel, Merkel, Koch,
comparison of the signals obtained from standards of 0.5 ng mL1 & Nehls, 2010). The main drawback of these methods, as opposed
prepared in solvent and in matrix. For method 2, matrix effects to the dilute-and-shoot methods, is that they do not allow the
were assessed by comparison of the calibration slopes obtained simultaneous determination of the other four Alternaria toxins,
from standards prepared in solvent and from standards prepared in they are more time-consuming and more laborious.
matrix. Method 1, which was used to monitor Alternaria toxins in ce-
For method 1, recovery and precision expressed as repeatability reals, was an existing multi-mycotoxin method used for monitoring
(RSDr) were calculated on the day of measurements. Cereals and control purposes of food that already included AOH and AME.
(wheat) blank samples were spiked with TEN at 2 mg kg1 and with For the purpose of this survey, the method was extended with the
ALT, AME and AOH at 20 mg kg1. For method 2, the combined re- Alternaria toxins ALT, TEN and TeA. The method proved to be suit-
covery for all matrices and the within-lab reproducibility were able for ALT and TEN, but not for TeA, due to poor chromatographic
calculated at spiking levels of 10 mg kg1 for ALT, AME, AOH and TEN behaviour under the applied conditions (mobile phases containing
and at 50 mg kg1 for TeA, based on the values obtained in each 0.1% of formic acid). Hence, TeA was not included in the cereals
series of measurements, which were carried out in 3 different days. survey data.
The method was considered compliant when both parameters Method 2, which was developed to determine Alternaria toxins
were in agreement with the values set by the European Regulation in other matrices, was based on an existing multi-mycotoxin
519/2014 (EU., 2014) for the mycotoxins patulin and zearalenone at method for feed. The chromatographic method was modified for
concentrations close to the concentrations used in the present the simultaneous detection of all five Alternaria toxins. First ex-
work. periments were carried out with the extraction mixture acetoni-
LOQ was defined as the concentration in a spiked sample, for trile/water/formic acid (84/16/1 v/v/v) on a Restek (Interscience
which the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the most intense transition B.V, Breda, the Netherlands) Ultra aqueous C18 (3 mm)
(quantifier) was equal to ten, providing that the compound was 2.1  100 mm column with 1 mM ammonium bicarbonate in water/
detectable, which means that the S/N ratio of the least intense methanol (95:5) as mobile phase A and methanol as mobile phase
transition (qualifier) was equal to three. LOQs were estimated in B. These mobile phases had shown good peak shapes and repro-
spiked samples at low levels. ducible chromatography for TeA in plasma (Fraeyman et al., 2013).
Table 2 shows the performance parameters as regards recovery, However, in the present study, it resulted in acceptable chroma-
precision and LOQ for the different Alternaria toxins in the two tography for TeA dissolved in extraction solvent, but not when the
methods. TeA standard was prepared in matrix, as shown in Fig. 1a. Appar-
ently, the bicarbonate buffer (pKa 10.3) of the mobile phase could
3. Results and dicussion not handle the low pH of the extraction solvent (pH around 2).
Therefore, the peak obtained from the standard in solvent corre-
3.1. Chromatographic determination of TeA sponded to the neutral form, while the peak obtained from the
standard in matrix corresponded to the charged form. Secondly,
Tenuazonic acid (pKa ¼ 3.5) is seldom included in multi- mobile phases with 0.1% of acetic acid were tested with the same
mycotoxin analytical methods for the detection of mycotoxins analytical column. This resulted in broader than desired peak
based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, shapes for TeA, although no displacement of peaks was observed, as
mainly due to its poor chromatographic behaviour. The methods shown the Supplementary Information (Figure SS1a). Thirdly, the
used in the past to determine TeA were based on HPLC with UV Waters Atlantis HSS-T3 column, which provided paramount
detection (da Motta & Soares, 2001; Terminiello, Patriarca, Pose, & retention for polar compounds and good peak shape across a wide
Fernandez Pinto, 2006). As TeA is a strong acid and a metal range of pH, was tested using mobile phases with 1% formic acid.
chelating compound, it shows irreproducible chromatographic This chromatographic system provided the best peak shape for TeA
behaviour that is remedied by adding additives, e.g., Zn2SO4, to the in both solvent and in matrix (Fig. 1B). The same column was tested
mobile phase (Stefan Asam, Liu, Konitzer, & Rychlik, 2011). Unfor- with mobile phases containing 0.1% of acetic acid, with less
tunately, this approach cannot be used when mass spectrometric acceptable results (Supplementary Information, Figure SS1b).
detection is applied. The derivation of TeA with 4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) (Siegel et al., 2009) and the use 3.2. Method performance characteristics

