Reflection Ben

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Benedicto (reflection)

Phases of Service Learning

a. Investigation (Research,Field Study, Needs Assessment)

Before Daga Exension National Highschool, there were various options. We initially had Caduhaan
National HighSchool, Mabini National High School, and even Banquerohan National High School which
was in my Barangay. The extension highschool was already familiar to me because it was a candidate
school for our Research subject. Unfortunately on that part, we weren’t able to engage with the
students. But nevertheless an opportunity arose.

On the 6th of March, we were given the privilege to observe and study the environment of the
aforementioned school. Numerous dimensions were found, there were psychological, health-related,
physical and structural, comprehension and literacy-related factors. The latter concern was the subject
to be assessed by our group. It was the decision of the collective effort and observation that we came to
deduce. Well based on my observation, this was a sound decision. Some students were challenged in
spelling and pronouncing syllables and I thought that it was very alarming for their age and level. They
also showed poor vocabulary and comprehension, so the teacher made her best to chunk down her
topics and leveled her proficiency in order to be understood. Nevertheless, some students were capable
of answering her inquiries related to the topic but most of them seemed to be in mediocrity.

b. Planning & Preparation

Now that we had our objective, we made frameworks and preparation. Timetables were established and
group roles were imbedded so as to have a smooth flow for the implementation. Since our focus was
about the student’s vocabulary and comprehension, we printed lots of reading materials, textbooks, and
also the alphabet. Aside from this, we also prepared for our audio-visuals since we know that students
need entertainment to for their retention.

The group was tasked various roles such as who was to print and who was to take care of technicalities
and expenses. In addition, we followed a strict schedule so that we could be guided and be able to
manage our time since there was still a lot of activities ahead. Of course, the essential part that came to
our thoughts was the snacks of the children, we had to look for sponsors and assistance on local
government , Brgy. Officials, and even our dear friends and family, we were lucky to have one though it
helped us buy a pair of a box of juice and some breadsnacks. On the other hand. I was tasked to print
some of the reading materials and the alphabet so I had to sleep late and come early, but unfortunately
I got late but still managed to arrive in time for the activity to start.

c. Implementation

Well, I was a little bit shaky since I got late but it didn’t really matter though. The faces of the children
were, as I was surprised were actually excited. Maybe because they want to know what we were doing
or what’s up, or they just knew that they could get snacks from us. We started off with some warm up
sessions such as dancing and singing of the alphabet to keep them entertained while also learning and
then using a flip chart, we showed various letters with corresponding examples, this would help us know
their strengths and weaknesses. Of all the most parts of the day, recess was their most favorite part.

At the afternoon, we individually paired with the students and I was actually the only one who didn’t
taught a child, not until later. My groupmates were all paired with one or two pupils for them to teach,
and as for me, I documented their tutelage and listened how my classmates taught and delivered their
instructions and way of teaching. One student then came, his name was Miguel, he reminded me of my
nephew because they look alike. Since all of my classmates were occupied, my group leader tasked me
to tutor Miguel, and so I did.

This child was not supposed to be in here, that was I thought. He learned fast and actually very clearly
and on top of that, had a good comprehension. Yah I didn’t really know why he was there, but there
were some words that he needed help such as brooch, would, brunch, and especially “nests” which he
always pronounced as “nestes”. He had a humble and calm demeanor.

d. Celebration

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