Diagnostic Test For Linking Verbs

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1. In which sentence is a comma (,) more probable?

o If you are passing, come in and see us.

o Come in and see us, if you are passing.
2. Right (R) or wrong (W)?
A. She was depressed, because didn’t know what to do .
o R
o W
B. She was depressed and didn’t know what to do .
o R
o W
C. She was depressed, because she didn’t know what to do .
o R
o W
3. Are the replies right (R) or wrong (W)?
‘I’m going out, Mum.’
A. ‘You can go as soon as you’ve brushed your hair.’
o R
o W
B. ‘As soon as you’ve brushed your hair.’
o R
o W
4. Are these sentences right: yes (Y) or no (N)?
A. I liked him, so I tried to help him.
o Y
o N
B. Because I liked him, I tried to help him.
o Y
o N
C. Because I liked him, so I tried to help him.
o Y
o N
5. Are these fixed expressions right: yes (Y) or no (N)?
A. If you’re hungry, have some bread and butter .
o Y
o N
B. Do you want your tea in a mug or a saucer and cup ?
o Y
o N
C. Can you use chopsticks, or would you prefer a fork and knife ?
o Y
o N
6. I or I’ll ?
A. I’ll remember that day as long as I/ I’ll live.
B. I’ll phone you before I/ I’ll arrive.
7. Can the highlighted words be left out in these sentences: yes (Y) or no
A. These men and these women are heroes.
o Y
o N
B. She was poor but she was happy.
o Y
o N
C. The food is ready and the drinks are ready .
o Y
o N
D. You can get here by car, by bus, or by train.
o Y
o N
8. Right (R) or wrong (W)?
A. He doesn’t smoke and drink.
o R
o W
B. He doesn’t smoke or drink.
o R
o W
C. He doesn’t smoke nor drink.
o R
o W
9. Is this sentence correct: yes (Y) or no (N)?
Both she plays the saxophone and she sings.
o Y
o N
10.Is this sentence right (R) or wrong (W)? When you have checked your
answer, correct the sentence if it’s wrong.

Although it was very cold, but I went for a run.

o R
o W

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