The method performance characteristics linearity, matrix ef-

Table 2 fects, LOQ, recovery and precision were assessed for both methods.
Limit of quantification (LOQ), precision and recovery data of the different methods Overall average recovery, precision and LOQ data for all matrices
applied to determine Alternaria toxins.
are summarized in Table 2.
ALT AME AOH TEN TeA Calibrations were linear in those ranges with a few exceptions:
Method 1. Cereals LOQ (mg kg ) 1
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 a
n.a. 1e50 ng mL1 for ALT in fried figs, for AOH and AME in apple juices,
Recovery (%) 89 96 85 96 n.a. fresh tomatoes and figs and for TEN in fresh apples, olives, sun-
RSDr (%) 12 11 8 4 n.a. flower seeds, apple juices and tomato juices; 1e25 ng mL1 for TEN
Method 2. Other matrices LOQ (mg kg1)
1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 5.0
in dried figs and wine and for ALT in wine; 5e250 ng mL1 for TeA
Recovery (%) 111 101 112 104 110
RSDR (%) 18 20 20 18 10 in dried figs and 5e125 ng mL1 for TeA in wine.
Matrix effects result from co-eluting matrix components in the
n.a.-not available.
Measured in 3 days: day 1 (n ¼ 3, fig, apple juice and tomato sauce), day 2 (n ¼ 4,
extract and may affect the ionization efficiency of target analytes by
apple juice, tomato sauce, fresh tomato and wine), day 3 (n ¼ 5 fresh apple, fresh suppression or enhancement of the instrumental signal. Matrix
citrus, sunflower seeds, dried figs and olives). effects were evaluated by comparison of the slopes of calibration
200 pez et al. / Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204
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Fig. 1. Optimization of the chromatographic conditions for TeA. A) Restek Ultra Aqueous C18, (3 mm), 2.1  100 mm column. Eluent A: 1 mM ammonium bicarbonate in water/
methanol (95:5), eluent B: methanol. B) Waters Atlantis HSS-T3, (1.8 mm), 2.1  100 mm column. Eluent A: water with 5 mM ammonium formate and 0.1% formic acid, eluent B:
methanol with 5 mM ammonium formate and 0.1% formic acid.

