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The NSB NewSteelBody from ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG

is a new lightweight construction concept for steel
car bodies. It allows significant body-in-white
weight savings, can be manufactured using
available technologies and is virtually

24 % lighter than the bench-

mark: the NSB NewSteelBody
from ThyssenKrupp Stahl.

NSB NewSteelBody: New Ways

Forward for Lightweighting with Steel
by Dr. Henrik Adam and Bernhard Osburg, ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG

The basis is Transparent Weight Around 46 % of the NSB body- ble by means of secondary weight
an intelligent Saving in-white consists of closed tubular savings of around 21 kilograms
combination of sections. Due to the elimination of due to lower performance require-
conventional The benchmark for the NSB the welding flanges needed for ments, for example in the engine,
stampings and NewSteelBody was a current pro- stampings, this concept offers con- brake, clutch and transmission ar-
innovative tubu- duction vehicle in the compact van siderable potential for savings. 14 eas.
lar components category regarded as the best in its % of the weight reduction achieved
class in terms of crash behaviour. with the NSB is based on the fact
Compared with this vehicle, the that the new body-in-white re- Tube-Intensive, Light
NSB NewSteelBody offers a 24 % quires fewer functional flanges and Safe
weight reduction with the same than the benchmark structure. 23
structural performance and only 2 % of the weight saving is due to 17 % of the hollow sections used
% higher cost. The basis for this is the materials used, and 63 % to in the NSB are made from innova-
an intelligent combination of con- new design methods and technolo- tive closed thin-walled Thyssen
ventional stampings and innova- gies. The weight reduction in the Tailored Tubes processed by hy-
tive tubular components made from load-bearing structure was droforming into components with
materials selected according to achieved without shifting the over- high functional integration.
component requirements. The aim all vehicle’s centre of gravity. The Thyssen Tailored Tubes with opti-
of the project was not to achieve reduction in axle load is 43 kilo- mised cross sections are used for
weight reduction at any price but to grams on the front axle and 32 the front and rear side members
develop a body structure that could kilograms on the rear axle. Small and the roof frame, forming the
be compared in detail with the parts not affecting the body’s over- basis of the structure. As well as
benchmark in order to define pre- all structural performance were not allowing complex shaping opera-
cisely where weight could be saved considered separately. Instead, tions, hydroforming offers further
and how. Just as important was the nine kilograms was added to the advantages such as uniform
manufacturing feasibility and eco- weight of the NSB. A further re- stretching of the material and
nomic viability of the concept. duction in overall weight is possi- evenly distributed strength in-

50 AutoTechnology 5/2004
M a t e r i a l s

creases in the component. This al- 2% Davex pro-

lows the lightweighting potential files, 20% roll-
of modern multiphase steels to be formed profiles,
optimally exploited. Hydrofor- 45% stampings,
ming can also be used to produce 17% hydro-
components with increased tor- formed tubes,
sional stiffness and crash safety. 9 % tailored
Material utilization is better than blanks.
in deep drawing, tooling costs are
lower and specified component
dimensions are achieved more
precisely than with other custom-
ary forming methods.

