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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
2ND Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2022-2023


MULTIPLE CHOICE. DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use one whole sheet of paper.

1. Which tool is used for cutting weeds?

a. Bolo c. pick mattock
b. Crowbar d. shovel

2. What tools does not belong to the group?

a. Crowbar c. pruning shear
b. Pick mattock d. shovel

3. All of the following advantages of using farm tools, implements, and equipment in horticultural farm
operations, which one is not?
a. They are high value c. they make work easier
b. They make work faster d. they save time and effort

4. Which of the following implements is used to till a wide range of land and being pulled by a draft animal?
a. Disc plow c. native plow
b. Native harrow d. rotavator

5. These are light tools carried by the animals when in use.

a. Bolo c. hand trowel
b. Hand tools d. knives

6. This farm equipment is used to draw water from a source for use in irrigating the field.
a. Our-wheel tractor c. water pump
b. Deep well d. hand tractor

7. A structure where tools are being repaired;

a. Green house c. farm shed
b. Nursery d. granary

8. Which of the following show effective farm equipment maintenance?

a. Regular check up of farm equipment
b. C. Checking up of equipment as the need arises
c. Conduct inspection every two years
d. None of these.

9. Who is capable of operating farm machineries?

a. A person with technical- know how

Address: Brgy. Guinpana-an, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental

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b. A person who is under the influence of alcohol
c. A person who has operating manuals of equipment
d. None of the above

10. What must be done after using your tools to maintain their effectiveness?
a. Clean after used and store them in their proper place.
b. Clean the tools and leave them in the field for the next day’s use
c. Leave the tools in the workplace after used.
d. Place in the tool room or designated place.

11. Which of the following is not true about preventive maintenance?

a. It is an activity that you get reliable and efficient performance of your machine
b. It ensures that the machinery does not breakdown when you need it most.
c. It prolongs life span of the equipment
d. Your equipment remains to operate under safe conditions for the machine but not the operators.

12. Which of the following is not acceptable in performing preventive maintenance of tools and equipment?
a. Always wear protective clothing and appropriate safety equipment
b. Have a waste bin close to your work area and place any waste in it as soon as
c. Keep your work area tidy for you to work more efficiently and safety
d. Use flammable cleaners or water on electrical equipment

13. Which of the following labor requirement is the most expensive in horticultural operations?
a. Fertilizer application c. land preparation
b. Spraying d. transplanting

14. Which does belong to the group?

a. Harrowing c. land cleaning
b. Harvesting d. plowing

15. Which of the following is not farm input?

a. fertilizers c. seeds
b. organic pesticides d. sprayers

16. If the price of water is P15.00/m3, and the school used 30m3 /day within 22 days, how much will the school
a. P 660.00 c. P9,000.00
b. P 2,500.00 d. P 9,900.00

17. If Jude and Jade works for days in your farm and their salary /day is P250.00. How much will be their salary
in 5 days?
a. P1,000.00 c. P1,700.00
b. P 1,250.00 d. P2,250.00

18. Based on the daily salary of Jude and Jade which is 250.00/day. How much will be their monthly income if
they have 20 working days?
a. P2,300.00 c. P 4,500.00
b. P2,500.00 d. P 5,000.00
19. Due to increase of prices, the price of water has also increased to P 20.00.00/m 3 and the school used 30 m3 /
day in within 20 days, how much will the school pay?
a. P6,000.00 c. P12,000.00
b. P6,500.00 d. P 2,000.00
Given the basic unit of length in metric system which is meter, refer your computation for items 20-23


Address: Brgy. Guinpana-an, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental

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1meter= 10decameter
20. Convert the area of 400cm to meter. What is likely to be the answer?
a. 30m b. 40cm c. 400m d. 40m

21. How is 2000m if converted to kilometer?

a. 200km b. 2km c. 20km d. .02km

22. The total area of 60m if converted to centimeter will be;

a. 4000cm b. 600cm c. 6000cm d. 6cm

23. How much is 4km if converted to meter?

a. 400meters b. 4000meters c. 40meters d. 4meters

24. This system of planning of fruit bearing crops where in plants are spaced equally is
a. Contour farming c. quincunx system
b. Hexagonal system d. square system

