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MHKK - Deputy Prime Minister

Format(Intro, Meaning, Standing, Rebuttal, Main fact, Rebuttal, Sub Fact,

Sub Fact, Summary)

Intro - Present which side you are on.

Meaning - Gender is biology termed and sexually called as male and female
Equality is the right of everything being given and receive equally
(You could not say the meaning if Abert said everything)

Standing - (As Albert has stated that many people should be clear of the fact that
gender equality is a thing that should not exist at all and even so will fail to be
implanted whatsoever. It is largely a disgrace to religions and could destroy how
the world functions at all. It is also that fact that I am going to present how the
gender equality will fail and will not be successfull in any ways at all )

Rebuttal (Say whatever you want to say dear)

Main Fact (Let us look at an example. IF a woman asks a man for help lifting some
heavy object. The man could just say no and say that both man and woman are
gender equality so he should lift it. Is this a good act no. But it is gender equality.
Yes. Do most people think it is fair? Certainly NO. But that is the point I am trying
to make. If Most people think a man should help that woman then what’s the point
of wanting to get equal rights? Don’t look at the cover and say this is good for
women. The fact is what we are fighting for is something that could not be
possible. Gender Equality has been discovered many centuries ago as far a the
Greek civilization. Would anyone tell me why still to this point and to the future
there has been no significant improvement to gender equality. The reason is quite
MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO BEND IT. A thing that is not meant to happen
in this world will never happened)

Rebuttal (Say whatever you want to say dear)

Sub Fact(If women want gender equality. Then they should work 10 hours
straight a day. They should go to war. They should be in jail the same way
man does. This is not a matter of equality, this is justice. Women are given
too many rights then men have. This is something that men have that a
woman doesn't. The truth is most people are blind to see this. They don’t
see what is real and what is fake. If a lot of people believe in this fake news
then other people who think it is fake will think of it as real. It is a matter of
sense that people should believe in common sense.)

Sub Fact(Do you believe that by letting them have gender equality then
world hunger will be solved. DO you think it will end poverty and give
children education, improving the lives of millions and I am afraid to tell
you no. The world's hunger will not end. There will be no peace. More live
are going to die in war because women are now soldiers. This and only
because we are making a huge mistake. This doesn’t improve our lives
significantly. If we give gender equality to a woman. Do women help to
support world hunger or children's education? IF they were everyday
people like me and you no. And that why gender equality is bound to fail)

Summary (Gender Equality is something that will not improve poor

people's lives. It is a barrier stopping us from looking towards the right

A gun can protect hundreds of people but can kill millions.

Gender Equality could protect hundreds of people but can ruined the lives
of millions.

Also Don’t say more than 2 POI or I am going to beat you


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