curves from standards in solvent with those from standards in 5% of the samples (50% of tomato sauces and one wheat sample),
matrix extract, at 95% confidence interval. The results showed AOH in 7% of the samples (5 samples tomato juices, and in one
(Supplementary Information Table SS1) that the matrix effect sample of wine, fresh apple and cereals) and TEN in 16% of the
depended on the combination of matrix and toxin. AOH was the samples, mainly in cereals. TeA was the most widely occurring toxin
toxin most susceptible to the presence of matrix, especially in acidic and was quantified in all dried figs, sunflower seed and tomato
matrices such as fresh citrus (84% suppression) and tomato sauces juice samples and in three samples of wine and one sample of
(70% suppression). These acidic matrices also influenced, at lower olives.
levels, the ionization of the other Alternaria toxins. On the other Alternaria toxins were not detected in any of the fresh citrus or
hand, TeA was the least affected by the presence of matrix, and only apple juice samples. One sample of fresh apple was positive for
significant matrix effect was observed in citrus (suppression), to- AOH (29 mg kg1). None of the five Alternaria toxins under study
mato sauces, olives and sunflower seeds (enhancement). Suppres- were detected in a recent survey performed in Italy in 2013. The
sion of the signal was particularly significant for TEN, ALT and AOH Italian apple juices hardly contained any of the mycotoxins: TeA
in acidic matrices, such as tomato sauces, wines, citrus and fresh occurred in two samples out of 10 at 24.3 and 45.3 mg kg1 and ALT
tomatoes, whereas enhancement was observed in sunflower seed in one sample at 45.6 mg kg1 (Prelle et al., 2013). Alternaria toxins
and cereal matrices for ALT and TEN. are usually produced when so-called Alternaria brown spots
Recoveries ranged from 85 to 96% and RSDr from 4 to 12%. As appear; hence being associated to the decay of the products. The
observed for method 2, recoveries and within-lab reproducibility, results reported in the present study suggested that the collected
expressed as RSDR (%), ranged from 102 to 110% and from 11 to 20%, fresh products were not mouldy and, as a consequence, were
respectively. Recoveries and precision values were compliant with appropriate for consumption. There are not many data available on
those set by Regulation 519/2014 (EU., 2014). the occurrence of Alternaria toxins in non-mouldy citrus fruits
(EFSA, 2011). In case of mouldy citrus, AOH and AME have been
3.3. Occurrence of Alternaria toxins proven to accumulate in flavedo tissues (the outer layer) and not in
the albedo tissues (the white spongy part of the citrus), therefore
The results from the survey are summarized in Table 3. The the removal of the flavedo before consumption would decrease the
concentrations of the five Alternaria toxins in each individual risk of mycotoxin intake (Magnani, De Souza, & Rodrigues, 2007).
sample are shown in Supplementary Information Table SS2. AOH and AME were detected in apple juices from Canada (Lau et al.,
ALT was not detected in any sample, while AME was detected in 2003) and Germany (S. Asam, Konitzer, Schieberle, & Rychlik, 2009)
pez et al. / Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204
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Table 3
Results of the survey in food products in the Netherlands: concentration (mg kg1) of Alternaria toxins.

C (mg kg1) ALT AME AOH TEN TeA

Fresh apples (N ¼ 11)

# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 1 (<2.0e29) 0 (<2.5) 0 (<5.0)
Olives (N ¼ 10)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 0 (<2.0) 0 (<2.5) 1 (<5.0e5.3)
Dried figs (N ¼ 5)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 0 (<2.0) 0 (<2.5) 5 (25e2345)
Average e e e e 1043
Median e e e e 160
Sunflower seeds (N ¼ 5)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 0 (<2.0) 1 (<2.5e5.0) 5 (85e449)
Average e e e e 223
Median e e e e 160
Fresh citrus (N ¼ 11)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 0 (<2.0) 0 (<2.5) 0 (<5.0)
Fresh tomatoes (N ¼ 19)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 0 (<2.0) 0 (<2.5) 0 (<5.0)
Apple juices (N ¼ 7)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 0 (<2.0) 0 (<2.5) 0 (<5.0)
Wines (N ¼ 5)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 0 (<1.0) 1 (<2.0e11) 0 (<2.5) 3 (<5.0e46)
Average e e e e 25
Median e e e e 17
Tomato sauces (N ¼ 8)
# positive/range 0 (<1.5) 4 (<1.0e7.8) 4 (<2.0e25) 0 (<2.5) 8 (66e462)
Average e 3.8 16 e 202
Median e 3.0 17 e 143
Cereals (N ¼ 14)
# positive/range 0 (<1.4) 1 (<2.0e3.0) 1 (<2.0e5.2) 14 (2.0e14) Not in scope
Average e e e 6.0
Median e e e 5.1
Summary N ¼ 95 (except for TeA N ¼ 81)
%positives 0% 5% 7% 15% 22%
Minimum e 1.2 5.2 2.5 5.3
Maximum e 7.8 29 14 2345
Average and median of positive samples.

