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Before starting today's lesson we will play a little game. Looking at the game on the screen, you
can see the list of words here. Your task is to memorize these words in 1 minute. After that, I will
hide them and you have write down as many words as you remember on the board. The group
who has remembered the most words and fastest is the winner.
First, I will divide the class into two teams. From this row to this row is team A and ....
Now, let's begin.
Everyone, please give a big round of applause for the two teams
We just played an interesting game about vocabulary related to the topic of the environment. and
in today’s lesson we will find out more about this topic.
In today's pronunciation session, we are going to have a first look at sentence rhythm.
Rhythm has a close relationship with sentence stress and we have practiced sentence stress in the
previous lesson. So now, to get a better feel for the rhythm of spoken english, let's practice with
an example.
You can look at the following sentence on the screen and guess which word received the beat
after hearing me read it. Remember that these words should carry the meaning of the sentence.
The following content words are stressed apple and table.
They will be pronounced louder and more strongly. Notice that these words have stress on the
first syllables which receive the beats.
Meanwhile the other words are not stressed so they will be pronounced softer quicker and more
Through the above example, the rythym....
Okay, now let's move on to Task 1 to practice more rhythm.
How many sentences are there? You have 1 minute to read through the sentences, then listen and
remember to pay attention to the words highlighted in bold in these sentences.
How many sentences are there?
In this exercise, using the knowledge you have learned, read through each sentence and highlight
it, then compare your answer with a partner in 2 minutes.
Let's check the correct answer together.
I would like to invite some pairs to practice, who volunteers?

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