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, } 1$’riIe a stopil npleQy {‘ ppy Q{-biligubin

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fneasured. }' Timt : 3£Its. M .M . : I\XI

Multiplc choice questions. All questions are

aod princip\c ofamy| tčnalion
cnnpubog (10^t=t0J
(j •4 Give the clinical trypmnce of SGOT aAiJ SGPT OCPCmdhodi,uvdCot,Gmationof
esiirrintion. -''
g 5 E*plan d* di!Tcrncc bcwccn cojug*cd nnd
c) bilirubin d) Noteotthcsc
xcon)uEaindbilkubin. ’
ALPand ACPbelong to thecntugoiy nt
SECTIO/'I-D ",t* a) Hydroluses b) Plio.sphatuscs
xotc: Long aFtswer type qttTBtto£ts. Attempt'any two c) Lipases d) Nocc of these
qucstions outofthiee quustions. (2x l0=20) The normnl xalues of pho.spheres in adulLsert
g.36 Wl›at are rcaal fuoodoa lesls? J'.lamc and explain few a) 1.5-3.5 oigfdl b) 2.5-5.0 mg/dl
c) 3.00-6.00 mg/dl d) Monc of these
’ Q.37 Name tbe dif omtmcthods Goruric ncid cstimolion. g.4 SGOTand SGPT tests bolong teibecategory of
£xtilain priociplcand proccdurc karit's esiimolion. o) kipid Profile tests b) Liver Function tots
Q 38 Explain the principlt and proceduro for serum e) Renal Funciiontcnts d) \Hof these
cliolesicrol estimation. Q.5 LDL. HDLnnd VLDD belocg to
n) Lipid Pnfile b) LFT
s) RFT d) Nontofthese

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V. + ° mcthód i3 'ior cstiination ol'scruin amytase ¡$ Q. y5 Normal valucs Of8ÇJJ Çàt iU "
a) Strcct-close meiliod b) Malloy ‹k Evclyn Q.l6 i c«asedvint orAcP are seen in
Q.¡7 VLDD stànds for
Q.7 Pre-de aüc’aundiceisa|soknoiynas
Q tg is used lo mgasure ths urine tettp
a) Hacmo1ytic b) Obsir«ctivc mass density of urine.
c) Both ofthese d) done of these /' Q. t9 The method foi cholestérol g$timdîio£llS
Dreatnineclcarancctest is alsoknown as
Q.2o _ biliwbin is called direct bilirubúi.
a) VLDL b) GFR
c) UCR d) None of these
Q.9 The indicatoruscd in serum calcium estimation is Note: Short answci typc questions Attempt >7 Rch
a) EDTA b) Dye*•!*° questions out of fifteen quesóons. ( 2X"=6t
c) Oxalate d) Nonc'ofthese .’ Q. 2l Give the clinical importante of cholesterol estireago,
Q.t0 The estimation of urea, creatnina' and uric acid Name Of the important lip Ìd profile !ests.
belougto 22. Name the different forms of bilirubin, r e f s
a) LFT b) Lipid Profile ’'. values and principle ofbilirubin estimation.
c) d) fAl1ofthese 23. Write a note on creatnine clearance test.
SECTION-IÏ 24. What is ACP° Give the normal vaiues and principi
Note: Objective type questioíis. Al1 questions are '. ofACP estimation.
compulsory. (10x1'' 0) 25. Explaiii the procedure ofALP estirnation.
Q.11 pH forALP estimaiiod'1s
26. Cive the reference value and clinical importants n
Q.12 The aiethod used for serum creatnine estimation
24 hOJ ufinary protein estimation.

13. iaundice is called obstructive jaundicc. 27. Give the clinical significance ofwic acid esti4isfi^
14. Incieased values of uric acid are scan in 28. Whalt iSHDL7 Give the principle ofHDLestimab°°
, ' (2) 181933/121933/031933 (3) [81933/121933/0319!

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