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Organization for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development, Sustainable Future

Organizational Profile
Table of Contents
Organizational Background .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Organization Details..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Our Vision .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Our Mission.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Our Core Values ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Our Guiding Principles.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Our Goals..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Our Geographic Presence ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Our Work Experience .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Organizational Background
Organization for Sustainable Development (OFSD) is a non-profit, non-political, and non-
governmental organization and was established in 2014 by a group of Afghans. OFSD participates
in the process of reconstruction and development of Afghanistan by working with and for people in
need in Afghanistan. We work to empower Afghans for reaching a better future. We do this by
designing, developing, and implementing projects across Afghanistan focusing on seven thematic
areas including: agriculture, democracy and governance, economic growth, education, gender
equality, infrastructure, and humanitarian assistance.

Organization Details

Organization Name: Organization for Sustainable Development (OFSD)

License #: 3168
Ministry of Economy of Government of Afghanistan
NGOs Department
Date of Registration: April 08, 2014
Main Office Address: Kart-e 3, Shora Street
Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: +93(0)700 200 458
Web Site:

Our Vision

We envision a:


Our Mission
OFSD’s mission is to make sustainable improvements in Afghanistan by helping Afghans
improve their lives.

Our Core Values

Passion for Mission Excellence Integrity

We come to work to foster We strive to maximize We are honest and
sustainable development efficiency, effectiveness, transparent, accountable
and advance human dignity and deliver meaningful for our efforts, and
in Afghanistan results across our work. maintain a consistently high
moral standard.

Commitment to Learning
Respect Inclusion We seek to improve
We demonstrate respect We value our differences ourselves and our work
for one another, our and draw strength from through reflection and
partners, and the people diversity. evaluation.
we service in communities
across Afghanistan.

Our Guiding Principles
To reach our strategic goals; requires guiding Programmatic flexibility – Is an integral part of our
principles to operations that combines a clear- guiding principles. We work where we can have the
eyed understanding of the many challenges facing greatest impact on Afghan people who are in need.
Afghanistan and its people with a positive vision OFSD team will adjust to local conditions, take
for its future. Therefore, the guiding principles that advantage of opportunities, and maximize
OFSD will consider are described as follow: programs efficiency. We will design and implement
programs that are specifically tailored for each
Client-focused – The ambitious sustainable community, within its socio-political context and its
development agenda must be tailored to specific unique needs and challenges.
local circumstances. Afghan people have
significantly diverse needs, institutional strengths Consider the facts of Afghan society – Afghanistan
and weakness, and availability of resources. OFSD is affected by decades of conflict and the security
will customize its approach to meet the varying and political environment is volatile and uncertain.
needs of its diverse client base. Under Strategic OFSD operates in different provinces where
Plan 2018- 2022, OFSD will enhance its policy multiple interest groups compete around many
dialogue and analytical work, including on efforts issues, with regional, ethnic, religious, gender, and
to achieve the targets of the Sustainable political tensions at every level of decision-making.
Development Goals. The Strategic Plan 2018-2022 OFSD team will carefully consider traditional and
will continue to be the primary platform for defining cultural norms, adapt best practices, and design
OFSD’s operational focus in Afghanistan and programs that meet the local conditions.
provides customized solutions to development needs Value for money – OFSD will maximize the impact
and challenges of Afghanistan. OFSD will exercise of every money spent to improve Afghan people’s
selectivity at the local level to ensure that its lives. VfM does not mean to do the cheapest things.
resources are not thinly spread, while maintaining OFSD understands that the hardest to reach people
scope for flexibility. and places that are in need could cost more. OFSD’s
VfM guiding principle is to get better understanding