Straight roll-formed profiles,
which can be produced from ultra-
high-strength steels at low cost, not only responsible for the low benchmark structure, despite the The tubular
are used for the rockers, front seat weight but also for the good crash significantly lower weight. design resulted
crossmembers, hinge pillars and performance of the NewSteelBody. in an optimised
instrument panel crossmember. The front side member, for exam- cross-section
Bent roll-formed profiles are used ple, the most important compo- Euro NCAP Crash
for the dash panel crossmember nent for performance in a frontal Validation
and the A-pillar brackets. The dash impact, is a flangeless, conical hy-
panel crossmember in particular droformed tube. The side member Crash performance validation was
with its central inner web illus- has to absorb as much kinetic en- carried out with the software LS-
trates that roll forming can be ergy as possible by deformation DYNA. The scope of the NSB proj-
used to produce parts with com- but must not buckle. The tubular ect included only the body struc-
plex cross-sections. Hydroformed design resulted in an optimised ture. The NSB simulation model,
parallel plate blanks are used in cross-section compared with the excluding the load case-specific
the B, C and D-pillars, where their stamped solution, with improved elements (barrier, pole etc.), had
shorter flanges can be utilized to utilization of packaging space. around 639,000 joints and
optimise closure sealing. The This allowed the side member to 648,000 elements. The Euro-NCAP
structure is rounded off by the tar- be made much straighter and with frontal offset crash test was used
geted use of stampings – some of greater buckling resistance than for the NSB front end. In this, the
them tailored blanks – for sheet the benchmark component. vehicle drives into a deformable
metal parts, connecting plates, Energy absorption by the side barrier at 64 kilometres per hour
short brackets and wheel arches. member, including the subframe with 40 % offset. The NSB
The tube-intensive design is brackets, is higher than with the NewSteelBody matched the rat-
ings of the benchmark vehicle. The
test used to evaluate side impact
performance was also in line with
Figure 3: Conical hydroformed side Euro-NCAP requirements. As with
member made in a production die. the frontal crash, structural per-
formance was assessed on the ba-
sis of suitable mechanical param-
eters, in this case maximum
intrusion and velocity of the B-
pillar structure. Global deforma-
tion was also analysed.
In the simulation of the bench-
mark vehicle, the side impact was
the only load case tested with a
non-reduced model, as the seat
structure also contributes to the
stability of the benchmark model.
Although the doors were not part
of the development scope of the
NSB, they were designed with all
of the important structural parts
for the side impact test and in-

AutoTechnology 5/ 2004
M a t e r i a l s

Elaborate simulations were carried such as billing of materials, floor

out, particularly for components space and manpower requirements
requiring complex forming opera- were extracted. Via the layout,
tions. The components investigat- other investigations such as acces-
ed included the hydroformed par- sibility analyses were carried out
allel plates and tubes as well as to further optimise the production
tailored blanks and conventional processes. The costing calculations
stampings. The findings from the and the computation of the in-
individual stages in the develop- vestment costs were carried out on
ment work were then used in fur- the basis of information from an
ther simulations for gradual com- equipment manufacturer in the
ponent optimisation. To verify the ThyssenKrupp Group. The produc-
results of the incremental forming tion costs of the benchmark vehi-
simulations, the structural compo- cle based on the NSB production
Side impact NSB. nents relevant for frontal crash scenario were also calculated to
performance were successfully allow neutral comparison with the
manufactured in pre-production stamping-based design. The re-
tooling in the proposed material sults show that, despite new in-
grades and thicknesses. The last vestment for equipment and tool-
step was a hardware prototype of ing, the cost of producing a
the NSB, consisting of a quarter body-in-white based on the NSB
section of the whole body-in- concept is only 2 % higher – an
white. outstanding result in view of the
Feasibility and cost-effective- expected 24 % weight saving.
ness were also central to the
process plans that were prepared Summary
for all stages of the project. The
technical information gained in The NSB concept demonstrates the
the forming simulations and potential for innovative lightweight
recorded in component data construction offered by steel.
sheets, such as operation se- Manufacturable under volume pro-
Frontal crash NSB. quences and blank sizes, was fed duction conditions, the concept al-
into the costing calculations. lows a significant body-in-white
Information on tooling costs was weight reduction at an extra cost of
obtained from production-experi- only around 60 eurocents per kilo-
cluded in the simulation. The intru- enced tool manufacturers in the gram weight saving. Compared with
sion velocity of the B-pillar, meas- ThyssenKrupp Group and also in- other lightweighting materials, steel
ured at two points at window level cluded. To calculate the costs of is therefore an attractive economic
and at the pelvic impact point, was the stampings, a virtual stamping alternative. Safety requirements are
below the values of the benchmark plant was designed to allow realis- fully met thanks to the use of new
vehicle at all times. tic plant loading. Materials and technologies in the body-in-white.
components made using other The NSB can be seen as an ideas
technologies were calculated using platform for the development of fur-
Feasibility and Cost- data from actual equipment. ther customer-specific NSB projects.
Effectiveness To determine the other manu- In addition, further optimisation of
facturing costs of the NSB struc- the weight savings achieved in the
Another central project goal was to ture, a detailed plant layout was concept can be expected from vehi-
demonstrate the suitability of the developed for the body-in-white cle-related packaging latitude and
NSB concept for volume production. line, and cost-relevant parameters new steel materials.

Cost distribution NSB.

52 AutoTechnology 5/ 2004
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