using SPE clean-up and LC-MS/MS analysis, at levels below the properly evaluate the exposure of consumers to TeA through the
LOQs reported in the present study. The levels of AOH and AME in consumption of dried figs.
apple juices from Spain, which were analysed using the same TeA was detected in all five samples of sunflower seeds. The
methodology as Canadians, were higher and ranged from 1.35 to concentration of TeA varied between 85 and 449 mg kg1. The data
5.42 mg kg1 for AOH and 1.71 mg kg1 for AME (Delgado & Gomez- collected by EFSA evidenced that the highest concentration of AOH,
Cordoves, 1998). Inmunochemical methods were applied in a sur- AME, TeA and TEN in the group of “Legumes, nuts and oilseeds”
vey performed in 2011 in Germany, which revealed that AOH corresponded to sunflower seeds (EFSA, 2011), which is not in
occurred in 20% of the apple juice samples at levels ranging from 1.7 agreement with the findings of this survey since all sunflower seed
to 3.5 mg kg1 (Ackermann et al., 2011). samples were negative for AOH and AME. TEN co-occurred with
TeA was detected in one olive sample at low level (5.3 mg kg1). TeA (308 mg kg1) in one sample, but in much lower amount
In literature, AOH, AME, ALT and TeA were reported at 2,900, 2,300, (5.2 mg kg1). The results on contamination of sunflower seeds from
1,400, and 260 mg kg1 respectively in severely damaged olive this survey are lower than the reported concentrations in other
samples collected in Italy (Visconti, Logrieco, & Bottalico, 1986). The surveys performed in Argentina (AOH 792 mg kg1, AME
fungus A. alternate is often reported to contaminate olives, partic- 836 mg kg1, and TeA 31,600 mg kg1), in Italy (AOH 1840 mg kg1
ularly if the fruits remain on the soil for a long time after ripening. and AME 129 mg kg1) (Scott, 2001) and in UK (AOH up to
Physical surface damage of the olive fruit due to unfavourable 570 mg kg1, AME up to 270 mg kg1 and TeA up to 5600 mg kg1)
conditions, e.g. low temperature and insect damage, etc., is a major (Nawaz, Scudamore, & Rainbird, 1997). Although the levels of
precondition for fungal penetration into the fruit pulp and for Alternaria toxins have been proved to decrease during the pro-
subsequent mycelial proliferation and mycotoxin production cessing of sunflower seeds to oil (Chulze et al., 1995), sunflower
(Logrieco, Moretti, & Solfrizzo, 2009). seeds are commonly eaten with minimal processing. Therefore it is
The highest concentrations for TeA in the here presented study important for consumer health to analyse whole sunflower seeds.
were detected in dried figs samples, which confirmed the data Unlike other studies (Ackermann et al., 2011; Noser et al., 2011;
reported to EFSA by other authors (EFSA, 2011). Cyclopiazonic acid, Van de Perre et al., 2014), no Alternaria toxins were found in fresh
fumonisin B1, ochratoxin A and aflatoxins have been already re- tomatoes. In contrast, TeA was the prevalent toxin in all tomato
ported to naturally co-occur in dried figs. Fumonisin B1 was found sauces and processed tomato juices, ranging from 66 to
in higher amounts than the other mycotoxins (Heperkan, Guler, & 402 mg kg1, while AOH and AME occurred in half of these samples
Oktay, 2012). Scarce literature is available on occurrence of Alter- at much lower levels (Fig. 2). Alternaria species have been observed
naria toxins, and more specifically TeA, in dried figs. This study has to grow best at moderate temperatures with an optimal tempera-
demonstrated that TeA could be present at considerable high levels ture of 25  C for the production of AOH and AME, and of 21  C for
in this fruit. However, more occurrence data are necessary to the production of TeA (Pose, Patriarca, Kyanko, Pardo, & Pinto,
202 pez et al. / Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204
P. Lo

Fig. 2. Occurrence of AOH, AME and TeA in one sample of tomato sauce.