of what the main drivers of costs are and how to get It will implement a robust organizational resilience
the desired quality at the lowest price. program to strengthen its business continuity and
Enhancing Human Resources – OFSD will expand crisis response capabilities.
its talent pool, hire experts in priority areas, and Strengthening collaboration – OFSD will work with
streamline recruitment processes with the triple Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), government
objectives of speed, quality, and transparency. It offices, donors, and other counterparts to tap their
will invest in the training and development of its unique strengths, such as local presence and
staff (including operations, leadership, digital specialized knowledge. It will explore opportunities
technologies, and change management). Training for increasing their involvement in the design and
programs will support understanding and implementation of projects. Particular focus will be
collaboration between staff working on different on operations that use grassroots participatory
programs. OFSD’s performance management approach to target poor and vulnerable groups,
system will be further strengthened to motivate staff mobilizing women and young people, and monitor
and enable a high-performing culture. OFSD is project activities and outputs.
committed to diversity in the workplace, including Operationalizing the strategic plan – Management
promoting gender balance and a respectful work will begin implementing Strategic Plan 2018-2022
environment for all. immediately after its approval by the Board of
Modernizing business processes and improving Directors. Give the rapidly evolving development
operational efficiency – OFSD will pursue a needs of Afghanistan, OFSD will be flexible and
dramatic modernization of its business process by responsive during the implementation of new
taking advantage of available technology. It will strategy.
further increase its operational efficiency and Monitoring results – A corporate results framework
reduce the time for managing and administering will be developed to monitor and measure
projects without compromising quality and integrity. implementation progress. The framework will
OFSD will streamline business processes for include results indicators and targets for Strategic
consulting services, pilot testing, and the purchase of Plan 2018-2022 priorities. OFSD will update
equipment and services for operation and activities. corporate results framework at the end of each

year. It will continue to report on institutional
performance on a regular basis.

Our Goals
We have agreed on six strategic goals that we hope to achieve in the coming four years. These
goals are part of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is set by United
Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. By aligning to the SDGs, OFSD contributes
to sustainability of Afghanistan in a global context.

To end poverty in all its forms. Ensure inclusive and quality education To achieve gender equality and
for all and promote lifelong learning. empower all women and girls.

To ensure access to safe water To promote inclusive and sustainable economic Promote peaceful and inclusive
sources and sanitation for all. growth, employment and decent work for all. societies for sustainable
development, provide access to
justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions
at all levels. 7

Today millions of Afghans are struggling to satisfy their most basic needs, such as health,
education, sanitation, access to drinking water and affordable as well sustainable energy,
and etc. The main causes of poverty are unemployment, social exclusion and the
increased vulnerability of certain populations to natural disasters and disease. All of such
generate inequality and, since growing disparity is detrimental to economic development
and undermines social cohesion, tension and conflict may arise.
While Afghanistan has made progress in reducing income poverty, much more needs to
be done to address the non-income dimensions of poverty and vulnerability in urban and
rural areas; promote social inclusion and development, particularly for vulnerable groups;
and build resilience. Our objectives are:
• Eradicate extreme poverty throughout the Afghanistan.
• Put appropriate social protection systems and measures into practice.
• Guarantee that every Afghan has the same rights to economic resources and
access to basic services.
• Foster resilience of those individuals in vulnerable situations and reduce their
exposure to climate, economic, social and environmental disasters.
• Guarantee a significant mobilization of resources through improved developmental


Afghanistan has one of the lowest literacy rate in the world, currently estimated at 31% of
adult population. Education, according to the UN, is a fundamental and enabling right. In
order to achieve universal literacy and a quality education system, it is necessary to build
and adapt educational facilities so that they meet all children’s needs and motivate and
professionally qualify teachers. They are one of the basic pillars of education. There is
also a clear need for a wider range of programs to facilitate access to education for
Afghans with few resources.
Access to quality education is the perfect starting point to break out of the cycle of poverty
and empower people to lead more sustainable and healthier lives. Educational also helps
to create more peaceful tolerant societies. Therefore, achieving inclusive, equitable, and
quality education, and promoting life-long learning opportunities for everyone is the fourth
of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN, approved in September 2015.
OFSD’s contribution to this goal will be achieved through the following objectives:
• To ensure that all children finish primary and secondary education, which must to
be free, equitable and of quality.
• To ensure that all young people and a considerable proportion of adults are literate
and have elementary numeracy skills.
• To increase the number of young people and adults who have the necessary skills
to access employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.
• To ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for
vulnerable people.

