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Submitted By: Ambreen Razzak

Roll Number: F23BBAM090

Major: BBA

Marks: 05

Deadline for Submission: Tuesay 20th February 2024

Title of Assignment: What is your understanding of Christian Ethics

and what is the ultimate basis of Christian ethics?

Table of Contents

Topics Page No.

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….. 3

1-Christian Ethics in contemporary Society………………………………. 4

1.1: Christian ethics in social justice…………………………………………. 4

1.2: Environmental stewardship and Christian ethics………………. 4

1.3: Addressing discrimination and social………………………………… 4

1.4: Sanctity of Life in Christian Ethics………………………………………. 4

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..…… 4

What is your understanding of Christian Ethics and what is the
ultimate basis of Christian ethics?

Christian ethics is a branch of the moral theology that seeks to understand and apply moral
principles within the context of the Christian faith. It involves examining how individuals and
communities should behave in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the
broader principles found in the Bible. Christian ethics encompasses a wide range of topics,
including but not limited to, personal morality, social justice, human rights environmental
stewardship and the role of the church in society. At the heart of Christian ethics is the
belief in the ultimate authority of God as revealed in the Bible. The ultimate basis of
Christian ethics is the understanding that God is the source of all moral values and
standards. Christians believe that God has communicated His will for humanity through
various means, including scripture, tradition, reason and personal experience. The Bible,
particularly the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the NEW TESTAMENT, is considered
the primary source of moral guidance for Christians.
In the New Testament Jesus summarizes the ethical teachings of the old testament into two
primary commandments: love God and love your neighbor as yourself (Mathew 22:37-40).
This concept of the serves as the foundation of Christian’s ethics. Love, as understood in
Christian ethics, is not merely an emotion or sentiment but an active commitment to the
well being and flourishing of others. It involves self-sacrifice, compassion, empathy and a
desire for justice and reconciliation.
The life and teachings of Jesus Christ provide a model for Christian ethical behavior. Jesus
demonstrated love and compassion through His interactions with others, particularly the
marginalized and oppressed. He challenged social norms and structures that perpetuated
injustice and inequality, advocating for the dignity and worth of every individual. Christian
are called to follow the example of Jesus in their own lives, seeking to embody His virtues
and values in their relationships and actions. Christian ethics also emphasizes the
importance of moral virtues such as humility, integrity, honesty, forgiveness and generosity.
These virtues are seen as essential for cultivating a Christ like character and living a life that
is pleasing to God. Christians are called to continuously strive for moral growth and
transformation, relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to develop virtuous habits and
attitudes. Overall Christian ethics provides a comprehensive framework for addressing
contemporary social and political issues, rooted in the principles to real-world situations,
Christian seek to embody the values of their faith and contribute to the flourishing of
individuals and communities.

1- Christian Ethics in contemporary Society
1.1: Christian ethics in social justice:
Christian ethics extends beyond individual conduct to encompass broader social and
political issues. Christians are called to advocate for justice, mercy and righteousness in all
aspects of society, challenging unjust structures and working towards the common good.
This involves addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, discrimination, environmental
stewardship and the sanctity of life.

1.2: Environmental stewardship and Christian ethics:

For example, in addressing poverty, Christian ethics emphasizes the responsibility of
individuals and communities to care for the marginalized and vulnerable. This includes
providing material support such as food, shelter and healthcare, as well as advocating for
policies that promote economic justice and opportunity for all. Additionally, Christians are
called to examine their own lifestyles and consumption patterns, considering how they
contribute to or alleviate global poverty and inequality.

1.3: Addressing discrimination and social

In terms of environmental stewardship, Christian ethics recognizes the importance of caring
for God’s creation and preserving the natural world for future generations. This involves
practices such as sustainable living, conservation efforts and responsible use of resources.
Christians are called to be good steward of the earth recognizing that environmental
degradation disproportionately affects the poor and marginalized.

1.4: Sanctity of Life in Christian Ethics:

In addressing issues of discrimination and social inequity, Christian ethics calls for a
commitment to equality, dignity and respect for all individuals regardless of race, gender,
ethnicity or socioeconomic status. Furthermore, Christian ethics calls for a holistic approach
to moral decision-making, taking account the interconnectedness of individual actions and
their impact on others and the broader community. Christians are called to consider not
only the immediate consequences of their actions but the long-term implications for justice,
mercy and righteousness.


In summary, Christian ethics provides a timeless and relevant framework for addressing
contemporary issues with principles of love, justice and compassion. It calls Christians to
advocate for social justice, environmental stewardship, equality and the sanctity of life.
Through ongoing dialogue and discernment, Christians strive to reflect the character of
Christ and contribute to a more just and compassionate society.

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