2010). Therefore, the presence of Alternaria toxins in tomato quantification of these mycotoxins in tomato products might be
products might be indicative of the use of decaying tomatoes by the considered as an indicator of the quality of the used raw material.
processing plants. The highest value of TeA occurred for a sample of TeA was also found in three out of the five samples of wine at
concentrated juice (462 mg kg1), followed by an organic ketchup levels ranging 11e46 mg kg1, whereas AOH was only found at
sample (404 mg kg1), whereas the highest amount of AOH 11 mg kg1 in one wine sample, bottled in 2011. Although TeA has
(25 mg kg1) and AME (7.8 mg kg1) were detected in the concen- been already reported to occur in Belgian beers at an average level
trated juice and in an organic puree sample, respectively. TeA, AOH of 11 mg kg1, with Bock beers showing the highest average con-
and AME were observed to co-occur in four samples. The occur- centration (37 mg kg1) (Siegel et al., 2010), no literature on the
rence of Alternaria toxins in this study seems not to be related to occurrence of TeA in wine samples could be found. TeA was neither
organic/non-organic production, although a more thorough found in wine from Canada, which might be due to the high LOQ
research with a much higher and representative number of samples (70 mg kg1) of the analytical method applied in that study (Ostry,
would be needed to confirm this fact. The findings presented here 2008). AOH and AME were detected in wines (national and im-
for processed tomato sauces and juices are comparable with pre- ported) in Canada at levels ranging 0.03e19.4 mg kg1 and
vious published data by other authors. In the survey performed by 0.01e0.23 mg kg1, respectively, but not in wines from Czech Re-
Van de Perre in 2014, AOH and AME were found in tomato con- public (Ostry, 2008). The levels found for AME in the Canadian
centrates and purees, but not in more diluted samples like ketchup wines were below the LOQ of the method presented here.
or juices/soups (Van de Perre et al., 2014). In contrast, AOH and AME TEN was found in all surveyed cereals samples at levels ranging
were detected in around 15% of ketchups and 30% of juices from the 2.5e14 mg kg1. It only co-occurred with AOH (5.2 mg kg1) and
Swiss market (Noser et al., 2011) and in 100% of the ketchup AME (3.0 mg kg1) in one wheat sample (Fig. 3). The occurrence data
samples from Germany (Ackermann et al., 2011). The occurrence and the proportion of positive samples for AME and AOH are in
data in the Netherlands are in agreement with these studies carried agreement with the data collected by EFSA for wheat grains (EFSA,
out in Europe, but are much lower than those reported in Argentina 2011). However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time
for tomato puree samples (Terminiello et al., 2006). The that such a high frequency of positive samples for TEN in wheat

Fig. 3. Occurrence of AOH, AME and TEN in one wheat sample.

pez et al. / Food Control 60 (2016) 196e204
P. Lo 203

intended for food has been reported. TEN had been already found at at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.07.032.
levels ranging 0.7e29 mg kg1 in most of wheat silage feed in Israel
(Shimshoni et al., 2013), hence the lack of TEN occurrence data References
might be due to the fact that this mycotoxin was not included in the
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Widespread occurrence of low levels of alternariol in apple and tomato prod-
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acid extraction conditions, but also low pH of mobile phase to 1133e1135.
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taken into account other surveys, the scope of the method pre- info_2007_24_deklas_ALT.pdf.
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sented here for cereals must be extended to incorporate TeA.
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matography A, 815(1), 93e97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0021-9673(98)00124-
4. Conclusions 1.
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seldom included in multi-mycotoxin methods, is the prevalent EU.. (2014). Commission regulation (EU) no 519/2014 of 16 May 2014 amending
Alternaria mycotoxin in processed tomato products, dried figs, regulation (EC) no 416/2006 as regards methods of sampling for large lots,
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sunflower seeds and wines and can occur at high levels, up to a citrinin and screening methods of analysis. Official Journal of the European
maximum of 2345 mg kg1. The presence and concentration levels Union, L147/29eL147/43.
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monomethyl ether and tenuazonic acid in animal plasma using LC-MS/MS:
seeds, dried figs and tomato products for TeA and cereal and cereal- preliminary results. In Paper presented at the 35th Mycotoxin workshop, Ghent,
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