In Afghanistan, women and girls represents about half of the its population, so they make
up half of the Afghanistan’s human potential. When their lives improve, when we achieve
gender equality, the while of society will reap the benefits, making the Afghanistan a more
peaceful, prosperous and sustainable. For example, granting women access to a decent
job and a regular income will not only help reduce poverty but will also help achieve better
results in the education, health and nutrition of women, girls and those who depend on
them. Inequality between men and women is seen in each and every dimension of our
lives. According to the UN Report Turning Promises into Action Published in 2017, it is
the women who are the first to go hungry when there isn’t enough food in the house. The
same study also states that they are the ones who are paid the least. It is also found that
50% of Afghan women experience physical or sexual violence. Despite significant
progress in the field of gender equality since the year 2001, it still isn’t enough. The
commitment and contribution of the OFSD to Gender Equality will be achieved through
the following objectives:
• Eliminate all forms of violence against women, such as human trafficking, sexual
exploitation, and child marriage.
• Recognize and value unpaid domestic work through public services,
infrastructures and social protection.
• Guarantee the full and effective participation of women and equality of leadership
opportunities at all decision-making levels of political, financial and public life.
• Introduce and strengthen policies and legislation to promote gender equality and
the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels.


According to the UN, “Social development and economic prosperity depend on the
sustainable management of freshwater resources and ecosystems”. Water touches
nearly every aspect of development and of the SDGs. It drives economic growth, supports
healthy ecosystems, and is essential to food and energy production. More than 65 percent
of Afghans have clean drinking water – a marked progress from a decade ago when
drinking water reached only 20 percent of people. Rural areas of Afghanistan suffer the
most water shortages, both in terms of quality and quantity. However, although about 80
percent of families have toilets or latrines, only about 40 percent are improved and safe.
OFSD aims to tackle challenges related to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for
Afghan people, as well as to water-related ecosystems. Without quality, sustainable water
resources and sanitation, progress in many other areas across the SDGs, including
health, education, and poverty reduction, will be held back. Therefore, OFSD will focus
on the following objectives:
• Achieve equitable access to safe drinking water at an affordable price for
• Achieve equitable access to adequate sanitation and hygiene services for
Afghans and end open defecation.
• Improve water quality by reducing pollution and increasing safe recycling and
• Increase the efficient use of water resources in all sectors and ensure the
sustainability of freshwater extraction and supply.


Jobs are key for economic growth and social development. Economies grow and
households escape poverty as more people work and jobs become more productive. Four
main challenges that Afghanistan face are: accelerating export-led economic growth,
creating more jobs in the formal sector; increasing the quality of informal jobs
(productivity, earnings, access to social insurance); and connecting vulnerable groups
(e.g., youth, women, and the poor) to jobs or better jobs.
OFSD will focus on improving economic growth that is sustainable through the following
• Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for Afghans, as well as
equal pay for work and equal value.
• Eradicate forced and child labor and protect labor rights.
• Empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all people,
regardless of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, and other status.
• Adopt tax, salary and social protection policies and progressively achieve greater


There is an inextricable link between poor governance and persistent poverty that is
compounded by fragility, conflict and violence. Advances in ending violence, promoting
the rule of law, strengthening institutions and increase access to justice are uneven.
Conflict in Afghanistan is holding back development progress and continue to deprive
millions of Afghans’ security, rights and opportunities and undermine the delivery of public
services and broader economic development.
OFSD’s activities under this goal will be focused on the following objectives:
• Reduce all forms of violence and put an end to abuse, exploitation and human
• Promote the rule of law and guarantee equal access to justice.
• Reduce illicit financial and arms flows, corruption, and bribery in all their forms.

Our Geographic Presence
OFSD has presence in the following provinces:

LEGEND: Focus Provinces

Our Work Experience
Project Name: Women Sport Outreach Program
Description: Construction of Sport Courts at Girls’ School
Locations: Herat, Kabul, Balkh and Nangarhar
Donor: U.S. Embassy in Kabul
Duration: August 24, 2017 to August 23, 2018

Project Name: Building the Capacity of Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics
Description: Provide Skills Training for Employees of Ministry of Counter Narcotics
Locations: Kabul
Donor: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affair
Duration: September 30, 2016 to June 08, 2018

Project Name: Enhancing Economic Opportunities for Afghan Women
Description: Provide Handicraft Skills Training
Locations: Ghor Province
Donor: Embassy of Republic of India
Duration: January 14, 2019 to January 13, 2020


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