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Mindoro Suntadum Armada Sandugo

Martial Arts Training Center

Green Belt Promotion

A – Calisthenics – Jumping Rope – 5min
1. 4 Kinds of neck stretch
2. Neck stretch 2
3. Neck rotation
4. Arm stretching
5. Arm rotation
6. Arm cross
7. Side bending
8. Hip rotation
9. Hip Twisting
10. Knee rotation
11. forward bending
12. 3 Sequence of bending
13. Push up
14. Front Stretch / Round stretch / Side stretch
15. Jumping jack
Ladder Drills
 Two-foot lateral Run (4 laps)
 Fight Shuffle (4 laps)
 Skiers (4 laps)
 Carioca (3 laps)
 Lateral in in and out (3 laps)
B – Boxing Techniques (On the spot) (Fight Stance) 10 counts
 Jab
 Straight
 Hook
 Upper
 Shovel
 Back fist (left – Right)
 Spin Back fist
 Superman Punch
Mixed combination of two boxing techniques (fight Stance) 10 counts
 Jab – straight
 Straight – hook
 Left hook – right hook
 Right Hook – left upper
 Left Shovel – right shovel
 Double Spin back fist (left and right) – Superman punch
Limbering Exercise essential preparatory warm up for kicks (fight stance) 2 laps
 Swinging front
 Step swinging side
 Swinging inside/outside hand slap
 Swinging Side Kick (Lead and Rear)
C – Kicking Techniques (on the spot) (fight stance) 10 counts
 Lead/rear front kick
 Lead/rear leg kick
 Lead/rear side kick
 Lead/rear roundhouse kick
 Lead/rear Turning Back kick
Mixed Combination of kicking: 10 counts
 Lead middle front kick – Rear high Roundhouse kick
 Lead round High house – Rear Leg kick
 Lead low leg kick – Lead high side kick
 Lead push kick – Rear Turning back kick
Foot Work: {5 counts)
 Forward movement (5 counts)
 Backward movement (5 counts)
 Side step movement (5 counts Left and Right)
 Half circle movement (5 counts)
 Tiger stalking movement (5 counts)
Evading Techniques (Preparatory on intermediate grade): (5 counts)
 Inside slip (5 counts)
 Outside slip (5 counts)
 Weaving (5 counts)
 Lean back (5 counts)
 Ducking (5 counts)
Blocking Techniques ( 5 counts )
 Inside
 Outside
 Low
 High
Basic Defensive Hand Technique: 5 counts
 Jab - straight counter double block – side step – (L) hook – (R) upper cut
 (L) Hook – straight counter lean back – (L) parry – straight to the body – (L) hook

(R) spin back fist

 (R) Shovel – (L) spin back fist counter step back – Ducking – (R) hook to the body – left hook –
(R) superman punch
B Basic Defensive Foot Techniques: 5 counts
 Lead push kick counter body twist
 Rear push kick counter body twist foot trip and leg kick
 Lead /rear front kick counter side step push kick, leg kick and high round kick
Freestyle Pad works with time 2mins per rounds (30 sec rest)

2 Rounds of Boxing Combination.

Two set up of combination in Boxing
1. 1 – 1 – 2 – inside slip – 2 –3 – 2 waive -6 – 3 – 2 – 3 waive – 1 – 2 – (Body shot)

2 Rounds of Kickboxing Combination.

One set up of combination in Kickboxing
1. Lead side kick – 2 – 3 – 2 – rear roundhouse kick – left spin back fist – rear roundhouse kick
– lead round house kick – 1 – 2 – superman punch

BELTING - (Green Belt)


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