25. This is a special system of planting developed to meet conditions particularly in the hill sides.
a. Contour farming c. quincunx system
b. Hexagonal system d. square system

26. Which of the following is not a factor to consider in planning and laying –out a garden?
a. buffer zones c. location
c. climate d. orientation of the garden

27. Which of the following is the best orientation of the plot to avoid the shading of other
a. along the high way c. northeast to southwest
b. east to west d. north to south

28. Which of the following methods has a temporary plant at the center of the square?
a. contour farming c. quincunx system
b. hexagonal system d. square system

29. The following are considered Riparian areas except for one;
a. flood plains b. adjacent to rivers c. shallow water d. streams

30. This type of conventional irrigation system is designed to move from one field to another
or other pumping sites that are in the same field
a. Semi-portable sprinkler b. fully permanent system
b. Fully portable system d. semi-permanent system

31.This system cannot be moved from field to field or from farm to farm
a. semi-portable system c. fully portable
b. semi-permanent system d. fully permanent

32. This system of irrigation is operated and managed by national irrigation administration
a. communal irrigation system c. National Irrigation System
b. Private Irrigation System d. Surface Irrigation System

33. Which of the following supports that there must be irrigation plan?
a. basis for funding c. production system
b. save time, money and efforts d. systematic procedures in the works

34. Who is the appropriate professionals that can design irrigation systems?
a. agricultural engineers c. chemical engineers
b. civil engineers d. geodetic engineers

Address: Brgy. Guinpana-an, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental

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35.Which does not belong to the group?
a. design parameters c. statistical data
b. topographic data d. water source

36. Which design irrigation system is suited in slopping vegetable?

a. border irrigation c. drip irrigation
b. furrow irrigation d. sprinkler irrigation

37. This is the application of water to the soil by any other means other than rainfall
a. Cultivation c. application of fertilizers
b. Irrigation d. laying-out

38. A device used in lay-outing the area for the crops

a. filler c. staking
b. plow d. planting board

39. The following are the advantages of trickle irrigation, which one is not?
a. water is applied directly to the crop c. water is conserved
b. water is wasted d. there is a low pressure system

40. This refer to a temporary plant usually smaller than the permanent tree and early bearing crop;
a. orchard c. staking
b. filler d. laying out

41. Which of the following compostable organic waste do not belong to the group?
a. Food c. kitchen waste
b. B. plant residues d. plastic bottles

42. There are factors to follow in cleaning tools and outfit. Which of the following is not
a. Before using cleaning agents, refer and follow the recommendations
b. Understand and observe personal safety procedures
c. Use flammable cleaners or water on electrical equipment
d. Wear protective clothing

43. Which of the following signal words is not used as safety phrases stating precautions for chemicals?
a. “caution” b. “dangerous” c. “poison” d. “recyclable”

44. Which of the following is not a chemical hazard?

a. Viruses b. herbicides c. pesticides d. cleaning agents

45. Which of the following is not a chemical hazard?

a. Animal kicks b. bacteria c. radiations d. insect bites

46. What PPE is not worn in the preparation of chemicals for spraying?
a. Earmuffs b. face mask c. goggles d. gloves

47. What PPE is worn in the preparation of chemicals

a. Foot wear and head gear c. goggles and hat
b. Gloves and gas mask d. all of the above

48. Which of the following is the property way of disposing bottles or containers of chemical?
a. Reuse and recycle the container c. burn it together with other wastes

Address: Brgy. Guinpana-an, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental

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b. Throw it away in the garbage d. bury it deeply on the ground

49. Which of the following hazards includes electricity, machinery and equipment?
a. Psychosocial hazard c. Physical hazard
b. Biological hazard d. Mechanical hazard

50. The following are examples of physical hazard except for;

a. Pesticides b. equipment c. bacteria d.. slippery floors

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Address: Brgy. Guinpana-an, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental

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