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Product Requirements
Document [PRD] - Template

Walkthrough video 📌

Date & Version

Product - Point of
Contact (POC)

Design POC

Tech POC

Marketing POC

Why? (Objective)
1. For business.

2. For users.

Product Requirements Document [PRD] - Template 1

How do we measure success?
1. Associated OKR/Goal

2. Success Metrics

3. Guardrail/Do not disturb metrics (These metrics shouldn’t be negatively


💡 Learn how to decide the metrics for a feature here.

Who are the users:

1. Persona

2. Problems we are solving [Needs, Problems, Jobs to be done]

3. How do we know these problems exist (research)

💡 Understanding your customers with Jobs to be done and 5 Whys

1. Brief of the solution.

2. Other alternatives are considered with prioritization metrics.

💡 A simple guide to prioritization here.

Product flow (Details of the feature/product):

1. Customer Journey

2. Wireframes and Flow diagrams

3. User Stories

4. User acceptance criteria

5. Edge cases

Product Requirements Document [PRD] - Template 2

6. Event tracking sheet

💡 Learn how to create:

1. Wireframes
in Figma.
2. Best practices for
creating flow diagrams.
3. Event sheet
template and plan

Tentative Timelines:

Task Date

Leadership approval 22/09/2023

Design ready

Prototype testing

Development starts

Beta Launch

1. Open Questions

2. Infrastructure requirements

3. Budget approvals

4. Partner Support (APIs, Partnerships)

5. Internal Dependencies (Tech, Design, Other Teams)

Related documents:
1. Tech planning document

2. Design planning document

Product Requirements Document [PRD] - Template 3

3. Go to market planning

Example PRDs:

1. ProductHunt PRD

2. Apple AirPods PRD

Product Requirements Document [PRD] - Template 4

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